My Woman

By Elderguard

192K 4.5K 424

Ángela Weber x Oc~ More

Her eyes
Lab partner
Change of plans
what he brought back
snacks pt. 1
Something to think about
Bad news from overhead
The fault in our future
Try killing this.
Sweet mother of....fuck!
Come off it
Double Trouble
No sunshine when he's gone
The mean little house
Statute of secrecy

In the stars

1.9K 63 16
By Elderguard

There was so much blood

It was chaos inside the room as Arthur tried to get Angela to calm and push.

But she was crying so much; she could no longer feel the baby.

And she was bleeding...from her eyes, yet after hours of this she was only five centimeters dilated.

Any higher power above was playing a game that Arthur did not want to play, for Bella had already given birth and kicked it.

Jacob and Edward were going at it, just outside because of this, but Arthur did not give a rat's underside.

"Art—Arthur, take it out," Angela cries faintly as blood poured from her eyes. "save the baby."

Arthur tried to smile at her but only managed a grimace. Either way, he doubted she could even see anymore anyways and he cringed to think that this was his fault.

Just hours after infecting Angela with his venom, she had not only fainted but her water had also broken.

So, it brought Arthur over to the dark side, to wonder whether he had been the one to speed up the birth—for that had not at all been his intention.

Intentions...load a good they'd done him because Angela was now laying in Carlisle's in-home ward; onto a hospital bed, begging Arthur to save their baby.

He picked up a knife, profusely apologized to Angela who screamed at him to do it and he went under and with a few slicing sounds and more blood gushing out, Arthur threw back the knife [which landed somewhere onto the floor] and instructed Angela to push.

With each push came a scream of agony from Angela and it broke his heart, Arthur, to see her this way.

But finally, with a slight crunch...a little head coated in blood and sticky clear liquid emerged.

"Nearly there, love. Just keep on!" Arthur said as he positioned his hand to receive the baby.

After much agonization, it was popped out—the baby. Angela took a deep breath and collapsed into her pillow as Arthur held the limp baby far from him.

"Why isn't the baby mo-moving Arthur? Is is-"

But it wasn't.

Seconds after, a piercing shrieking cry escaped the baby as it dangled far from its father, the cold air hitting at its naked body like daggers.

Angela smiled weakly as Rosalie entered.

"Oh my god." Rosalie touched at her heart as Angela reached a bony arm towards the baby.

"I want to touch—"

Arthur walked over and handed over the baby quite quickly as it continued to cry. Angela hugged it close and snuggled her face to its slimy one.

"What is it?" Rosalie whispered to Arthur.

But Arthur ignored her for warmth had started to spread through his chest as he stared at the newly quiet baby who was sucking on its Mam's cheek.

Angela gave a weak little laugh; her eyes seemed dull as her chest heaved with the effort to keep breathing.

Arthur's eyebrows furrowed, he knew something was wrong before Angela said this.

"Momma loves you, Baby-babe."

Arthur picked up the small baby and handed it over to Rosalie as he rushed to Angela's side.

"Take him!"

Rosalie did so with happiness but as she carried the small baby away, its eyes popped right open to reveal full white eyes; Iris, pupil, sclera and all.

Then he blinked, the baby and his eyes colored into an electric blue hue.

On his end, Arthur had long forgotten about the baby. He attention was all for Angela, panic finally reaching him as he shook her unmoving body yet her eyes stayed closed.

Dried tears and blood staining her beautiful face as Arthur hugged her body to his, his shoulders quivered as he fought to keep his sanity.

Rain pounded outside and thunder and lightning begin to fight it out yet again.

"No...come now, love. Wake up for me," Arthur begged hoarsely. "I'm sorry. Please Angela, don't do this."

But she did not wake, nor answer to his puny apology and this broke Arthur even more.

It was Esme and Emmett who pulled him from the room, they dragged him kicking and screaming from his lady who no longer was living.

The sky raged and mourned for many had lost very precious things. Someone had lost a wife, someone had lost a lover, someone has lost a friend, a rival, a daughter-in-law, and two, a mother of one each.

A peculiar sound broke through the racket the thunder, lightning and pounding rain were racking up and even though he felt that their deaths would do, Arthur couldn't help but be grateful as the wolves howled their goodbye all around.

It was a gloomy night. Thunder and lightning scalded through the sky making people jump of fear; coming through so violently and loudly that it threatened to split the night sky in two.

And then a sudden loud call cut through the night and broke to silent virgil that had been going on in the greeting room.

"Oh hell no, ARTHUR!"

Pounding of feet told Arthur that he needn't have even moved from his position, for Rosalie appeared before him quite long before Leah did—holding in her arms a baby in a green onesie wrapped up in a white blanket.

Rosalie pointed an accusing finger at Leah."She's eyeballing my ba- the baby! She's imprinted on him!"

With his head laid onto his mother's lap, Arthur could barely muster the motivation to look up—nevertheless answer the fuming Rosalie the way she so desired and good too because Arthur...did not care.

His heart was forlorn and full of anguish so no, he did not care that Leah had just marked his son. The boy would be in good hands.

But when Arthur showed no sign to answer, Esme stroked through his hair and said in a soft voice. "Jacob here has done the same to Renesmee."

Rosalie made a face. She obviously did not approve of the mutts mating with her precious babies. She took a seat on the couch, far from Leah.

"Where's Edward, anyways?"

"Emmett is trying to pull him from Bella." Jasper responded quietly when Esme did not. His eyes were fixed on Arthur though, he'd been trying to project his gift onto him, but Arthur seemed to have an uncanny resistence for it. Jasper could feel it, his gift was reaching a brick wall when it came to Arthur.

"What's his name?" Alice asked as she kneeled before Rosalie and poked at the baby boy's chubby cheeks.

"Beast..." Rosalie said.

Arthur looked up and this prompted Rosalie to go on.

"Beast Cecil Killian Cullen. Angela wanted to call him Beast because that was her nickname for Arthur and to apparently remind him that all beasts aren't bad—had a whole speech planned out for that too. Cecil is her dad's middle name and Killian's for her Mother, Jillian."

"Beautiful." Alice mumbled.



The next day came and went. Then, the next, and the next, and the next, and the next.

Arthur had gotten use to the fact that he now had something to keep safe.
And he kept it close...his boy.

It hadn't always been like this really. A few days after Angela's passing, Arthur hadn't even been able to look at himself, nevertheless the baby. He had avoided holding the boy for so long that Esme had gotten tired of it.

She had taken him into Carlisle's study and given him the ticking off of the century and the way she'd explained it; Beast was the only thing he had left of Angela and he looked so- no...he was lying.

The boy resembled Arthur to every inch; He had his platinum locks, the same red lips, and Arthur's blue eyes—the ones he'd had as a human. So, in appearance, Beast Resembled a mini Arthur.

Knowing that Angela had mothered him though, was enough to keep the boy close, or so Esme said.

Rosalie, on the other hand, seemed to have no problem mothering Beast; she barely allowed Arthur to hold the baby for more than a bit before making up an excuse to take him away.

It got to the point where Arthur started fearing for his life mildly enough; he felt like if she'd had a choice, Rosalie would have taken killed Arthur, taken Beast, and be done with it for she simply had gotten too attached to the said baby boy.

Baby Renesmee was someone else that Rosalie loved to take from her father whenever Beast was with Leah, Arthur, or Esme.

But not just today. Today, both children rested in their Fathers' hands for Rosalie and Alice were preparing Angela and Bella...for their funeral.

Laying straight as a lowercased 'i', Arthur stared at the ceiling as his...son [he had not gotten quite used to saying that just yet] laid onto his chest curled up like a baby wolf and sucking onto Arthur's nose.

Baby Beast had developed the very peculiar habit of sucking on Arthur's nose everytime that he held him and Arthur did not quite mind anymore—for he had already pegged this as a habit he would have to live with. After all beast had done it to his mother, had he not?

The funeral begin just an hour after the wolves had arrived.

Arthur handed Beast off to Leah who eagerly took him and disappeared up the stairs.

And then, truly did the funeral start.

It was much like a human funeral, only thing was that instead of coffins, the ladies were laid out onto two long tables; washed, beautiful, bony and sickly—looking.

Yet, the makeup seem to help just the slightest of pinch for the glossy, sunken space between their eyes could barely be seen.

The girls had been fitted into beautiful dresses for the next life: Bella in a plain blue one and Angela in a white and black one, like an Angel.

She looked so small on that table that Arthur could only bear to watch her there for only a few minutes before leaving the room. Rain and dark skies had been their only forecast for days now and Arthur had not spoken a word since that night.

Esme had tried everything but he just wouldn't speak.

Even when Renesmee had showed her gift, [of communicating images from her memory by touching] Arthur had said nothing...and what was he suppose to have said? Bravo? Tally-ho? Wicked?

He did not feel so wicked. He felt empty.

Beast only provided so much cushion for his pain; Arthur had lost his mate and he never would find another.

He did not care to find another, because he only wanted her! He wanted Angela but any higher power above was screwing around for they had taken her from him.

And it wasn't as if he hadn't seen it coming—he'd known. But the way he had seen it; if he'd turned her right in the middle of the pregnancy then maybe she wouldn't die?

But he had done it wrong; he didn't know just which part, Arthur didn't.

He did not know whether he had pulled his fangs from her too soon or too late, but he'd nonetheless failed and instead of turning her, had sped up her inevitable death.

Arthur walked back into the greeting room—Beast was palming at Leah's face as if trying to caress it but his arms seemed a bit too short to reach her cheek just right.

And then, Arthur felt it.

A new—

Someone had...

"No way." Arthur thought, temples throbbing hard enough that it felt as if his head was about to pop off.

Arthur ran back into the room he had just left. Everyone stood rigid, staring at the door of which behind laid the dead.

Someone had moved in there and counting right...there could only be Angela and Bella in that room and a life force had suddenly burst into view...he sensed it ...could it be?

The door opened, only to reveal her...


Arthur blinked. Shock rushing through him as the others. The adrenaline that had awakened in his veins came to a halt so brutal, He winced.

Edward lost no time in going over and taking her in his arms. Meanwhile, Arthur stared at the door...waiting—anticipation almost eating at his insides as he waited but what he hoped for did not come.

Angela did not come from that room.

Bella gave him a hug but Arthur barely felt it ...his heart had sunken so far that he could barely even hide his emotions anymore. His resentment was nearly on full display and after the others payed their last respects to Angela and left to show Bella her daughter, Arthur...jumped out the window.

He catapulted himself airborne from the opened window and left.

"I'm sorry, Beast."

And with the rain falling from the sky by the second as if trying to flood the earth, Arthur took off.

He would go with her....

He had promised himself; it was his fault...he had killed his lady and he did not deserve to live.

He did not deserve to call her son his, he did not deserve to be father to that precious, little boy that looked like him so. How would he explain it to the boy when he came off age? How would he tell him that his father had killed his mother?

It just wasn't fair.

Why had they taken Angela? Why not him? He would have given his miserable life for hers only gladly. No...he needed to pay for this terrible thing he had done.

He needed to go off to Italy and—

But before that thought finished fully forming enough to pass across his head, he was tackled onto the floor by something quite vigorously.

He had been running so fast that he had not realized that someone had been tailing him and he was most surprised to find out that his tracker had been her.

Alice sat straddled onto Arthur's toned midsection, her bright golden eyes boring hard into him—anger etched deep into her delicate features.

"And just where are you going?" She demands.

"Get..." Arthur begin as grabbed onto her left ankle and hauled her right into the air. "off!"

But as he stood to go, she came to bare his way. "Where are you going, Arthur?"

Her hair was stringy and sticking to her face as water dripped all over her from over head.

"Well..." Arthur thought. "why not? she can't stop me either way."

"I'm going to pay a visit to Aro. You might not see me again so—"

He leaned in to land her a kiss on the forehead but quite unexpected of Alice, she bashed his head back from her. "Have you gone mad?"

"Don't tell me you've just noticed." Arthur confirmed before he jumped high in the air, caught hold of a branch and threw himself forward onto a tree. "Farewell though, Kid."

But of course, it did not end there.

Alice followed him to the town line and beyond until she tackled him yet again.

"You know what Aro wants from you!" Alice yelled.

"So what?" He replied indifferently.

Alice's eyes widen."Arthur look, I know you're upset about Angela—"

"Upset?" Arthur repeated. "upset is if your parents ban you from going to that Rihanna concert. Alice, I lost my lady; I'm not fucking upset, I'm in a temper, I'm guilty, I'm reproachful because HE!" he jabbed an accusing finger up at the sky. "TOOK HER FROM ME ! AND IT'S MY FAULT."

"Arthur, it's not your fault—"

"I bit her..." Arthur said abruptly.

"You what?" Alice muttered.

"Four days ago, when I took her upstairs; I bit her—sealed the room off and I bit her. She cried and screamed, and asked me to stop. But I didn't. I was being selfish; couldn't imagine a life without her, so I deluded myself into thinking that if I turned her then maybe she wouldn't die. Wasn't even thinking about Beast, but I must've done it wrong; popped her right open and I accelerated the birth somehow and I—i killed her..."

The rain fell in great drops now—the ground beneath Arthur was wet and muddy yet, Arthur's eyes stayed fixated onto the sky; gold and empty, the light that once danced in them now extinguished and gone.

"Arthur, you were just doing what you thought was right for her." Alice said as she laid on him.

"Load of good it did her." Arthur mumbled emptily.

If a car happened to pass by, the passengers would gap and gasp for two people lay onto the side of the blank road. Luckily, cars seldomly left or entered Forks in such a manner.

"Arthur," Alice whispered. "you can't afford to be stupid like this anymore. You have a child counting on you and he'll need his father around, especially because of what he is. So, don't take the coward way out. For once, don't take it as an insult now! But, be like Edward."

"Edi has it easy; his hat-in-the-sea problems don't come close to my behemoths, Alice. I mean, with Bella back, He's—speaking of which, how come—?"

"Well, Edward's been slipping bits of his venom into Bella for a while now, hasn't he? he had to when James attacked and when—"

"I see."

And they stayed this way until night climbed into the sky. The rain subsided until it stopped completely.

Alice pulled Arthur back to Forks and to the Cullen house. As she was the only one that Arthur would allow to see him grieve, he chose her to help him with Angela. They went to the very middle of the forest and laid her to rest there.

Now, what he was going to tell her parents—that, he hadn't a clue. But he had time; the pregnancy had sped along quite fast so if it had been a normal human one, Angela still would've had two more months to go—and she would've been alive.

Arthur stayed back for a few; he sat by her grave, looking up at the stars and he could have been imagining it, but it looked as if the stars had come to form a man and a woman...dancing? Yes.

They seemed to brighten the sky, gliding all across the unending celestial body and entrancing Arthur as he watched until he blinked and the stars took back their place. Gone.

Alice stood a few feet from him, so lost had he been in what he thought he had seen that...he had almost forgotten her presence.

"We should return, Arthur." she called softly in the dark and Arthur stood without protest, ready to leave, but before he did he turned to looked down at the headstone with a sigh.

He did not open his mouth but he spoke his next words so that only she heard it and he truly hoped that she had, for these words would be their last.

"I will see you in the stars, my love."

And with that he turned and walked off with Alice at his arm.

The headstone...glittered white in the moonlight yet bits of water from the leaves overhead had already begun to stain it...the words seem to glow even in the dark;

Here lies Angela Elizabeth Weber

Fare thee well.

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