
By leelu112

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"Jealous much Amelia?" "So what if I was, what's it got to do with you?" "Jealousy is an ugly trait sweethear... More



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By leelu112

Charlie's pov

I decided on some cute blue shorts and a crop top, I wasn't here to impress.
Amelia was wearing a light pink and white pinafore. Damn we would probably be the most dressed people going, you know how parties get.
Abbie however, decided a short black dress would be cool, yeah cold for your bear thighs.

We went inside and looking around there was only 30-40 people at best, drinking, grinding, whatever.
This isn't usually our scene, me and Amelia, we usually hang out on weekends with Netflix and pizza arguing whether Damon or Stefan was hotter. We came to an agreement that she can have Stefan and I'll have Damon. But she does like them both, she's so indecisive sometimes.

Actually I'm surprised we're here, she said yes without hesitation. Well I called dibs on Ethan a couple months ago when they started, she thought they were cute. Obviously a little eccentric but deep down we both kinda liked that about them, who'd want to be normal am I right? Something must've made her want to come.

"Hey sugar you want a drink" a random guy said as he came up spilling his drink a little.
Clearly he was wasted already.

"No thanks" I didn't exactly want to be drugged, I'll find my own drink thanks pal like tf?
He looked at me like I grew two heads and wobbled over to his next unfortunate victim. Poor girl.

"Hey Chaz, you wanna go grab a drink with us?" Amelia smiled, as Abbie walked through the crowd towards the kitchen getting a couple stares and whistles.

"Sure" I said giving her the really look.
She gave me the look. That's the good thing about me and Amelia, we've been friend for as long as I can remember we always get closer. She's practically my twin, we have almost everything in common, we look similar. The only differences is she's slightly shorter, she has longer hair and blue eyes. I didn't. I was tall, short dark hair and brown eyes. I'm happy with the way I look.

We ended up grabbing some peach snaps and lemonade to start of with, we're not light. We're just taking it slow for now, one of us has to drive back right?

Clearly it wasn't going to be Abbie, she was sat on the sofa next to some lads with a big bottle of Smirnoff and sourz. Guess who's going to have a big hangover tomorrow!

At some point the others arrived finally.
Kim walked in without her boyfriend which was surprising. Zoe falling close behind, looking pissed off. And some others, Jess being in the mix.

"Hey uh why does it look like you brought a couple sour lemons?" I said laughing.

"God knows, dont they always look like that?" Kim said pouring herself a drink.

"Who drove you guys?" They didn't come with us.

"James drove me I got ready at his but his dad needed help around the house so he went back home. Zoe was there when I pulled up outside. She got bitchy with me" she sighed.

"She likes your boyfriend, I wouldn't give her the time"
"We all think so, we're the only ones saying it though. Jess is salty because I'm happy and I spend more time with him and you guys than her and Zoe. Whatever!" She said chugging her drink.

"Fair enough, want another one? I need a refill anyway" I said walking over to the alcohol filled table.

"Sure, hit me with a surprise drink" she said passing me the cup.

I grabbed some raspberry vodka and paired it with some coke in both our cups. Should taste alright.

"Hey have you seen Amelia, she came to get a drink with me and Abbie and then she disappeared." I searched the room as much as I could put couldn't see her around.

"I think I saw her outside arguing with that Ryan guy" Kim said rolling her eyes.

"Ryan? The guy you all met on Friday, the one that gave her the mark on her ass? She told me about him" I tried not to laugh but it was a little funny.

"Spot on actually, I suppose that's what they're arguing about" she said giggling.

"Well Abbie's over on the sofa, and Chloe's outside with some girls. Unless you wanna find Amelia with me?"
She's my best friend, if he's being a poop. Then I'll be there for her.

"Yeah beats sticking around these two sour lemons" she said mimicking me making us both laugh as we went outside the front.

"You have to admit they're both sneaky, especially with everything that's happening. Don't you think?"

She nodded looking around.
"They were here a couple minutes ago"

"Who was here a minute ago?" Amelia called from behind us making us jump.

"Amelia! You scared the living shit out of me don't do that!" I said catching my breathe.

"Sorry" She said giggling a little.

"Hey what happened between you and Ryan, didn't want to disturb you guys before" Kim said raising her eyebrows.

"He was talking about what he did, said he thought I would've enjoyed it because most girls like that. He didn't mean too bla bla kept apologising" she said sipping MY drink through MY straw.

"Go ahead have a sip" I said sarcastically.

"You'd have let me anyway"

"So Kim said you was arguing? That doesn't sound like arguing" I said looking at her confused.

"He compared me to other girls, talking about all he's done with girls, then said I should've enjoyed it like the others" She looked a little down.
"Hey it's fine we understand" Kim said sympathetically.
"I wouldn't have mind it, surprising.. But He was an ass about it you know?" Amelia whispered.
"Yass girl join the dark side with me" Kim laughed, I swear these girls make me laugh.
"So you're into the whole dominancy thing? Or the whole Ryan thing?" I smirked.
"Oh god guys stop"
"Damn girl we'll get you some! One day you'll love doing those things with a guy. You have to be comfortable with him first though" Kim hollered.
"Ok. Ok. Let's go inside before we get cold" Amelia said laughed.

Not 1 minute being back inside Grayson locks eyes on us and walks over.
"Hey baby girl, you made it. You look ravishing" Grayson growled in Amelia's ear as he grabbed her waist.
She blushed, you couldn't see it but I know her enough to know she did.
"Thank you, I didn't really want to wear a skintight dress that had my body popping out. Who's party is this anyway" she said pushing him away.

He looked a little hurt then it was gone within a blink of an eye. His smile plastered on his face, he likes her. It's obvious the way he looked at her.

"We're going to go dance, we'll leave you too it lovebirds" Kim giggled as we went to go dance.

Ugh all these people make this place so hot, is there no AC in this place?

There was random people trying to dance on us and grab onto us but we put them in their place. This is our night, we don't need people putting their hands all over us. Besides we have boyfriends.

My feet started to hurt so I went to sit down near Abbie. Only she was sat on this guy Practically on his lap.

God tonight's going to be a long night I thought to myself. I can't wait to go home and collapse on my bed.

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