Our Love Is Fate

Por llAdnall

1.1M 9K 2.1K

Zero died next thing he knew he was bonded to a system. He uses skills and his acting to make sure the ML and... Más

Arc 1.1
Arc 1.2
Arc 1.3
Arc 1.4
Arc 1.6
Arc 1.7
Arc 1.8

Arc 1.5

29.7K 1.1K 147
Por llAdnall

In a frantic search through her bag, Alisa realizes her credit card and debit card are missing. Puzzled by their disappearance, as no one had made contact with her or her bag, she recalls bumping into Hope. With this memory, she turns to Hope with a glare.

"Did you steal my cards?" Asks Alisa restraining her anger. Hope gives her an innocent look.

"No, I didn't, but I can cover the cost of everything you ordered. Even coming from a modest background, I'm able to pay," Hope says innocently, leading those around to believe that it's Alisa who is impoverished, unable to afford anything, and resorting to theft.

"I don't need it; I have money, but someone stole my cards. You were the only person close to my bag," Alisa accused. Hope cast a pitiful look as if she were the one being bullied.

Marcus and William look from afar. For some reason, they felt a tug when they saw Hope. Cole decided it's time to intervene.

"I didn't, I swear, so stop accusing me just because you can't afford to pay. It's not my fault that you come from a humble family," Hope sobs clutching her bag. Cole approaches his sister and hands her two cards.

"Here, little sister, I've already reported your cards as stolen. I always carry extras. Fortunately, I chose to dine here. If you lose them again, just call me," Cole reassures, offering a comforting smile. Alisa's anxiety dissipates when she hugs Cole. Meanwhile, Hope's fist clenches in frustration; how will she pay for the food now? She had planned to use the stolen cards for payment and had even promised her friends she would cover the cost. She had intended to buy whatever she desired. Cole, aware of the situation, knew that the best way to handle a white lotus was to simply ignore them.

"Thanks, brother. I'm sorry for troubling you," Alisa says childishly. Cole ruffles her hair affectionately, shedding his cold facade and resembling a doting father. Marcus couldn't help but think Cole would be good with kids. The restaurant's patrons finally realized that Alisa wasn't poor; someone had stolen her cards. Glances shifted to Hope, and everyone promptly placed their bags in front of them to prevent theft.

"Brother, I thought you'd be with your friends?" Alisa asked curiously, as Cole gestured towards Marcus and William.

"I just came here to eat. I'll be home later; I left my car at Marcus's place," Cole explains to Alisa, who nods in understanding. He returns to his table, anticipating the heroine's next move. The battle is far from over.

"Excuse me, how will you compensate for accusing me of stealing?" Hope cries out softly, and Cole turns to face her. He raises an eyebrow at the girl standing before him.

"Why should I compensate you for a misunderstanding?" Cole challenges Hope. "Furthermore, I recall you slandering my Moore family. If we apply your logic, how would you propose compensating the Moore family?" he retorts, implying that he will not let the matter go lightly.

"I didn't, I swear! I never said such things about the Moore family. Why are you so evil, Cole?" Hope cries. Cole couldn't help but roll his eyes. Why does the heroine only know how to cry and scheme?

"Don't call me Cole; only my friends and family can use my first name," Cole responds icily. Hope clings to Cole's arm, pouting. Meanwhile, Marcus is consumed by jealousy and anger.

"You owe me! Your sister accused me without any proof. You should at least cover the cost of food for me and my friend," Hope argues, trying to convince Cole. Rubbing her breast on Cole's arm.

"I want to kill this bitch if she doesn't let go!"Cole's inner scream is masked by his outward discomfort. He casts a desperate 'help me' glance towards William and Marcus, perplexed by the stress and tension overwhelming him. He felt light-headed and ready to run away.

[Don't you aren't allowed to kill the heroine!]

"Miss this girl is harassing my friend can someone escort her out? She is a gold digger who only wants to sleep her way up" Marcus asks the waitress. Who immediately calls security over. The two security have to pull her from Cole's arm. William pulls Cole to his and Marcus's side. He stood in front of him protectively.

"You ought to be ashamed of attempting to seduce my friend. The Moore family should not be taken lightly. When you mess with him, you're also messing with me and Marcus," William declared angrily. 

"Don't worry Mr. Moore, Mr. Woods, Mr. Zamora" the owner of the king restaurant in a panic. He couldn't let the slut ruin his whole business. Why did such a slut have to anger such powerful people?

"Brother, are you okay? Should I call the doctor? You need to take him away now, my brother's friends!" Alisa exclaims in panic. Her brother reacts strongly when touched by people he doesn't trust. Only those he trusts are permitted to.

"Why?" Asks Marcus unsure of what is wrong with Cole. To him, Cole looks dizzy and pale.

"My brother has a severe phobia of people touching him! He only has a severe reaction to those he isn't close to; with those he is close to, the issues are minor and barely noticeable." Alisa explains to Marcus and William softly.  The two eyes widened another thing they didn't know. Marcus and William remember that for the first couple of times they met he always wore gloves.

"I'll take him to my home. I'll calm him down as best I can!" Marcus exclaims in a hurry. William glares at Hope furiously while making sure no one sees the pale Cole.

"Leon I didn't know Cole had a severe phobia of people touching him!" Cole screams internally

[I apologize it seems that I overlooked that sorry! Please don't hate Leon!]

"Doesn't matter this is better! I look so pitiful Marcus and William are already hating on her!" Cole laughs inside. Which seems much better than his outside.

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