šŒš² šƒšžš¬š­š«š®šœš­š¢šØš§

By seductivemadness

331K 10.4K 592

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My Destruction
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Author's Note

Chapter 7

9.6K 322 11
By seductivemadness

Chapter 7

"It doesn't matter, she's just going through something. She'll be fine," I lied with forced smile on my face. I don't know if she'll ever be fine. I'm hoping and praying that she will.

As of right now, I was at Alyssa's house. Her mother invited me in for tea, I couldn't refuse. Her mom is like a second mom to me. But if I'd known we would discuss this, I probably would've made up an excuse.

Alyssa's mother  just stares at me a second longer before she sighed. I felt so bad for lying to her, I wanted so badly to tell her what really happened to her daughter. If I did she would go to the cops, even though I wanted those fuckers to get caught we have no evidence.

I don't even know who they are. Not only that but Alyssa told me that I couldn't, I saw the fear rooted inside of her. She was terrified, if they found out they would find her.

I wouldn't let anything happen to her. Caine is the only one I know they knows who they are. I doubt he'd tell me, that little bitch was in on everything. He just stood by and let it happen. I bet he even had his own round of fun.

He's the reason why they came at her in the first place. Just thinking about it made rage ignite inside my veins. God, I've never hated anyone as much as I hated him. As I thought that I knew in my heart I meant it.

I looked at Karen as she took a sip of her tea.

She shook her head slightly before she spoke "Bryce I know something is wrong with my child. It's killing me to see her like this. Surely you've noticed it too?" She asked, her teary brown eyes looked deep into my green ones.

She looked so heartbroken and upset, the urge to tell her got stronger and stronger as well as the hate for Caine and his crew. I glanced at my hands in my lap, I couldn't look at her. "I've noticed it too, I can assure you that I've got her. I'll be there for her," I promised her, as tears of my own blurred my vision.

I blinked them back, I took a deep breath before I stood up. "I have to go," I said hastily.

I had to get out of there, I knew if I'd stayed a second longer. The dam in my eyes would break then I'd end up spilling the beans about everything. I couldn't let that happen.

She looked slightly alarmed at my tone, "What's wrong, dear?" Her voice is laced in motherly concern.

She stands up from the table as well. I shook my head, with a weak smile on my face. I turned around and walked away with Alyssa's mom staring holes in my back.

I slide down the brick wall on the side of my house, until I'm in a crouching position, I leaned my head on my legs. And I just sit there, numb. Even though I was just at Alyssa's house I felt like I was going to burst into tears but now I just feel empty. No emotions run through me, not one thought enters my head.

I'm grateful that it didn't, its too overwhelming. Sometimes it gets so hard to breathe, my head hurts from all the thoughts that run through my head.

I don't know how long I stay there but when I look up at the sky. I see that its not the same blue it was before but its a dark midnight blue. My guess it must be at least 8:30 pm, I stand up.

I stuffed my hands in my pockets before I head into my house. And to my displeasure, I see Caine at the table having dinner with Clayton and my mom. It was just yesterday when he demanded I go with him on Saturday. It's only Wednesday, I'm terrified at what he has in store for me. I'm such an idiot for agreeing to go with him but what else could I do to protect Alyssa?

My mom smiled at me before she asked me to join them for dinner. I peered over there at her, out the corner of my eye I saw Caine glance at me.

I shake my head. "I'm fine, I'm not hungry," I told her, who am I kidding. I'm starving but I'd rather not go anywhere near Caine.

A frown etched across my mom's face. "Bryce, please you've been so distant, just spend with little bit of time with us," She pleaded, her green eyes so similar to my own were wide and hopeful. Damn it, I wanted to hide in my room for the rest of the night. But I couldn't do that with my mom looking at me like this.

"Okay mom," I mumbled.

With a little clap of her hands, she grinned happily. For the first time today a genuine smile finds its way to my face. But it soon drops when I remembered that my chair is next to Caine. I internally groaned, I dragged my feet on the ground until I'm at the dinner table. I discreetly move my chair away from Caine.

Once I'm seated, I grabbed a plate. Dumping a heartily portion of mashed potatoes, steak and a slice of chocolate cake onto it. My mouth watered at the food, I picked up my fork and began to dig in.

My spirits lifted slightly at eating the food my stomach craved for. But Caine just had to ruin it when he leaned over and whispered, "Slow down here, we wouldn't want you to choke," His lips turned up into a nasty smirk as he added, "Actually we would."

I swallowed down the fear and I glowered at him. "Shut up and get out of my face," I hissed with a fierce scowl. Every time I look at him, flashbacks about what went down in his room resurfaced. I shuddered with fear, if my mom would've never came to his door who knows what would've happened. My mom and Clayton continue to talk, completely oblivious to the feeling of fear that's swimming inside of me .

Caine slid his chair closer to mine, "We all know you can't make me," He chimed in with a smug smile.

I know I can't make you. There's no need to rub in my face, I think bitterly to myself. I shot a death glare at him, my mouth turned down into a hard frown. I don't respond to him, I tried to continue to eat my food. My appetite seems to disappear the longer Caine stares at me. I froze when I felt his hand lay on my jean clad thigh.

I used my hand to push it off, but he grabbed my hand in a harsh grip. I winced. "Let go, "


Why not? I wanted to ask. Why can't he stay away and leave me alone? Was that too much to ask? I glanced at mom, but she's not paying attention neither is Clayton. I knew this was a bad idea, next time. I'm going to pretend to be sick. That feeling of fear and disgust increases as he hold my hand longer, I tried to yank it out his hand but it wasn't budging.

I was becoming frustrated with his antics. He always wanted to play some games, usually it ended up with me suffering.

"Let my hand go," I snapped through clenched teeth. Surprisingly he let go, but then I realized it was only because my mom and my stepfather faced us. I waited for her to speak.

"So how's everything going? How are you two getting along?" She asked too enthusiastic for my liking, her hopeful eyes darted between the both of us.

Caine answered with a devious smile on his face, like he was enjoying some inside joke. "We're doing good, Alicia, "

My mom nodded. "That's good, I'm happy you too are getting along. Bryce always wanted another sibling." She smiled fondly in my direction. I pressed my lips into a thin line. I wanted to tell her how wrong she was about that statement. Yes I may wanted another sibling but never one like Caine. Ever.

Caine cocked his head to the side, his dark hair fell across his eyes. "Well she's has one, even if we aren't biologically related. I'm here to stay as long as she know her place. We wouldn't want her to end up hurt." I stiffened at the double meaning, my mom only blinks in confusion.

I rise up from the table. "I'm going to go to bed now." I choked out. I quickly dumped my plate in the trash and rushed out of there before my mom or Clayton could say anything.

It takes me about 30 seconds to make it to my room. As soon as I entered through the doorway, I locked my door. I didn't want any unwanted visits from Caine. I fell back onto my bed. A heaviness resides on my shoulders it's all because of Caine. My stepfather I hardly knew produced a vile offspring and I wish he would go back to wherever he came from.

Speaking of the devil, I hear a knock. "Open the door," Caine demanded from the other side of the door.

Why is he knocking on my door wasn't he just at dinner? I ignore him, I don't think I could deal with him right now.

"Bryce, open the damn door," He commanded, I sat up while trying to hold back the anger that threatening to explode from within me.

"What do you want?" I snapped while running a hand through my hair. Why can't he leave me alone? He's the reason why all this shit is going on! Every time I turned around, he's fucking there.

"It's about Saturday, so open the goddamn door," He ordered with a hard edge to his voice. I slowly get up, I'm going to regret this I know it, but I have to try and keep Alyssa safe even if that means putting myself on the line. I know of the roles were reversed she would do the same for me.

When I swung open my bedroom door. I'm greeted to Caine's face that's contorted into anger. He shoved me out the way as he stomped through the door. I glare holes at at his back.

"Next time I tell you to open the door, you fucking do it. This isn't up for discussion," He hissed, his eye blazing in fury.

I hardened my gaze. "Whatever. You don't control me."

His eyes darkened as he approached me, "Actually to the contrary I do." He stopped right in front of me, his eyes daring me to challenge him. I glared at him, my fists clenched.

He ran a hand through his hair before he speaks. "Now as you know I told you that you're coming with me on Saturday. I want you to wear all black, don't bring anything except the clothes on your back. No exception. " He informed me, his voice held a note of finality.

I nodded, feeling so uncomfortable under his gaze. Every time he's this close to me, something always end up happening. Its hard to not stay on edge, he can't be trusted. Especially after all the things he's done to me. I know he was so much in store for me. Just thinking about is causing the always present fear to rise inside of me. My heart thumped hard against my ribcage. I swallowed the lump that's forming in my throat.

He observed me silently, his eyes searching my features. He leaned forward until we were nose to nose, our breath mingled. My heart is beating so fast, I can hear the thumping in my ears. My stomach recoils in disgust at his closeness. I take a shaky step back, but his arm hooks around my waist, pressing my body completely against his. My fear amplifies when I squirmed but to no avail. He has such a tight hold on me, I can't get break free.

He arched an eyebrow, his face blank. "Done?" He asked me once I've halted all movements, I look away to avoid how close in proximity we are. His hand to roughly gripped my chin, forcing me to face him again. His face was so close to mine that if I spoke our lips touch. That's the last thing I wanted. I clamped my mouth shut as I brace myself for what he may do.

He dropped his hand and stepped back, his lips curved into an amused smile. He walked past me and his footsteps disappeared down the hall, I vaguely hear the sound of his door closing.

I glared into the spot where he was standing. A tear rolled down my cheek, as I wrapped my arms around myself.

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