LOVE AND SADNESS Male saiyan...

By jpalominoooo24

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You are God from universe 14 Who has a background of sadness and destruction Harem story Hope you like it thi... More

About You
She Is My What!!!!
The Assassin Is My Friend
Fallen We Meet Again
Past: The Day The Earth Stood Still
A Devils Wedding
Past Orgins
Family School Day
My Daughters
Past: Her
The Battle In Kuoh Academy Part1
The Battle In Kuoh Academy Final Part
Past: Valkyrie
Meeting The Gremory And Sitri Hiers
Neko Neko Ni
My Sadists Daughter
My Daughters On A Date!!!
The Sitri Sisters
The Way The Devils Celebrate Part 1
The Way The Devils Celebrate Final Part
A Pirate Life For Me
Order Of The Assassins
Knights Of The Round
Youkai Clan
For Her And The Human Race (part 1)
For Her And The Human Race (final Part)
Harem Fight
The Path I Must Walk Alone
(Finally ) The Ultimate Warrior Ascends

Past: Trihexa

2.2K 29 4
By jpalominoooo24

Hope you guys like this chapter


Location city of Jerusalem

Year, 36 AD

Not your pov

The town people of the city of Jerusalem, were gather out side today to see the know man name Jesus christ, the messiah and son of God be crucified today. They were all yelling at him bad things. They told him if he was the son of God to free himself from this suffering. They throw stones at him. They were pretty much humiliated him while he was going to be sentences to his death.

While this was happening a young girl saw one of the suppose 12 apostles, just looking at there messiah be yelled, stone and humiliated. So what she did was call him out.

Young girl: look

Every turn around and looks at who she was pointing at, it was the most faithful of the 12 apostles Peter.

You girl: look this man was with him.

Peter: young girl, I don't know him

He denied that he knew Jesus christ.

Then other girl who was a servent of were Jesus christ was taken spoke.

Servent girl: yes I saw you there when they took him.

Peter: like I said girl I don't know him.

He denied that he know son of God a second time.

Finally a third time some old man said to him.

Old man: surely you are one of them,for your accent gives it away.

Then finally Peter snap the third time and started to call down curse on himself and he swore to them.

Peter: like I said I.... Don't.... Know..... Him!

Right when he said that a rooster crowe, and then he knew he did something wrong. So he ran away from the crowd of people gather there and he left.

Scene change

Your pov

While Peter was denieng he knew the son of God, Jesus Christ. You and trihexa were watching him from a far.

Trihexa: so it was true what Jesus Christ told his apostle Peter.

You: yea, he told them before the rooster crowe, he was going to denied that he knew him three times.

Trihexa: yea and with that he sent Jesus christ to his death, I can't believe none his apostles did anything about it.

You: your right they were scared, but Jesus christ already knew since birth, that he was going to be crucified in the cross.

Trihexa: should we go see the crucifaction.

You: yea but before a need to get a book to read later after we go home.

Trihexa: okay lead the way.

She puts her two arm around your arm and you guys start walking.

Scene change

You guys walk for a few blocks when you find a shopkeeper store and you walk in.

Shop keeper: oh customer hello welcome to my store my name is herminia, we sell weapons, cloths, jewelry and books. How may I help you.

You: hi am y/n and this is Trixie, we are here to look for a book.

Herminia: okay what kind of book you are looking for is it an romance book so you can read it to your girlfriend here.

You: oh no were not a couple.

Herminia: I see but why is she holding you like you guys are a couple.

You: well you see there is alot of dangers in the city of Jerusalem,for a pretty girl, so am just protecting her.

Herminia: I see it's is true you did see today outside that the were taking a prisoner to go get crucified in the cross. They say he is the son of God.

You: yea true, but anyway am not looking for a romance book am looking more for a adventure book.

Herminia: okay I know just the right one.

She goes to the book shelf and looks around.

Herminia: hmm let me see,

she looks around for a couple of minutes and find the book she is look for you.

Herminia: okay here we go the book is call the wonders adventure. It has fighting, adventuring and a little romance.

You: great I will take it.

Herminia: great it will be 5 silver coins.

You: here you go, you hand her the 5 silver coins.

Herminia: thank you.

Trihexa: can we go know.

You: sure

You and trihexa started to walk out the door, but herminia stop you guys.

Herminia: wait

You both turn around.

Herminia she started to fidget her fingers.

Herminia:  if its true that you are not a couple.

You: okay.

Herminia: then you are free right.

You: yes

Herminia: so your free, I close up shop after the sun disen So if there away we can hang out maybe get some food.

You: If I have time I would gladly, go with you to eat dinner.

Heeminia: thank you she smiles, come again.

Trixie in her mind : bitch you trying to steal my y/n away, I won't let you get away with it.

You: okay thanks

You and Trixie walk out of the shop and are heading to see Jesus christ  be crucified.

While you guys were walking for a couple of buildings of Way from the store, Trixie stop walking.

You: whats wrong Trixie.

Trixie: am sorry y/n but I forgot I was going to buy something at the shop store.

You: okay lets go.

Trixie: no its fine y/n I will go alone.

You: are you sure about that.

Trixie: yes just wait for me here I will not take that long.

You: okay I will wait if you need help just scream and I will here you.

Trixie: okay thank you.

She starts walking away and heading to the shop keeper store.

You: why didn't  she get what she wanted when we were at the shop keeper store. She is kind of weird sometimes, I really do want to know why God created both me a Trixie for.

What you didn't know. God created both you and trihexa the same day. Like you he grab seed of man and egg of women to create a baby girl which he was going to name trihexa. The difference is that she was created by God when both man and women sin, so pretty much trihexa is the first baby born with sin. God wanted to balance good and evil. That's why he created both you and trihexa. It was in his plan about life. But God did not knew that trihexa was going to cause him trouble.

Back to you

You: well I will never know if only if I ask him, he may tell me about her.

While you were thinking about trihexa, she came back.

Trixie: am back.

You: good did you buy the thing that you wanted.

Trixie: no she really didn't have the thing I wanted so I just left her store.

You: okay should we move on

Trixie: okay let's go see Jesus be crucified.

You: okay.

She goes up to you and use her two arm to grab you. You guys start walking to were Jesus christ will be crucified.

Trixie in her mind: oh my dear y/n that bitch won't bother you anymore.

Trixie pov

Before you guys left to crucified of Jesus christ, Trixie ask if she could return to the shop keeper store and get something she forgot at the store to buy. You said yes and she left heading to the store. She arrived at the store and is greeted by herminia.

Herminia: welcome am herminia how can I help you.

She looks and it Trixie.

Herminia: oh your were with that young handsome man. Your Trixie right.

Trixie: yes.

Herminia: then Trixie what are you looking for.

Trixie: am looking for a dagger y/n likes weapons and I will like to buy him one as a gift.

Herminia: okay sure let go were the weapons are at.

Both herminia and Trixie go to were all the weapons are at.

Herminia: okay let me see you said he wanted a dagger right.

Trixie : yes

Herminia: okay I have a very special dagger in a display let me look for it.

She looks around and fine the dagger she was looking for.

Herminia: okay here it is let me take it out of the display.

Herminia reach out for the dagger, before she can take out the dagger off the display, she is stab in one of her hands. And her hand is pin were the display dagger is at. She screams with agony.

Trixie: bitch you think you can have my y/n.with a evil smile.

Herminia: what the hell is wrong with you.

Herminia goes for the dagger with her other hand, but Trixie grabs and pulls it out. Her arm is bleeding. Before Herminia can get up,trixie stabs the her with the dagger in her right leg she screams.

Herminia: please stop why are you doing this.

Trixie: like I said no one touches my y/n, she has that evil smile again.

Herminia was scared for her life she started to scream for help.

Herminia: help, please someone help me.

Trixie: no one can here you scream. Let have more fun shall we.

Trixie pulls out the dagger from herminia leg and use it to cut one of her ears. Blood starts rushing out of the ear.

Trixie: oops now you can here from one ear.

Herminia: please stop it let me die already, If there is a God please help me.

Trixie: oh am sorry put God won't help you. You want to know why, because God created me and he won't give a crap about you.she smiled, Am tired of hiering your nagging. Next I will cut your voice box.

Herminia: please don't.

Trixie: sorry but you mess with the wrong man.

Trixie goes up to herminia neck and cuts off her voice box with the dagger.

Herminia starts gushing out blood through her mouth she tried to scream but she didn't have her voice anymore.

Trixie: music to my ears, with a evil smile. Now finally your eyes so you can't see my y/n again.

Trixie goes up to herminia and grab her right eye of herminia with her hand and yank it. Then she use the dagger, stab the left eye pulling it out of herminia.

Herminia looks like something out of a horror story. No eyes just one ear, she doesnt have her voice anymore. Hermina is just waiting for Trixie to end her life.

Trixie: well am done, my darling y/n is waiting for me I don't want him to keep him waiting, and your not just the first wrench I killed, I killed many more because they try to be with my y/n. Well anyways chow.

Trixie leaves the store and leaves herminia right there at the shop. Herminia body starts twitching for a couple of minutes until she lost a lot of blood and died.

Scene change

You and Trixie were at the cruxfication of Jesus christ. The people of Jerusalem were screaming at him.

People: if you are the son of God let's your self free.

Jesus starts to pray to his father.

Jesus:father, forgive them, for they know not what they are doing.

People : if you the messiah set your self free.

Jesus: my God, my God, why have you forsaken me.

People: if you are the son of God let yourself free.

But then Jesus spoke his final word.

Jesus:father, into your hands I commend my spirit.

After that Jesus christ dies.

You: may he rest in peace.

Trixie : yes can we go now.

You: sure but we already know he will resurrect on the third day after his death.

Trixie : yes and he will come soon to earth and take his people.that what God told us.

You: right let get out of here.

Scene change

Year 100 ad

You and asia arrive to the garden of eden. For. Your surprise the garden of the eden was destroyed. All the plants and animals were dead.

Asia: big bro what happened it looks like a someone started to destroyed the garden of eden.

You: I don't know we have to fine Trixie she mate be in trouble.

You and asia look for Trixie and found her, she was in the middle of the forbidden tree.

You: Trixie what the hell happen here.

No answer.

Asia: are you okay did anybody hurt you.

No answer.

You: dammit Trixie answer us.

Trixie started to speak.

Trixie: he told me everything

You: what do you mean.

Trixie: God told me everything.

You: Trixie what did god tell you.

Trixie: he told me everything why he made us.

You: Trixie your going mad stop talking this nonsense.

Trixie: he made us to balance this damn world. To balance the good and the evil. We are just pawn in this world y/n.

You: Trixie why did you destroy the garden of eden.

Trixie: to show God I am no pawn in his stupid world. He is going to pay, the way he is going to pay with the lives of the human he created.

Trixie started flaring her power. She made the garden of eden tremble.

You: I can't let her destroy what God created in this world. The Garden of Ed started to tremble with your power.

You turn to super saiyan God.

You: asia back me up.

Asia: right.

You go with light speed were Trixie was at and go for a punsh, but your punsh does land on her because she use a force feel that pushes you back.

Trixie : that won't work out me. She charges her power and send it to you.

You: asia!

Asia: right
She goes in front of the attack and use her on force field magic.
Asia: big bro I can't hold it that much longer and need you to send some attack.

You: right

You started to rapidly send ki blast at her.

Trixie block every one of them with her field force magic.

You: crap I can't go through am going to need a little help from you sister right.

Asia: right

She started to chant.

Asia: I am the one who slays and captures gods. / I am the one who knows the end and the founder of genesis. / Return thyself to the cycle of providence, / The five elements to elements, / And sever the links woven between images and truth. I declare / that all of creation shall perish here, / At the distant ends of the void, time to perish extinction ray!!!

Her attack is sent were the force field is at. The force field started to crack.

You : nice asia but your going to need a little more help.

Your kamehameha wave was sent to were Trixie was at. The force field was finally breaking.

You: asia after the force field breaks what should we do.

Asia : I know I chant that could help us but after I use it your going to have to finsher of okay.

You: I got you little sister.

You and asia : ha!!!

You and asia increase your power, which breaks the forest barrier of Trixie.

You: now! Asia!!

Asia: okay

Asia:  as I open the elemental chains of heaven, of fire, water, air, and earth, I chain thy to hell.

The chains wrap around Trixie body chain her up.

Trixie: what the hell I can move what is this.

Asia: its a bind chant that I learn just in case something like this would happen. You can't use your power because the elements are drain it,but I only can use this chant once in a lifetime.

Trixie: let me go.

Asia: am sorry Trixie, y/n do it now!!!!

You: right

You god from. Super saiyan god to super saiyan blue.

You: sorry Trixie but I won't let you destroy this world.

You: Final

You: Ha!!!!

Trixie: no... But I love you my darling!!! .

With that Trixie was seal for good.

You: damit Trixie why did you do this and why God didn't you stop her.

You cursed to God in the heaven, but he did not answer.

You: answer me you coward.

No answer.

You: that does it kamehameha!!!!

You send your kamehameha wave to the heaven, but it doesn't do anything. So you give all your power and sent it to heaven. But you felt weak because of the fight with Trixie. So you power down and fall to the ground conscience.

Asia run to you.

Asia: big bro wake up.

No answer.

Asia: big bro wake up!!!!!

Nothing but what asia did not see was that while you were fighting trixie. She lay a symbol on you on your kneck the mark of the beast.


Thanks for reading

Jp out

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