Veined Soul (Darkiplier X Win...

By NamelessVoice234

176 14 5

After turning her into the police when she'd run from her "home", Dark placed a piece of darkness into her so... More


Twelve Years

102 7 1
By NamelessVoice234

It hurts...

She sat on the floor of her room, shrouded in the darkness of the night time around.

The ground was cold, uninviting. Concrete.

Her room consisted of nothing more than a bed, lamp, bookshelf, and a small window.

The window had a padlock on it, making it so that the window could never be opened.

The bookshelf was empty, not a single book on it other than a thin 12 page one with the words, "The Rules" on the front.

She was in the corner opposite of the floor lamp that wasn't on.

She could feel her heart constricting, squeezing as it resisted what had happened to her.

She let out a quiet whimper of agony as the pain set in. Her tiny body was wracked with waves of fatigue and weakness, causing her vision to be blurred and her head to spin.

Was she breathing? Had she stopped breathing?

She put a hand to her mouth, feeling the cold air around her pass in and out of it, causing her hand to be slightly wet from the condensation of her hot breath breathing back out onto her hand.

That boy caused this.

That black haired boy that she'd thought she'd known well.

She thought she could trust him.

He'd turned her in.

In her pain, her only comfort was the soft pearl grey wings on her back. They were only the size of her back, tiny and unable to support her weight yet much like that of a baby bird.

She had wrapped them around herself to cocoon herself away from the world, wanting nothing more than to make the pain stop.

She'd escaped from here around two months ago, living in alleys and trying to blend in with the crowd as she made her way farther and farther away.

And he found her.

He and several other boys had taken her in. They were without a home as well, living in an abandoned mansion on the hill overlooking the town.

No one had stepped foot in the place in 20 years due to it having once housed a serial killer and many, many, of his crimes had been committed within its walls.

No one stepped near the gate other than to observe from afar. Someone had started an urban legend that the killer still lived there and that the house was so haunted that even going within the courtyard was enough to cause you never to be seen again.

The boys, however, didn't care.

Or maybe they just didn't know.

They'd taken up residence in it, even starting to clean up and fix some of the things within to make it more liveable.

She'd stayed with them for two months.

One of the boys was the abandoned son of a musician's family.

Another was the son of a hotel owner that had attempted to kill him in a drunken rage, causing his neck to be forever scarred from the attack.

There was a boy from out of the country that had illegally stowed away on a transport ship and had been roaming since.

And then there was him.

None of them knew what his story was. He mentioned having a sister at one point and that she'd like to mess around with black magic but no one bought that.

They assumed he was just a runaway.

She was the closest to him. He'd been a dear friend, the first to take her in.

She'd shown him her wings. He was the only person she'd ever shown them to willingly.

He was accepting, even calling them beautiful.

They'd been as white as an angel's during that time.

He told her how happy he was that she told him the truth and they were inseparable.

But, then posters started to appear around town and her face was broadcasted as a missing person.

A reward was mentioned.

The other three promised to not give her up. They said that she had to have run away for a reason and wouldn't take her back unless she wanted to go.

But he disagreed.

She naively followed him into town around three days after the posters had started going up.

He told her that they were going to the bookstore within town so that he could teach her how to read.

But, waiting in the bookstore were cops.

He'd set her up and turned her in.

She'd screamed and tried to run, but he stopped her. She'd called him a traitor, her heartbroken that he'd do this to her.

He'd gotten upset as well, not wanting to be labeled as one. He'd told her that he had his reasons as to why he'd given her up but she didn't listen.

Growing frustrated, in a rage, he'd stared her dead in the eyes for a moment and harshly told her, "Let the darkness I put in your heart grow."

She'd gotten confused and stopped struggling for only a second. It was a second too long and the police took her away.

Her last view of him was the angry glare he had on his face as he stood in the doorway of the bookstore, a black vein appearing on his lower cheek.

It'd been 6 hours since she'd been caught and taken back to where she'd come from.

She lived in a tiny room of what claimed to be an orphanage but was nothing of the sort.

Children came into this place, but children never left it.

As soon as you were caught in the web, you never left.

She could recall that there was one teenage boy with a Glasgow smile in a room down the hall that had been here longer than she'd been alive.

She'd only gotten to talk to him a few times when the people who ran the building would force two of the children into the same room to "Socialize".

He wasn't a bad guy really, just touched.

She could tell, even at her age, that being stuck here was driving him even father up the wall that he'd been.

All the children here weren't natural. They all had strange abilities, mental states, or physical appearances that made them monsters in the eyes of those who chose to trap them in here.

It was like an asylum for the rejects.

The boy was paler than the moon with an unnerving Glasgow smile that he'd inflicted on himself.

She had been born with wings on her back.

One other girl that was younger than her had physically killed someone after a traumatic experience with an older man.

All of the children and some even adults were here because they were being studied like lab rats.

That boy she trusted had given her back to this hell hole.

She looked down at her chest, pulling her shirt away from her chest to view her heart.

The area around her heart was paler than the rest of her skin, beginning to look more like a bruise.

Small purple veins had begun to color her skin.

She wept at the sight, remembering that what the boy had told her.

"Let the darkness I placed in your heart grow."

He looked out the window at the town below from a second-floor window, grimacing at how bright it was outside.

He hated super sunny days like this.

They always made him feel guilty.

Her favorite days were these kinds where she could go outside and enjoy the sunshine. He remembered her telling him that she loved the feeling of sunshine on the feathers of her wings. It made her feel warm and safe.

He regretted what he'd done to her.

That day at the store, he'd just been so mad at what she'd said and he was upset enough with himself already that he snapped and placed a seed of darkness in her heart. The more she would think of him, the quicker it would spread. In return, however, he also did the same thing to himself.

It was an equal exchange. To place darkness in her soul meant that he'd have to bear the same burden.

He'd already had a small amount there that his sister Celine had given him as a child. He'd amplified his and broke off a piece of it to have placed in the young winged girl.

He wondered if it had consumed her.

It was irreversible to his knowledge, and the guys had nearly killed him for what he'd done. They asked him to place the same darkness into their hearts as a punishment for having not seen through his lies and stopped him from giving her up.

He never even learned her name.

Neither of them had asked for their names.

She didn't know his and he didn't know hers.

How fitting of a doomed friendship.

She'd only been 7 years old at the time.

He'd placed a painful piece of the darkness he harbored into a child.

He won't ever forget how hurt she looked.

He won't forget her wings.

And he'd never forgotten her eyes.

The stars within them.

Her eyes were a normal color but had specks of a soft golden light that resembled stars.

He had memorized their pattern.

Two to the left, three under her pupil, one to the right and two above her pupil.

And one, directly in the center of her eye. The weakest light of them all. It was barely noticeable unless you really looked, unlike the other ones.

It was the same in both eyes.

He'd draw it on his hand every now and then to remind himself of her and what he'd done.

The darkness had spread from his heart. The blackish purple veins stretching up his neck to his face, clouding his eyes. Nearly half his chest was covered in them.

He wondered what hers looked like by now.

Were they as bad as his?

He shook his head to clear it of those thoughts and went downstairs, walking down the grand staircase in front of the front door.

He paused halfway down.

A flap of wings had sounded behind him.

Slowly turned around at the sound, looking to see what it was.

A woman.

She was standing at the top of the stairs, a leather jacket adoring his back that looked old and faded.

She had a simple blue tee shirt under it and a pair of black jean shorts with high top tennis shoes.

Her hair was covering her eyes, and the shadow of her standing in front of the window at the top of the stairs covered the rest of her face.

In her hand was a knife.

"Who the-" Dark began to ask but was cut off when the woman leaped from the top step and landed on him, making the two tumble down the stairs to the bottom.

She landed on top of him, pinning his arms down to the floor with her legs and pointing the knife at her victim's throat.

"You know damn well who I am. I can't believe you would have the audacity to forget," she growled at him.

He finally got a look at her face.

It was her.


Hey everybody! This is a new series that was lovingly requested by Shmably on my DA! The art for the cover was done by me but I did not design this version of Dark. If you would like to see the original art from them, please check out these links:

Bye Bye! *Blows Kiss and waves goodbye.*

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