Stop! {Ezra and Aria} {Pretty...

By EzraFitzxNorthmanx

9.9K 70 23


Stop! {Ezra and Aria} {Pretty Little Liars}

9.9K 70 23
By EzraFitzxNorthmanx


It was nine forty AM, Aria was looking at a wedding invitation, "Ezra Fitz would love for you to attend his marriage of Jackie Molina." Aria's heart sank, into forty billion pieces all over again. She felt liquid burn her orbs, why was this happening? She never meant to say it was over all those months ago, now Jackie pounced him and won - again.

Aria couldn't believe it, she looked at her mother in tears and Ella came over, "What's wrong honey?"

"Ezra's getting married! Mom! I still love him!" cried Aria. Ella just embraced her daughter tightly, Aria clung to her mother with all her might. She didn't want to tell her mother, how much he meant to her incase of starting an argument over how he was her teacher.

"What are you going to do?" asked Ella.

"Go to Spencer's and talk to her, I need to be with my friends...sorry Mom," mumbled Aria, under her sniffles. 

Soon Aria had arrived at Spencer's, wedding invitation in hand. Her eyes peeled away from it once she handed it to Spencer to read.

"Oh, Aria...I'm so sorry!" cried Spencer. 

"What do I do? I still love him, and I love him so much! But I don't know what I'm thinking will make it right!" spat Aria in a heat of fury.

"You want to stop the wedding?" queried Spencer.

"So freaking, bad!" paced Aria.

Spencer thought about Aria's actions, then thought about how Ezra was when Aria had left him - she'd seen him around town as miserable as a dog's dinner.  

"You should. I mean, he has to still love you! He wouldn't risk his job, get fired and stuff all for nothing! He can't easily get over that, I saw him around town after you left him, he looked really depressed. Something is not right. You must stop this wedding," demanded Spencer. 

Aria eyes had glinted at hope, with her friends approval. She saw the wedding was on in half an hour, at Rosewood's church, where Aria and Ezra had their second kiss. They could make it in time. No way in hell would Aria go alone.

Spencer had gotten Aria into her car, since she did not want Aria driving in a nervous state. Spencer was looking at Aria for a moment, "Everything okay?"

"Just wondering how I will stop the wedding, without looking like a love crazed fool," told Aria. 

"You're not a fool, Aria. You've just made a big mistake in letting Mr. Fitz go,"  said Spencer then chuckled, "That sounded so weird to say."

Aria mumbled, "He's not our teacher anymore."

They had arrived just down the street from the church, she saw Ezra standing outside. Maybe she should get it out of the way, before she caused a scene. But Spencer insisted to speak, when the priest asks if anyone objects to the marriage, and that will then tell Ezra everything he needs to know and hopefully follows her out of the church.

Aria had now taken a seat down the back of the church, slumping in her seat a little. Ezra had noticed she was here, but he didn't really want to talk to her, incase he was going to make her upset even more. He stood up the front with Harvey and his brother Ethan waiting for the bells to chime that Jackie was walking up the isle. 

Soon, just at 1PM the bells chimed and Jackie started to walk down the isle, Aria noticed her big fashioned grin and smiles, she also noticed Ezra smile at her. Now she wondered if she was doing the right thing. Spencer told her she was, so she stuck to the plan.

The priest finally said, "If anyone has any objections to why these two shouldn't get married, please speak now or forever hold your peace." 

Aria stood up, "Stop!" 

Ezra looked as he knew that voice all too well, and bit his lip. 

"You can't- You can't marry her!" and with that Aria ran out of the church and flung herself on the concrete at the bottom of the stairs, crying. 

Ezra was still frozen at the top of the isle, a glaring Jackie in his arms and his love that ran away. He didn't know what to do. Ella had seen Aria outside the church, and Aria told her what she did. Other hand, Aria clung to her mother.

"I love him! He has to come! He has to love me too!" cried Aria. Ella looked up and saw Ezra walk out of the doors, looking stunned and then saw Aria in all her beauty crying with her Mom.

"I just...I couldn't sit there and let..." Aria was butted in.

"I know," said Ezra. Aria let go of her mother and span around seeing a strained Ezra standing two stairs up from her.

Aria sniffed, "I didn't...I didn't know what to do. I couldn't. I love you." 

Ezra moved down to stand close to her, and he looked at Ella for approval, Ella nodded smiling a little hoping Ezra wouldn't break her daughter's heart.

"I love you too, I don't know what I was thinking with Jackie, I thought it would just get better," spat Ezra with all emotion. With that, their lips collided in a passionate kiss. Ezra's mother and Jackie's family with Jackie came out to see Ezra kissing the love of his life. His Dad cheered and Jackie screamed and stormed away with her parents trailing behind. 

Ezra and Aria could finally have a relationship, out in the open and with everyone's approval, besides Byron's.

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