Price Family Book Store (ON H...

By Koran-DC-Morrison

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Price Family Book Store is a small and homely bookstore located in the middle of the high street of a small t... More

Price Family Book Store
Chapter 1- Sleepy Saturday
Chapter 2- Agony and Anticipation
Chapter 3- Slow Silence
Chapter 4- Decent Days
Chapter 5- Comforting Connor
Chapter 6- The Kindest Carer
Chapter 7- Assembly in Absence
Chapter 8-Flirts and Friends
Chapter 9- As Cold as Christine
Chapter 10- Crushes, Curses and Chaos
Chapter 11-Birthday (B)Romance
Chapter 12- Relatives and Revelations
Chapter 13- Need to be Nervous
Chapter 14- Delectable Dating
Chapter 15- December Dance
Chapter 16- Christine and Kisses
Chapter 17- Trivial Travail
Chapter 18 - Movie Moment
Chapter 19- Questionable Quarrelling
Chapter 20- Passionate Progression
Chapter 21- Prom Dates and Performers
Chapter 22- Rigid Respiration
Chapter 23- Exam Results and Elated Romance
Chapter 24- Moving On, Meeting Obstacles
Chapter 25- The Destined Diagnosis
Chapter 27- Managing Maturity
Chapter 28- Passive Partnership
Chapter 29- Exhausting Effort
Chapter 30- Grief at a Gathering (Part I)
Chapter 31- Grief at a Gathering (Part II)

Chapter 26- Disasterous Development

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By Koran-DC-Morrison

It seemed like a natural response to both young men at the time for Jonah to pay much more regular visits to the Price family, stopping by their house every day, without fail, even if for just a few minutes to have a quick conversation with his boyfriend at the door before they both parted ways once again. After two months, Jonah stopped by, as was expected by now, however, found himself approaching the door from one direction, while a familiar face appeared from the other. The blonde met the darker eyes of the taller teen, his expression blank.

"Hey, Jonah," Matt called to him, not a hint of excitement or welcoming in his tone, in fact, he seemed very unhappy to see him there, "how have you been?" Again, although the question he posed sounded harmless and sweet, his delivery of the words contrasted greatly to the line itself.
Jonah didn't show Matt any form of familiar kindness either, having almost forgotten about the student since his accusations regarding Connor possibly having a relationship with him had been cast away and proven wrong. The only thing that the dark-haired male had been thinking about recently was his lover's condition, however the news had pushed him to study harder, his desire to work as a doctor or surgeon increasing drastically recently.
"Fine," he spoke, "why are you here?"

"I'm here to see Connor," the blonde raised an eyebrow, believing his response was quite obvious, a tone of questioning lingering in his words, "which I think is fair, considering I've not actually seen him outside of school for a few months." Now, there was slight aggression in his tone, Matt's expression finally shifting to one that Jonah could recognise as angered, even if it was very faint.
"Either you were going to be here instead or he claimed it 'wasn't a good idea for us to hang out so regularly'."

"Sorry, Matt, but he's my boyfriend. You know, I'm gonna want to know that everything's fine, considering what he's going through." Despite the increasingly obvious angered tone that lingered behind Matt's words, the darker-haired male only shrugged, thinking back to the day his lover had told him of his condition. Jonah's expression fell as he recalled the words, hearing Connor's voice screaming that haunting line again. His change in expression and aura didn't get past the blonde that stood opposite him and, although he was still relatively mad that he couldn't see his close friend for some time, the young man felt himself growing more sad than angry at the sight of the expression that made its way onto Jonah's face.
With a sigh, Matt took it upon himself to disturb the upsetting thought process he suspected the other male of going through, raising his voice to speak in a much more neutral tone than before. "We're both here for him, right?" his voice got through to the saddened, young man, getting Jonah's attention as he returned his gaze to the blonde, "so why are we standing outside? We're both going to go in and spend some time with Connor, that's all."

With an agreement made for the two of them to not act hostile towards the other, considering how neither of them wanted to put added pressure on Connor, they both pressed on, finally approaching the front door to the house in a comfortable silence.
It was Nina who answered the door when Jonah knocked, greeting him with a friendly smile, exclaiming happily that she 'was wondering when he was dropping by today'. Matt received a sincere welcome too, the small woman stepping aside to allow both the teenage boys into her home, closing the front door behind them.

"Now," she reclaimed both of their attention as she began a serious-sounding declaration, "I know Matt hasn't been here in a while and I know that Jonah likes to stay for a while when he visits recently, but we have to be cautious of time today. We're taking Connor to see a doctor later."
The blonde chose not to speak, due to both how unfamiliar he was with the woman and his immediate acceptance of this information. At least he could see his friend for a little while, he thought. Somehow, Jonah didn't feel comfortable leaving his thoughts unspoken.
"What's it for exactly?"

Looking back up at the taller male, the brunette mother's joyful expression lessening in radiance, the optimism he was so used to seeing in her eyes dampening a little as her smile dropped for a moment. "We've gotten him one more scan," she explained, "there's been a few, and I know it's starting to look like we enjoy it to those poor nurses, but we just want to make sure. The one we're seeing today wants to have another so that we can discuss the most suitable treatments," it was at this point as she spoke to him that Nina's mood dropped once again, this time more obviously to the both of them, "we're really trying, Jonah. Both to get the money that we'll need to pay for his therapy and trying to soothe him. Connor hasn't seemed very upset recently, but he's distant. We're really trying, Jonah," she repeated, "we're trying."
Now it was undisguisable, the woman's voice beginning to shake, her shoulders trembling as she took her bottom lip in between her teeth. Matt found himself at a loss for words, the blonde rendered speechless as he heard what the mother had to say. It was Jonah that stepped towards her, his arms outstretched to take her into a comforting hug, his grip on her so light and soothing, as though the shorter woman was as delicate and fragile as her emotional state left her feeling. Clearly, Jonah could see the turmoil she found herself facing, and had been dealing with himself, not a doubt in his mind that Matt and Simon were also battling with to remain strong, treating the devastated mother as though her cracked and fracturable state had become physical and had left her easily shatterable.
Nina showed no reluctance as she hugged the young man back, letting out a shaky breath into the denim of his jacket, feeling his hands lightly rub her back, making any attempt that he could to possibly aid her through her anguish. Although, as he was trying to help her, Jonah's mind spun, landing on the worst case scenario that he could think possible; perhaps the scan that Connor was due for would show his condition worsening, and he began to dread his very mind for delivering these thoughts to him, concerning himself about how few things could help this family if that became the case. Simply judging by how Nina's breathing steadied after a few seconds, the comfort Jonah was offering her, Connor and Simon, whenever he got the chance to offer a helping hand, was currently aiding them in contenting themselves, but now he worried that this wouldn't be enough.

"Thank you, Jonah," Nina showed a polite smile as she stepped back away from the hug that her son's lover was offering her, "honestly, he's been very happy to see you recently. I think we all have. It's very soothing to have someone else around."

Jonah smiled as he expressed his desire to help her, her words uplifting to him, a little source of joy to bring him back to his more optimistic nature. "The things I wouldn't do for you three is a very, very short list."

Immediately following a few more tender words as the pair attempted to lighten their own mood, both young men ascended the stairs, making their way slowly and soundlessly to Connor's bedroom.
Following a gentle knock on the door, the curly-haired male sat in his bed heard the voice of the young man he was expecting to see that day, Jonah's voice calling his name quietly, alerting him to his presence in his home.
"Come in," he called back, jumping up from where he was sitting and making his way across his bedroom to embrace his lover as he entered the bedroom. As Jonah walked in, Connor took him sweetly into his arms, his hands resting on his back and earning himself a feeling of being protected by the strong arms that wrapped around him in return. Although, he hadn't expected to see Matt following close behind.
The blonde noticed the slightly confused look that flashed across his schoolmates face before it melted into a smile upon seeing him.
Connor reached towards Matt with one arm, keeping the other over Jonah's shoulder while the darker-haired male still held his waist, lightly nudging his friend, "thanks for coming. Both of you. I feel like I could do with some company." Immediately after he finished speaking, Connor let his boyfriend go, dashing back to his bed, where his laptop had been placed before he moved to greet them at his bedroom door. However, despite the bright smile that his visitors were met with upon seeing him, the words that he spoke upon looking back at the screen were enough to bring another wave of depression and guilt to both of the boys.
"Sorry, I was just researching chemoradiation," he explained, his guests sitting either side of him on the bed, "because apparently the most effective and most used are chemo and radiation, so I was curious about the combination of the two. Have you studied this kind of thing in college yet, Jonah?"
Jonah stared at him, his eyes dull, a melancholy cloud settling on his brain, dampening the cheer he got from seeing his lover's joyous expression.

"A little," the college student confirmed, his voice softening as he nodded, concern evident as he delicately placed his hand on Connor's shoulder, "we started looking at things like that recently, which I think is why my focus in school is both increasing and depressing me immensely."
Matt remained silent throughout this conversation, watching the two and listening to their words, every single one that they exchanged having an impact on his mood that he wasn't sure how to perceive. As a conversation, he found it really depressing, but as he watched the tender interactions between the two, something about it cheered him up at the same time.
Connor sent Jonah a depressed look, his eyes darkened as he heard what he'd said and sighed in response to these words. Whenever he heard his lover speak in such a way, whether the mention of his sadness was foreseeable and inescapable, the long-haired boy would always do certain things, including looking at him with that darkened look and that same deep breath. He'd lean on his shoulder, hold his hand, change the subject or kiss him lovingly. That day, he chose to lean, resting his head on his shoulder, his hair falling over his face in the process, Jonah recognising his attempts to lift his dampened mood and giving an affectionate but simple gesture, tucking his curls away and caressing the smooth skin on his cheek.
"How has school been for both of you?" the darker haired male asked the other two young males, both of which set their gazes on him.
Matt saw the look on Connor's face, staring up at the young man, his pale skin flushing pink at Jonah's gentle touch, wanting to enjoy his comforting actions. It was for this reason that Matt decided that he would speak first. After all, he felt that this was a good way of proving suspicions wrong once and for all; his suspicion of why Jonah disliked him. "School is school," he stated, shrugging, the others' eyes darting to him, "it hasn't changed. We still have 'tough guys' and 'over-popular girls', that'll never change, which sucks. But hey, at least we're educating them in our assemblies."

"That's right," Connor smiled, refusing to leave the college students shoulder, "and people are actually coming to the support group that we set up. It's after school hours, so Jonah, you can stop by if I come and meet you at the doors. They'll let us back up. You can meet everyone."
The blonde also showed an uplifted expression, showing his enthusiasm towards this idea. "Yeah, everyone already knows your name. Connor never shuts up about you-" his eyes flicked down to Connor, whose blush seems to darken "-which reminds me, Connor, I spoke to the year eleven girl who joined a few weeks ago and, lucky me, I'm going on a date with her tomorrow."
Jonah felt a sudden wave of relief hitting him. Although his thoughts on their relationship had been wrong, the med student experienced such joy at the thought that Matt liked someone else, his assumptions finally now fully diminishing. Although, he also found himself feeling quite stupid.
That afternoon seemed to move slowly, the trio having mundane and occasionally funny conversations about anything and everything that crossed their minds. Matt decided to leave after a few hours, encouraging the couple to spend some more time together after he was gone, which neither of them seemed to complain about. After saying goodbye to the blonde at the door, Connor and Jonah entered the living room, sitting themselves down on the couch, the taller pulling his lover closer into a loving embrace. That's how they stayed for a little while longer, making further conversation, commenting on the random shows they switched between on tv, until Nina entered the room and informed them that Connor had to get ready to leave for his appointment at the hospital. Jonah made his exit after many more tender kisses and hugs, his slightly delayed departure sending the family into a panicked rush, which their teenage son considered an exagheration, however, they made it to the hospital on time.

Jonah was in bed when his phone rang later than night. In the early hours of the following morning, after the boy had made several attempts to fall asleep, which had only rendered him tired and irritated at his inability to rest, he found himself relieved to hear his phone vibrating against his desk. At least whoever was calling would give him something to do for a little while, no matter how short the conversation. He flicked on the light that was fixed to the wall above his headboard, outstretching his arm to see who it was calling him so late at night. When he saw the name on the screen, he answered immediately, bringing the speaker to his ear, only hearing a faint sniffling from the other end of the line.
"Babe?" Jonah spoke, softly, hearing the hushed sobs of his boyfriend on the phone, "are you okay? Are you crying?"
The sobs and whimpers got louder following his question, now making it obvious that Connor was crying, trying to speak through his hurried breaths and only getting false starts and stammered vowels.
After a few minutes, he seemed to calm down, his rough and strained voice answering the concerned Jonah's questions. "Yes and no. Not in that order. I'm not okay, Jonah," he spoke, helplessness in his voice, "I know it's the middle of the night, but could you come over? I need you right now."

The dark-haired male sat up immediately, his covers kicked off himself, falling into a heap on the floor beside his bed. "Uh," he considered, thinking about his parents first. They were both asleep at that point, and so they wouldn't be likely to hear Jonah if he was to leave the house quietly and, as it was the weekend, neither he nor Connor had school the next day. "Okay, I'll come over. What's wrong?" He stood beside his bed, his gaze falling onto the blank papers on his desk. He didn't get an answer from his boyfriend, who only stated that he'd explain once Jonah got to see him, and so, he began scribbling a short note on a few sheets of paper to leave for Hazel and Dominik when they woke up later that early morning, his messy handwriting spelling the words 'emergency at Connor's. Text me in the morning', on three of the sheets, considering his parents could possibly miss seeing one of them. Before he left his house, he stuck one to the outside of his door, one to the wall opposite his parent's bedroom door, and finally, one on the kitchen table. Carrying with him his phone, house keys and a heavy pressure caused by his immense concern, the student slipped out of his house, his parents barely stirring, and made his way down the street.
As usual, it took a five-minute walk to get from his own home to Connors, his eyes searching the front of the house briefly, noticing the shutters on the opposite side of the glass door that led onto the balcony from the young man's bedroom, although pulled down, weren't closed and let a few stray beams of light through into the outside world; other than Connor's bedroom, the entire house was in complete darkness.
Jonah considered that this probably meant that the other male's parents were also asleep at the time, not wanting to knock and wake anybody else up so late at night or early in the morning. He produced his phone from his pocket, searching his contacts for the name of the young man he was visiting, accompanied by a small heart beside it, bringing the speaker to his ear and waiting to hear his voice.
Following Connor's quiet 'hello', Jonah explained, "I'm outside. I don't want to wake anybody up, so can you come and get me?"

In barely any time, Connor appeared at the door, neither expecting their usual, welcoming smiles as Jonah stepped inside. Waiting for the door to be closed behind him, the college student outstretched his arms, taking the shorter male into a loving and secure embrace, his voice hushed to a soft whisper as he spoke into his hair.
"It's going to be fine," he spoke, his words and tone carrying gentleness that could, under any other circumstance, make Connor have believed him in an instant, "tell me what happened."

Connor took a few more hitching breaths, producing shaky sighs and sniffles, taking a step away from Jonah, his eyes now on the ground. Turning around, unable to meet his lover's eyes as he told him, he finally raised his voice, sounding hoarse after his sobbing previously, now allowing himself to speak.
"I assume you know what the word 'metastatic' means," he said, fearing the reaction he received from the young man he loved.

"It's a medical term," Jonah said with confidence, "Metastasis is spreading from the origin to other places, It happens a lot with diseases like-" there was a pause as the word 'cancer' came to mind, his heart suddenly stopping briefly- his chest stung- his eyes widened- he furrowed his brow- his breathing hitched. "No," he simply said, his tone intense, "no way, you're not trying to tell me-" again, he paused, unable to finish what he was saying before Connor turned back to face him, tears stinging his eyes and a tugging pain in his chest.

"I'm sorry," he told him, his voice strained, breaking midway through, "we had another scan, mum insisted so that we knew everything; what to do, when to do it, and so on. When it came back, the doctor noticed that the area that lit up was bigger. I-it's slow, apparently, but it's moving. I'm so sorry."

"No, don't apologise," Jonah rubbed his temple with his thumb, his palm on his forehead as he allowed this information to process, "I just-" he stopped, taking Connor's shoulder and pulling him into his arms again, "I'm sorry that all of this is happening to you."

Eventually, the couple retreated to the shorter's bedroom, sneaking up the stairs and huddling together under his covers. No words were exchanged between them, however, the pair in grief and uncertainty about what to do next, brought together by their fear and cluelessness, their affection and dedication to one another pulling their bodies closer, the soothing kisses that they exchanged, although useless in terms of removing the problem, allowed them to forget about it for a short while before their somewhat calmed selves found rest, both falling asleep in the other's company.

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