'Just Friends' - A Harry Styl...

By stylesdarling

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Natalie gets a job in a bakery to help her mother to support the family. What she doesn't know is the people... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 1

472 1 1
By stylesdarling

Chapter One

It was summer. The first day of summer. The sun was shining bright and the sky was clear with no clouds at all. I shut the alarm off and quickly took a shower to get ready for the day. When I got out of the shower, I recieved a phone call from the Bakery.

"Hello?" I said trying to keep calm when inside I was worried.

"Hello. Is this Natalie?"

"Yes it is," I replied.

"Hello Natalie. We just wanted to call you to talk about the interview we had regarding the job you applied for. How did you think you did?"

"I think I did pretty good."


There was a short awkward silence, and the thoughts in my head were spinning like a rollercoaster.

"That is why we want to tell you that you made the job."

"Oh my gosh! Really?" I said almost about to scream.

"Yes, we will contact you on further information through email about your scheduele and other information."

"Thank you so much!"

"Your welcome. Talk to you soon."

And then the line ended. I rushed downstairs and ran to my mom.

"Mom! Mom! I got a job!!" I screamed.

"Honey congrats! I'm so happy for you! When do you start?" She asked happily.

"I'm not sure, they're going to email me all the information."

"That's great! I'm so happy for you!"

"Me too!"

I recently applied for a job, because my parents got divorced and it was the only way to support the family.


"Okay mom I'm leaving now! I'll see you when I get home!"

"Okay honey, see you!"

I started walking down the street and then I crossed the street. I walked a couple blocks until I was right in front of the bakery. I opened the door and walked to my manager. He said to goto the conference room and that he will be there shortly for a breif meeting. I went into the conference room and saw that all of the workers were there sitting down, so I sat down aswell and as I looked around the room I saw one person that caught my eye. He had brown curly hair and beautiful green eyes. I looked away so it wouldn't be that obvious. I think he was checking me out. He was pretty cute, I have to admit. A moment later, the manager came into the room.

"I have a special announcement for you all. We have a new employee that will be joined into the family. Her name is Natalie. I want you all to be nice and friendly to her because she doesn't know anyone here. Harry, your in charge of showing her what to do. Don't let me down boy."

Harry smiled and said, "I won't don't worry. You can count on me. I've got it all covered." He winked and looked at me.

Wow. He was really gorgeous. And I could tell he fancied me.

SO THAT WAS THE END OF MY FIRST CHAPTER!:) sorry it kinda sucked ahaha. I'm just getting into the story.  It'll be better later on, don't worry:)

SOYEAH!:D comment, fan, like, whatever you want:)x


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