Traveling Through Time And Ea...

By IAmTheDoctor

426 10 2

A Doctor Who fanfiction starring the Tenth Doctor and his newest companions Joseph and Stephanie. This was a... More

Marilyn Monroe and Tricky Monuments
Charred Rubble and Lost Souls

Bushy Mustache Phil and Sexy Steph

55 3 0
By IAmTheDoctor

Slowly, Joseph took a seat at the bar. “Hey, Phil. How’s life?”

“Joey! Where ya been? What can I getcha?” The bartender said from under his bushy mustache.

“Anything really...” Joe sighed and put his head on the counter.

Phil nodded. "The fire? It was in the news papers. Biggest blaze seen around here. They managed to save some things, I seem to recall."

The Doctor strode in and took a bar seat beside Joseph. He stayed quiet, contemplating.

A gorgeous woman with long black hair cascading in waves over her back walked in a took a seat next to the guy in converse and a trenchcoat. She eyed him strangely. "Hey." She said simply.

The Doctor turned and looked at her. "Hello. I'm the Doctor," he said warmly. "And you are?"

"Stephanie. Stephanie Rochelle...What sort of name is The Doctor...?” Stephanie, like Joseph, seemed tired and run-down.

The Doctor smiled warmly. "Nice to meet you." Stephanie returned the smile. This “doctor’s” eyes were simply amazing. You could look into them and just drown. They were gorgeous.

The Doctor looked at Phil. "A pint of water for me and I'll pay for whatever Joseph is having. And this lady here." He winked at Stephanie.

“Well, thank you, sir...” She didn’t seem to have a prominent Tennessee accent.

“Where ya from?”

“What’s it to you?”

“Oh, nothing. Just would like to know.”

“New York. Moved to Tennessee not too long ago. Gah...I just wanna go back to New York”

The Doctor sighed. “I understand.”

Phil poured a glass of water for The Doctor, looking at him strangely. He then gave Stephanie her usual and Joseph what used to be his usual before he went missing for two years.

The Doctor downed the water and gasped when he finished. "Okay. Look, your house burned down. They saved some belongings. And," the Doctor dropped to a whisper, "you've never seen your whole planet destroyed."


The Doctor looked back at him. "You heard. And I watched it happen before my very eyes."

Joseph finished his drink and walked out abruptly.

The Doctor grinned at Stephanie and ran out. "Joseph!"


"Look, your house burned down. I'm sorry for that. But I really, truly and honestly believe its not the reason you're so upset. Don't argue. Something is up."

“I’m fine. Just need time and space.”

The Doctor grinned. "I can do that for you. TARDIS. Time And Relative Dimension In Space. And, as I said, it also goes up and down, side to side! Great, huh."

“You know what I meant!”

Steph ran out after them. "What's wrong? Wait..are you...together?" She bit her lip.

The Doctor thought for a moment, putting his hands together. "... No. Unless there is a paradoxical me running around in a pink man scarf and man-bag.

Stephanie couldn’t help but chuckle. “Sorry. So what exactly is going on here?”

"I brought him home. He's been on a trip for two years," explained the Doctor.

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