Chocolate Kisses

By TheGooIsTrue

627 17 67


1 Kiss
Kiss 3
Chocolate 4
Kiss 5
Chocolate six
Kiss 7
Chocolate 8
Kiss 9
Chocolate 10
Quick question
So guys...
Kiss 11
Kiss 12
Kiss 13
Luca 14
Kiss 15
Kiss 16
Luca 17
Kiss 18
Luca 19
Is it done?
I'm Back
7 years later
Not everyone gets a happy ending
More info?!

Chocolate 2

35 4 0
By TheGooIsTrue

I skipped school on the first day. Maybe I won't tomorrow. 

Flash back

 Elliot called me around 1.


I grabbed my phone off the wet ground and said:

"Eli. What?"

"Hey dude! What the Fuck?! Why aren't you here today?! There's two new kids, and one of them is H. A. W. T."

"Elliot what do u need?! I'm training here!" 

"Ok, ok, The three of us non ditchers need a ride. Hurry up and get here before three." 

"Yeah yeah. What about the other three boys and the two girls?"

"They have a ride... and Abigail is going with Lily. Abs keeps rejecting me bro! She's my mate, she is supposed to love me!" 

"Dude... Don't talk about your love life with my twin sister to me!"


"Ill be there soon." 

I hopped in my firey red mustang and drove to the school. Five minutes before the bell gets out. I drove to the front, seeing a shiny brand new black Porsche. Of course I parked next to it. When the shrill bell let out, all the boys in the new pack raced over. Shittt. I hopped on the hood as they laughed and joked. 

Suddenly, I smelled the most delicious thing ever. Like someone had just given me a bottle of vanilla extract. As I traced it from the car, I saw a girl holding a backpack and a corgi pup. She was the scent. I watched her come near the Porsche. She finally looked up at me. I stared at her, certain she would look away. That's what girls did. But she stared back, putting the corgi in the passenger seat and coming around to the driver door. I gulped, and she slipped, falling on her butt. She sighed, sat there for a second, and pulled herself up. I had jumped down and pulled her up. Then I handed her her backpack. She took it, and fiddled with her car keys. 

"Thank you." She whispered, her melted chocolate voice striking my heart. 

"What is your name?" I barked out. She looked up, not worried.

"Rain." She said. Rain. What a name. Fit her perfectly. 

I had to touch her. I noticed her hair covered the right side of her face. I brushed it back, and flinched at the large purple bruise. 


Elliot interrupted my memory and punched my arm.

"Bro what is wrong? As soon as you speed us home you go straight to your room and don't come out?" Like, bro, calm down. It's nothing. I don't say that though.

"Eli, get out."

"Bro, you saw the girl next to your car right? She is the new kid! Isn't she smoking HAWT??!! Boy, what would I do if I didn't have a mate." 

I heard him whistle. A growl shot out of my chest.

"SHE HAS A FUCKING NAME! It's fucking Rain!"

"Wow bro, what's up your ass? Is she your mate?!" He sputtered.

"No. Go tell Grayson to get up here." I growled at my beta. 

"Yeah yeah."  I could hear the hurt in his voice, but I was mad. She was mine!

Grayson trotted up the stairs, bounding into my room. 

"Alpha, I think I'm going to bang that hot human girl, Rain, tomorrow. Woooo! Isn't she a babe?! God, I can't wait to hear her scream my name! Did you see her car?! We could bang in th-" I cut him off by jumping out at him. I bit his neck, my bones cracking as I shifted. I would kill him. No one could touch her. 

He shifted and ran down stairs. Abigail raced up. 

"Wow, everyone heard everything. So... She is your mate." She stated. I growled, and she sighed as she left. I shifted back and locked my door. I stood up, stark naked. I sighed, feeling very shaky. I took a hot shower and sighed again. Damn it. My wolf howled inside me.

'Haha! Victory! We defeated mate stealers!' He barked.

'She isn't our mate!'

'No. She is. We like mate. Mark mate. Mark her.'


 'yes! I miss mate.' He howled. I ignored him and turned of the water. I dried off, got dressed, and went to bed.

In my dream, she kissed me. 

I like mate.

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