Guardians of the elements

By anirrelevantwriter

30 6 0

its about kids who find out their element power (Shoutout to my best friend and cousin for giving me some ide... More

Realm of Azaroth
The Palace
The chosen gems/ unexpected
Tag teams
Voting and other stuff

Chosen Ones

11 2 0
By anirrelevantwriter


I woke up on a windy, sunny day in the orphanage, I walked to the kitchen and saw my friends, Emily and Lorenzo, "good morning Amari" I heard Emily say "good morning Emily" I replied "whats for breakfast Lorenzo" I asked, "oatmeal again, for the 6th time this week" Lorenzo said "at least we get breakfast" I said... "True" Emily replied. After we ate we got to play outside "Tag you're it" Emily said as she tagged Lorenzo "Can I play with you guys" A little girl asked "Sure" I replied "Whats your name"I asked "Monica" "Okay" I replied, I introduced her to Lorenzo and Emily after we played tag, hide and seek and basketball. "Time to go inside," Kristina said. Kristina was one of the caretakers of our orphanage. Kristina had a worried look on her face "Go to your room and lock the door" Kristina said, We all looked confused and worried, but we followed her directions. (We all sleep in one big room) We heard talking outside, a language we all couldn't understand. A boy named Lucas moved towards the door "we have to see what was happening outside" Lucas said, we all crawled to the door, unlocked and slowly peaked outside and saw Kristina get stabbed tears ran down our faces, We then locked the door and put stuff behind it so they couldn't get in. I ran to my drawer and grabbed the dagger my parents gave me before they died. We heard banging on the door. "we should find a way to get out of here" Monica said, "The window" Lucas said. All of us ran to the window, unlocking it, We all scrambled out of the orphanage. "Follow us, Amari" Lorenzo said, We all ran into the forest as fast as we could, We looked back and saw 4 of those things chasing us, they were about 400 meters away from us. We started running until Lorenzo fell and sprained his ankle, "Lorenzo!" Emily shouted we helped him up, we saw them getting closer, 100 meters to be exact "Run, go without me," Lorenzo said, more tears formed in our eyes "but what about-" I was cut off by Lorenzo saying "Go". Emily dragged my hand and ran, I looked back and saw Lorenzo get stabbed, my best friend for 5 years, killed. The mark on my hand started glowing a grey color "Whats happening Emily" I asked her "You must live, you were chosen" Emily said "You will get an explanation later Amari" she replied. We came to a stop, "Go on Amari, I will give you a headstart" she said "I can't leave you here Emily" I said  Emily said "Just go, you don't have much time", Amari listen to me please". The mark on my hand starting glowing a gray color "I'm sorry I had to do this Amari" She said as she threw a potion in a glass bottle near me, that landed on the ground and shattered "the potion was made to protect you, Amari", as she said that the potion created a wall of air that I couldn't go thru. Emily ran towards the monsters, I ran away towards the forest, I didn't want to see another death again. I ran as fast I could but soon I grew tired and stopped. The mark on my hand turned a bright gray, it was so bright that I had to cover my eyes, after the flash of bright light, it opened a portal to another world I didn't know, I then heard footsteps behind me and saw those masked killers, I either had to go thru the portal or get killed, in my mind i thought "we all die you either kill yourself I get killed" then I said "I rather die by something else then you monsters" I took out my dagger and slowly backed to the portal, I was scared cause I had no experience fighting, when I was in front of the portal I fell towards the portal and fell in, I saw those monsters run towards the portal but it closed. "Ahhhhhhhh" I screamed as I fell from the sky, the mark on my hand glowed again and stopped me in mid-air and lowered me to the ground gently. That's how I got to Azeroth 

                                                                     Hawk of Earth 

"Amara, wake up, its a special day today" I heard my mother say, "I'm coming mom" I replied, I got out of bed ran to the kitchen. "Happy birthday Amara" My mom and dad replied at the same time, "Thank you"! I replied, my mother gave me a whip with spikes, I didn't expect whip, I was pretty shocked but was thankful "whats the spear for mom" I asked "you'll find out later" She replied. My dad gave me a hawk "Its so cute" I said "You'll also need that sometime later" he replied. I was curious as to what I needed it for. "Go outside and play with your hawk," My mom said "don't forget your whip, Amara," my mom said. I went outside, the hawk landed on my arm and while it did the mark on my arm started to glow, I didn't know why then the glowing stopped, it glowed more often than usual, I ignored, for now, I would ask mom and dad anyway. "what i should I name you" I said to my hawk, "I wonder if you understand what I'm saying"I said,"screech if you can understand me", the Hawk screeched, I was shook but that answered one of my questions "are you a male"I asked, I got no reply, "are you female" the hawk then screeched. I thought of a name for a while "how about starry"I asked, I got no reply, I tried a few other times and I still got no reply, "how about Leilani"I finally heard a screech. " I wonder whats taking so long,I grabbed my whip and Amara follow I walked back to the house and heard my parents conversation, (parents conversation) "We have to keep her save Druid" my mom said "What do you think we are trying to do Lunara "my dad replied, "we bring her to the portal, that's the safest way, she won't be safe here" my mom said "We should, she needs to discover her-"... I heard the conversation end, I backed up, when the door opened it was my mom, "let's go Amara, she talked to my hawk in a language I didn't  understand, She then held my whip, then carried me on her back and ran straight ahead, Amara was not far behind "Mom where are we going" I asked "Somewhere safe" she replied "what about dad" I said "he will catch up soon" She replied. I looked behind us and saw masked people "mom there are people chasing us" i said, My mom ran faster, my arm then started glowing, "we are close" my mom said, we came across two paths my mom decided to go on the one to the left, I looked back and they were still chasing us "Mom they're still after us" After about 2 minutes we saw portal, she put me down and said "take your whip and bring your hawk with you" "what about you" i asked "I will see you there, don't worry, now go" I ran towards the portal and checked if I had everything, I jumped in the portal, The last thing I heard I was "We love you, Amara," I heard my mom say. "Leilani" I Shouted, as I fell, I felt like the fall would be forever, then I felt saw Leilani turn into a Griffen, as she did, she caught me from the sky and landed me gently on the ground. That's how I got to Azaroth. 

                                                               Shine a Light/Sold to darkness

"Alina, Zeref, time for breakfast" I heard my mom said, I raced my older brother down the stairs and he won, all the time "haha I beat you" I heard him say "Not fair, you got a headstart" I replied "You're just mad that you lost" he said I said  "no I'm mad that you cheated", "I didn't cheat, you just wanna win all the time" he said. "Stop fighting, you two do this every single morning," My mom said, "now calm down and eat your breakfast". I looked down at my breakfast and saw my favorite, french toast, waffles, and a small blueberry muffin with orange juice. "good morning" my father said as he walked out of his room, he would always wake up late no matter what day it was. "good morning dad" Zeref and I said at the same time, "You have an important day ahead of you children" My dad said, I quickly finished my breakfast, "haha i beat you Zeref" I said "not fair, you are always hungry no matter what" he replied "that's not true, you're just mad that I won", "For the last time Alina and Zeref stop fighting"my mom said "Now go play outside, the rainy days in azaroth are over". Zeref and i ran outside, it was a tie of who got outside first, "tag" Zeref said, "hey" I said I chased him around for 5 five minutes before finally tagging him, it was a continuous loop of accusing each other of cheating and not giving 5-second headstarts. " it's getting late, go inside now" my father said Zeref and I were too tired to race each other back to the house, as we were going into the house the mark on my forehead started glowing, so did Zeref's. "Jaina, it's happening now," my dad said, my mom, rushed to the scene. "Come inside, children" my mom said, "head to your rooms we will tell you about it in the morning" We listened to our parents "what do you think it means Zeref," I asked, " I don't know but we will find out later" he replied. "we should go to bed, it's getting late" I said, "ok, goodnight Zeref said" "good night" I replied

                                                                   Sold to darkness

"Zeref, wake up" I heard my dad say in a whisper, I rubbed my eyes, I asked "why do i need to wake up this early", "I will tell you later Zeref", he replied, I got up and followed him to the kitchen, I saw my mom and she asked "Lets go Zeref" She said, we all went out the door except Alina. "Why isn't Alina coming with us," I asked, "Don't worry about that, for now, Zeref," my mom said, While we were walking we saw a forest, suddenly the mark on my forehead started glowing again. "we are getting closer Zeref," my dad said. I got chills walking through this forest, it was different from other forests, it felt like it had no life, other forests were full of life even if it was night time. "Mom, dad I want to go back, it's getting scary," I said "don't worry we are almost there," my dad said. I just wanted to turn back and run away, as I heard noises, and evil laughter, I nearly jumped when I heard a voice that said "Runaway child, don't come back here" I was gonna run back until my mom grabbed my hand "get a hold of yourself, You are probably just paranoid cause its dark out" my mom said, she was probably was right, plus its not every day you go to a dark forest. "We are almost there Zeref, no need to panic or be scared," My dad said. "We are here now Zeref," my dad said, the mark on my forehead started to glow again, a portal opened up, but the other side didn't look like a promising place, it had dead trees and i saw some dead animals, "Mom, Dad, why are we here, it looks scary" I asked, "To save us all" he replied, The mark on my forehead started to glow again, "step inside the portal, Zeref" my mom said "we will go with you through the portal" my dad said, Then the voice i heard a voice in my head that said "The saddest part about betrayal is that it never comes from your enemies" The voice said, "Im not going into that portal until one of you go first" I said I saw my parents get angry, they pulled out a potion of some sort, it was a gold potion, they both threw the potion at me, i was too shook to move, The potions broke infront of me, a blinding light appeared, i backed farther into the portal until i was in the portal "I will get my revenge on of all of you, and none of you shall be spared" I said before the portal closed. That's my story in Azeroth

                                                                      The product of the river

 It was a rainy day when I woke up, I walked to the Kitchen and saw my mom cooking breakfast  "oh Hudson you're awake, I have a surprise for you" my mom said as she handed me a necklace "Thank you mom" I said while putting on my necklace and hugging her, "You are welcome Hudson, now eat your breakfast" she said, I quickly ate my breakfast and asked, "can I go outside" I asked "when it stops raining" she said. I then went to my room, I got the stuff I needed, like my sketchbook and pencil, I love to draw by the river, it gives me many ideas of what to draw. After about 30 minutes the rain stopped, "Mom,  can I go outside" I said in an excited tone, "Well, since the rain stopped, yes" My mom said, I ran out the door "Don't go too far Hudson" My mom" I replied. While I was running the mark on my palm started to glow when I reached the river, I wondered why "I really wanna find out about this" I said. " I opened my sketchbook, took out a pencil and started drawing the mark on my arm, I looked at the river in awe, I saw fish swim by, and some frogs hop by, it was so peaceful, I drew what I saw, I took about 1 hour drawing because I wanted to add every detail I saw, suddenly I heard footsteps, "mom,  is that you" I asked, instead of it being my mom and dad I saw people with masks and a swords, I picked up my sketchbook and pencil and backed up slowly, One of them threw their sword but I jumped and dodged it, They started running toward me, I then ran and jumped across the river, I felt so scared, my heart was beating faster by the second, "Wheres my mom" was the only thought in my head, "I will get lost if I go too far" i said, i looked back and saw them chasing me, i then saw two paths, one leading to the left and one leading to the right, I took the one to the left, I turned back and saw them still chasing me, i made a swift turn and saw some bushes, i hid behind them, and then held my necklace in my hand, it calmed me down, and let me think, I slowly turnt around and saw the masked people go forward, I saw many trees up ahead, "I could climb and tree and hide there" i said while slowly crawling to a tree, I held my sketchbook and pencil in my mouth while climbing the tree, I was full of panic and shock but finally reached the top of the tree, it was a good 17 feet from the ground, I saw the maskes people come my way, i tried to control my breathing, but i couldnt control it, I looked down and saw them look around everywhere, some of them went deeper down the trail, others stayed, I saw more and more of them gather around the tree, i got scared agian, One of them looked up at the tree i was in a pointed, "Shoot, what will i do now" i thought, instead if looking in the masked people i looked at the veiw, i could see the river from here, i then looked down and saw the masked people trying to cut the trees with their sword, i looked back at the veiw and did a quick sketch of the way to get to the river, when i was done with the sketch, i then held my notebook and pencil in my hand  and moved tree to tree, i almost fell when i moved to the 5th tree, i saw the masked people catching up, i tried to move faster, but i was about to fall agian. I stopped moving from tree to tree and looked at the view I saw my mom from the distance holding a weapon of some sort. That motivated me to start going tree to tree again, I moved to the next tree and saw the masked people try to catch me until one of them threw their swords at me I dodged one them but one them hit my arm, I was in much pain but I tried too ignore them, as I saw I was getting closer and closer I then saw that the trees were getting lesser and lesser, I stopped and looked at the view, I saw my mom disappear in the river "help-" I screamed, I continued to climb tree to tree again, I then saw about 3 trees left and looked down, they were still chasing me, like they never got tired but I went on till the last tree I saw more of them gather around the tree, I saw a small bomb, that looked didnt familiar, 3 small bombs came and the exploded in front of the masked people, giving me a chance to climb down the tree, I ran straight to the river, I turned around I saw a sword fly at me, I closed my eyes and held me sketchbook and pencil in my hands tightly thought "this is the end" I opened my eyes again and saw a trident block the sword, i then saw my mom blocked the sword with her trident, The mark on my hand glowed agian, this time a portal opened, "Go through the portal Hudson" She said, "but what about you" I said "dont worry I will see you there" she said as she turned around and handed me the trident "You will be in a safer place" she said, I walked to the portal and as it closed my said "I love you, Hudson, The portal then closed as I fell, I held the trident and my sketchbook as I walked in the portal, I saw the portal close "MOM" I screamed, I then felt myself fall from the sky "AHHHHHHH" I screamed, I then fainted while falling, When i opened my eyess, i felt myself being lifted, I looked down and realized i was being held by water "woah" i said i slowly got to the ground i turnt back saw the water turn back to a river. That's my journey to Azaroth.

                                                                        Strangers To Fire

The first thing I wake up to the sound of my 5-year-old sister, Adara running around and my mom waking me up"Aiden, Wake up," my mom said, "five more minutes," I said "Aiden this is urgent, we need to go before its too late","why do you have such a long backpack" i asked. "i will tell you later"  I saw a worried look on, her face she checked the Kitchen windows, "They are  close" she said. She grabbed a few things from the kitchen and then Carried my little sister Adara in my room, She locked my room door and put some chains around the door  and said, "Put some stuff near the door quickly" She told us, We did what we were told, While we were moving thing we saw her close my window slightly. We heard banging on the front door, "Go in the corner near the window" She whispered, We went to the corner scarred, she opened her backpack and pulled out a Katana, she stood near the door, and gave us her backpack, she whispered "Find some way out of here when I tell you to", We nodded in fear, Then all of sudden we heard silence, the mark on my shoulder started glowing I started to panic, my breathing got faster by the second and my heartbeat got faster and louder by the second, it was silence for 5 minutes, then we heard footsteps near our door, The mark on my shoulder started glowing again, The glowing the stopped, I heard footsteps toward the door, my mom put down her Katana and reached in her backpack and got 2 swords and some food, "take these both of you" she whispered, Then we heard banging on our door, "Get out of here" she said "How?" Adara asked "figure out a way," She said, She picked up her Katan and guarded the door, Adara and I looked around for a way to get out, "the window," Adara said, "Adara, "you're a genius," i said, "hold my sword" Adara said, She then started unlocking the window, I then looked around and saw my backpack, I put our swords and food in there, the swords stuck out halfway, but I didnt care, Adara finally  unlocked the window "Mom, what about you, we cant leave you here" we said at the same time, "Go, now, while you still have time" She replied "Run for the nearest town", I told Adara, "No, go to the forest" Our mom said, We didnt question here, We looked at her with tears in our eyes, "we love you mom" we said at the same time, "I love you Aiden and Adara" She said, we then saw banging on the door, I put on my backpack, "Lets go Adara"I said, we both jumped out the window, Once we landed on the ground we head straight for the forest, We ran, "You think it was a good idea to leave mom back there" Adara asked, i couldn't answer, i felt so gulity, But i finally answered. "Mom Knows what best for all us" i replied, I just got with a sad expression on Adara's face like she was about to cry, "I'm getting tired of running, Aiden, Can we stop take a short break, even for 2 minutes," Adara said, "fine" i replied, We stopped running and sat on the floor out of breath, The mark on my shoulder started glowing again "Why does that mark on your shoulder keep glowing" Adara asked "I wish I asked mom what this mark is always glowing" I said. 5 Minutes passed "Ok, breaktimes over, we have to keep moving," I said "What, We just had a 7-minute break" Adara complained, "We don't have to run this time, we can just walk" I replied, then we both got up and started walking "Do you even know, where we are going" Adara said. "No, but mom said its safer to go to the forest" I replied, "We can't just keep relying on what mom said, We have so little food and we have no idea where we are going" She replied, "Stop complaining," I said, "and besides that, if those things attack us, what do we do, we have weapons but cant fight, if we don't die from starvation, we will die from those things mom was hiding us from" She said "Why can't you think of the positive for once" I said "Cause there are no positives!!" She screamed, "Mom wouldn't tell us this if it meant that we would get hurt," I said, "You're right, mom loves us too much to do that," she said, " suddenly we heard footsteps behind us, We didnt bother to turn and look who it was, "Run" I said, we took off running, dodging tree branches and jumping over tree roots, "How did they catch up to us" Adara asked, "I don't know, but those things don't seem human" I replied, We kept running for a while, We looked back and saw those things still chasing us, Adara then tripped over a tree root, "ADARA" I screamed, I ran to help her up, The masked things suddenly surrounded us, "This is the end, for both of us" Adara said, I didnt want to agree with her but she was right "We have to fight back" i said, "We dont have any experience with weapons" she said, They closed in on us, The mark on my shoulder started glowing again, 2 portals opened, when it did the masked things fell back, I was getting sucked in the portal to the left while adara was getting sucked in by the portal to the left "Adara, Hold my hand" I said, She held my hand, The masked things closed on us again, the portal that adara was in looked like a dead forest, a wall of fire broke out between us, "It burns" Adara said, I didnt get burnt by the fire but she did, "Aiden, Just let go, we cant do anything else about it" She said with tears in her eyes, Adara let go of my hand, We both got sucked in the oppisite portals, "ADARA" I screamed, "Im sorry Aiden" Adara said, The portals then closed. I was falling from the sky, I just accepted it I couldn't do anything else about it, Instead of landing on the ground i landed on a bed of fire. Thats how i got to Azaroth.

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