#LongImagine ;Rollercoaster

By KarinRijnsburger

476 9 14

Irmak is a very popular girl at her school. Sometimes she wish that could be different though, just because a... More

part 2

part 1

332 5 12
By KarinRijnsburger

So basically, It's my friend's @IRMAKK93 birthday today. I wrote this for her because she REALLLY loves Edward Grimes and I hope you guys will enjoy it to. I didn't finish it yet though, because I didn't have enough time. I will be finishing it soon :D Enjoy reading!!!

(This imagine is based on the Dutch song, Rollercoaster by Monsif,  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GG1NfAYIkCE )

Irmak's POV
I was just waiting until the boring day would start, just like all these other days before. I thought working in an amusement park would make things more fun, they are called AMUSEMENT park for a reason, right? But no, the only thing I see every day is crying children because they want their parents to buy some cotton candy at my stall. Or I see people throw up in a bin just beside my stall, well that is such amusement right? No, I actually get sick of this job.

The only thing that makes it better is my colleague. She is so nice and we have always fun talks. When people aren't buying cotton candy, which barely happens, we talk about all these things teenagers talk about. Unfortunately she doesn't go to my university, since she is a little bit older. She could make going to university so much easier. You may think that is because everybody hates school, but no. It's just the people self in my university. No, they don't bully me. That's the problem, people like me way too much. People only want to be friends with me because I'm popular and not because they like me. Well that is how it always feels like. And then you have the boys... well let's say they like me a lot too. Sometimes that one more than the other, but I can easily say that by far my biggest admirer is Edward Grimes.

"How is it going at university with the boys?" Sandra, my colleague, asked me. She knows my situation at university, we have spoken a lot about it. She always jokes about it, and since I have a day off from school and she doesn't even go to school anymore, she has more time to tease me. I like her though, because it always can make me laugh somehow.

"Well, it's still the same story, Edward is still making these over flirty moves on me. I'm getting sick of it." I said like it was something really disgusting. I prefer the sweet boys, I really don't like the flirty ones.

"Why don't you tell him to back off then?" Sandra asked me, she makes everything sound so easy.

"No, I don't want to hurt his feelings." I said. I know he is very annoying but I am not a bitch to tell him to back off or something. Basically, I don't get why he keeps trying with me, he could get any girl.

Did I just say that...?

"What? But you told me some time ago that he is such a player, why would you even care?" Said Sandra to me. I could see a few little children walk to our stall and stopped talking to Sandra for a moment. But I kept thinking about what she said. She is right, why would I even care?
We gave the children their cotton candy and I tried to smile to them but it wasn't working for me. I would have loved to do something else on this so important day. I'm even lucky that I don't have to go to school today, almost everybody from other school have to.

"Coming back to the point, Why would you care?" She asked very seriously. I looked her straight in her eyes.

"I don't actually know..." I said looking away from her. I thought for a moment, I really don't know the answer to this question. But my thoughts were caught by the sight of HIM. What is he doing here?!

I saw how he locked his eyes with mine and he started to smirk. He walked in my direction and my heart started to beat faster. Why does this have to happen on this day?

I kept staring at him and saw how a hand suddenly moved very fast in front of my face, I am back down to earth.

"What?" I asked Sandra. I hope she doesn't hear how fast my heart is beating at the moment, because I don't know why that is happening too. Is there any question I do know the answer to at the moment?

"You were staring." She said looking in the direction I was staring at, and I saw how her expression changed.

"Oh My God, did you see that cute boy over there?!! He is so handsome!" She said. I could only imagine how her jaw dropped at the moment, I was staring at him too. There was something different about him today, which I didn't dare to admit...

"That's him Sandra, That is Edward Grimes." I said to her. She turned her head to me and I could see how her jaw dropped even more. See, I was right.

"O my god Irmak, I don't get why you reject him every time, he is so handsome." She said over excited.

"Not so loud okay, he will hear us." I whisper to her. What would he think about us?

Oh yeah Irmak, Why do you care again?

"You can have him if you want to," I told Sandra, but I felt how my heart starting to beat faster again only thinking about it.

"You are going to regret saying that Irmak, that is why I won't have him. I know that you will like him some day, It better be already this day." she said smirking at me.

That is when I kept my mouth shut, 1. because I didn't know what to say to that, 2. because HE was getting very close to our stall. He is all doing this on purpose, I just know he does.

I kept my eyes on him, I didn't dare to look away. It was like my eyes attract his like magnets. As Sandra said, he looks very handsome...

Stop Saying Stuff Like That!

He comes closer and closer, and I could just feel Sandra's eyes were on me too. She is so going to joke about this.

Edward suddenly stopped smirking and a smirk turned into a sweet smile. You know, one that shows all his teeth, his eyes narrowed, it shows his little dimples and his cheekbones slightly raised. I know, so charming...

You probably wonder why I wouldn't like to date him, well I think Edward will show you himself why I don't want to do that...

Edward walked only feet away from us and said hi to me with a very excited expression on his face.
"Hey Irmak," that smile..."Great to see you here, I didn't know you worked here." He said happily. I raised an eyebrow and sighed. I'm already getting annoyed by him only saying hi to me.

"I think you are the best person to do this job, because I bet you're as sweet as this cotton candy," I widened my eyes when he said this. I heard Sandra giggle, but I didn't think this was anything near funny. This is what I meant when I told you I wouldn't like to date him. He is over flirty.

"no even sweeter..." that is really when my jaw dropped. This guy doesn't know what he is doing to me!! I rolled my eyes in irritation.

"Well, don't you have better stuff to do than annoy me?" I said quite harshly. I saw how his eyes widened and how is expression changed. His cute dimples were nowhere to be seen now.

"Irmak, don't be so harsh on him," Sandra whispered to me. "he likes you, it's something natural. You don't want to be recognised as the bitch instead of the popular girl, right?" she has a point there... I immediately felt guilty and looked up into his beautiful eyes.

"Oh, I-I'm sorry but I was just wondering if you wanted to go out with me, b-but if I'm annoying you, I-I will just go now." he said while turning around with a sad expression on his face.

"No wait!" Sandra screamed. I looked at her with frowned eyebrows and looked at her with piercing eyes. "DON'T" I said to her.

"Of course Irmak wants to go out with you. When did you plan something?" She asked with a sweet smile on her face. I'm so going to punish her for this.

"No I don't want to, I know I won't like it anyway." I said, but immediately regret it.

"Stop hurting his feelings," Sandra whispered to me. "Otherwise I will ask our boss if you can work 2 hours longer." She said with piercing eyes again. Well, I can't work longer on this so important day.

"Okay, whatever you want." I whispered back to her.

When I had looked up to Edward again, I could see he was hurt. When he locked my eyes with his, was a sign for him to start another conversation.

"But Irmak that's because you didn't even talk longer with me than ten seconds before, I could only say my pick up lines... and as you can see, they suck." he said wicking at me. Did he just really do that? I swear my heart skipped a beat!

"So actually, I would like to get to know you better, so I was wondering if you could go on a date with me tomorrow." He said quite shy now. Why do I think this is cute?

"Yes," Sandra said, but I interrupted her. "No, I have to work tomorrow, I don't have time." I said quickly. Sandra looked at me with her eyebrows raised. I saw how Edward's expression changed again, he looks so sad. I felt how guiltiness went through my whole body.

"Well, it would be my pleasure to treat you on a rollercoaster ride with me," He said winking at me. Oh no... this is so bad.

"I'm not finished with my work yet," I said hesitantly. Why do I keep rejecting him while I feel so guilty about it? I'm such a bitch actually. It isn't even true that I have to work tomorrow.

"You're such a bad liar Irmak, you know that?" he said smirking at me. gosh, what did I do wrong?

"I know you finish your work at 4 pm." He grinned, and I'm caught. It's a quarter to 4 now, so I'm quite fucked now. Wait, How does he know?

"How do you know Edward?" I asked him with frowned eyebrows. I saw how he looked shy at me and bit his bottom lip. God stop it *-*

"I ehm, someone told me." He said shyly. Who the fuck did this to me?! I'm going to rip this person's head off!
That is when Edward suddenly continued talking.

"Don't you want to go on a ride with me? Can't I treat you with this on your 21st birthday?" He said smirking. I gotta say he looks very handsome and hot when he does that. Basically okay, I'm going insane. I'm thinking Edward fucking Grimes is Hot!!

But back to the point, How does he know about that? Someone told him that too? I really should look out for my privacy more.

"It's your birthday today?! Why didn't you tell me?!" Sandra shouted in my ears. She is going to be the death of me.
"Wait, Wait, Wait, Hold on. How do you know that too Edward?" I asked Edward, Ignoring Sandra's questions.

"Shit" I heard him whispering. I swear I could hear something like 'Why is she so fucking clever?' too.

"I ehm, checked everything on your Facebook." he told me quite embarrassed. STALKER, MUCH?! Well that explains a lot.

"Are you coming with me or what?" He asked me, coming back to the point.

"No, I-" I tried to say, but was interrupted by Sandra, again.

"Of course she will, it's her birthday so she can leave early." she said, I looked at her with wide-eyes. She looked at me with peircing eyes and told me: "I will do the last hours of work, there won't be many people anyway." as trying to tell me; don't change my decision, you are going to regret that.

"That is for not telling me it is your birthday today." She whispered to me. "And I bet Edward will make this a birthday to never forget." she told me.

Edward held his hand out to me for me to grab it, I did against my will.

"I'm sure he will," with his cheesy comments. I added in my mind.

To be continued...

I hope you guys liked it. I will be posting the next/last part asap. Have a nice day guys :D xx


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