Falling out of Order

By Haley_Jojo

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Two brothers. One diffcult past full of violence, war and betrayal precedes them. An explosive future of mys... More

Author's note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4

Chapter 3

177 12 2
By Haley_Jojo

Falling out of Order

Chapter 3

After a few more moments, Mako slowly pulled away from the hug. He looked at his brother, searching his face again. He ignored Luka's injuries, clearly Luka wouldn't tell him what happened yet. For now, they needed to just unwind.

Once Mako slowly pulled back, Luka placed a firm hand on his shoulder before moving his hand timidly to caress the side of his brother's face, meeting his eyes with his face stained with not only the blood from earlier, but from his tears.

Mako's eyes widened a fraction when he felt his brother's hand on his cheek. He blinked his green eyes a couple times as he tried hard not to pull away from the touch. When he was younger he wouldn't have minded, in fact, he would have found it very comforting. Mako still did find it faintly comforting, but it was overpowered by his dislike towards being touched. Especially on his face. He told himself that this was his brother, and in order to restore their relationship, he needed to work on the whole 'no contact' thing.

Luka saw how when he had placed his hand on Mako's cheek, that he didn't receive the same reaction as he used to get from him on the past. It was different. Everything was different now between them it seemed. He barely noticed how his touch faintly comforted the other, but not like how it used to so he pulled his hand back, a look in his own eyes that told Mako that he wouldn't do that again. Luka's lips parted, preparing himself to say more as he shifted his head in such a way that showed that he didn't know what to even say, while disagreeing with the others words as his eyes closed for a brief moment, releasing a heavy sigh.

"It is mostly my fault, Mako.... And what's been done....it can't be fixed. I can't be fixed, nor the results of my actions," he cleared his throat once more as he took his hand back from his brother's cheek to use his own sleeve to wipe his nose.

He touched it gingerly as his nose was sore from what had happened earlier, there also being a split on the bridge of it. There was a lot that Mako had no idea about, but how did Luka tell him? Luka decided that he would have to attempt to talk about it later if Mako asked. If he could keep his brother from not knowing though, he would take that route instead. All he knew was that he wouldn't lie to him. He couldn't do that.

Mako waited for what seemed like a lifetime for Luka's reply. Mako could see that his brother was struggling, and it only made Mako want to hear what he had to say, even more. But he wouldn't push him. He already knew what kind of response that would lead to, and Mako couldn't bear to see his brother so weak and timid. It was painful. So Mako just looked away when Luka sighed. He listened to what his brother told him, frowning again in confusion.

"So, you're saying it's your fault you became a prisoner of war?" He looked at Luka. "Do you hear what that sounds like?" He wanted Luka to understand. "I don't remember you being so negative either," he added lowly. Luka had been the one to say that they would escape the Russian mafia, and eventually they had done exactly that.

Luka's teeth nibbled on his split lip, the pain being something that helped keep him from losing it as he heard his brother talk about something that was a touchy subject for him, that Mako knew little to nothing about. His eyes closed, shaking his head as he couldn't help but have his eyes fall to the ground once more before up towards the sky then back to meet with his brothers, though he held a timid, but firm gaze. "Stop.... Just... Stop." He didn't want to hear it from his brother when Mako knew nothing about it. "I-I know what it sounds like.... Alright." That wasn't a question either. "But it is my fault, and I don't regret doing it because that meant you were safe.... There's so much you don't know about, Mako. Now, I said I'll talk about it later." His voice was firmer, almost seeming to be fighting to hold his emotional pain back.

Luka did regret it as well though. He both regretted it and didn't regret it, which made his mind at conflict with itself. But he had to keep telling himself that it was worth it for his brother. But with his brother saying so lowly to him about how he didn't remember him being so negative, made Luka want to go burry himself alive. He cringed, raking his hand over his face when holding his feelings back as well as he could.

"I guess that's just the new me." He shot back with a pathetic shrug. "I told you, Mako... I'm not the same man you once knew.... I'm sorry." His voice returned to being quiet and fragile as he looked away from his brother.

Mako was confused and annoyed by Luka's outburst. Mako had a short fuse but he held back from lashing out. His brother was bruised enough already. What the hell did he mean by 'so much Mako didn't know'? But then Luka said he couldn't talk about it. Mako didn't understand. But once again, he decided not to push him. When Luka got all weak and fragile again, apologising to him, Mako didn't know how to act. Should he beat Luka out of it, or hug him? Mako couldn't do either. He just found it difficult to be in close contact with people. To show love and affection. He couldn't even say 'I love you' anymore, like he used to say to Luka all the time as a child. But he wanted to change that, which was why he was trying

"I'm telling you that we were going to fix this, so listen to me and believe it," Mako lightly pushed his brother's shoulder. Mako wasn't usually the positive type these days, but he wanted his brother to lighten up.

Hearing Mako's next choice of words caused Luka's eyes to flicker back up to the other, releasing a long, stressful sigh. Luka recalled the time when they were young boys, it was after they were branded that his little brother spoke firmly to him that even if he's small, he would still look out for his old brother. He couldn't recall the finest details of that memory, but he could remember the spirit his brother had and still seems to have till this day. How can he not believe his brother, though? No matter how much Luka knew that he couldn't be fixed, he couldn't shoot down his brother's determination. Mako wouldn't deserve that.

"Glad to see that you still have that fire within you. But.... Try not to waste your time on it.... I'm afraid some things just can't be fixed." He hated himself saying that, but he couldn't help but think that, but he wouldn't stop his brother from trying. "But I know there's no stopping you." Luka scoffed sadly.

When Luka went on to diss his optimism and say that some things couldn't be fixed, Mako almost reached his breaking point. But then Luka added more.

"Damn right there's no stopping me," Mako muttered in agreement. "Let's just go home. How far is your place from here?" Mako asked him as he rubbed away the last of his tears with the back of his hand. "Mine isn't anywhere close."

Luka's eyes were beginning to become distraught when his brother mentioned of going to his place. Luka was too embarrassed of Mako seeing where he lived, how much of a rundown dump it was. The inside had barely any furniture besides a torn, filthy couch and a lumpy bed. The fridge had a few water bottles in it at least, while also a box of snack bars he kept on top of the fridge as his form of meals, that and instant oatmeal and baked beans. He wasn't made of money, but sometimes his 'boss' would feed him good meals. The mould and mildew smell his tiny apartment had was awful and Luka didn't want Mako to see it. The windows are also covered with newspapers, mostly due to his PTSD. Luka really didn't have a choice though now, when it seemed he couldn't talk his way out of having his brother coming over. In the back of his mind he wondered how long Mako had been there in London, but a part of him didn't want to know.

"Uh-" Luka scurried around in his mind for where he lived, forgetting, after his attention had been so focused on having his brother back in his life. "It's....not far. Just a few more blocks that way."

He rose his left hand, pointing in the direction, his bracelet that was faded and worn down showing a little from under the sleeve of his army jacket that also looked very worn. Another thing that was noticeable was that Luka had stripped his ranks off his jacket, not feeling like he deserved them. There was a faint outline of where his Sargent ranks once were on his sleeves. Luka seemed uncomfortable about heading to his place, but it would be safer than where they were at right now, this being a particularly dangerous part of the neighbourhood.

"H-Here.... I'll show the way," Luka murmured quietly, taking a look around themselves to see if it was clear once he finished raking his face to clear off the tears that were left as he sniffled once more.

Mako looked at Luka as he pointed out where his place was. He seemed embarrassed about it, and Mako wanted to tell him that he was no judge, but then he caught sight of the bracelet on his wrist and his mind went blank. His hand shot out and he grabbed his brother's wrist and pulled it closer to his eyesight.

"You still have it," he said in shock as he looked back at Luka's face before returning his gaze to the worn-down thing. "Wow."

Luka could sense that Mako knew that he was shy and embarrassed of taking him to his place, expecting Mako to say something of Luka's reactions, but instead his wrist was grabbed and pulled up to Mako's face. Luka didn't react well to the sudden grab, hating the sudden movements when he startled more easily compared to how he was in the past. But, he regained himself once he saw what his brother was after, and that was the bracelet that he still wore after so many years.

"Y-Yeah..." Luka's voice faintly cracked, glancing between the bracelet and his brother's green eyes.

Luka didn't know if his brother was going to make fun of him for it or not. Luka remembered when he was POW and how the one who tortured them had taken his bracelet and wore it for himself in a way to taunt him and to take what's his. But the day that he was being saved from that wretched place, he wouldn't leave till he killed that bastard and got it back, it being the only thing that he had that reminded him of his brother. He couldn't have done that without the help of the ones who had raided the place that they were kept in, helping Luka to retrieve it back before being transported back to the United States after being POW for almost a year. He refused to return back without that bracelet back in his own possession. He really didn't know how he survived so long, not many men from his squad making it but only two others.

"I wouldn't leave it behind." Luka whispered, mostly to himself as he recalled those awful days that we're still fresh in his mind. Of course, his brother wouldn't know what he meant by that, but he wasn't really up for talking about it right now. He actually didn't know if he would ever be up for talking about any of it.

Mako noticed how Luka didn't like to be grabbed but neither did any soldier to be honest. Much less a POW. Seeing Luka's eyes cloud over with a sad memory, Mako paused. Hearing him say he wouldn't leave without it, the bracelet, touched him deeply. He was emotional...angry one second sad the next, then filled with love the one after that, but Mako was unable to express it. So, he said nothing.

It was a surprise to see that after all the things that Luka had been through, Luka still wore the bracelet Mako had made for him when they were kids and had just made it to America. Mako was kind of embarrassed to say that he still had Luka's which he wore attached to his dog tags under his shirt. Mako let go of his brother's wrist and nodded to him, fighting back a smile, whilst Luka's eyes looked at his brother's wrists, seeing if Mako still had his bracelet, but he didn't see it, his chest clenching tight when it hurt not seeing it. It was ridiculous of him to still even have his then. He should have left it behind cause then maybe he wouldn't have been the reason why more men died that day. But he still couldn't help but hold so much value to the bracelet and still couldn't imagine himself not having it. He kept himself from asking his brother about the bracelet he made for Mako, seeing clearly that his brother didn't have it anymore. He didn't want to show Mako how that hurt him when it was just bracelet, but it held so much meaning to him. It was a sign of freedom and a sign of them both having each other's backs and that nothing can separate them. It was the most valuable thing he owned, more valuable than his own pride, that is, if he had any left

The younger brother saw the way Luka looked at his own wrists, searching for the bracelet he had made for him all those years ago. Mako saw he was hurt but he shouldn't have been because Mako still wore it. Close to his heart. He didn't want to show him, but he didn't like seeing Luka so down and upset. So, as they started walking in silence, Mako nudged his brother's arm with his elbow. He looked at him and sent him a small smirk.

"Stop looking so miserable. I still have it," he said as his hand went past his leather jacket and down his hoodie and the front of his shirt. Mako gripped his dog tags and pulled them out to show Luka. Attached to the metal chain was the old, worn bracelet that Luka had made him.

Luka glanced to his brother when being nudged, still a little bit jumpy when he was lost in his thoughts. Luka wasn't expecting to see the faint smirk from the other, but after hearing what his brother said, Luka's attention turned more towards Mako. His eyes widened as his lips parted slightly when his assumptions he had going on in his mind were proven wrong. But Luka was glad to be proven wrong, especially about this.

He stopped in his tracks, facing more towards his brother as his hand hesitantly went and lightly touched the bracelet that hung to Mako's dog tags. Luka's eyes flicked in between his brother and the bracelet, reminiscing of the time they made these. It was Mako who made the bracelet first for him when being grateful for freedom and the strong bond they had. The day after his brother made the bracelet for him, Luka had made one for Mako, to seal their brotherly bond while Luka also gave Mako a lecture that night about them never having to submit to anyone ever again and to also keep their chins up. It was far more detailed than that though as Luka looked back on it. His memories weren't as trusting though anymore, being a POW causing his memories to be distorted some. Luka's eyebrows knitted together for a moment, as if he was struggling to recall his memories, but he kept quiet about his struggles. It was all just a bit of a jumbled mess in his mind. He thought hard about asking his brother when exactly it was that they made these bracelets, unsure if it was when they were still held by the Mafia or when they had made it back to America, but he didn't want Mako to be concerned of his memory, so he suppressed his questions.

"Damn we were such girls," Mako actually chuckled as he looked down at his bracelet. He was finally showing how...happy he felt to be with his brother again and he hoped that Luka felt the same. He wanted to know what Luka was hiding from him, but the truth was there wasn't a rush.

Luka scoffed lightly, a smirk of his own tugging at the corner of his lips at his brother's words which helped pull him from the depths of his own mind. While still holding it, he looked back into his brother's green eyes. Luka didn't know what came over him, but the brotherly side of him started to shine through as he moved his hand up and patted his brother's shoulder, still seeming to have a bit of amusement in his features.

"Well, so what? Others can laugh all they want," he chuckled softly, giving a small shake with his head. "We have something that very few people have....and that is," he thought for a moment, and instead of saying something serious, the joking side of him was struggling to come out, "some really worn down, shitty looking bracelets that look like they've been pulled out of a dump. Ain't nobody had such special, one-of-a-kind bracelets such as these." He met his eyes with his brothers with a small grin before releasing a long breath, his eyes falling back on to Mako's bracelet that he held gently in his hand.

Luka eventually let go of it to allow Mako to store it back away under his clothing before he continued on their way again towards his apartment that he wasn't really looking forward for Mako to see. Being with Mako again helped bring the old Luka back to life.....though it was very subtle, but Luka was working on it slowly but surely, even if he didn't realize it himself. Having his other half by his side again will only help the old Luka make a comeback, and this was a start as Luka tried to not be so much of a downer no matter how much his traumatized and tired mind wanted him to be, keeping in mind that he couldn't let his brother be dragged down by him. Luka couldn't fail Mako again.

"Say.... When was it that we.... made those?" Luka asked, referring to the bracelets, his voice quiet as they walked while keeping a cautious eye on their surroundings.

Luka wasn't completely sure if he should have asked, not wanting Mako to think that something was wrong when Luka didn't really want to get into that right now. He just needed a bit of help recalling the jumbled memories in his head from time to time where. He wasn't very sure with himself.


13-year-old Mako sat on the floor of the bedroom he shared with Luka. The carpet was matted and stained in some places, but Mako had learnt to ignore the disgust that it evoked. A roof over their heads, was better than nothing. Mako had chosen a time when Luka was busy getting food for them, so that he could have privacy. He had illegally acquired, or in other words – stole – a bracelet making set, and he wanted to make Luka a bracelet to surprise him. Mako had read over the instructions on how to weave the coloured strings together, and now he was slowly getting the hang of it. The reason Mako had chosen to make a bracelet for his brother was to symbolise the fact that they had made it to America. Luka had fulfilled that promise he had made to Mako, even when it seemed impossible. Mako wouldn't have been able to get anywhere close, if it wasn't for his brother. Mako owed his life to Luka, and now that he had reached a certain age, he didn't often tell Luka how much he loved him anymore. Yet he was young enough to spend time making his brother a bracelet, even if he messed up over and over and ended up running out of the red he wanted to use. Grumbling to himself in annoyance, Mako had no choice but to use the pink string instead. He weaved it in with the brown and black. He knew there was a chance that Luka had finished getting whatever it was they were having for lunch, so Mako kept an eye on the door in case his brother was to try and enter the room. Luka was only allowed to see it when it was finished.

Luka was taking long, fast strides back to the place where they were laying low at. It was a grimy old, filthy place that they were staying at, but it was the best that they could do for now. He was afraid of him and his brother being too young to stay at this dump where numerous ragged people had previously lived, but as long as he was able to pay the man who owned the building, the man didn't care. The question was, how much longer would the money, that Vladimir had saved up for him and his brother, last? Thinking of Vladimir made him quake with emotions when recalling the day of their escape. Luka still read the note that was within the envelope of money and passports every day, since their escape. He always kept it safe in the inside of his jacket pocket, it being all that he had left of Vladimir, the man who was the closest thing to a father to him and his brother. Mostly to Mako though, he imagined, as he knew that Mako wouldn't have many memories of their real dad who turned out to be not so much of a good person.

Still, there were times when Luka would feel that his father deserved the death that he had received, but then regret would immediately sink in, knowing deep down that he should never even think that when the echoes of his parents' screams can still be heard, as well as the smell of their burning flesh. Luka had to remind himself that there was a point and time when his father had been a respectable man who had fallen down the wrong path. However, the consequences of his father's actions and wrong doings were not fair for him and Mako, and Luka was still angry till this day at their father, though he would not breathe a word of it very much to Mako. Instead, he focused on becoming a better man than their dad and determined to help make Mako even better than himself. In his eyes though, Mako was already a better man. He couldn't be a prouder brother.

In his hands Luka carried their lunch, it being some fast food hamburgers and fries. There was also a chocolate milkshake another hand, knowing that chocolate was Mako's favorite. He was going to get himself one too, a strawberry flavor one, but when he realized that they were getting pretty low on money, he passed on getting one. Seeing his brother happy made, him the happiest, and his brother was well deserving of the chocolate milkshake, especially when the loss of Vladimir was still pretty fresh. Even though it was about two months ago, it still felt like it all happened yesterday.

Making his way up the stairs and down the hallway to their small one bedroom flat, he ran into the owner of the building.

"You're a day late," the brooding man spoke deeply as he stood in front of Luka, who was frozen in place when he clearly wasn't going to be able to slip pass.

"Oh, shit...that's right...sorry about that. I-I promise by the end of the day I'll have what I owe you," Luka's voice shook slightly as he held the bag of greasy food and the milkshake, his eyes unwavering from the other's line of sight. A small scoff had left from the back of his throat from the nervousness, although he tried to cover it up with an uncertain smile.

Jace, the man who owned the shabby building, arched a brow as his nostrils flared slightly. He didn't care what these boys' life has been like. He didn't want a sad sob story to take pity on them. He just wanted to be paid and with the promise that Luka had given him, he gave an irritated shrug with his shoulders.

"You better damn well have your money you owe me by no later than five, you got that? Or else you and brother will be sleeping in the dumpsters," Jace snarled his own promise to Luka before walking past him roughly, purposely letting the side of his body hit Lukas' right side that was holding the milkshake.

Thankfully, Luka didn't drop it, it not being that hard of a push, but it was enough for him to gulp thickly. Making a mental note to pay the man soon and to be late about it, Luka stole a quick glance behind himself to see Jace disappear around the corner before he attempted to regain his composure before slipping inside his and his brothers tiny living area.

"Mako? I'm home... Got us some grub." Luka announced as he walked in some more, looking around to try and locate where Mako would be at.

Luka didn't hear the creaking of floors of his brother coming like usually did when Luka would arrive back home, so he went to the counter and dropped off the food, although he still held the milkshake. Huffing out a long a breath, he began to make his way over to the room he and his brother shared, Lukas' bed being on the floor when he had given the mattress to Mako to sleep on.

"Misha, you in the bedroom? Come out and eat before it gets too cold," Luka's voice was gravelly, but also encouraging and soft.

When he saw the bedroom door shut, he didn't think to knock when he just wanted an answer right away as to where his brother was as he began to open up the door, a side smile beginning to appear in his features when he was looking forward to surprising Mako with the chocolate milkshake.

"Mako? You in here bro?"

Mako was too busy finishing the woven bracelet, that he didn't hear the sound of his brother enter their little flat, nor the sound of Luka calling him name. He was in the flow of the pattern of how the strings were arranged over each other. Using his skinny wrist to measure how big to make Luka's bracelet, Mako added another couple centimetres or so, just to make sure that the bracelet would still fit when Luka grew older. Still sat on the floor and lost in his own world, the younger brother heard his brother's voice, suddenly very close to the door, then the door itself was being opened. Mako widened his green eyes and he felt his heart jolt in his chest as he was startled by the fact that Luka was home already and was about to walk in on the surprise. He scrambled up to his feet, running to the door and slamming his body against it, blocking Luka out.

"Don't come in!" he shouted at his brother, speaking their native Russian Language. Mako held his weight against the door as he clutched the bracelet maker and the almost finished product.

Ever since coming to America, the brothers had been forced to learn more English that the little they had been taught by Vladimir. Mako was always so reluctant to speak in the foreign language, but that was mostly because he was shy and reclusive, not because he didn't like the change. After growing up under the Russian Mafia practically his enter life, Mako didn't feel like he had the boldness to talk to 'normal' people. He found it difficult to transition into such a different lifestyle. The people spoke fast and Mako could barely understand all that they were saying a lot of the time. He relied on his brother Luka, of course, to do the talking and make all the decisions. Sometimes he really took his brother for granted. Luka really did it all. Which was why Mako was trying to make him a gift to show how much he appreciated it. It would help if Luka would just wait until he was ready.

What happened next was not what Luka was expecting as a startled gasp left his lips when the door came back at him to slam shut on his face. This time, he hadn't been so lucky with the chocolate milkshake he was bringing to his brother as he now wore it on the front of his shirt and pants. His eyes widened as his lips parted in shock as he glanced to see what was left of the chocolate shake, seeing that it had some left, but not much. A strained, frustrated sound escaped from the back of this throat before shouting, "Hey!"

Mako felt the impact he made as the door hit Luka and he felt a stab of guilt as he wondered if he had hurt his brother. The shout of anger that Luka let out, made Mako bite his bottom lip guiltily, but still he kept leaning against the door and holding it shut as best as he could before he managed to lock it.

Soon, Luka's anger was drowned out with the sudden worry he had for Mako when now thinking that something must be horribly wrong for him to have slammed the door in his face like that.

"Mako? What is it? What's wrong?!" Luka demanded as he then grabbed a hold of the door knob, only to have found it to be locked.

"I'm...busy! I'll come out later, okay?" Mako called back.

"Busy? Busy with what?" Luka needed to know as his concern for Mako only grew. He couldn't think of a reason as to why Mako would do this and was afraid of what he must be keeping from him.

Mako sighed as he sat down on the carpet again, frowning as he picked up what he was doing and tried to continue, whilst Luka spoke to him through the door.

"Nothing's wrong!" He shouted back, hearing the door handle rattle as Luka tried to open the door. "I'm busy doing something important!" Mako grumbled loudly.

"Mako, why can't you just tell me? Are you okay? Is something wrong? I brought back food for us...and...well, a milkshake for you, but-" Luka spoke urgently in their native tongue, knowing how much Mako didn't like English, although they needed to get better at learning the foreign language. His uniquely colored eyes once more skimmed over the chocolate shake that had stained the front of his clothing and caked his hand. "Not that it matters anymore." Luka finished his thoughts with a long sigh as he waited on the other side of the door to hear what his brother has to say, hoping that he would be let in, or made known as to what was wrong.

"I just can't let you in!" Mako shouted as he tried to concentrate. Swallowing and trying to calm down, he let out a breath. "Luka...just wait, okay? I'll open the door in a second," he said more softly as his fingers weaved the very last part of the bracelet.

When he heard that Luka had brought him milkshake, Mako's eyes brightened as he loved the stuff. There were a lot of new foods and drinks the boys had tried ever since arriving and chocolate milkshake was one of his favourites.

"Almost done," Mako shouted back as he tried to tie the knot at the end of the bracelet. The boy frowned when Luka said the milkshake didn't matter anymore. "Dont drink it!" He shouted as he imagined Luka sipping on his drink whilst he waited for Mako to open up.

"Don't drink it? Well... Trust me, I didn't take a sip," Luka scoffed under his breath as he shook his head, while he waited with his arms crossed in front of himself as his one hand still held what was left of the milkshake. "Why in the hell can't you let me in? What's so damn important for you to slam the door in my face?" Luka snapped back before releasing a long, stressful sigh, briefly pinching the bridge of his nose as he listened to Mako's pleads for him to wait. Luka needed to be sure that Mako wasn't hurt and trying to cover it up like he's been known to do in the past. Luka, too was notorious for that as well, but that didn't matter right now.

"Mako, if you're hurt, please.... Let me help you. Don't shut me out like this, let me know what's wrong, alright?" He pleaded with his brother, trying not to be so intrusive, but with how abruptly the door was shut in his face, he couldn't help but be worried until his brother helped to truly assure him that things are okay.

"I'm not hurt," Mako assured Luka, knowing his brother wouldn't stop until he knew what was going on. Hastily finishing the bracelet, the boy stood up with an excited smile as he admired his handiwork, before slowly walking to the door. Unlocking it, he pulled it open to see Luka's shirt and pants drenched in chocolate milkshake.

"You wasted it," he frowned up at his brother, before he realised that Mako himself had probably caused the accident when he slammed the door. "Sorry," he grinned cheekily even though he was sad he had spilled his own favorite drink.

As soon as his brother was coming out of the room, Luka's good eye searched him from head to toe, scanning his brother carefully to make sure that he indeed wasn't hurt before the comment his brother made caused him to lock his stern glare with the other pair of green eyes.

"I wasted it?" He snarled in a frustrated tone before sighing once again, rolling his eyes to release his built up anger.

Luka could never be truly mad at Mako, nor stay mad at him for long as it had already passed when seeing his brothers cheeky grin. That's what made all of this worth it as Luka's own lips curved up into a slight smile.

Mako couldn't help but let out a little chuckle when he saw how irritated Luka got after he accused him of wasting his milkshake. The boy found it quite fun to rile up his brother, as long as he knew where to draw the line. Mako didn't like it when Luka was upset at him for serious things. Thankfully his brother saw that this wasn't one of those moments and the smile that slid onto Luka's face made Mako grin even wider.

"I was making you this," Mako held the bracelet out to Luka. "To say thank you for bringing me here. To start a new life together in America and keeping that promise you made me," the younger brother smiled up at the older one, his eyes shining with love and admiration.

Luka's smile faded rather quickly when Mako then presented him with something he wasn't expecting. He blinked several times at the hand-woven bracelet that rested in his brother's palm.

"Mako - " Luka's arms fell from the crossed position they were in as he took a step forward, listening to his brother's explanation of the bracelet and the meaning as to why Mako had made it for him. The chocolate milkshake and the worry he recently had for Mako was all gone as he went down to one knee in front of Mako to be at eye level with him. He sat the mostly empty cup down on the floor before he carefully accepted the bracelet from his brother's hands and into his own.

Mako kept his eyes on Luka as he presented his gift to him, seeing how his smile faded. At first Mako grew a little worried of what Luka might be thinking. Perhaps he didn't want to wear a bracelet? Maybe he thought the pink was too girly? Mako was about to turn defensive, but stopped when Luka stepped forwards and suddenly got down on a knee in front of him. His green eyes travelled down to meet Luka's mismatched eyes, which were now level with his, and Mako felt Luka carefully take the bracelet from him.

"Mako, you...you made this...for me?" Luka breathed out, feeling at a loss of words when he was so touched by this sweet gesture from his brother while his eyes studied the work of art intently and with care.

"Yeah, its definitely for you," Mako sent Luka a ghost of a smile as he watched how honoured Luka was. He watched Luka gaze over the handmade bracelet, glad to see his brother liked it.

Instantly, Luka's arms wrapped tightly around Mako, pulling his brother into his chest as his own face tucked into the crook of Mako's neck. He held him close in the embrace with his eyes closed before they peeked open and he saw the bracelet making kit behind Mako on the floor.

Mako wasn't expecting the hug that came next. He had thought that seeing as Luka was covered in milkshake, he would hold back for now, but that didn't happen. "Luka, no!" Mako protested as he tried to pull away from his older brother, but it was too late and he felt himself being pressed against the sticky cold front of Luka's shirt. Groaning in annoyance, Mako gave up trying to resist and he stood there as Luka held him dearly.

Luka then pulled back, his hands on Mako's shoulder's as he glanced between the kit and his brother.

"You... You stole that, Mako..." Luka knew that he was the only one who kept track of the money and he didn't recall Mako asking him to buy the bracelet making set, unless if it was given to him to which he unfortunately doubted. "Well.." Luka breathed out, his hand now ruffling up Mako's hair lovingly. "At least it was put to good use, huh." Luka let out a quiet laugh, unable to be mad at him as he pulled Mako into a close embrace once more before pulling back again to place the bracelet on to his left wrist.

When Luka pulled back to look at him and mentioned how Mako had stolen the bracelet making set, Mako didn't say anything because he had no excuses. He waited for a reprimand, but grinned instead when Luka ruffled his hair and brushed it off.

"Yeah," he agreed. "That's right...ahh, Luka!" the boy complained when Luka hugged him again. Mako creased his brows at the feeling of their shirts peeling away from each other once more, looking down to see the mess of his own clothes.

"Thank you, Mako...really.... I love it." Luka's genuine smile said it all as he then chuckled at the sight of their being some traces of pink in the threading. He didn't bother to complain, he loved it anyway and he too was now determined to make his own bracelet for his little Misha.

"You're welcome," Mako rolled his eyes, acting all annoyed by the mess Luka had put on him, but secretly beaming on the inside because Luka loved the bracelet.

Once the bracelet was securely placed on his wrist, Luka couldn't help but admire it for a moment longer before standing up to his feet, patting Mako's shoulder.

"How about I go get you another chocolate milkshake later?" He insisted as he picked up the previous milkshake from before. "There isn't much left in this one." He scoffed lightly before handing it to his brother, knowing that a drop of it can't be wasted, or else he would feel the wrath from Mako for pouring it down the drain.

Stepping back as Luka stood up, Mako glanced up at him as he patted his shoulder. "Yes!" He instantly agreed to the suggestion of getting another milkshake later on. He quickly grabbed the practically empty one that Luka passed him and put his lips to the straw, sipping up the cold, milky, chocolatey goodness.

"I just.... I want to say thank you for starting this new life with me, Misha. You've been the best part of it so far...and probably always will be." He glanced back to his brother as he went into the kitchen and pulled out their lunch from the paper bag, handing over his brother's hamburger and fries.

"Thank you," Mako said to his brother as he followed him to the kitchen for lunch. "It's just the two of us against everyone else right?" He replied to Luka. "We are all we've ever had." He murmured softly, gazing downwards as he remembered Vladimir. Vladimir was the only exception to that. Pushing away those painful thoughts and memories, Mako took his hamburger and fries and sat himself up onto the counter to eat.

"That's right," Luka looked up to Mako with a sad, but assuring smile.

He didn't let Mako see the sadness he held though at that statement because the more he thought about it, the more he feared for them always being alone and no one to ever care for or about them. But then again, he liked the idea of it being just them because then that saved them from ever being hurt by someone else again.

"Misha, we will always have each other. Nothing can ever come between us....and no one will ever hurt us again. Us Orlavs, we have each other's backs for life," Luka smiled warmly to Make even though his own stomach felt twisted in a knot at the thought of something ever bad happening to Mako, but he forced those unnecessary thoughts to the side as he too took a bite of his hamburger soon after his brother did.


Long chapter! What did you guys think of it?

Haley & Jojo 

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