Over and Over JenLisa AU

Av Kim-Chichu

468K 21.1K 22.1K

Lisa Manoban, a foreign exchange student in South Korea, finds her world, everything she knows and believes t... Mer



89.2K 1.8K 1.1K
Av Kim-Chichu

"LISA WAKE UP!" a red headed girl with an Australian accent yelled in a childlike voice as she jumped on top of a fluffy white bed with a doe eyed brunette sleeping soundly inside. "I don't wanna go to the dentist mom" the half asleep Thai girl grumbled into her pillow. The Australian's long red hair fell down against a blue and white stripy pj shirt as she started to frown playfully, "Lalisa..." she said in a much deeper tone this time, "it is time for classes, you need to wake up". Lisa lifted her head from her pillow, her brown hair sticking up wildly on the one side where she had slept on it, "Chaengie? Go awaayyyy" she whined as her head flopped back down again. "Hmf ok, I guess you don't want any of my super world famous waffles for breakfast then?" Chaeyoung replied confidently with a proud smirk. Lisa immediately burst out of bed throwing the blankets, and unfortunately Chaeyoung, onto the floor.

The Australian squealed as she fell backwards onto the floor, laying spread out. The brunette hovered over her in just her underwear, looking at the older girl in confusion, "huh are you going back to sleep?" Lisa asked as she poked Chaeyoung's fluffy cheek with her finger, "don't be so lazy I want my waffles". The redhead blew her hair out of her own face as she huffed in mild irritation. 

After breakfast Lisa sat at the kitchen table in her shared dorm with Chaeyoung, while her flatmate, who often went by the nickname Rosé, took a shower as it was her turn to get the shower first today. Lisa scrolled through her phone checking all the notifications she had on her Instagram and twitter account, she barely even used her accounts so she didn't know why she always had so many notifications. Her friends often told her to me more active on there but she forgot all the time, the group of friends would joke about how Jisoo posted more pictures of Lisa than the Thai herself did. "Ohhh Tzuyu and Jihyo have a new pet!" she shouted from the kitchen so that her showering flatmate could hear. "Wow really? Is it cute?" Chaeyoung yelled back excitably. Lisa nodded but then soon realised her friend couldn't actually see her, "yeah it is! We should go round to their dorm later to give it cuddles!".

Chaeyoung got out of the shower and wrapped a white towel around herself and started to brush her teeth, she wiped away the steam from the mirror above the sink so she could see her face properly, "oh by the way that reminds me" she yelled with her mouth full of toothpaste, "tell Leo to stop trying to eat my fish!"

Lisa giggled from her bedroom as she prepared a towel and stuff for the shower, "it isn't his fault that Juhwang looks so delicious!". The Thai lifted her cat in the air above her head, "you're only playing aren't you Leo?" she said to him in a baby voice before giving him little kisses on the nose. 

"You let that cat get away with everything" the older girl grumbled as she walked across the living room, still wrapped in her towel. The Thai smiled, "oh shush you love him, he doesn't mean any harm". "He is an evil genius trapped inside a cat's body" the huffy Chaeyoung replied. "You're just still annoyed that he chewed through your laptop charger" Lisa said while rolling her eyes. Rosé threw a mini tantrum like a toddler, "the battery died while I was half way through an assignment!". Lisa began to giggle uncontrollably as her friend kept pushing her and hitting her playfully. "It isn't funny Lisa, I had to do all my work from the start!" she whined while the brunette continued to laugh. 

The two friends walked across the large campus of their private school, Rosé in a white cropped top and white sweatpants and Lisa in a baggy salmon pink t-shirt tucked into blue denim shorts. Chaeyoung stopped every now and then to take pictures of pretty flowers to post later on Instagram while Lisa listened to music on her phone, Dua Lipa, one of her favourite artists. A short way in the distance they spotted a black haired girl, shorter than they both were in matching grey sweatshirt and sweatpants, it was their best friend Jisoo. 

"Jisoo-aaahhh" they both yelled in high pitched voices, gaining the attention of other students around while they ran and leapt on their friend. "Chichu Chichu Chichu, I missed you" Lisa whined in her baby voice while attempting to climb on the older girl's back. Jisoo however, wasn't remotely impressed with her two younger friends, "it is not at all natural to be this energetic at this time in the morning" she yawned as she practically had to drag her feet along the ground to make it to morning classes, wishing she was still in bed. "Aw don't be grumpy unnie, we are going out to dinner with everyone tonight remember" Chaeyoung said as she used her fingers to try and stretch Jisoo's mouth into a smile. Lisa and Rosé both giggled as they kissed the black haired girl's cheeks at the same time and saw her disgusted reaction, "we will keep kissing you if you don't hurry up to class" Lisa joked which caused Jisoo to get a sudden burst of energy that she used to run away as they both chased after her.

Lisa lay her head across her desk, tapping a pencil against the table in boredom not paying any attention at all to what the teacher was saying. "Psst, Lisa..Lis" Seungyoon whispered trying to get the attention of the girl sitting in front of him. "Hm?" she mumbled in response as she turned around. Seungyoon leaned forward, "are you guys coming to the party later?". Lisa raised an eyebrow, "what party?". "The senior dude Seungri is throwing a big party at his parents' mansion tonight, he's invited the whole school, the guy throws the best parties it will be amazing" he whispered, going silent whenever the teacher looked in his direction. The Thai pulled her phone out, hiding it under the table, "hold on I'll text Jisoo and ask, we are having dinner with girls tonight but I'll see if they want to head to the party afterwards". Seungyoon smiled and gave Lisa a thumbs up, "awesome, hope to see you guys there, come find me if you decide to swing by". 

[Text Message from Jikachu: "A party tonight? Hell yeah. I'll ask Seulgi in a minute when our teacher has shut up. You'll have to keep Rosie off the alcohol though because I'm not having her throw up in my car again!"] 

Lisa smiled as she read Jisoo's text message, she was about to reply when a large pile of books crashed down on the table beside her causing her to scream and hide in her seat. 

"Miss Manoban!" the male teacher called out while standing in front of the Thai, "seen as you are so knowledgeable about Western history that you feel you don't need to pay attention in my class could you please tell the rest of your classmates which American politician became President of the United States after the assassination of President Kennedy in 1963?". The brunette sat awkwardly in her seat desperately trying to think even though she knew damn well that she had absolutely no idea, "ummm...Colonel Sanders?" she answered. The entire class burst out laughing. The teacher did not find it funny however, "Colonel Harland Sanders was the founder of Kentucky Fried Chicken, Miss Manoban and not a President of the States. Stay behind after class, we have to have a little chat". Lisa cringed and glanced over across the room to her friends Rosé and Yeri who were both shaking their heads with their faces buried in their hands. 

Lisa walked across the campus, kicking a stone across the floor and grumbling to herself after being yelled at by the teacher and forced to take on extra assignments to make up for her bad grades. "Dumb ass dictator" she mumbled with anger, "I don't want to be forced to call your parents in Thailand" she said in a silly voice, imitating her teacher. As she walked and argued with herself she became distracted from her tantrum by strange noises, "what the hell is that?" she asked herself as she looked around , trying to find where the sound was coming from. Eventually her eyes settled on a door on the outer building, a room she had never been in before or even noticed much. "LISA!" Nayeon yelled in an excited tone as she jumped on the brunette's back with a milkshake in one hand, closely followed by Rosé, Yeri, Jisoo and Seulgi. "Are you ok?" Jisoo asked, noticing her friend's odd behaviour. "What is in that room?" Lisa asked as she pointed over to the door. Seulgi shrugged, "dunno, never been in there. Some old janitors closet or something, why?". The Thai's gaze remained fixed on the door, "I thought I heard voices coming from there". Jisoo walked over and stood next to the younger girl, "probably some kids fooling around". "Or a young couple having a little...fun. Wink wink" Nayeon added in a flirty tone before drinking the milkshake out of the straw. Lisa shook her head slowly, "no it was a lot of voices, and they were talking English". Rosé pointed at the headphone hanging around Lisa's neck, "look Lis, listen, your music is still playing you forgot to turn it off. That's probably what you heard". The Thai looked at her headphones and then back at the door, "But I-...uh yeah I guess you're right" she said unconvinced still staring at the door before eventually following her friends to lunch. 

After their evening meal together the girls all prepared to go out to the party at Seungri's house, re-applying makeup and gathering whatever alcohol they could find to take with them. Jinny and Miyeon both posed either side of Lisa while all three girls pouted for a mirror selfie, "you better post this on Instagram Lis!" Jinny whined. Lisa laughed and groaned, "alright, alright I will I promise". 

"Come on girls, we are leaving!" Jisoo shouted as both she and Irene got their car keys ready, once again left with the job of being the designated drivers so not being able to drink much. 

The party at Seungri's place was insane, the mansion was huge and full of the most incredible and expensive things Lisa had ever seen. There was a dance floor and a DJ booth set up which another senior boy Youngbae was DJing on along with Seungri himself. The Thai girl spent most of the night drinking heavily and making out with Bobby...or was it BamBam? She had no idea she was completely hammered she had drank so much, it was a wonder she even knew her own name let alone anyone else's. "Nayeon, Nayeonyyyy" she slurred as she tried to get the attention of the older girl who was too busy kissing her girlfriend Jeongyeon to notice, "Nayeon I'm gonna walk home I'm too drunk I need to leave. Make sure Rosie Posie gets back safe ok?". Nayeon nodded while still kissing her girlfriend. As Lisa started to walk away the girl called after her, "hey Lisa I better see pictures of tonight on your insta when I wake up tomorrow" Nayeon yelled making the Thai laugh as she stumbled her way through lots of drunken partygoers. 

The nights were starting to get cold and Lisa wished she had brought a jacket with her as she shivered while walking back to her dorm after finally reaching the school campus. It was dangerous for her to be out alone at this time of night but she was too drunk to care, besides, Lisa was hardly the most responsible of people.

As she walked and drunkenly stumbled her way back home she spotted the creepy door again and with it, a fresh set of strange noises. "Ok...that is definitely not my headphones" she said with fear in her voice as she slowly began to approach the door. It wasn't just the noises that were creeping the Thai girl out, there was something just generally odd about that door that felt almost as though it was pulling her to it. She gradually reached for the handle on the door and pulled it, to her surprise the door was unlocked. The intoxicated Thai cautiously opened the door, hoping to find the source of the noises.

"Oh my God" she gasped, " a broken table and a rusty bucket...it's a freaking janitors closet" she whined as she discovered there was nothing remotely interesting in the room. "Well that's anti-climactic" she groaned as she was about to close the door. 

The brunette started to walk away again when she heard loud bursts of laughter coming from the door, like a group of girls having fun. "What the f...", slowly Lisa turned back around to face the door unsure of whether she could even trust what she was hearing right now, normally she would just assume she was drunk and go home but because she was so sure she had heard things earlier when she was still sober...she just couldn't ignore it.

Again Lisa slowly proceeded to the door, opening it cautiously again just like she had before, but the same thing, a small room with a few bits of junk in there. This time however she could still hear the voices clearly as though there was a whole group of people inside that room even though she could see there wasn't. The Thai had a stupid idea, instead of just looking into the room, she was going to go inside and investigate properly. "Ugh if you are murdered by ghosts Lisa I'm going to kill you" she slurred both drunkenly and in fear, as she stepped forward into the room. 

Lisa winced in pain as a bright light hurt her eyes, her vision was still accustomed to the dark night so the sudden brightness hurt a lot. As she rubbed her eyes she stumbled back in shock at what she witnessed once she regained her sight.




Lisa looked around, it was day time and there were people everywhere, all of them white and wearing old clothes from decades ago. They spoke English with distinctive American accents. In fact, this was America. The school building in the distance that she had never seen before was clearly American, as well as the imported palm trees that were spread across the campus of this strange and foreign school. 

The boys wore letterman jackets and had gelled hair like Elvis Presley used to have. The girls dressed modestly yet with a charming old fashioned style. 

Lisa immediately turned back around and ran out of the door slamming it shut behind her. She darted her gaze all around her, it was night time again, it was the school campus she knew, signs in Hangul hung up on posts and the walls, she was home. The Thai fell to the floor and puked, whether out of drunkenness or shock she wasn't sure, probably both. The brunette eventually picked herself up off the floor once her panic attack had ended and she began to run as fast as she could back to the dorm, wiping away her frightened tears as she ran.

When she reached her bedroom she threw herself down onto the bed, pouring a bottle of water over her face in hope to sober herself up a bit.

"What the hell was that" she uttered to herself, still teary eyed. "I'm drunk...I am drunk. There is no way that was real. Maybe somebody spiked my drink with drugs or something. I'm hallucinating...I must be". Lisa's heart was still racing, pounding so hard she could hear it as she lay down on her bed, her cat Leo snuggling up to her and purring. The brunette gently stoked behind Leo's ear with her finger, her eyeliner and mascara smudged from crying, "mommy is losing her mind" she whispered to her beloved pet as she slowly started to drift to sleep. She hoped that when she woke up in the morning, this night would have just been an awful dream. 

(hey guys, slow start I know but give it a chance to get going. I have already decided how this story is going to end but still have no idea about most of the chapters that are gonna go in the middle so yall will have to bear with me on this one lmao. Will post the next chapter soon, probably tomorrow. Thanks for reading everyone)

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