Found horse

By StephanieShear

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Going under major editing- Certain things may change. Josephine Williams has had a great life good parents, f... More

falling apart
saying good bye.
Found horse!!
Blue Hill High School!!
Abused and Drake
Meeting Trevor!!
Finding and Fixing Paddock
Beaten By The Bullies!!
Hostpial and meeting Peyton!!
Depressed Angel!!
Chole's party and singing!!
Riding Angel poop war!!!
The Phone Call And Water War!!!!
The Kiss and Saved Twice!!!
He Hit Me!!
The Date!!!!
We never did get the milk or cat food...
Horse Show!!!
Josh and Lucas!!
Dad's Finds out!!!
I've Failed Her!!
We Found Her!
Saving Angel and Midnight!!
I don't care about me as long as Angel is safe!!
Please be okay Josie!
Just a Dream?!?
Move On!
Not a Update! Sorry! New Book!
Preview for Found horse Sequel..
Sequel is up!

Forgiving Lucas and Angel gets hurt!!

296 5 3
By StephanieShear

                                                                 chapter 20...

It's been two weeks since Mine and Trevor's date, were good great in fact amazing, I really love him a lot, I Haven't talked to Lucas since he came to my house that one day, I've talked to Nikki and she's tried convincing me to forgive him, and I want to forgive him but can't I mean what if he hit's me again I'm already getting  abused by my dad and I guess I wanted him to protect me but he hit hit me and I just can't forgive him, And Angel I have been riding her everyday except Sunday as rest day for her, I've been riding her and working on flat work, she collect's good and responds to my aids really good I think she was ridden before she got abandoned..., Today we are going to teach her how to jump well property that is...

Right now I'm on my way to the barn...

When I got there I went to the paddock, were Angel was laying down, I smiled at the sight but then I noticed a Black and white kitten laying on her back sleeping. aw its so cute, I thought to myself I took my phone out and snapped a picture of the two, I went inside the paddock Angel looked up and nickered, but didn't get up because of the kitten on her back, I sat down beside Angel she nuzzled me..

"Hey girl Looks like you had some company last night" I said she nickered,I looked over at the kitten sleeping peacefully on her back it couldn't be more than 8 weeks old, I picked him up his eyes open, he yawned and stretched out, I giggled and put him on my lap and started petting him, he purred..

"Hey little guy, were did you come from?" I asked the little kitty, he meowed and climbed up onto my chest and he pawed my cheek, I giggled, his little paws looked like he had mittens on, he's so so cute..

" Hey, little guy do you have a family?" I asked the kitten, he licked my hand and purred, "Well, do you want to stay here with me and Angel?" I asked the kitty, he lifted his head and meowed "Okay then its settled you will stay here with us, hmm now you just need a name" I said, he licked my chin, "how about bob?" I asked the kitty, he shook his head. "Okay not that one.. what about rummy?" I asked, he shook his head and covered his ears with his paws. "Okay, none of those... hmm Mittens?" I asked the kitten, he got up meowed and licked my chin I laughed, " Okay Mittens it is" I said, I looked over to Angel to see she had stood up and was watching us with curious eyes, I got up put the halter on her and lead her out of the paddock and I was still holding Mittens in my hand...

I Lead Angel to the ring and let her loose in the ring, Trevor still hasn't got here Man were is he I thought to myself.. I went ahead and fed Angel, Trevor still wasn't here when Angel finished her food I was starting to get worried that something happened to him he's never been late before, I sigh and  picked mittens up and walked over to Angel she stretched her nose out to mittens,, Mittens put his paw on her nose Angel squealed which scarred mittens a little bit, I heard a truck pull up, I turned around to see Trevor get out of his truck he was wearing a blue shirt, Black jeans, converse I looked up to his face and gasped he had a black eye. he walked over to me.

"Hey sorry I was late me and my dad had a fight and.. wait what's with the cat" He said confused looking at mittens in my hands, I looked at him worried. "I'll tell you about the kitten later, After you tell me what happened" I said he sighed. "Well, I was on my way out to come here when my dad stopped me he said he knew about me hanging out with horses and he told me I couldn't come here anymore or hang with horses, and we got into this big fight about it" He said with a sad frown.

"Oh Trevor, I'm so sorry did...did he hit you?" I asked dreading the answer, he nodded sadly, "Yeah, he got really mad and the next thing I knew he had punched me, Josie my dad  has done some things but he's never layed hand on any of his family" Trevor said, That's how my dad was I thought to myself, "Oh baby I'm so sorry" I said and hugged him, he nuzzled his face in my neck, suddenly I felt something wet on my chest, Then I realized it was Trevor crying, I pulled away and wiped his tears with my thumbs.

"Hey hey, don't cry" I whispered he nodded with a sniffle, I brought him over to a nearby tree and sat him down I sat beside him, "What's wrong?" I asked concerned. "Josie, I'm not strong I'm a wimp I'm weak, You deserve a strong man that doesn't cry not a wimp like me" he said, I looked at him shocked at what he just said, Then I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Trevor Miller, Don't you dare say that, You are not a wimp you are one of the most strongest guys I know, So what you show your emotion, but that doesn't make you a wimp it only makes you stronger" I said he gave me a weak smile. "Thanks Josie" He whispered I smiled. "No problem that's what girlfriends are for, Now whats going on that made you so upset?" I asked he sighed and ran his hand over his face in stress and frustration.

"You see its my dad, he has a problem he's a heavy duty drinker and he won't stop, he gets angry beyond angry over the pettiest things He'll yell and throw things, Usually he just yells at me, Mom Becky and Ashley, but lately he's been yelling at Chole a lot, Chole's scared out of her mind of him when he's home she locks herself in her room and won't come out till dad leaves or goes to sleep, but he's never ever layed a hand on one of his family today was the first time, I just hope its a one time thing you know" He said tears rolling down his face.

"Oh baby" I said hugging him, tears of my own rolling down my cheeks, He nuzzled his face in my hair I hugged him tight, we pulled apart.

"Josie baby, why are you crying?" He asked concerned I sniffled, "Because I don't like to see you upset or hurt" I Said. "Aw Baby" He said and pecked my lips I smiled up at him. "Now tell me about that cat" He said smirking, I rolled my eyes. "Kitten, and I found him sleeping on Angels back this morning and brought him up here, his name is mittens" I said he nodded smiling. "Mittens, so are you keeping it?" He asked, I Nodded. "He's not a it he's a mittens and yes I'm keeping him" I said he nodded . "So, do you want to help me set up the jumps?" I asked, He nodded and so we went and set the jumps up, we set them up were she had to trot over a set of poles, then jump a 18 inch cross rail on one side of the outside line, the other side she had to to go over a pole jump a 18 inch cross rail go over another pole then jump a 18 inch vertical.

"Thanks Trevor!, Do you want to help me tack her up?" I asked, he nodded I figured he needed some detraction's from his fight with his dad, "Sure" He said I smiled in response to him, I got Angel and tied her up and we started grooming her , I quietly sung a song Angel flicked her ears when she heard my voice.

I saddled her and bridled her, then I led her to the middle of the arena, she nuzzled me, I put my helmet on and got on her, she nudged my foot I smiled and squeezed her forward, I warmed her up by walking, trotting, cantering and did some circles, after that I slowed her to the walk.

I leaned forward and pet her neck. "You ready girl?" I whispered, she snorted and bobbed her head up and down. "Okay girl lets do it" I said, I collected my reins and squeeze her into a trot, I aimed her for the trot poles, she tripped over them at first but then picked her feet up, she perked up when she saw the cross rail jump ahead her ears forward she sped up a little eager to jump, 3,2,1. and she lifted her front feet, I got out out of the saddle a little and gave her her head over the jump, we soured over it, we landed perfectly on the other side, I aimed her towards the other set, she went over the pole perfectly, jumped the cross rail with perfection, she went over the other pole nicely, and soured over the vertical with so much perfection, we went back to the other set, we went over the poles nicely, jumped the cross rail,, then we headed for the other set, went over the pole jumped the cross rail, went over the other pole and soured over the vertical... I slowed her to a walk.

"Good girl" I praised petting her neck. I leaned forward and gave her a hug, I sat back up and let her walk a bit, then I did the same thing the the opposite way, then I walked her out got off, and untacked her and led her to the hose to stray her down.

"You did great" Trevor said as I was spraying Angel down. "Thanks, but it was all her, she so wanted to jump higher" I said with a wide smile. "You both did amazing" He said I blushed at his compliment, "Thanks, she did awesome I love her so much" I said smiling widely. "Yeah, you two have a amazing bond, your like one with each other, a team, partners and best friends, its like you think something in your head and Angel already know's with out you telling her and she does it so willingly no matter what it is" He said smiling, I blushed I looked over to Angel and smiled we do have a amazing bond don't we, I thought.

"Thanks" I smiled, just then a blue mustang pulled up, I furrow my eyebrows who's here?, I thought to myself, but then the one and only Nikki steps out, What the heck how in the world did she find me here? I thought eyes wide, she looked around till she spotted me, Angel and Trevor, she smirks and walks over.

"Nikki, what are you doing here?" I asked, she smirked, "You my girl are coming with me" She said I frowned, "Nikki, I'm sorry but I'm busy today maybe another time" I said she groaned throwing her head back hen turning back to me. "Come on , Josie please" She said. "I'm sorry Nikki but I've got things to take care of here" I said she groaned again. "Josie you should go, I'll take care of things here" Trevor said I looked at him. "But Trevor I can't" I said. "Go Josie, hang out with your friends" He said.

"Thank you" Nikki exclaimed he chuckled. ""Trevor right?" She asked he nodded. "Yeah, Nikki right?" He asked she nodded. "Yup- wait is that a black eye?" she asked, he looked over at me panicked. "Uh.. yeah" He said nervously. "What happened?" she asked, he looked at me panicked again.  "He stepped on the wrong end of a pitchfork and it came up and hit him right in the eye" I lied for him, she busted out laughing, Trevor looked at me and gave me a smile saying thank you, I wave my hand at him saying it was no problem, once Nikki stopped laughing, she looked at me.

"So.. Josie will you be going with me?" She asked. "No I don't think so" I said she turned to Trevor. "Help me out here" She said he sighed but turned to me.

"come on Josie go hang with some of your friends" he said I sighed. "But-" he cut me off. "Go have fun with your friends, Please will you do it for me?"He asked with a pouty lip, I groaned I just can't resist his pouty lip he looked so cute doing that. "Fine, I'll go" I said he smiled. "You go and I'll finish taking care of Angel and feed that cat you found" He said I narrowed my eyes playfully at him. "Its a Kitten not a Cat" I said he rolled his eyes, I went over to Angel Gave her a carrot she munched it right up, then nuzzled me for more, I gave her a hug and kiss, Mittens came up to me, and purred against my legs, I picked him up and scratched him behind the ears he purred, I gave him a kiss on the head then put him down, I went over to Trevor and Hugged him.

"Go have fun" He said I pulled away and looked up at him, He leaned in and crashed his lips to mine, Fireworks exploded, we move our lips in sync with each other, Nikki cleared her throat, we pulled apart and he pecked my lips once more before pulling away, I waved at him as Nikki and I got in the car, we drove off.

"So.. you and Trevor look like you are really close" she said as we were driving down the road. "Yeah we are" I said smiling she nodded keeping her eyes on the road. "Wait, how did you know were I was at?" I asked with a eyebrow raised. "Your friends with Peyton Roberts" She asked I nodded . "Yeah" I said I was confused what did Peyton have to do with it. "Well, I know Peyton and she told me were to find you" She said my eyes widen in surprise. "You know Peyton?" I exclaim, she nodded. "Yeah we are cousins" She said I looked at her shocked, cousins. "Really?' I asked astonished,she nodded. "Yup" She said popping the 'p', we pulled up to the house I don't know who's to call it, so its the everbody's house he he lol, I thought I silently laughed, we got out and went in everyone said Hi to me I said hi back, we sat on the couch.

"So.. Josie how are you and Trevor going?" she asked I smiled as I thought of Trevor my Boyfriend man I can't get over that that he's my boyfriend:), "We are amazing" I said with a wide smile, she nodded,

"Oh.. I want to show you something" She said and grabbed my wrist pulled me up and dragged me upstairs and to a room that I've never seen before, she opened the door, I wonder what she wants to show me I thought as I stepped in the room, I froze as I saw Lucas laying there on the bed, I turned around to run back out but Nikki slammed the door shut and I heard a lock click from the other side of the door.

"Nikki this isn't funny, let me out" I said. "No, You two need to make up" She said I groaned and banged on the door. "Nikki, Please Let me out" I pleaded I really didn't want to be in here with Lucas, "No, I'm tired of you totally Ignoring Lucas and hating him and I'm tired of Lucas moping around all depressed, I'm sick and tired of it, so ya'll are not coming out until you make up I don't care if it takes days, weeks or even months ya'll are staying in there until you make up" She said I could hear the frustration and stress in her voice , I heard her walking away, I sighed and leaned my head against the door, I turned around to see Lucas sitting up staring at me, I tense.

I wasn't mad, or angry and I didn't hate Lucas anymore like I did at first, I got over that but it turned into sadness, and fear, sad because I really do want to forgive him but I just cant get myself to do so, and fear of that if I do forgive him that I'll get close to him and he'll hurt me again that he wont be able to protect me from my dad, that he will hit me again, I looked back up at him to see, his hair was a messy and tangled mess and it looked really greasy, his eyes bloodshot and puffy from crying, purple bags under his eyes, it looked like he hadn't slept in days, his face was pale, and he was wearing sweats.,

"J..Josie" His voice crackled, I closed my eyes and opened them again.

"Hey" I said quietly. "What are you doing in here?" He asked, "Well, I kinda got pushed in here" I said in a rush and gave a nervous chuckle. "Me too" He said sadly. I bit my lip and shifted from foot to foot in nervousness. "Well, Come sit down" He said gesturing to the bed, I nervously sat on the bed as far away from him as possible.

" how long have you been in here" I asked nervously not looking at him but my hands that rested in my lap. " a hour" He said I nodded. "You look horrible" I blurted out I clamped my hand over my mouth. "Oh my Gosh I'm so stupid, I'm so sorry you don't look horrible , you look pretty no ugh not pretty ugh gosh stupid" I rambled on blushing in embarrassment , he chuckled in amusement. "Its fine Josie, I know I look like a mess" He said laughing I breath a sigh of relief.

"Josie..we need to tal about you know" he said I sighed and nodded. "Yeah I know" I sighed.

"Look Josie hear me out, I'm so so so so Sorry for hitting you I don't know why I did it The last thing I want to do is hurt you, something in me just snapped when you said what you said and I couldn't control myself, I love you like a little sister, and I'm so so so Sorry, Please please give me another chance" he said with tears in his eyes I sighed and looked up at him.

"And I'm really really sorry for saying what I did about Leah and you, I was way out of line, it just slipped..I..I Just things slip out of my mouth sometimes" I said quietly with tears in my eyes.

"So can you forgive me?" He asked with hopeful eyes. "I want to I really really do so much But I'm just scared that if I get close to you again that you'll.. that you will hit me or hurt me again I just couldn't stand if another person hurt me physically and especially you, when I was staying here I considered you like a brother to me and It would tear me apart if you hurt me again, I'm sorry Lucas I'm just trying to protect myself from emotional and physical hurt, I'm sorry" I said tears full out running down my cheeks, He sighed as a couple tears fell from his eyes, he lifted his hand to wipe his tears away, but I thought he was going to hit me and I flinched back and brought my hands to cover my face and I whimpered, he put his hand down and looked at me with pain, hurt, sadness and guilt.

"Josie I'm not going hit you ever again" He said as he pulled my hands away from my face I flinched but didn't pull away.

"Josie, I will never ever hit you or hurt you in anyway ever again" he said with genuine eyes, I sighed. "You promise?" I whispered he nodded. " I promise with all my heart, I will never hurt you again" He said more tears ran down my face, I took a deep breath. "Okay, I forgive you on one condition" I said he smiled. "Anything, name it and I will do" He said I smiled. "the condition is give me a big hug you bad boy" I exclaim he laughed and tackled me into a hug, I smiled I missed his hugs, I squeezed him tight as he did also, we finally pulled apart after like fifteen minutes.

"Was that the condition?' he asked my smile faltered. " Yes and No, I need you to make me a promise that I know will be hard for you to agree to but I need you to promise me this, for me and you , Nikki and the guys" I said he looked at me worried, " What is it?" he asked worried I looked up at him and sighed. "I need you to promise me that you won't tell anyone about me getting abused, that you won't go to the police, my dad will kill me if he found out he let me off easy when he found out you knew but if another person finds out he will go ballistic, he'll kill me without hesitation, and I can't die Lucas Angel and Trevor they need me, Please Lucas promise me that you wont tell" I said pleading him with my eyes, he looked at me with shock, sadness, surprise and a ' I cant do that' look.

" Josie, I'm sorry but I cant do that, I can't turn my cheek like that when you are getting abused by your dad, I just can't I have to get you out of that house with him, I have to report him to the police I'm sorry" He said I looked at him with pleading eyes. " please Lucas I'm begging you, please my dad you don't know what he is capable of when he is drunk you've seen him beat me, he wont hesitate to kill me please Lucas Please, I can't lose you your like a brother to me and if he found out you told someone he'd kill you please Lucas do this for me please" I begged tears rolling down my cheeks, he looked at me with a torn and broken expression. "Josie.. I just I cant" He said sadly, I looked at him with pleading eyes. "Please Lucas, for me" I pleaded with my puppy dog face, he sighed and put his head in his hands and pulled at his hair, then looked up at me and saw me sobbing historically.

"Fine, okay I'll keep it to myself I wont tell anyone, for the time being I won't keep it to myself for long for a little while but if he starts hurting you really badly were its really risking your life I wont hesitate to report him to the police" He said serious, I hugged him tightly he hugged me back sighing. "Thank you so so much Lucas" I said, he sighed again. "Your welcome, even though I really don't want to do this, I'll do it for you cause I love you very much like a little sister" he said I pulled away and wiped my tears to see he had a hard expression on, I sighed I didn't want to put him on the spot like that but I couldn't risk him telling , dad would kill me and I cant let that happen...

"Now, you need a shower you stink" I joked holding my nose, he looked at me his hard and grim expression leaving his face, and he laughed. "Yeah, well you smell like horses" he joked, I gave him a blank stare. "Horses smell awesome, you just stink" I said seriously he laughed. "Note taken I will shower" He said I laughed.

"So... you have a boyfriend?" He asked, with protectiveness in his voice, I smiled at thought of Trevor. "Yeah, I do he's awesome" I said smiling widely, "Does he treat you right?" He asked, I rolled my eyes.

      "Yes, he treats me like I'm a princess" I said with a smile,         "Good, cause if he didn't I'd have to kill him" He said protectively, I rolled my brown eyes at him.                   "I'm sure you would" I said laughing.                           "I would" He said I laughed.

    "So Has your dad beat you again?" He asked my smile dropped and sadness filled in my eyes.          "Yeah, uh... a couple times" I whisper quietly, he frowned and anger and sadness flashed across his face.                               "Josie, you can't stay with him anymore, you've got to come stay with us please" He said, I sighed I had a feeling he was going to say that...

   "Lucas, I said I forgive you that doesn't mean I'm gonna come live with you, and Lucas you just made me that promise that you wouldn't tell that your keep it to your self please Lucas just drop it" I said gritting my teeth together,           "Please Josie, your getting hurt please"  He begged I looked away from his pleading eyes..              "I know but I just can't Lucas please drop it" I begged,                   "Please Josie, he is going to wind up killing you your in extreme danger please" He pleaded, I turn to him a irritated face on,             "NO, he's not Lucas just no okay, can't you just respect my wishes" I exclaim irritated,  he sighed but nodded reluctantly.                    "Okay, I guess so, but like I said I wont keep this to myself for long" He said I was about to say something when the door burst open and there stands Nikki.                

     "Have ya'll made up yet?" She asked hand on her hip, instead of answering I jump on Lucas's back, he chuckled.                  "Onward my trusty horsey" I squeal, he laughed and ran down the stairs with me on his back, he put me down when we got to the kitchen, he went to the freezer and got the ice cream out, I smirked and got the whip cream and chocolate,  and I squirted and sprayed them all in the tub of ice cream, Lucas got the spoons and we dug in stuffing our mouths with deliciousness....

   Mhhhm... so so good'  I thought to myself,  Nikki came down stairs and groaned when she saw us..

     "You couldn't of gotten the bowls" She stated,               "W..whats the fun in that" I said with mouthful of ice cream, she laughed and walked out.

   After we finished our ice cream, we went and sat in the living room on the couch, just then my phone rang.. it was Trevor..

     Me:  Hello?..

     Trevor: Josie!!!...   he sounded out of breath and ..panicked.

      Me: Trevor what's wrong?....  I asked into the phone alarmed.

      Trevor:  Its Angel she... spook.. jump...

     Me: Spit it out Trevor....

   Trevor:    Angel she spooked at a backfire of a bus, and she spooked and took off running in her paddock then she jumped the fence and took off running at full speed, I don't know where she is and I need your help... he said this all in a rush but I heard every word.

Me:  WHAT!, I'll be there in 2 minutes: I said I shut my phone bolted straight up and rushed to the door, I was about to run out the door but Lucas stopped me.


  "What's wrong?" He asked concerned, I gritted my teeth together, I looked up at him with frustration,worry and panic.                "Its Angel, she jumped the fence and took off running and I've got to help Trevor find her" I said in a rush my eyes darted every were in panic,            "We can help you find her" He said with worry in his eyes, I looked up at him surprised but I didn't have the time to be surprised I had to go find Angel.

   "Thanks, but we have got to leave Now" I said sternly,  he nodded and we all went out, me, Lucas, Wes and Evan went in Lucas's car, and Nikki, Mason, Drew,Katie and Jackie all went in Nikki's car,    we all took off, I was biting my nails in worry, and concern, I hope Angel is okay,  what if somethings happened to her, what if we cant find her, Oh please be okay Angel Please, we pulled up to the barn I jumped out before it even stopped, Trevor ran to me.

     "Josie, I'm so sorry" He said in distress...      "Trevor we just half to find her okay" I said, Nikki Pulled up in her car, they all jumped out,   Lucas and the Guys all came over to us, Trevor eyed Lucas I could tell he wanted to ask why he was here , cause the last time he knew of I hated Lucas's guts, but in this crisis he kept it to himself.              "We've got some help" I told Trevor he nodded.

    "What can we do?" Wes asked,  I looked at them all with a serious expression.             "Okay, Nikki and Lucas I want you to look in the meadows,  Katie and Evan I want you to look the forest's,   Jackie and Wes I want you to look in the fields,  Drew and Mason I want Ya'll to look up by the roads and highways and me and Trevor will look in the woods" I said sternly They all nodded             "And if you find her call me" I said they nodded and went different ways to look for my Angel girl, me and Trevor took off in the woods.

   "Angel" I called as we were walking in the woods.         "Angel" Trevor called.            "Angel girl, come on its okay" I yelled, we kept calling her while walking in the woods eyes searching for any sign of her.

   "Josie I'm so sorry for this" Trevor said guiltily,  I looked at him.           "Trevor its okay, you couldn't of known that the bus was gonna backfire and that she was gonna spook and jump the fence" I said, he still looked at me guilty,             "But only if I hadn't put her in the paddock, its all my fault" He said, I looked at him shocked.               "No its not Trevor, if its anyone's fault its mine I shouldn't of gone with Nikki" I said  he shook his head,

    "No its not, it's mine" he said I sighed and looked up at him,             "Okay, lets make a deal I'll stop blaming myself if you stop blaming yourself for this" I said he bit his lip then nodded,               "Okay deal" He said I smiled and turned back to looking for Angel.

   "Angel" I called with a whistle.               "Angel, come out" Trevor called, we heard some bushes Rustling I turned my head maybe its Angel, I thought but was disappointed and saddened when a fox jumped out .              "Angel" I called, we came to a fork in the woods were you could take the path to the left or the right, she could be either way if she's even in these woods.

     "We half to split up" I said he nodded, but there was uncertainty in his eyes.               "You sure that's a good idea?' He asked biting on his upper lip,                     "We half to" I said he sighed but nodded knowing we had no other choice,      "Okay, you go right and I'll go left" I said he nodded.               "Be careful and call me if you need anything" He with concern in his blue eyes I nodded.             " I Will" I  said with a nod of my head, he nodded and pecked my lips, then he went down the right path, and I headed on the left path, man I hope we find her , we half to find her, what if she's hurt, I started biting my nails in nervousness.

    "Angel" I called, I didn't here anything, I sigh what if we don't find her.           "Angel" I called, then I heard a low nicker, my eyes widen and started jogging while looking for her.           "Angel" I called, nothing I sighed in disappointment, maybe I was hearing things, I heard rustling I looked up but it was just a squirrel,     I sigh in sadness.

    " Angel" I called once again, I heard a nicker and not just any nicker Angel's Nicker, I took off running in the direction of her Nicker, I heard another nicker I ran harder following her nickers,   then I spotted her Angel, I stopped running and slowed to a walk, she was standing sideways,         "Angel" I said she turned her head towards me and nickered, I ran to her and hugged her neck tight She nuzzled me, I pulled away and gave her a kiss, I looked down and saw that on her leg a  vine with a lot of thorns was wrapped around her leg, I bent down to inspect it, I tried to ripped it off but the thorns kept scratching and cutting me, I stood back up and patted her neck.

     "We will get it off of you girl I promise" I said she nickered and nuzzled me, I pulled my phone out and called Trevor.

   Trevor: Hello?... he answered.

    Me: I found Angel..   I said into the phone.

Trevor: Really that's great..

 Me: Yeah but she has a vine with thorns wrapped around her leg and I cant get it off..

 Trevor: Really, I'll be there as soon as I can don't move...  then the line went dead, I sighed and leaned on Angels body a little.

    "We'll get that vine off of your leg girl, I promise" I said she nickered as if saying 'I know you will'   I smiled thank goodness we found her I just hope the vine is not to deep in...  I texted everyone telling them I've found her,  about 5 minutes later Trevor came running over to us.

    "I'm here.. hey Angel how you doing girl" He said patting her neck.             "The vine is on her leg" I said he nodded and handed me the halter and lead rope that he had been holding, he bent down to inspect it like i had just done, he pulled his pocket knife out and took ahold on the vine.. thorn thing,  as soon as he did Angel jumped, pinning her ears back, eyes wide with pain and she moved away from him, he let go of it, I moved over to her head and rubbed circles on her forehead.

     "Its okay girl, he's just going to get the thorn.. vine thing off your leg okay" I whispered, she put her head in my chest breathing in my scent,  Trevor looked at me I nodded, he took ahold of the vine in her leg again and started to cut it off with his pocket knife, Angel kept her head in my chest the whole time its as if by doing that she was blocking the pain out, Trevor finished cutting it and took it totally off of her leg, it wasn't that deep but it was bleeding  and it was a open wound, Trevor got up ripped one of his long sleeves off of his shirt.

  "Here put this on her leg to help stop the bleeding, till we get back" He said I nodded and took it from him, I bent down and and wrapped it around her leg and tied it to keep it in place, I stood back up took her rope from Trevor and we started walking back, she was favoring her leg a little bit but I think it will heal quickly.

    "I'm sorry for this Josie" He said, I looked at him.           "Trevor it wasn't your fault, so stop beating yourself up about it" I said seriously, he sighed but nodded,  we made it back to the barn everyone was there waiting for us, Lucas and Nikki came running up to us, Angel tossed her head at the sudden movement, Trevor still eyed Lucas with suspicion and glared at him.

    "Hey you found her, she's a pretty horse" Lucas said.                 "She's beautiful, wait she's hurt" Nikki said.                "Yeah she got caught in a vine that had a lot of thorns, and thanks, oh and also thanks for helping us look for her" I said they smiled, I walked over to the hose with Angel.

"Your welcome any time. Well we've got to go so see ya later" Lucas said, I nodded and waved as they all drove off in the cars, I took Trevor's sleeve off of Angels leg and hosed it down, I cleaned it, then wrapped it with bandages, then I gave her carrots and put her in the ring with some hay and fed her her grain, she'll stay up here in the ring till her leg is healed.

  "Well, I have to go" Trevor said I smiled.           "Hmm.. Okay, I love you" I said heat rushed to my cheeks, he smiled and walked over to me.              "I love you too more than anything" He said pecked my lips then got in his truck and took off, and I headed home myself.....


Get this chapter to 23 reads, 3 votes and 2 comments for the next update and comment what  should be Josie's and Trevors ship name, Trosie or Jevie....

  Authors Note!!

   Hello my lovely readers here is the update, I hope you like it:),     For those of you who have been dying for Lucas and Josie to make up your wish has been granted they have made up yay, but what do you think about the agreement Josie make him agree too??< do u think it was a mistake or if it was the right thing to do in Josie's favor??,    And Angel got lost then hurt poor girl:(,    and what about the newest animal the kitty Mittens?,   and Trevor's story about his dad?< and Trevor's black eye?, and angel got a taste of what its like to jump yay:) 

   what was your fav part in the chapter comment me ur fav part....

 Okay so me and my best friend @cypresschick, thought it would  be cool to come up with a ship name for Trevor's and Josie relationship but the thing is we cant agree on the same one so we need your help on which one is better, the ship names we came up with are Trosie which is the one I came up with which I think is awesome, and she came up with Jevie she thinks that one is awsome but I just think Trosie is the awesome one... so this as my readers and fans of my book you need to comment me which one is better Trosie or Jevie or you can comment me your own ship name that you came up with too if you'd like, comment Trosie or Jevie... please Trosie is awesome and it needs to be there ship name, so comment which one you think is better,  thank you all....  Go Trosie:)

    Anyway so yup.

   Get this chapter to 23 reads, 3 votes and 2 comments for the next update and comment what  should be Josie's and Trevors ship name, Trosie or Jevie....


     Happy readings:)


           GO TROSIE!!!!:))))

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