Short Stories

By Rumor226

566K 1.7K 253

*Formerly titled SexyOneShots *18+ Short sexy stories with plots. More

About This Book
Lara and Keith (REQUEST)
Cassie (Requested)
Brother and Sister (REQUEST)

Sophie and Kieran (REQUEST)

105K 354 89
By Rumor226

Sophie sits on the floor, reading a romance novel. This is how she spends most of her time. She reads one, cries over it, and then moves onto the next one. She's in the library of her parents huge estate, leaning against one of the bookshelves. It's Christmas Eve morning, but they live in Florida where it's never cold.

Christmas isn't really her thing anymore. The family doesn't really even get together, just Sophie, her mom, and her brother. Her dad died recently. He used to make Christmas really fun, but Sophie keeps trying not to think of that.

This year, they're going to London, since her mother has work to do there.

She turns the page, then looks up seeing a gorgeous man standing over her, looking down at her with an angry look on his face.

"I guess you're Sophie?"

She closes the book. "Yes."

He frowns at her. "Well what the fuck are you doing in here?" He demands.

She narrows her eyes at his British accent. "I could ask you the same question- I live here." She says, standing gracefully.

He can't help noticing how beautiful she is. Everyone always speaks of how gorgeous she is, but no one ever sees her.

Sophie is the daughter of very rich people who own very big companies all around the world.

"I was sent to gather you." He says, annoyed. "We're leaving in half an hour for London- everyone is looking for you."

"I know exactly when we're leaving- I don't need to be gathered." She replies.

"Well what in the hell are you thinking? It's Christmas Eve- we don't have time to wait around for you."

"I specifically told them that I would be in the library until it was time to go." She snaps. "I would've been on time."

He rolls his eyes.

She sighs and walks past him, her arm brushing agains his as she does.

He flinches at the touch and she gives him a look, slightly hurt.

He tilts his chin up and gives her a cocky smirk.

He walks behind her. The library isn't attached to the house, so they half to walk through a maze in the garden to get back to the house.

As she makes her way expertly through the maze, he smells the vanilla scent of her perfume, trying to control himself. Everything about her makes him want her. Crave her. And he hasn't even known her for five minutes.

She glances at him over her shoulder. "Who are you?"

"I'm Kieran."

She glances back at him, taking in his appearance. He's gorgeous. She knew that from the first glance. "You're Aaron's friend?" Aaron is her brother.


"Where are you from?"

"How many questions do you have, woman?"

She shrugs.

"I'm from London. Born and raised."

"What brings you to America?"

"My parents own several businesses here, so I'm in and out all the time."

"How did you meet Aaron?"

"He was in California at the same time I was. He was a friend of some of my friends. We met at a bar."

"Mm. So, you're a drunk."

He chuckles. "I wouldn't say that."

"No drunks ever would." She teases, smiling slightly.

He wants her. She keeps walking.

He follows until the house is in sight.

Aaron waves at them from the front door. "What in the hell, Sophie?!"

"I told you that I was going to the library!" She calls, annoyed.

Her mother comes out and gives her a look. "Don't shout, darling." She scolds her daughter.

"I wasn't shouting, mother." Sophie mutters, glancing at Kieran before walking up the porch steps.

Her mother scowls at her appearance. "Where are your shoes, dear?" She asks.

"In my closet, where all the shoes live." She replies, sarcastically.

"Why on earth aren't you wearing them?"

Sophie sighs and goes inside, walking upstairs to her room. She stands there for a moment, closing her eyes and wishing she didn't have to go on this trip.

Her father died a month ago. She misses him more than anything.

She fights back tears and goes to her closet.

She pulls on a large sweatshirt and some black leggings and boots.

Then she grabs her carry-on bag and walks back downstairs.

Aaron bumps her shoulder with his.

Sophie smiles at her brother.

When they get on the plane, they sit in the first class section.

Sophie pulls her legs up into the seat and then Kieran sits down beside her.

She narrows her eyes at him.

He gives her a look. "I'm not enjoying this anymore than you are, sweetheart."

Sophie glares. "Whatever." She looks around, finding her brother sitting by their mom.

Sophie buckles up and then stares out the window.

After a long time of silence, Sophie looks over at Kieran.

He has his arms crossed over his chest, leaning back with his eyes closed.

"What's your middle name?" Sophie asks.

"James." Kieran answers, without opening his eyes.

"What's your favorite color?"


"Figures." She mutters.

He glances at her through the slitted eyes. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Grey is such a dull and boring color."


"And so are you."

"You don't know me, darling."

She smiles. "I like your accent."

"I like yours." He tells her with a slight, sexy smirk.

She smiles slightly, suddenly very interested in him. "So, do you know your way around London?"

"Of course I do." He says, sounding slightly offended.

"Have you been to the London Eye?"

He scoffs. "Loads of times."

"Well... I've never been." She says, suggestively.

He can't help but to smile at the girl. He looks over at her and she looks away.

She's beautiful.

"Maybe I'll take you sometime." He tells her, gently.

Excitement lights up her face, reminding him of how young she is. "Really?"


She smiles, then goes back to her book.

He watches her for a while. Everything about her draws him in. Her pale flawless skin, her long, silky hair, her small frame. The way she bites her lip when she's concentrating, the vanilla scent that follows her everywhere.

He frowns at his thoughts. Aaron would absolutely kill him if he knew what Kieran thought about Sophie.

Aaron has always been protective of Sophie.

Kieran sighs and puts his ear phones in, closing his eyes.

When Kieran wakes up, he sighs. He tries to move, but stops when he realizes Sophie is leaning on him.

He glances over to see her curled up in her seat, her book still open on her lap, her head against his shoulder.

She turns slightly so her breath comes out in puffs against his neck, making it extremely hard to control himself.

He sighs and then just closes his eyes and leans his head against hers, falling back asleep.

When the plane lands, Sophie wakes up. She frowns at the blanket laying over her and Kieran and she pulls away from him.

He looks over at her. "You're quite a deep sleeper."

She shrugs.

They all get off the plane and go through the mess of airport security and get their luggage.

When they find it, Sophie's mother leads them outside to the limo that awaits them.

Sophie looks around It's beautiful here. It's raining- she loves the rain.

Aaron smiles and sits by Kieran and they talk about stupid boy things.

Sophie sighs and leans her head against the window, looking out, wishing she didn't have to go with her family. She would rather be here alone. She wants to go and explore.

Her mother sighs. "Sophie! Do not press your face against the glass- have I taught you nothing of etiquette and manners?"

Sophie glares at her mother and doesn't reply.

Her mom has never liked her. She only puts up with her because she has to. And she only brings her places because of appearances. Sophie is beautiful and other people find her charming which means she gets a lot of attention. Her mother likes that.

"Dad wouldn't have cared." Sophie says, cuttingly.

Aaron gives his sister a disapproving look. "Sophie-"

"Your father is dead, Sophie. All you've got is me, so you may as well make the most of it."

"I don't want to make the most of it- I want you to act like a mother." Sophie tells her. "Why can't you just talk to me?"

"About what, darling? There's nothing to-"

"About dad, mother!" Sophie snaps, tears in her eyes. "About dad."

Her mother's expression is hard and cold. Then she raises a perfect eyebrow and smiles.


That hurts Sophie more than anything and she just turns away, waiting until they get to the hotel.

The moment they get there, Sophie all but runs out of the car. She gets her suitcases and strides into the building.

Kieran walks by her and she likes that. Guys are always staring at her, but when she's with him they don't. He's intimidating. And hot as fuck.

She looks at him while they wait for her mother and Aaron to get the room keys.

"Take me to the London Eye tonight." She says, looking at him hopefully.

"That's not the nicest way to ask me out, now is it, Sophia?" He asks, his voice laced with sarcasm.

She rolls her eyes. "Please."

"Alright. But it's Christmas Eve, it'll be packed."

"I don't mind." She says.

He realizes that they'll have to sneak out together, because Aaron won't like this and neither will Sophie's mother.

She steps closer to him as people bump into her. Her hand automatically presses against his chest, which is hard and slightly muscular.

His whole body goes tense at her touch.

She glances back at the people as they apologize for running into her.

When she turns back around, she realizes her hand is on him.

She steps away, awkwardly. "Um... sorry."

He shrugs it off like nothing happened.

Aaron comes up to them, a huge smile on his face. "Well. Here are the room keys- we all have our own rooms." He hands them their keys, then sighs. "I'm exhausted. I'm going to sleep, man." He tells Kieran as they get into the elevator.

"Remember that we have breakfast at 9:00AM." Their mom says.

"9:00AM?! Who the fuck is awake at-"

"Aaron! Watch your mouth!" His mother scolds him.

"Yeah, Aaron." Sophie teases.

He glares at her. "Oh, shut up."

She smiles.

Kieran and Aaron talk quietly until the elevator opens and they all get out on the same floor.

Sophie looks at Kieran. "When do you want to go?"

"Is an hour fine?"

She nods and smiles softly before going into her room.

She takes a quick shower and dries her hair quickly, putting on her usual light makeup. Then she gets dressed, putting on a hat, gloves, and a scarf since it's freezing outside. Right as she's about to go to the door, someone knocks on it once.

She glances at herself in the mirror by the door and frowns at herself because she usually doesn't look in mirrors. She tends to only do it when she's nervous.

She opens the door and bites her lip at Kieran's appearance.

He isn't dressed in a suit or anything, but he looks nice in dark jeans and boots with a sweater underneath a grey coat and a scarf hanging around his neck.

His hands are shoved in his pockets and a smirk lingers at the left corner of his mouth.

Sophie forces a smile. "Hey."

He gives her an amused look. "Hey." He replies. "Ready?"

She nods an walks past him.

He follows her to the elevator and for the first time in his life, he is completely entranced by a girl. whether it's because of the way she walks or talks, or the way she looks at him, it doesn't matter. Kieran knows that he would do anything for her and he only met her hours ago.

She glances at him over her shoulder, excitement in her eyes.

He walks into the elevator behind her and presses the button.

They stand right beside each other in silence. Sophie is excited, probably on an adrenaline high. He doubts she's ever done anything rebellious like sneaking out of a hotel to go explore the city.

When they get to the lobby, Kieran leads her outside and then a Lamborghini is pulled up and the carhop guy hands Kieran the keys.

Sophie narrows her eyes at him. "You got a Lamborghini?"

"Don't flatter yourself, I've had this car for years. It's not for you."

She holds her hands up in surrender. "Okay, okay."

He narrows his eyes too, frowning as he opens the door for her.

She gets in to what in America would be the driver's side.

He starts the car and they begin driving.

The snow is falling hard.

Sophie is fascinated by everything in the car. She turns on the radio.

Kieran drives fast and aggressively, cursing under his breath every few minutes at other drivers.

They park a while away and start walking towards the London Eye.

Kieran stands close to Sophie, his arm brushing against hers as they walk, which she likes. She feels safe with him.

"How many girls have you brought here?" Sophie asks.

He gives her a half-smile. "Do you actually want me to answer that?"

"Well. Now I don't."

He chuckles. "Come on."

When it's over, Sophie walks off, feeling magical. The place is beautiful. Everything here is beautiful.

She turns to Kieran. "That was amazing!"

"Yeah?" He asks, lighting a cigarette while she talks to him."

"Yeah! All the lights are so- can I have one of those?"

"No, darling."

"Aren't cigarettes supposed to get rid of anxiety?"

He shrugs. "More or less."

"Then I could use one."

He glances at her. "Are you nervous?"

"Well, you're kind of intimidating, Kieran."

He exhales a breath of smoke and then hands her his cigarette.

She takes a drag, then scowls and immediately goes into a fit of coughing.

Kieran places his hand on her back, rubbing gently and fighting laughter. "It's alright. You get used to it..."

She shakes her head, handing it back to him.

He gives her an amused look and she smacks his arm. "It's not funny." She mutters.

He smiles. "Are you hungry?"

She nods. "Yes."

"There's a little cafe down the street." He suggests.

"Okay. You think it's open?"

"It's always open. They need the business."

He puts out the cigarette and then Sophie wraps her arm around his, holding onto him in an almost possessive way just as a few girls walk by, checking Kieran out.

Kieran frowns at her. "Sophie..."

"What? I'm... cold." She lies.

"Sophie, listen to me. I don't have much self-control when it comes to you, sweetheart. So if you don't want this night to end with me fucking the hell out of you in the back seat of my car, you need to stop being so seductive."

She looks surprised at first, but she doesn't let go of him and they keep walking.

He narrows his eyes at her and she smiles, looking down. "That's very vulgar-"

"Well, it's true." He interrupts.

He pulls his arm away and just wraps it around her instead, holding her close to him.

Sophie wraps her arm around his waist. "You are an interesting person, Kieran."

"So I've been told."

She smiles up at him. "You've been to this cafe before?"

He nods. "My parents used to bring me here before they split up and I moved out."

"When did you move out?"

"When I was 17. It didn't last long- I ran out of money and drugs and had to move back in with my dad and his new wife."

She listens carefully, which fascinates him.

While they eat, he orders them wine and when Sophie is about to pour her third glass, he takes it from her.

"Are you trying to break all the rules tonight?"

She shrugs.

He sighs. "What am I going to do with you?"

"I'm pretty sure you promised to fuck the hell out of me in the back seat of your car." She says and he can tell she's tipsy. Or at least, she thinks she is.

"That wasn't a promise. It was a warning."

"Well, I want it."

He looks at her for a moment, then looks at the waiter. "Check, please."

She smiles.

As they walk back to his car, Sophie looks up at him. "Kieran, kiss me."

"You've had far too much to drink, sweetheart."

She shakes her head. "I haven't. I want you to kiss me."

"Sophie, remember what I said about my lack of self control-"

"I think it's sexy that I make you lose control."

"Sophia, I swear."

She stops walking and so does he.

"Kiss me."

"No, Sophie-"

She reaches up and wraps her arms around his neck, standing on her tip toes to do so.

He groans. Just one kiss... one kiss couldn't hurt... and maybe it would get her out of his system.

He wraps his arms around her waist and then crashes his lips to hers.

Sophie gasps and parts her lips so his tongue dives in. She catches on quickly, kissing him back.

If Kieran thought that this would get her out of his system, he was very wrong. If anything, his need to have her has magnified ten times more than before.

When their lips part, she bites her lip. "I... I've never done that before."

"I know." He murmurs, gently, kissing her forehead. "That's why you read all those romance books. To find out more about sex."

She blushes.

"It's nothing to be embarrassed about." He tells her, running his thumb over her cheek.

She nods.

He pulls her back to the car and opens her door for her.

She gets in and so does he.

He starts driving.

When they get to the stoplight, she does something completely unexpected.

Her hand is on the hard bulge in his jeans.

"Sophie!" He grabs her wrist.

"Wait! I want to feel it." She says, looking at him with her big eyes.

"Hell no-"

"Please, I just want to look at it." She begs

"Sophia. Was this your plan the whole time? Get me alone and-"

"No." She says, sounding offended.

He glares at her. "Can't this wait until we get back to the hotel?"

"No, I want it now."

He groans when she unzips his jeans and her hand goes inside.

She wraps her hand around his hard cock and is surprised at how big it is. She can barely wrap her fingers all the way around it. She runs her hand from the base to the tip. He's long and thick. She doesn't know how that thing would ever fit inside of her...

He lets out a manly sound an Sophie glances at him, running her thumb over the tip of his cock, feeling a drop of pre-cum and spreading it out, her hand moving up and down his rod again.

"Fuck, Sophie- stop." He grunts.

Sophie bites her lip and looks at him. "Tell me what you like."

"You- fuck- you seem to be doing perfectly fine on your own." He manages. Everything she does is perfect.

She smiles at that. He glares at the road, tightening his grip on the steering wheel as she keeps moving her hand up and down, then she pulls his cock all the way through the opening in his jeans and it springs out, hard, thick and long. They both let out a soft gasp and Sophie's eyes are glued to it as she keeps moving her hand over it. She's never done this before and he can tell, but she's getting the hang of it.

She moans, finding pleasure in his pleasure.


She squeezes slightly and that shuts him up as he glares at the girl who has complete control over him in this moment.

She keeps biting her lip, making him want to bite it.

He growls and honks at the car in front of them.

Sophie takes this opportunity to lean down and suck the smooth head of his erection into her warm little mouth.

"Bloody hell!" The car swerves. "Sophia, don't-"

Sophie runs her delicate tongue around the tip of him and his whole body tenses.

He looks down and groans, wrapping one hand in her hair and attempting to drive with the other.

She moans, sending vibrations through his dick, causing him to let out a hiss through clenched teeth.

Sophie can't believe she's doing this, but here she is. She likes it.

She feels safe with him, even though she hardly knows him. Maybe that's a bad thing but she can't find it in her to care.

He groans when she takes him deeper into her mouth.

She swallows, then takes him all the way to the back of her throat, gagging slightly. She ignores it and takes him further.

"Shit!" He hisses. "Fucking hell..."

His hand tightens in her hair.

"I'm going to cum. Stop unless you want-"

She sucks harder and takes him deeper, cutting him off.

"Fuck. That's it, sweetheart." He encourages her.

Sophie pulls off of him and he groans in frustration.

She kisses him and he immediately dominates the kiss. His eyes lock with hers as he rests his forehead against hers because they're at a stoplight.

Kieran has never wanted anything more than he wants her.

She pulls away, only to go back down on him.

This time, she's even more confident and he's on the edge within minutes.

When he cums, he tries to get her to move but she won't and she swallows every drop.

The car swerves again and Sophie bites her lip as she looks up at him.

He curses and grabs her, pulling her mouth to his again.

Sophie kisses him back until he pulls back, tucking himself back into his pants.


She grabs his free hand and kisses it. "Touch me."

He wastes no time.

His hand is in her panties. She gasps and holds onto his wrist, bracing herself for what she hopes will be wonderful.

She feels kind of slutty and finds that she kind of likes it. She's never felt that way before. She's never stepped out of line and done anything dangerous or wrong.

Kieran's fingers work their magic in her panties until they finally get back to the hotel.

Sophie begs him not to stop, but he doesn't listen.

He gets out of the car and opens her door for her, tossing the keys to the valet guy.

Sophie can't keep her hands off of him. She wraps her arm around his trim waist as he makes small talk with the guy and pays him.

When he keeps talking, Sophie sighs dramatically and tugs on his jacket.

He gives her a grin and allows her to pull him toward the elevator.

When they're in the elevator, Kieran pushes her up agains the wall and presses a button behind her.

She looks up at him with her passionate gaze.

She runs her hands up under his shirt, touching his smooth hard chest.

He groans when she rakes her nails down his abs.

He captures her mouth in a hot kiss and then the elevator reaches their floor.

He walks her to her door and presses her back against it, resting his arm on the door above her head and tilting his head down so their mouths are close.

She looks up at him and he tucks her hair behind her ear.

"Go inside. And lock your door." He mumbles into her ear.

She frowns. "What?"

"You heard me."


"Do what I say. Lock your door, Sophie."


"I can't control myself."

"But you would need a key."

"I don't need a key." He mutters.

She almost smiles, but then she just opens the door and he steps back.

She walks in and then watches him as she closes the door.

When it's shut, she leans back against it and slides down to the floor, overwhelmed with emotion.

She wants him and she likes him. A lot.

She sighs and gets up. She takes off her jacket and her shit, then her pants and shoes. When she's down to her white bra and matching lacy panties, the door bursts open and there Kieran is, his coat gone.

Sophie looks at him, shocked. "Wh- how did you..."

"I told you to lock the door." He says warily.

She shakes her head. "But-"

"Come here." He says, his eyes raking up and own her perfect body.

He walks over to the bed and sits on the edge of it.

She walks to him with her arms folded across her chest.

When she reaches him, he places his hands on her hips.

"Tell me to leave." He says, quietly.

She shivers at his touch. No way in hell is she going to tell him to leave.

"Tell me to leave you alone and I will." He pulls her closer as she runs her fingers through his thick hair, sending electricity running through his whole body.

She just shakes her head. "I can't."

He pulls her so she's straddling him.

Her heart races in her chest and she gasps when she feels herself grinding against his erection.

He grips her hips, forcing her to stay still. She gazes down at him, touching his cheek that is rough with stubble.

Kieran fights with his conscience as he thinks of what Sophie's brother would do if he knew about this.

She kisses his neck. "Stop thinking."

When she's about to undo his pants, he stands up and has her pressed up against the wall, her hands pinned above her head.

She gasps.

"Do you understand what you're doing?" He asks, seriously.

She nods and breathes out a "yeah".

"This is a terrible idea."

"I think it's a great idea."

"You're so argumentative-"

"I am not."

He gives her a look and she smiles.

He runs his hand over the bare skin of her waist and sighs, feeling how soft and warm she is.

"And if Aaron finds out, I'm dead."

"Am I worth it?" She asks, looking up at him with gleaming eyes.

He lets her hands go and tucks her hair behind her ear. "Unfortunately, yes."

She smiles, running her nods down and lifting his shirt over his head. He raises his arms for her and takes it off, tossing it aside and revealing his well defined chest.

Sophie wants to look for hours but he doesn't give her any time. He tilts her chin up, forcing her eyes to meet his and their lips crash together, more hungry and demanding than before.

He bends down slightly, without their lips parting and lifts her up so her legs are wrapped around his waist and his hands are under her thighs.

She gasps as he pushes her up agains the wall again and his mouth trails down her cheek to her throat, where he bites and sucks.

She doesn't care about him leaving a mark. She realizes she would let him do anything to her, which is slightly scary and very naive.

Suddenly, Kieran tosses her onto the bed, causing her to let out a small squeak of surprise. He takes off his jeans and lowers himself down over her.

She wraps her arms around him, parting her legs to make room for him between them.

His hands make their way under her and he unclasps her bra faster than she even can.

He smirks when she narrows her eyes at him. "I've had lots of practice."

"I figured."

Kieran moves down to suck on her nipples for a long time, until Sophie is squirming underneath him, begging him to do something.

He lifts her up and pulls off her panties.

She moans and then she feels his breath on her pussy.

She gasps. "Wait! I don't think that's- oh my god!" She exclaims when his tongue licks all the way up her slit.

He moves so her legs are over his shoulders and she's completely spread for him, dripping wet.

She is panting, trying to catch her breath as his mouth works wonders on her. She never thought that this would be something that she would enjoy, but she does. It's one of the best things that she has ever felt. She moans loudly when his mouth finds her clit and sucks.

She gasps and grips his hair. "W-Wait... Kieran I feel..." She can't put into words what she feels. All she knows is that something is going to happen if he doesn't stop.

"Cum, baby. Let go."

Sophie is practically fighting herself. She doesn't know what might happen if she lets go.

"Sophie. Cum." He bites her clit slightly and that's all it takes. She feels her orgasm crashing over her and Kieran keeps licking and sucking, making it las forever.

When she's done, Kieran moves back up over her and she pushes his boxers down.

He takes them the rest of the way off.

Sophie watches him as he grabs a foil packet from the bedside table and then he opens it with his teeth, causing her heart to race.

"Put it on me." He says.

She takes it and then glances at him for help. She's never seen this done before.

He guides her hands and when she gets it all the way on his huge cock, she runs her hand up and down it a few times.

He groans and brushes her hands away. She moves under the covers.

He smirks and moves under them with her. Normally, he wouldn't, but he wants her to be comfortable. It's her first time.

"Sophia. Have you ever-"

"No. Never." She nervously replies before he finishes.

"But when you've touched yourself, have you ever penetrated-"

"No!" She cuts in, blushing. "I... I don't touch myself."

He raises his eyebrows in disbelief. "Fuck. Are you sure about this? I don't know how gentle I can be."

"I trust you."

"I know you do." He mumbles. "I don't think that's a good thing."

She bites her lip, wondering what this thing is going to turn into. She doesn't know if she wants to have a relationship with him. And she highly doubts he wants one with her... just sex... and for some strange reason, that's okay.

He reaches down and touches her core. She's still wet. He starts moving his fingers in and out of her, taking his time and stretching her as best as he can until neither of them can stand it anymore.

He groans and then presses the tip of his huge cock against her.

She watches him intently, gripping his arms and bracing herself for the pain.

"Sophie... I'm sorry."

She closes her eyes right when he thrusts into her, entering her in one splitting movement.

She gasps and holds onto his arms nighter, surprised at the strange feeling.

"I'm sorry." He repeats, breathing words of encouragement as he strokes her hair.

Sophie wraps her arms around his neck tightly as he talks to her in his beautiful, husky voice. He sounds a little bit strained, like he's on the verge of losing it.

"Fuck, sweetheart. You're so tight."

She moans at his words and then moves her hips slightly, testing the pain.

He's huge and the feeling of having someone inside of her is overwhelming.

When Kieran can't control himself anymore, he kisses her neck. "I'm going to move now, love."

She nods.

He pulls out almost all the way, then slides back in.

Her back arches at the electric friction.

When he does it again, she moans his name.

His hands are everywhere.

"Oh, shit!" She breathes.

This is better than anything she's ever felt and Kieran is so sexy.

He's looking her right in the eyes and she's practically falling apart from all of the pleasure that he's giving her.

She gasps when he hits a sensitive spot, holding onto him tighter.

"Open your eyes, Sophie. Look at me." He orders.

She opens them, unaware that she had close them in the first place, staring up into his beautiful eyes. "Fuck me, Kieran." She begs. "Harder."

He groans and complies immediately, forcing himself to go even deeper and harder.

She wraps her legs around his waist and he leans down to bite her neck. She gasps and moans at the pain and he does it again.

She wraps her fingers in his hair, crying out as he fucks her.

Her heart is racing and she's gasping for breath. When he takes her nipple in his mouth, she loses it.

"I'm going to-"


She cries out and fights back her orgasm. It's torture.

He suddenly begins pounding in and out of her.

She bites down on his shoulder to keep from screaming.

He grips her leg with one hand. "Fuck. Cum, baby. Look at me."

She bites her lip and falls over the edge while he keeps moving, slower now.

She moans his name and then her whole body shakes as she orgasms underneath him.

He reaches down to stroke her clit the whole time, making it last forever.

When she finally comes down from her high she pulls him down to kiss her.

He kisses her back, gently this time.

When he tries to pull out, she moans.

He pauses, then pulls the rest of the way out. "Turn over, Sophie."



Sophie turns over onto her stomach and he makes her stand beside the bed, her upper body laying across it.

He pushes a finger into her ass, causing her to gasp and try to move away.

"It's alright. Hush." He murmurs.

She frowns at the strange feeling, but before long, it starts to feel good.

Everything feels good.


He runs his hand up her spine to the back of her neck in a gentle caress. She moans and glances at him over her shoulder.

He runs his hand through her gorgeous hair, pulling on it lightly before enter her swiftly.

She groans in pain, and he stills inside of her waiting for her to adjust to the strange feeling of him in her ass.

She falls down on the bed and sighs, squeezing her eyes shut as he moves.

"Fuck, Kieran! Fuck me!" She begs.

He leans over her and kisses the side of her neck as he begins thrusting into her, getting faster and harder as she screams for him to keep going.

He reaches up to grab her breasts, pinching her nipples and making her scream again.

He fucks her harder, trying to be careful while he loses control at the same time.

He grabs a fistful of her hair and yanks on it, forcing her to raise up so her back is against his chest.

She gasps as he hits a spot inside her that makes her shiver

"You like that?" He bites out, pulling harder on her hair.

"Yes- fuck, I like it!"

"Tell me you're mine."

"I'm yours Kieran." She tells him breathlessly.

He feels her clenching around him and knows that she's about to cum.

He pulls out of her and then turns her around, picking her up like she weighs nothing.

She wraps her legs around him.

"Hold onto me." He orders.

She wraps her arms around his neck just as he lets go and reaches down to guide himself into her pussy again.

Sophie lets out a sob of pleasure as he begins bouncing her up and down.

She rests her forehead against his, gasping as her orgasm starts to hit. She take this bottom lip between her teeth and he groans at the slight pain.

She breaks away from his mouth and cries out in pleasure.

He keeps going until she shakes her head, begging him for a break.

He lays her down on the bed and keeps thrusting as she moans, tears coming to her eyes because of the intense pleasure and emotions. She watches him in awe, shocked at how gorgeous he is. It's almost impossible. The way his hair falls in his face, the light sheen of sweat, the way his lips are slightly parted and his muscles flex as he moves...

When he finally loses all control, she bites her lip, touching his face and staring into his eyes as his orgasm comes over him.

He lets out a grunt and she pushes him onto his back and rides him, hard.

He groans in surprise as she keeps moving until he cums, gripping her hips and forcing her to stop moving.

He finds her lips all over him, reaching everywhere that she can.

He rolls back over her, holding his weight carefully.

He glances at the clock. Midnight. "Happy Christmas, Sophie."

She kisses his jaw. "Merry Christmas, Kieran."

He tucks her hair behind her ear, kissing her cheek.

They smile at each other and right when she runs her fingers through his hair, the door opens.

They both look at the door and then Kieran pulls the covers up over them as Sophie closes her eyes in embarrassment.

"What. The fuck." Aaron says.

Kieran glances over at him. "We're a bit busy at the moment, mate."

Sophie smiles and then gasps a little as Kieran pulls out of her.

"Kieran! The one fucking thing I told you was to not mess with me little sister-!"

Kieran gets up and pulls on his boxers after taking off the condom and giving Aaron a look.

Aaron gives him a death glare and then gives Sophie a look.

Sophie grabs her panties and Kieran tosses her his shirt.

"Look, Aaron, I didn't mean-" Kieran starts.

Aaron shakes his head. "Save it. I need to talk to you in the hallway." He looks at Sophie. "I'll deal with you later."

Kieran walks out with Aaron.

Sophie sits there for a moment, then hears yelling.

She sighs and then stands up and right when she opens the door, Aaron punches Kieran in the face.

Sophie gasps as Kieran stumbles. "Aaron! What the hell!" She exclaims.

"Sophie, it's fine." Kieran says, wiping the blood off his cheek.

Sophie stands in front of Kieran, crossing her arms over her chest and glaring at her brother.

"I cannot believe you would do that to him."

Aaron laughs, humorlessly. "He just fucked my baby sister!"

"I'm not a baby anymore, Aaron!" Sophie snaps. "And you aren't dad."

Aaron's face hardens and then he just nods and backs away. "That's not fair, Sophie."

She just looks at him.

"Whatever. Fuck it- Go ahead and get whatever disease playboy over there has." Aaron says, rushing down the hall to the elevator.

Sophie sighs and then turns back to Kieran who has a bruise and cut on his cheek, but other than that he's fine. And he still looks sexy as hell.

She narrows her eyes at him. "What disease do you have?"

He laughs. "None." He tells her, walking back into the hotel room, glancing back at her with an amused smile on his handsome face.

"Are you sure?" She teases, smiling as she follows him.

"Why don't you come back to bed and then find out in a couple of days. That would be a damn good Christmas present, eh?" He jokes.

"That isn't funny." She laughs, closing the door behind him.

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