The Harpercops Incredible Adv...

By AdventureGirl5

28.7K 477 551

Kali is researching for a school project about an uncovered case of missing superheroes banned fifteen years... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 5

1.6K 28 34
By AdventureGirl5

Early the next morning, Kali, Mikey, and Krypto snuck out of the house and followed Bob from flying over above his car without being seen. Kali and Mikey were riding on Krypto's back. Krypto and Mikey were wearing their super suits and gear. Bob was also in his old suit, which was a little tight on him and worn down due to it not being worn in 15 years.

They arrived at the airport and snuck onto a manta shaped jet after Bob and stayed hidden  where no one could see them as the jet quickly took off into the sky. 

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait a minute! So let me get this straight... Your dad's a superhero?!" Mikey (in his true mutant turtle form) asked Kali in a bit of shock and confusion, almost loud enough for everyone else on the jet to hear them. 

"Yes! I'm sure it happened way before that superhero banned thing fifteen years ago, but Mom never told me, now shh!" Kali whispered harshly, while the gang was undercover listening to Mirage's conversation with Mr Incredible. 

"The Omnidroid 9000 is a top-secret prototype battle robot" Mirage explained to Mr Incredible about his mission on the island, on the way there. "Its artificial intelligence enables it to solve any problem it's confronted with. And, unfortunately-"

"Let me guess" the gang then heard Bob spoke up. "It got smart enough to wonder why it had to take orders?"

"We lost control" Mirage replied. "And now its loose in the jungle, threatening our facility. We've had to evacuate all personnel from the island for their own safety" 

"Wow, this has to be serious..." Kali, Krypto, and Mikey all thought and looked to each other. 

"How am I going in?" Bob then asked. 

"The Omnidroid's defense necessitate an air drop from 5,000 feet" Mirage informed. "It's cloaking devices make it difficult to track. Although we're pretty sure it's on the southern half of the island. Oh, and one more thing... Obviously it represents a significant investment"

"So basically, you want me to shut it down without completely destroying it" Bob said.

"You are Mr Incredible" Mirage nodded with a small smile.

Bob and Mirage then left the room to get ready for his mission. 

"What now?" Krypto asked in whisper. 

"We follow of course" Kali answered. 

The gang snuck off undetected while Bob got ready in one of those ejection pods, and they would secretly follow. Bob got stuck briefly, due to gaining a few extra pounds over the years. Kali couldn't help but snicker a little. After one final push, Bob went through and into his pod, ready for action. Mirage then came over to Mr Incredible's pod.

"I got to warn you, it's a learning robot. Every moment you spend fighting it only increases its knowledge of how to beat you" She told him.

"Shut it down, do it quickly, don't destroy it" Bob replied. 

"And don't die" Mirage added sincerely. 

"Great, thanks" Bob smiled, before the pod then shot off. 

Kali and Mikey got on Krypto's back as they flew off, following the pod down to the island. The gang and pod landed safely in the jungle on the island know as Nomanisan.     

The gang stayed hidden where Bob wouldn't see them as they watched him forcefully bust out of his pod. Due to gaining a few extra pounds over the years, he was really out of shape. 

"Wow, for fifteen years he's really let himself go" Mikey whispered, and Kali giggled to that. 

"Showtime" the three then heard Bob say to himself, ready for action. 

The gang then started following Bob on foot a few meters back without being seen while Krypto flew overhead, scouting the area with his xray-vision in search for the Omnidroid when he soon caught its scent. 

"It's this way" the superdog told the other two. 

After while, the gang eventually got caught when Bob turned around realizing he had been followed. 

"What are you guys doing here?" Bob asked the three of them. 

"That's an excellent question" Mikey started, with a bit of a nervous smile.  

"Were you all following me?" Bob looked to them serious now, with his hands on his hips. 

"Y- Yes..." Kali admitted, with her head down in a bit of shame. 

Bob then sighed putting his hand to his head, having to worry about keeping the gang out of harms way once he'd find the robot. 

"Don't worry, we got Krypto with us" Kali assured Mr Incredible not to worry about protecting her or her friends. 

"And I may not have superpowers, but I can still fight. Plus I got my magic crystal with me" The adventure girl took out her crystal from around her neck, after having it tucked away in her shirt when the gang noticed a few trees had been slashed. 

"Quick question, how will we know what this robot thing looks like when we find it?" Mikey asked, while Bob was examining a giant x-shaped foot print in the ground. 

Suddenly, the gang heard a loud noise behind them and turned around to see the trees coming down and a giant sphere shaped robot with legs, which was the Omnidroid!

"Like that!" Kali pointed out to the Omnidroid in surprise. 

"Holy Chalupa!" Mikey cried out in shock, when the robot suddenly started attacking the gang, trying to slash them. 

They manged to quickly avoid the attacks, but Bob's shoulder got cut slightly by the robot's claw as it drew out blood. 

"Get out of here guys, this is dangerous!" Bob told the others, before dodging another attack from the Omnidroid. 

"Uh, must I remind you I have experience, plus a highly-skilled ninja turtle and superdog here to help" Kali told Bob, when suddenly the robot grabbed her in it's claws and pinned her up against a tree. 

"KALI!" the gang cried out, panicked. 

The boys could only watch as they were paralyzed with fear for the moment as the Omnidroid was about to finish her off. When suddenly, Kali screamed as a giant bright flashing light emerged from her body, blinding the robot briefly while the boys had to cover their eyes. The bright light soon faded from Kali and the Omnidroid let her go, as its scanners had been messed up and some of its energy power was drained for some strange reason.

Krypto then growled and barked aggressively, suddenly ramming into the robot to get it away from hurting his girl. The superdog blasted at the robot's eye lens with his heat-vision and threw a few good punches at it before sending it flying and having it crash into the trees. This made Mr Incredible impressed with the kryptonian dog. 

"Are you okay?" Mikey asked in concern, coming over to his girlfriend's aid. 

"Yeah, i'm fine..." She nodded. But really, she wasn't after what just happened. 

"Kali, did your crystal do that?" Krypto asked, flying back over once he knocked out the Omnidroid. 

"No..." The young teenage girl shook her head. "I did that with my own hands..." she looked at the palms of her hands in shock. 

"What was that?" the three friends asked in confusion. 

"Your powers..." Bob replied, to Kali in particular.  

"My WHAT!?" Kali exclaimed. But just then, the Omnidroid was back up and ready to attack again. 

"Uh-Oh" Bob said, once the Omnidroid spotted them. 

Bob and Mikey then leaped in the air to attack the robot, but it managed to calculate their moves and swatted them against a tree. Kali rush over to her boyfriend's aid while the Omnidroid started chasing after Bob. 

"You good, Mikey?" She asked if he was alright. 

"You never told me you had super powers" Mikey answered, still a little dizzy. 

"I just found out myself!" The tomboy almost yelled, being irritated by that a little. 

The gang then took off to catch up after Bob, when they quickly found him down in a lava pit, cornered by the Omnidroid who was about to push him into the lava. 

The gang could only watch in nervousness. But luckily, Bob was stronger and tossed the Omnidroid right into the lava as it sunk. 

"Wahoo! Way to go! Nice one, Mr Incredible!" the gang cheered for him. 

Bob laughed in victory but then heard a crack, which he felt in his back. 

"Oh, my back!" he groaned in slight pain. 

Just then, the Omnidroid's claws emerged from the lava, grabbing onto the rocks as it came back up with magma dripping from it. 

"Oh, come on!" Mikey groaned, since the Omnidroid was lava proof.

Bob leapt to the nearest rock to try and get away, until the Omnidroid grabbed him and tried to pull him apart, which luckily popped his back into place. Bob then laughed, feeling much better now as he got himself free and tore off the robot's claw in the process. 

The gang watched as Bob was now one step ahead of the Omnidroid, tearing off it's bottom eye lens and tossed it into the lava. He then climbed inside, having the Omnidroid attack itself and damage its own body when it soon ripped out its own power source and slowly tipped over. The Omnidroid was no longer activate, being nothing more now but a big piece of wrecked metal.

Kali and Mikey then flew down to Bob on Krypto's back, once it was safe. 

"That was awesome!" Mikey praised the retired superhero, while Bob smiled in approval. 

"Okay" Kali turned to Bob now, looking rather serious. "I want some answers!" she demanded.   

Bob had some explaining to do to Kali once they'd get back to the base. As they started to leave, Krypto suddenly started sniffing the air as he felt a familiar presence somewhere nearby. 

"What's with your dog?" Bob asked the tomboy, noticing Krypto's sudden and odd behavior. 

"What is it, boy?" Kali asked the superdog. 

"I smell someone... Someone who I haven't smelt in a year..." Krypto told her. 

This shocked the both of them, knowing who the superdog meant. But Kali told him they'd have to come back later on some time soon to investigate, cause now she just wanted to leave this place before anything else happened. 

What the gang didn't notice in a nearby tree was an exotic bird, which was actually a secret hidden camera which zoomed in on the gang. A mysterious shadowy figure was watching the gang with Mirage. 

"Surprising..." the shadowy figure said, impressed. "We must bring him back"

"And I'd like to observe that girl more, along with her friends" the shadowed had suddenly become interested now in Kali and her unique friends. 

"Sound the all clear, and... Invite him to dinner" he told Mirage, referring to Mr Incredible. 

After the gang got back to the base, Bob explained to Kali everything he knew about her dad being a superhero, but more importantly now... about the teenager's powers. The backstory was, when Kali and Violet were toddlers both the Harpercop and Parr families were spending quality time together in the house. Soon Kali's body strangely started glowing, absorbing the light in the room. Revealing to everyone that the little girl had superpowers. But unfortunately, she adsorbed so much light force so quickly it caused the power in the whole neighborhood to go out. After that, Jane and Walter had kept Kali's powers a secret from her ever since, hoping she'd forget.     

Later, Bob had been invited to dinner by Mirage while Kali told the boys they would fly back home, before Jane would find out where they were and what they had been doing.  

When Kali arrived back home with Krypto and Mikey, they snuck through the back way to the back door so Jane was less likely to see them. Violet noticed them though from next door as they came back. 

"Where have you been?" Violet asked Kali, since she wasn't at school today. 

"Shh!" Kali whispered back. "Don't tell my mom I skipped school today, she would kill me" the tomboy said as she slowly opened the back door to her house, when suddenly- 

"KALINA MILDRED HARPERCOP, YOU ARE SO GROUNDED!" Jane shouted, catching her daughter and friends. 

Kali and Mikey both screamed and laughed a little, running upstairs to her room with Krypto. 

"And keep your stuff off the stairs!" Jane added while yelling, noticing all the junk her kids left on the staircase, which was so unsafe.

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