His Other One

By starlily1

44.6K 3.1K 315

Follow Taylor as she maneuvers in a new world where vampires inhabit, secret roams and danger is never far be... More

edit notice, check for cast update
1|Blue Eyes And a vist
2| The Blue Pact And A Scare
3|Silent forest And The Encounters
4|Emese And A Revelation
5|Rites And A vision
6|The Fake Queen And A Maid
7|The Portraits And A History
8|Two Seasons And A Kill
9|Lupines And Black Horses
10|Fae Magic And A Dying King
11|A Sad love Story And A Cabal
12|The Blossom Key And A Grand Ball
13|The Dead Assasin And A Banquet
14|A Peculiar Memory And A Cause for Alarm
15| Nine days And All Kinds Of Hunger
16|The Charge and A Good Laugh
18|A clash of answers
19| Olanda And Her Faerie
20|The Request And An Interrogation
21| The Outburst and A Garden
22|Olivia's Plea And The Dungeon
23| An Exchange And A Consumation

17|A Hunting and A Prize

1.4K 101 4
By starlily1

Taylor soon got to find out Court meant talks of castle accounting to bore a full grown person to tears. The gathering was a fairly large one with only a few faces she recorgnized, Emese, Marius, Irina and a guard she found vaguely  familiar.
The court was a long stone table the length of a football field...alright that was an exaggeration but it was quite unusually long, at least in Taylor's  opinion.
The king sat at the head and was  flanked by rigid guards dressed  in ninja like garb. Irina sat at his left side while Anghel sat at his right. Taylor was seated beside him.
The king was welcoming and mindful of her at first but got understandably carried away in court discussions.
To Taylor's relief no one had paid too much attention to her since she arrived. Generally the occupant of the long stone table gave her a long suffering look with only a tiny minority (Emese and Marius specifically) had given her a welcoming smile.
Taylor had been able to make a few observations from her time of quiet reverie.
The king doted on Irina and everyone seemed to give her as much respect as they gave the king and Anghel. When she talked, they listened and seldom argued (she seemed to have a plethora of biting comebacks for every opinion not conformed  to hers).
Emese hardly made input in the conversations but it was obvious she was following.
Taylor caught Marius eyes who gave her a searching look.
"It seems the Lady is as bored as I am on this issues" Marius announced with a lazy drawl.

"If she is to be queen, this boring issues should be of great interest" Irina replied snidely, her dark intense eyes burning holes between Taylor's eyes.

Taylor stifled the urge to blush, she parted her lips to lie that she wasn't bored but was interrupted by the king;
"Oh bullocks. Accounting gets boring even to the best of us" the king chuckled good naturedly. Irina only pursed her lips in displeasure at being disagreed with by the King.

"What do you suggest your majesty?" Spoke a light haired vampire Taylor understood was lord Darius, who had an high rank in the Castle.

"A hunting game perharps?" Marius suggested while twirling playfully with a dark curl of hair. He looked boyish and somewhat attractive. Taylor averted her eyes.

"Oh yes uncle. It's  really been long we enjoyed a proper hunt " Irina cajoled in a doting voice coated in sugar.

"A hunting game it is then!" Announced the king lustilly.  Excited murmurs of aggrement gathered around the table's occupant.

"I do not think my wife has the stomach to witness our games father" Anghel steel voice sliced through the murmurs to create a wall of silence
Everyone turned to fix their eyes on her, mostly with animosity seeing she was about to be the reason they won't be having their anticipated hunt.
Taylor bit her bottom lip in embarrassed anger
"I think my stomach will be fine enough " She managed just a little above a whisper. It wasn't easy being sassy under the weight of a dozen accusing glares.

The king gave a huge grin and banged the table.
"We begin!"
The occupant of the table followed suit and soon their was an hullabaloo from palms hitting Stone surface in harmony.
Taylor risked a look up and was caught in Anghel's disapproving glare.

She followed Emese who volunteered to help her gear up for the expedition.
"Tell me about this game" Taylor asked as they reached her chambers in the west wing.
"Vampires are hunters from nature, and the game is to remind us of who we are.
It's all about surviving. We pick out a target and move in packs. The pack to bring home the prize wins and enjoy a banquet or a boom from the king "
"A boom?"
"Yes, you get to ask the king for a favour which he is bound by honor to grant. Most ask for more land, gold or rank promotion. Do you now understand why the game is so loved?"
"I see. But I don't know how to hunt though. The only thing have hunted are butterflies....as a child."

"If you can ride a horse you can hunt. I don't think you would be required to do anything but stay quiet and observant. That's a paramount skill in prize hunting"

Taylor nodded, she can do quiet. It was like second nature to her. Soon Taylor was dressed in brown breeches, knee length sturdy boots, loose woolen tucked in shirt and leather straps around her knee, elbow, and wrists. Emese slipped a dagger into her belt  "just in case"
She also handed her a green thick coat for camouflage in the forest.

They joined the rest of the group at the foyer. Everyone was dressed for the part. Servants were carrying all kinds of weapons outside the door.
"Alright hunters, our prize awaits" irina called as she pushed open the door and led the others out.

"First we pick weapons " Emese informed her. The servants had dumped the weapons on the  floor. Taylor could recorgnize Bow and arrows, swords of different length and shape, spears, crossbows and all kinds of medieval looking weapons.
She watched as the rest of the vampires weighed and sampled the weapons before picking what they thought suitable.
Taylor picked a light silver sword from the leftovers. It looked like the only weapon she could handle without harming herself.  The excitement was infective. Taylor was excited about this.
If her team won, or if by some freaky stroke of luck she got the  prize she would ask the king to return Olivia back to her. With a new purpose, Taylor vowed to do her best.

"You will not like this" the unpleased voice belonged to Anghel. He was standing directly behind her and too close for comfort. She hardened her spine
"That's for me to decide"
"You always sound brave but you run like a child at the mere sight of blood."

Taylor turned against her better judgment to fix  him a look brimming with all the anger she felt
"I have not forgotten or forgiven what you did Anghel" She knew he understood she was talking about the helpless Fae he killed on their Izolare period. His eyes hardened like twin rocks

"You are foolish to think you can survive Ardelean Samantha"

"Haven't I said it? I'll survive anywhere" She ignored his jab about her stolen identity

"You can say that easily because you are under my protection wife, do not think too much of your non existent strength.  You are alive till now only because I will it"
Taylor was stunned to silence. How dare he?!
Just before she could say anything to defend herself they were interrupted by Marius' call
"hoy! Break the lovers quarrel. We are about to choose packs"

"Stay behind me" Anghel still had the audacity to command .
She stepped out of his shadow and walked away to join the others like she didn't hear him.

Taylor felt she would be a liability because of her lack of basic skills and won't be chosen early enough to join a team. But surprisingly, Marius picked her first to join his team. She beamed in appreciation.

He smiled and handed her the green arm band that proclaimed her one of his pack, only to be snatched by Anghel.
"Taylor stays in my pack" he grinded out, eyes hard as flint.

"Be a good sport Cousin, I chose her first" Marius grinned bellying the other's  anger.
"She's my wife and under my protection only"

"She has a mouth and an opinion" Irina called lazily from where she stood, she rolled her eyes at her pack mates who  looked on in amused entertainent. Even the king was grinning.

Taylor face grew hot
"Stop it, you're embarrassing me" Taylor whispered at both of the males engaging in a stare match.
"You're coming with me" Anghel remained adamant.

"No, Marius picked me first. This is just a game not a macho man moment" Taylor was forced to snap at him, annoyed and embarrassed.
Taylor took advantage of his silence and stretched her hand for the band. "Please give me that"

It was a moment before Anghel made an animalistic sound in his throat "fine!"
He pressed the wooly fabric into her hand and just when she was about to drop her hand he pressed on it and leaned closer to growl "Do not think of playing hero out there and better don't  let me worry about you" his voice was so full of threat it bellied its true intention.

"If she gets hurt, don't bother coming back" he said...more like announced. Not only to Marius but for others to hear also. It was a warning to everyone too and the message was clear
"Woe befalls the man who hurts my wife"

Taylor had to remind herself she was still angry... very angry. How could one man be so bipolar, one minute sweet and charming another minute annoying and ruthless?
This protective gesture shouldn't faze her. She was sure he was just being sexist. She would show him, she would show him she was not the weakling everyone had to be mindful of.
Somehow, someway, she would bring home the prize.
The rest were hunting for the game, she will be hunting for Olivia and her own honour.

Taylor's pack had five men along with Marius. Emese joined the green pack also of her own accord. Taylor suspected it was Anghel's doing, an Avenue to monitor her and treat her like the handicap she had been conditioned to feel since forever. She would show them.

Soon it was time to vote on the prize. Each pack threw suggestions,  some suggested wild Ardelean creatures, some servants (Taylor wanted to cluck them over with her boots) , some wild dogs, the list went on.
Then irina spoke and quieted the fray once more.
"Be creative dear vampires.  What greater prize is there but Fae flesh...in their territory?"
Taylor's blood ran cold in her veins.

I missed Ardelean so much I had to ditch some hours of study time to write this chapter. I've been receiving massive love from readers through their votes and comments and I know you deserved this much. I was in such hurry to publish I didn't Edit. Please point out any mishap, I'll get back to it. Recently HOO reached #43 in vampire and I couldn't have been more shook!
Thanks for all your votes people! It means the world to me and this book. (*Dabs tears*)
Please don't forget to share with your friends and comment too. First commenter gets a dedication on my next chapter. Don't be a stranger!

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