A cup of Coffee

By Petrus177

310 28 64

The death of a 16 year old boy, "John Kershaw" fluds the news. The boy is the son to the owner of a major sur... More

A cup of Coffee
Chapter: One
Chapter: Two
Chapter: Three
Chapter: Four
Chapter: Six (The finale)

Chapter: Five

25 3 13
By Petrus177

"Ring, ring", Mark picks up the phone and answers "Hello?".

-It's Ed, listen everything makes sense, I've cracked the case and I know the whole truth, all of it, listen closely. Ed took a inhaled deeply whilst he set his root to the Police Station on his GPS with autopilot activated. "First off, it was when I saw that corpse on the tray, John or former John had a Buddha necklace and a scar around his throat and neck area. His father said that they go to church and that they all are christians, but the son is not christian. He is a buddhist!

-Whaat! But...

-Listen! I discovered fingerprints and loose screw on the fingerprint scanner to the security door outside the Central Bank's surveillance room. Thus, during the latest three years the son and the father have planned on breaking into the bank and steal millions of dollars. Paul have been complaining about money disappearing just like that but they could not figure out how. They hadn't found any leads or trace with their surveillance system. Well, that's because the Central Bank's surveillance cameras and system are made from whom, exactly, Victor Kershaw himself, but if Victor would've broken into the bank it would've never have worked, everything would point towards him, so Victor needed a slick and younger person to do it, his son. The son is good with computers and seems to be a overall genius regarding technology.

During these years they've stolen money, but small amounts at a time. When he was on his way to the church, he was actually headed for the bank. I mean, how many employees do actually work on a Sunday, no one. The son gets off the bus when the bus is traveling through the tunnel, how? The bus driver works for Victor and specifically buss 174 that drives to Phespool has been modified with a trap door to exit underneath and then walk calmly to the Central Bank. He just exits through the door out from the tunnel that is located by the sidewalk. But how did nobody see him? Well, because the surveillance cameras was blinded by the light from the sun in the Morning tunnel, it's may right och the sun shines at its most during this time of the year, but during this week it has been raining a lot and I got a little glimpse of the Buddha necklace from John when he was about to sneak through the backdoor in the tunnel, because of the sidewalk street lamps emitting light that then reflected the light towards the camera's lens. Then he would do his grand act by entering the building, being able to access everything because the system is directly connected to Victor and just with some simple key presses and everything is accessible, everything except one single thing. The door to the surveillance cameras is always locked for safety precautions, so how did he get in? By using a passcode, simply being 174, Victor figured this out because he has seen the passcode being typed in and that Nissan you looked up, Paul's car, it's license plate nr is 174. The majority of people tend to use their favourite or lucky number combinations to everything. Victor got specifically bus nr 174 to be the one to pick up John to keep him reminded of the passcode, so he would not forget it and so he could temporarily shut down all security and take what he wanted. Then later he would meet in the tunnel with Sean the bus driver and carry the money through the trapdoor. Before that Victor bribed Sean to keep quiet and to tell about me to Paul, to conceal the truth.

-I'm completely perplexed, what truth?

-That John is still alive...

-Don't be ridiculous, are you dreaming or what, too much coffee??

-He accidently left his fingerprints on the fingerprint scanner to the surveillance room door and forgot to wipe it away, I noticed them on my way into the room. Victor does not tolerate any mistakes and loose ends, so he had to make a change of plans and get rid of all the evidence. This by making everyone believe his son was dead, faking his death, because who can accuse someone that is dead. Victor also told me about how the son acts, that he messages all the time and play videogames all day long, a technical genius. I even looked up his profiles on the web and found one of his last comments to decept everyone else. "This day have been one of the worst days of my up to now 16 year old life...I can't take it anymore". They wanted it to seem as if John was having suicidal thoughts and anxiety, a normally occurring accident. But how did they do it, the corpse was broadcasted on live television, it was surely him, right? No, Adrian or the so called priest that works at St. Nicolas is a former taught surgeon and what do they specialize at, they can change and reform our appearance on different parts of the body. I discovered a peculiar scar by his throat and neck area when I noticed the necklace, the same scar that was located at the same location on Daniel the trainee's neck when I was trying to stop him from running away. I ordered fresh coffee...

-Coffee once more, sigh come on, get to it...

-Alright, alright, I ordered the coffee exactly on my way there, without no cream to make way for the steams to rise, I brought a lid to block the steams to get out, so they would all bundle together and would create a concentrated cloud of steam intensely rising against Daniels face. Why? Surgeons use often plastic, silicone or rubber to change the appearance of our body parts and rubber is the cheapest material out there. When I removed the lid, as I speculated, he and his fake rubber mask to cover his true face started becoming to hot and started to melt. As we learned before, rubber melts with a specific melting point in chemistry class.

-Oh right, at about 100 degrees celsius

-What boiling point does water usually have?

-100 degrees and coffee is actually...ooh water, damn, that's really clever.

-Thanks, so just to be sure and put the nail in the coffin I shouted "Futsu wa anata no gawadeatte mo yoidesu" to see if my theory was correct.

-What does it mean "Futsu wa anananata" something??

The Benz turns by the hospital and continues rolling through the city. Rubber against asphalt. People walking by the sidewalks, people with groceries and mothers with their kids all stare in awe. Every single person thought for themselves simultaneously He isn't driving the car?! Ed noticing their wide open eyes replies only with a smile "That's my Benz S-class for you", Ed thinks . Ed's car stops infront of a red light and the sound of engine becomes fainter.

-I visited Japan for a long time and learned about the religion buddhism and their language japanese, "Futsu wa anata no gawadeatte mo yoidesu" means "May Buddha be by your side" and as planned, he reacted with a startled look, only buddhists says that and he recognized the words.

-Holy shit, I thought that all of this was just a simple murder, involved with those so called street robbers and gangsters.

-No this is something far more deeper and to top everything of, when I asked Adrian the priest about his background and the church, he told me that it was a protestant church, the name St. Nicolas has it origins from Saint Nicolas, a.k.a Santa Claus. During the protestant times, when Martin Luther created the religion, the name was not even used, not Nicolas nor St. Nicolas, instead they used more swedish names.

-That was what I wanted to say before you were being pursued, oh what actually happened?!

-They followed me to the church and when I returned, the window to my car had been shattered and the airbag box by the shotgun seat had been opened and they had stolen a USB.

-But didn't you hear your top tier car alarm going off, it's a Benz, S-class.

-It's Victor we are talking about here, a genius regarding security.

-Right, he could've easily turned off the car alarm, what was the USB for?

"The USB has the recording of the reflected golden light from the Buddha necklace in the Morning tunnel, but I was clever enough to bring the USB with me, so they probably got my private photos of sushi lessons with Unagi and Sake in a Japanese sushi restaurant", Ed says whilst he faintly lets out a witty laugh.

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