Long Emotional Prodigy Love S...

By DennyPerezSmithCraig

6.7K 60 30

This Is An Emotional Love Story ( Starring You &' Prodigy From Mindless Behavior ) " God Always Listen To You... More

Long Emotional Prodigy Love Story ^_^

6.7K 60 30
By DennyPerezSmithCraig

You Date Prodigy for 5 years ..

He's the best boyfriend EVER , always telling you sweet things and you don't have words to describe how you feel it's like a fairy tale ...

You are close to Princeton &' Roc, they are like the brothers you never had &' well you feel comfortable with them ... They protect &' help you !

You are pregnant ..( 3months )

Today's the day you gonna tell everything ..

Y'all live all toguether btw ..

- Story -

Prodigy ; hey bae * kiss you *

You ; Hey ...

Prodigy; what you got to tell us ?

You ; let's wait for the boys !

Prodigy ; Ohh Iight .. * hugs you * You know I love u ?

You ; * hug back * Yes ...

Prodigy ; And I won't Ever stop supporting you right ?

You ; Yes .

Prodigy ; You love me ?

You ; Yes I do ... With all my heart !

Prodigy ; I -----

* the boys go downstairs *

You : Hey Y'all !

Roc ; Wassup !

You ; Ehh Nothing Much .. Well sit down

* everybody sit down *

Prince : So Wassup Mami ?

You ; * look at everybody * Im ... No , no .. Prodigy I .... Ugh ! How I'm gonna say this ..

Prod ; Wait ,YOU'RE LEAVING ME ?

You ; No , No , No ... I Love You and I Won't ever leave you ! * kiss him *

Ray ; So .. What is it ?

You ; * sigh * I'm Pregnant !

Everybody ; * :O

Prodigy ; * tear up * that's great babe * hugs &' kiss you *

" Your POV "

This Is One Of the reason why I love prodigy .. He's so supportive !! &' helpful &' careful &' I love him &' ahhh !!

" End POV "

Roc ; Congratulations * hug you *

You ; Thank You !!

Prince ; 15 and Uncle Ahaa !!

You ; lol .

Ray ; How many months ?

You ; 3 !

Prod ; dang babe you're hiding this for 3 months?

You ; I didn't meant to .. I was scared !!

Prod ; don't be.. * hug you *

Roc ; Awhh !

Prod ; Is It a girl or a boy ?

You ; Girl ..

Ray ; Check how She'll like me more !!

Prince ; See , he's already trying to take my place as favorite uncle !

You ; * laugh* we will see !

Prince ; she'll like uncle Princey ! * smiles *

Prod ; Ayee .. Her Dad at 1st spot right ?

You ; Yes * kiss him *

Roc ; Y'all better take care now .. STOP with Relations .. Y'all know what I mean ..

Prod ; Shut up !

' Everybody Laugh '

You ; well .. What we gonna do today ?

Ray ; idk , mall ?

You ; well okay !!

Prod ; Iight , let me go put my shirt on !!

* y'all go to the mall and have fun but the only thing prodigy cares is about the clothes for the baby and stuff , Ray met a girl named Zendaya &' y'all think he's in love . He just asked for her to walk with you guys &' well y'all accepted .


Zendaya ; Why Y'all buying so many baby clothes ?

Prince ; cuz ( YourName ) is Pregnant !

Zendaya ; Oh Congratulations , Who's the father ?

Prodigy ; I am * puts arm around you *

Zendaya ; * lick lips *

Prince: * whispers to you * check on prod ... Later ..

You ; * pulls prod back *

Ray ; what ?

You ; Ehh , Nothing !

Prod ; Okaay ?

Prince ; well .. I'm hungry ..

Roc ; Let's go eat ..

Prod ; KFC !

You ; Hell Noo , You know you gonna get fat ..

Zendaya ; If Prodigy want so ...

You; huh ?

Ray ; Okay Then ..

Prod ; Yayy !

* everybody walking you pull Prod

To a corner *

Prod ; what ?

You ; Ayoo Prod , You better remember that you're my boyfriend &' you're about to be dad ... Stay away from zendaya -.- she wants a lot !!

Prod ; * laugh * calm down bae , The only girl I want is you * kiss you *

You ; * kiss back * uhum better ...

* y'all walk back to where they at *

- At KFC -

Zendaya ; Aren't Y'all to Young To be Parents ?

You ; As Long As We Love Each Other -.-

Prince ; Exactly !!

Prod ; * laugh * Yes , What they said ...

Zendaya ; uhum , I still think y'all young !

You ; Listen ----

Prod ; I got this ... Zendaya we Love each other , we both know we gonna raise this child .. She's a blessing so we'll have her !!

I Love (YourName) Okay ? And I'll be with her ... Till I'm death !

Zendaya ; Okay .. It was just my opinion !!

You : * wipe tears * Awhh !!

Roc ; * WALT FADE ME OUT * ( btw only #TeamMindless will understand this , tell me if you did :D )

* so yea y'all ate and Zendaya keep starring at prod and biting her lips . You aren't liking but you don't want to piss Ray so you keep quite .. Prince &' Roc keep warning you ... Some hours later ray asked her out so she lives w. y'all now ^_^ *

- 5 months Later -

- Morning -

. You were the last one waking up

You ; hey !

Prod ; hey babe , * run to you &' kiss you *

You ; * giggle * ouch , You bited my lip ..

Prod ; I know I did ;) * grabs your butt *

Roc ; didn't I told y'all that (YourName) Is pregnant and y'all can't have sex ?

You ; Nigga we ain't gonna do it .. Not with you here * kiss prod *

Ray ; Y'all nasty !

Zendaya ; I can be nasty too :)

Ray ; Ayeee !'

Prince ; Eww -__-

You ; * laugh *

[ Btw : every mornings prod has NO shirt : boxers only ]

Zendaya ; * grabs Prodigy's abs &' rubs it * breakfast is ready ...


Roc ; Calm Down !!


Zendaya ; Wait , who said that ?


Ray ; You guys need to calm down !


Zendaya ; * fake cries * I'm sorry , I was just trying to be perfect but I guess only (YourName) Can be .. * runs upstairs '

Ray ; Y'all happy now ? -_- Zendaya wait * goes upstairs *

You ; see , now we are the bad guys !

Prince ; just don't mind Mami

Roc ; dang ray is really pissed :/

You ; I had to tell her .. She was passing the limits Thoe !

Prod ; You did the good thing babe * hug you &' kiss your forehead *

You ; I guess ...

Ray Come up Pissed :

Ray ; Forreal (YourName) ? Forreal ?

You ; * scream * what ? I did what was right , I had to tell her !!

Ray ; You had to call her a bitch ? You had to scream ? All that ? You know you're powerful &' she ain't !! She's new around here .. Couldn't you bring Peace ? Huh ?

You ; It ain't my fault ray !! She started all !

Ray ; please .. I think who's acting like a bitch .. Is YOU ..

You ; * cry * really ? * run away *

Prod ; What the fuck ? * run after you *

Prince ; dang ray , You messed up !!

Roc ; Yea , You messed up bad ..

Ray ; Screw Y'all * go to his &' Zendaya's room *

- One Day Later , Prodigy goes back home crying &' out of breathe -

Roc ; Aye Bro Wassup ! * Runs to him *

Prod ; I ... Couldn't ... Find , (YourName) ... * cries *

Prince ; * try to calm him down *

Zendaya ; You need to take a bath .. Let me help * touch his shoulder *

Prod ; LEAVE ME ALONE !! ... Just leave me ... Alone !

Ray ; Daang Prod she just want to help ..

Prod ; STFO Ray !! (YourName) is Pregnant and you know that .. She's missing !!! I can't find her .. ANYWHERE , It's about my baby's We talking about !! WHERE SHE AT ?You don't know .. You had to tell her all that ?

Ray ; so you understand how I felt when y'all told Zendaya all that !

Prince ; SHE'S PREGNANT !!!!

Roc ; Smh , Ray ... I really don't know you !

Prince ; Let's go bro .. You need to rest .. * takes prod upstairs *

Prod ; * weak * what , about .... (YourName) ?

Roc ; we'll find her bro !!

* it's been passing 5 days and you ain't back ... Prod barely talk or eat , all he do is cry ! Sleep crying , wake up crying .. Pass his days crying ! He keep hurting himself .. He got a knife under his pillow .. He keep counting the days without you , he Already got 5 deep cuts in his left arm .. And he will keep hurting him self until you come back .. He's very very very very very weak , don't eat for days ! &' he lost Tooooooooooooo much blood *

Prince ; Prod .. Eat something .. * hands him food *

Prod ; * weak * no .. Not , until ... She comes back !

Prince ; Please ...

Prod ; * cries *

Prince ; * notice his arm * WHAT IS THIS ?

Prod ; I .. Love ... Her !

Prince ; * angry as fuck goes downstairs * YOU BETTER GO LOOK FOR HER NOW !! * Break a chair *

Roc ; Ayee , prince !! What's up ?

Prince ; Prod , keep cutting his arm , He is weak , don't eat , don't sleep , don't talk .. ALL Y'ALL FAULT * points to ray & Zendaya *

Roc ; WHAT ? Cut what ? RAY YOU BETTER GO LOOK FOR (YourName) and don't come here WHITOUT HER ...

Ray ; I regret...

Prince; * about to punch him*

Prod ; * weak goes downstairs crying * I hate ... You , * faints *

Everybody ; Prodigy!!

- They take him to the hospital &' the doctor says he got a SERIOUS problem -

- At Prod's Hospital Room -

Prince ; I've called (YourName) 100 times .. I left messages .. But nothing ..,

Roc ; Text her saying what happened to prod &' how much blood he lost ...

Prince ; Okaay '

- Your POV -

I've been Ignoring prince calls but he texted me and this time .. It caught my attention ..

" (YourName) Ignore if you want but Prod is at the hospital now ...

Since you've gone he keep cutting his arm with a knife ... Don't eat , don't talk , don't leave the room ... Only .. Cry !!

He lost to much blood &' he has no strength , he's very very I mean VERY weak .. He cant barely breath... He need you (YourName) "

That message made me worried about my baby !! I was scared , I really Had to go back &' check on him .... " I'm on my way " I replied to Prince !!

- Hospital -

Prince ; Aye Bro ! * shakes Prod *

Prod ; * breaths * y..es ?

Roc ; (YourName) Is Coming !!

Prod ; * tries to smile * ....

- You arrive couple mins later -

You ; babe .... * run to Prodigy's arms &' hug him * I'm sorry .. I didn't meant to ...I didn't knew You would hurt yourself ... Just ---

Prod ; shhh * breaths * Its ... Because ... I love ..... You !

You ; I Love You too .. * kiss him *

Roc ; Daang , where have you been?

You ; that doesn't matter right now ! .. Is it that serious ?

Prince ; Yes .. Tooo serious !!

You ; * look at his arm &' cries * babe ... Why !? .. Does it hurts ?

Prod ; A .... Lot !

Prince ; the doctor said they're too deep !

You ; how long he'll stay here ?

Roc ; we were planing to let him stay until he gets good .. But we know that you can take care of him ...

You ; so he can go home ?

Doctor : * comes in * Yes , he can .. But this is to serious .. He need to eat ... And come here everyday so we can make a check-self

You ; Yes .. We'll be here ..

Doctor ; but you'll need help .. A pregnant lady cant do it all alone !

You ; I got my bros * hug prince &' roc &' look at them both *

Roc ; Yes , we will help her !

Doctor ; most Importantly ... He need to stay away from people he don't be good with .. If he get nervous he can ..... Die !

You ; * wipe tear * I'll make sure he don't get nervous ...

Doctor ; I'll call the nurse so you can go home * leaves *

You ; You heard it babe .. You can go home !

Prod ; * nods head *

Prince &' Roc look at each other

You ; what is it ?

Roc ; so .. We are supposed to kick ray out ?

You : Y---

Prod ; No ... * breaths * .... Let, them .... Just ... Make ... Sure ... Zendaya ... Don't come .... In my ... Room !

You ; okay &' babe try not to talk you are to weak for that .. Please !

- Y'all arrive at home -

Ray ; * runs to y'all * bro !

You : DON'T ... Touch him !'

Roc : For Now .. He's Not Your " bro "

Prince ; None of we are * walk upstairs w.You , Roc &' Prod *

Zendaya ; babe are you Okaay ?

Ray ; Yes , I really don't need them ...

Zendaya ; If You need anything .. I'm here !

Ray ; You're Everything I need .. * kiss her *

You ; * go downstairs * Smh -_-

Zendaya : What ?

You ; who said there's something ?

Ray : STFO (YourName)

You ; what you gonna do ? Slap me ?

Ray ; * slap you *

You ; * scream *

Prince &' Roc Run down !

Roc ; what's wrong ?

Prince : * stares at ray * why is (YourName) on the floor ?

Prodigy Come downstairs

Prod ; how ...dare ... You ... To touch ... Her !!

Ray ; what you gone' do ?

Prod ; * punch him *

Ray : * punch back &' push him *

Prodigy " passes away "

You ; * scream * babe !! * tries to wake him up ! * yells * GET OUT !! GET OUT RAY ,. LEAVE !!!

Prince ; Let's go just leave him *takes you * roc , take prod !

Roc ; I got you bro .. You'll be ok ! * carries prod upstairs *

Zendaya ; Really Ray ? You had to punch him ?

Ray ; Yes -.- *goes to his room *

- On Y'all Room -

Prince &' Roc are watching TV

You ; bae ?

Prod : * wakes up * I'm ..here !

You ; *hold his hand&' kiss it *

Prod ; * smiles *

You ; I'll be right back..

Prince ; where you're going ?

You ; chill , I'm just make something for Prod ...

Roc ; Rather Soap ...

You ; Iight !

- You Make The Soap &' Wake Prod up -

Prince ; Aye Bro ! Eat ... C'mon .. * tries to put the spoon in his mouth *

Prod ; No ....

Roc ; Please ?

Prod ; No ...

Prince ; Ayoo ( YourName ) he won't eat ...

You : * wipe tears * Let Me try ! * takes soap &' walk to the bed * babe !

Prod ; Yes ..?

You ;you want to get better , don't you ?

Prod ; Yes ..

You ; You want to see our Babygirl growing , don't you ? * put his hand on your belly *

Prod ; * tear up * Yes ..

You ; So.. You need to eat !

Prod ; No ...

You ; Please , For .. * look at your belly * us '

Prod ; O..Kay !

- it's been 1month .. And Prod's better , now he don't care about himself .. Only You .. Cuzz the baby keep punching you &' it hurts really bad -

Prod ; hey babe... How you feeling ?

You ; She stopped now ...

Prince ; Your baby gonna be wild !

Roc ; * giggles ( like he does on Awesomeness TV ) * Ikr !

You ; Hehe , Shut up !

Prod ; Is So good to see you smiling again !!

You ; Now It's Your Turn To Smile ..

Prod ; Whenever I'm with you .. I already got a smile * kiss you *

Roc ; Awh , Well did y'all noticed that we passed 7 months in this room ?

You : Ikr .. The fact the room Is big enough for us 4 ..

Prince ; The House must be a shit .

- Dead Silence ; Everybody Look at Everybody ; Everybody Run Downstairs :O -

* it was a huge mess .. Boxers &' panties , bras &' shirts .. EVERYWHERE !! *

Roc ; Eww .. Ray was getting it !

Prince ; That's Disgusting !!

You ; * nauseous ..* I .. * run to the bathroom &' throw up *

Prod ; Are You okay ?

You ; No * feel deep pains * hospital ... NOW

- they take you to the hospital and as soon you get there ... You get in the room , the baby's coming '

You're in the room for 1hr now .. Prodigy walks back and forth , roc is sleepy &' prince .. It's just being prince ! Couple mins later the doctor come out with blood in his hands ! -

Prodigy : Soo ?

Doctor ; the baby .. She's out !!

Prodigy * smiles &' hug roc &'prince ( like when they won the award ) *

Roc ; can we see her !?

Doctor ; Ofcoarse !!

* they got in the room , You looked at prod and smiled !! The world lighted up .. *

Prod ; * tear up * welcome to the world my babe ..

You ; what we gonna call her ?

Prod ; ... Amber !

( I'm kinda tired of making day per day Sooo ... You've warned Zendaya if she touches Amber she'll be DEAD ! And y'all kinda cool with ray !! Soo , She's 5 now )

- At Home -

Amber : Uncle Princey Can I please play with your hair ?

Prince ; * laugh * Yuup !

Amber ; when I grow up , my son will be called Princeton and he'll have a big Afro like uncle prince .

| Everybody Laaugh |

Prince ; I told y'all I would be the favorite uncle ! * laugh *

Amber ; I love You uncle Princey

Prince ; uncle princey loves you * kiss her forehead *

| Prod Comes downstairs as usual with NO shirt |

Amber ; Daddy !! * jumps on prods arms *

Prod ; hey bunny ^_^

Amber ; * Sees his arm * who hurt you daddy !

| Everybody Silence |

You ; * wipe tears *

Prod ; It was nothing baby , I'm ok !

Amber ; I want To know !!

You ; it was nothing..

Amber ; I won't breath until you tell me !! * holds breath *

Prod ; Babe !! I will .. Now Breath !! * scared *

Amber : * breaths *

Prod ; * hugs her *

- Y'all sit on the couch , Amber Sit On Prod's lap -

Roc ; is it necessary to tell ?

Amber ; Yes ..

Prod ; well .. When you were on mommy's belly .. She runed away !

Amber ; * covers mouth *

- Everybody Laugh -

Prod ; So , you know daddy Loves mommy don't you ?

Amber ; yes !

Prod ; daddy didn't ate , didn't slept .. Only cried

Amber ; because mommy was gone ?

Prod ; Yes ' And she was gone for 5 days ..

Amber ; That's why you have 5 cuts ?

Prince ; Aye She's smart !

Ray ; She'll be a detective !

Amber ; does it hurts ?

Prod ; Yes .. It's too deep !

You ; * tear up *

Amber ; don't cry mommy .. Daddy loves you !

You ; I know baby .. I know * kiss her forehead *

Ray ; Well we have something to say !

Zendaya ; Yes ..

Roc ; What ?

Ray ; This days y'all been passing on the room . We had .. You know ! And now , Zendaya's pregnant !

Amber ; Yay another baby ! * hugs Zendaya *

You ; congratulations

Prince ; this explain y'all underwear -.-

Zendaya ; Yea , Sorry about that ;p

Prod : Congrats ...

Amber ; * Yawns *

Prince ; Come here ..let me take you to bed * takes her upstairs *

Roc ; well let's go celebrate , Ice Cream ?

You ; Yea ..

Zendaya ; Naah , I won't go ..

Ray ; Me either !!

Roc ; well .. We'll celebrate For Amber ^_^

Prod ; * laughs * Ayoo Prince .. LEGGO !

- Y'all Go To The Ice Cream Shop .. Ray , Zendaya &' Amber Stay at the house -

Ray : I'm going to take a bath .. * kiss Zendaya *

Zendaya ; Mkaay !

Amber ; * comes downstairs * auntie zendaya .. Where's mommy ? Daddy ? Uncle prince &' roc ?

Zendaya ; * not paying attention * They went to The ice cream shop !

Amber ; I want some ice cream ..

Zendaya ; * watching TV * I'm watching TV ..

Amber ; I'll hold my breath .. Until you buy me ice cream ..

Zendaya ; Ya Ya , Whatever

Amber ; * holds her breaths for a long time &' pass out *

Ray ; bae did you saw my-- * sees amber * WTF ?

Zendaya ; * snaps * huh ?

Ray ; * holds amber * what happened * panicking * wake up !

Zendaya ; I .. I don't know ... She said she wants ice cream or she would hold her breath until it ..

Ray ; You killed Amber !!! .. Wake up little ! Wake up ... * shakes her *

- You guys arrive &' Zendaya hides Amber -

You ; Helloo , * laughs *

Prod ; where's my bunny ?

Ray : s--sleeping ! * scared *

Prod ; * smiles * Let me go check on her !! * goes upstairs *

Roc ; what y'all been doing ?

Prince ; why y'all shaking ?

Prod ; * comes down mad , sad &' worried * WHERE IS AMBER ? WHERE IS SHE ??

You ; whaat You mean ?

Prod ; She's not upstairs !!!

Zendaya ; * shows amber *

You ; * cry &' take her * WHAT YOU DID TO MY BABY !!!

Prince ; * cries .* Amber ? Wake up ! Uncle Princey is here ...

Prod ; * cries * what you did ?? * about to punch ray *

Zendaya ; STOP , Stop ,. It wasn't ray's fault ... Amber came downstairs and asked for me to give her ice cream .. But I didn't pay attention so she holded her breath ..


• Prod ; * hugs Amber Tightly &' cries * God . Take Me instead of Her ... Please * cries * I can do anything , Just to have my baby in the world ... Please , Let her grow up .. Have a life , I can go , just wake her up ! * cries &' go lock himself on the bathroom * •

- You kicked Zendaya out , Altough she's pregnant ! Prod was on the bathroom and nobody knew what he were doing .. Prodigy Prayed .. Put down on his knees &' killed himself by putting a knife on his stomach -

Amber : * opens eyes *

You ; babe !! * Hugs her tightly *

Prince ; Don't you ever Do that !!

Amber ; Sorry ! ...Where's Daddy ?

- You Runed to the bathroom and saw blood all over the floor -

You ; * Scream * NOOOOOOOOO !

[ The END ]

" God ALWAYS listen To Your Prayers " ♡

this story made me cry , Especially because it's about Prodigy★

- How Was It ? -

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