Troubled // Irondad

By teenparker

1.1M 31K 23.4K

Peter's been through a lot in his life, so when something so horrible happens to his aunt, it messes with him... More



30.8K 1K 1.5K
By teenparker

Peter had about 4 slices of cheese pizza for dinner. He was starting to eat regularly now, well regular for a kid with his metabolism. It was partly because Clint or Bucky would threaten him about Nat kicking his ass if he didn't, but it was mostly because he was actually hungry.

After dinner it was about 8:00, but the two hours didn't feel that long. All the Avengers like to try and eat dinner all together. They enjoyed to hang out and talk while eating their food. Peter didn't talk much, but he certainly loved hearing all of their conversations.

Whether they told insane stories from their past, argued over something stupid, or just a regular conversation about what they bought at the grocery store, Peter would listen.

So when the conversations ended and people began to depart the table, Peter washed his plate and went to his room.

"Hey Karen," he said while nose diving into his comfortable bed.

"Hello Peter, how was dinner?" She greeted.

"It was good," Peter's voice was muffled. He turned lazily on his back. "Oh shoot, Ned," he forgot about his best friend who was probably lost on what was going on with Peter.

Peter scrambled to get his phone out of his pocket. Once he got it out he went to FaceTime Ned. He picked up after 4 rings.

"Peter!" He exclaimed, his face clearly happy to see his friend.

"Hey Ned. Sorry I haven't called earlier," Peter apologized.

"It's ok. I was worried and all but I'm glad you're ok. Tony told me what was going on."

Peter was confused, "you talked to Tony?"

"Yeah, I came over to the tower to check on you and he's all like 'sorry Ned' and I was like 'did you answer Peter's phone' and he's like 'no' next thing I know I'm in his lab and he tracked your phone through my phone. When I talked to you that one time, he was tracking you," Ned summarized the story for Peter.

Peter was kind of stunned, no one told him about that. He didn't really think about how they found him, he was just happy they did. "Ned! Dude, you saved my life," Peter told him.

"Oh yeah I guess." Ned shrugged then added, "your welcome." He laughed and Peter said his thank you's.

They talked for a long time after that, just about small stuff they liked talking about. Ned told him about how the school got a new shipment of computers and a cool lab they did the other day and how he won't start the LEGO set without him. Peter showed Ned around his room and they both were messing around with Karen for a while.

Neither of them said a word about what recently happened to Peter. Ned knew Peter wouldn't want to talk about it and respected that.

"You should totally come over sometime. I'll show you around and stuff. There's a pool, we can go swimming," Peter said.

"Yeahhhhh that would be awesome," Ned replied.

Then there was a knock at Peter's door and shortly after Tony came in. "Hey kid, it's 11 you should shower and get to bed. You still need lots of rest." Tony inwardly cringed at himself, he already sounded like a dad. Even though Steve told him exactly what to say, he was the one who said it all father-like.

"11 already? Ned we talked for like 3 hours," Peter looked back down at his phone.

"Oops. I should get to sleep too. Goodnight Peter, night Mr. Stark!" He yelled the last part then hung up.

"I like Ned," Tony plainly stated then left the room to leave Peter to do whatever he needed to do.

When Peter stepped out of the warm shower, a wave of tiredness hit him. He swiftly put on his pajamas and hung his wet towel. Peter jumped onto his bed and yawned while shutting his eyes. Soon after he drifted off to sleep.

But his peaceful sleep didn't last long. Short pieces of memories made their way back into his head. Memories of aunt May dying in front of him. Of him not being able to save her. Of him not being able to help her. Then memories of him being hurt, cut into. He couldn't escape it.

Peter was trembling in his sleep and beginning to sweat. The bits of memories coming back like a slap to the face.

"Sir," Friday interrupted Tonys music.

"What," he was still concentrating on what ever he was working on.

"Peter appears to be in distress. Karen informed me it was a nightmare," Friday stated.

Tony put down what was in his hands and rushed out of the lab and to Peter's room. He flung the door open and saw the sheets kicked off the bed and blankets thrown to the side. Peter was curled up in the bed, Tony could see him shaking.

"Please don't, please..." Peter was whispering. He was repeating it over and over again.

Tony was halfway sitting on his bed, with Peter's back facing him. He put a hand on the shaky kid's shoulder. "Pete, wake up," he shook his shoulder lightly. "Wake up kid."

Peter's head shot up and he scrambled to push himself away with heavy breaths. "Hey calm down it just me, it's just Tony."

Once Peter began to process that it actually was just Tony in front of him, his tense body relaxed. "I-I'm s-"

"Don't apologize," Tony stopped him. Peter's eyes were beginning to flood with tears and soon enough they were spilling down his face.

Before thinking, Tony pulled him into a hug. The kid's face rested on the front of his shoulder. He began sobbing, the sounds muffled in the fabric. Tony could feel his shirt getting damp with his tears.

Tony kept one arm wrapped around his back while his other hand was holding the back Peter's head close to him. "It's ok," Tony would say softly to comfort the crying boy. "You're ok," he repeated as the kid continued to cry.

After a few minutes, Peter managed to collect himself and calm down. He backed away from the hug and wiped his eyes.

"You should lay back down. You'll be able to sleep better now," Tony said while studying the kid.

"I'm not tired," Peter replied lazily. It was obvious that was a lie, just looking at the kid made Tony feel tired for him. His exhaustion was clear from his messy bed head and halfway closed eyes.

"I know you are. I can tell. Go to sleep," Tony said, still watching him.

"No I don't know what your talking about. What about you? Why are your awake hm?" Peter closed his eyes and raised his eyebrows.

"I was in the lab," Tony stated.

"Okkkk so can I go back down with you?" Peter asked with his sleepy voice.

Tony was hesitant but thought that Peter was too tired to even try to mess with anything and it's not like he would bother him. "Yeah sure," Tony got up from the bed and went towards the door, knowing Peter would follow.

Tony entered the elevator first and turned to see Peter stumbling in with a big fuzzy blanket wrapped around his body and a pillow in his arms. Tony let out a small laugh only he could hear and the two rode down to the lab.

When they stepped into the lab, Peter began saying a long 'wow' but was cut off by his own yawn. There were already two chairs at the desk Tony was working at, so Peter just sat himself down in the one Tony didn't occupy.

There was always upgrading that could be done on the Ironman suit, so that's what Tony was working on. Peter was still bundled up in the large blanket while hugging his pillow to his chest. He bent forward to set his head on the table in front of him and positioned himself so he could watch what Tony was doing.

"That's part of your repulsers," Peter mumbled with his squished face.

"Yup," Tony kept his concentration.

"Why you upgrading it?" He asked struggling to keep his eyes open.

"For fun," Tony simply said then began explaining it. "I'm trying to get it so my suit absorbs the power of the recoil whenever I shoot it which means I have an even faster recovery to shoot another one and then I'll have some more power within my suit."

He looked over at the kid. He was passed out already. Tony went to remove the pillow from his tight grasp and moved Peter's head carefully so he could place the pillow under it. After that, Tony began feeling tiredness creep into him and was no longer motivated to finish his upgrade at the moment.

He put his arms down on the table and rested his head on top, falling asleep as soon as he closed his eyes. Both the boys slept the rest of the night without disruptions.

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