Curious and Infatuated // Con...

By rhythmicalsins

45.8K 977 401

{ infatuated: to inspire or posses with a foolish or unreasoning passion, as of love } Detective Anna Jane ge... More



567 11 5
By rhythmicalsins

I walk into my new precinct and am greeted by many smiling faces.

"Ah you must be Lieutenant Jane, the officer from Detroit," a voice says to me.

"Huh? Oh yes that's me," I reply with a smile as I turn around and see a gorgeous looking guy.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Christian, I'm the captain of this place and I will be assigning you a partner and an Android to work with," the man says giving me a hand to shake, which I gladly take.

"Lovely to meet you Captain..."


"Captain Williams," I finish my sentence with a warm smile.

I follow Christian to his office and sit down in the chair opposite his desk.

"So I see you are one of the top deviant officers in your precinct, think you're up for the challenge of deviancy here in your home city?" Christian says with a smirk.

"You bet ya."

I give Christian a smirk after I speak which causes us to both laugh.

"What do you know about deviancy so far?"

"Most of them are caused in an act of self defence because either the Android has gone through trauma or has witnessed trauma happen to someone close to them," I explain proudly.

Christian smiles as he writes down what I just said.

"Impressive, that's more than what we already know, I think you'll solve this case quickly, you mostly just need to sustain androids and send them to be disabled so pretty easy, we just need your help to get this kick started and minimise the Android's before we can take over, got it?" Christian asks me.

I nod and give a friendly salute causing a laugh from Christian.

"I'll introduce you to your partners."

Christian gets up and I follow him to a desk where a brown haired female and an Android similar to Connor sit.

"Rose, this is Adriana Jane who will be working with you on sustaining deviants," Christian says.

"Nice to meet you Adriana, this is my partner, RK900, his name is Alex," Rose says introducing me to the Connor look a like.

"Nice to meet you Lieutenant Jane," the RK900 says shaking my hand.

I smile and look back to Christian who claps and starts to speak again.

"I'll leave you too it as we need to get start right now."

Christian walks back to his office and Rose grabs her jacket.

"New Deviant case, Bourke Street, an Android is robbing shops with a knife," Alex the RK900 says.

Alex the Android... that's gonna be confusing.

I follow Rose and Alex out the front door and stop in front of a bunch of motor bikes.


"Ride with Alex for now, on the weekend we'll get you a bike," Rise says as I shrug and hop behind Alex, arms wrapped around his torso as we speed through the city of Melbourne.

"There!" I point to a rogue Android.

I jump off of Alex's moving bike, rolling to stay safe and I sprint after the Android.

"ADRIANA!" Alex and Rose shout at the same time as they park their bikes.

I sprint through tons of people, dodging and weaving limbs and bodies still chasing the deviant.

I gain speed on the Android and tackle it to the ground, both of us throwing punches to knock each other out. The Android takes a stab at my arm and I dodge it, but it just grazes my arm, causing blood to trickle into the concrete.

My knee connects with the Android's groin and it falls to my side, I jump on top of the Android and slam its head onto the ground rendering it unconscious.

I stand upright, legs either side of the now unconscious Android as Alex and Rose catch up to me, both breathing heavily. I look to them and smile as I walk over to them, all three of us staring at the deviant in the ground, people are surrounding the scene but from far away as the deviant retrieval part of the police force come and take the deviant away.

"You okay?" Rose asks me looking at my arm and torn uniform.

"Yeah I'm good, just need some basic first aid, but let's get back to the precinct aye? Don't worry about me," I reply with a soft smile as I wander to the bikes and sit on Alex's.

Alex wanders up to me and gets on the bike as well, my arms going around his torso.

"You need first aid immediately Adriana, I'll tend to your wound when we get back to the precinct in order to prevent infection," Alex says sternly.

"Fine," I give in as I rest my head on Alex's shoulder, feeling him take a harsh breath in.

This Android. One of the most strict and most effective and improved androids is malfunctioning due to me resting my head on its shoulder? I didn't think I had that much of an effect.

As we walk into the precinct, people are murmuring and looking at me in awe.

"Are you okay?" I hear a couple times when people see my arm.

As Alex sits me on his desk and tends to my wound I speak up.

"Listen, I'm perfectly fine, just a small injury, so don't stress, I will put a start to the end of these deviants, starting from now!" I say quite loudly as I earn cheers.

"Adriana, new report, we gotta go," Rose says quickly as she looks at me with concern as Alex finishes first aid.

I nod and chase after Rose, jumping on the back of her bike because Alex will meet us at the scene.

We speed to the scene and I see the Android climb a roof.

Alright then that's how you wanna play? I'm in.

I see a ledge I can jump onto as we speed towards the Android. I stand on the back of the bike, Rose looking back at me quickly then back onto the road.


"Nope!" I shout as I jump onto the ledge and climb onto the roof, chasing the deviant who starts to speed up once they see me.

I jump over gaps of roofs, swing across roads from pipes and I quickly gain the deviant.

The deviant comes to a stop as the edge of a roof, nowhere to go.

"Just come with me! It will make things easier I swear!" I shout at the deviant.

A crowd is gathering below both of us.

"No you're going to disable me!!"

"That I can't do much about but if you come with me maybe you'll have a better chance at surviving!" I explain as calmly as I could.

Rose and Alex are down the on the ground in amongst the public, with the retrieval team following behind.

"How do I know you aren't bluffing! Most humans want to kill us!" The Android shouts concerned.

"Because I work for DPD in Detroit, I care for androids! I work closely with an Android and would do everything in my power to make sure you remain safe! So please, come away from the edge and come with me!" I plead.

"I'm sorry."

With those last two words the Android steps backwards and falls, I try to catch it but fail and end up laying on the roof, one arm supporting me and stopping me falling while the other is reached out from trying to catch the Android.


I stand up and make my way down to the ground and Rose comes up to me, Alex tailing the brunette.

"Adriana," Rose says quietly as she looks concerned about me.

"I'm okay," I stutter.

Rose hugs me tightly and I return the hug.

"I was worried."

"You just met me."

"And you tried to stop that deviant from jumping," Rose retaliates.

I smile at Rose's comment and nod.

"Guess so," I reply.

Rose drags me back to her bike and we ride back to the precinct where Christian is waiting for us, and Alex.

"Adriana, what do we need to know to stop these deviants?" Christian says with a side smile.



Not edited ~ At the time of publishing this chapter, the story is at 596 reads but here's a premature thanks for 600 reads! I had 500 in like the other chapter what on earth! 

arrow xoxo

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