More Than friends. (An Ansel...

By xjoshrhutcher

118K 2.6K 973

Kylie's life has never gave her anything to be happy about. Except for one thing, Ansel Elgort, her bestfrien... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4 (Chapter Tobias for all you Divergent fans (; )
chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 ( TFIOS spoilers if you havent read the book then ew on you)
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Not an update/Just a note (:
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 10

4.4K 107 29
By xjoshrhutcher

Kylie's POV

I wake up the next morning with my head hurting. I groan and roll over. My sinuses are stuffed up to. Frantastic. Ansel must of heard me wake up, because he walks out of the bathroom, brushing his teeth. He cocks his head to the side, as if asking 'are you alright?'

"I think I have a cold." I say, and my voice gives it away that I do. It's very hoarse and barely audible. I groan again.

He walks into the bathroom and comes back. He lays next to me and pulls me into his arms. I give him a dirty look and push him away.

"Just let me be miserable." I pout.

"Nope. No pity parties for you." He says.

He stands on the bed and grabs my arms and pulls me up. I don't make it easy for him. I slump back over, and he almost falls on top of me but he balances him self. He reaches down and takes one arm and one of my legs and lifts me up over his shoulder.


He then starts jumping up and down on the bed, me bouncing on his shoulder. My ribs connect with his shoulder Every time he jumps.

"ANSEL" I shriek.

He laughs and falls back. I completely miss the bed and my head hits the night stand.

"Son of a bitch." I say.

"Shit. Kye are you okay?" He asks.

"What do you think, fucker?" I ask, annoyed.

Unbelievably, he laughs. The look I give him must of been scary because his laugh is stopped short and his smile he wiped from his face.

"Damn your ankle is already swelling." He says.

My ankle? At that moment I feel a sharp pain. I did fall on it weird. I was too focused on how much my head hurts. Ansel says he's taking me to the hospital, and after trying to discourage him, he takes me anyway.

"Well, your ankle is sprained, you have a head cold, and a concussion." The doctor tells me.

For the millionth time today; I groan. My first trip to California and this is what happens. Ansel snickers at my groan. I flip him off and he acts hurt.

The doctor Gives me pain killers and cold medicine. When we get back to the hotel, I'm giving Ansel the silent treatment.

"Oh c'mon, Kye. If it was me you'd do the same." He says.

"Yeah if it was a few months ago." I say, getting an ice pack for my ankle. I lay in the bed and set the pack on it. He sprawls out beside me.

"What do you mean?" He asks, tracing the infinity sign tattoo I have on my wrist.

"I mean, it'd be funny if we were still bestfriends. But we're dating now and I just feel like that's not something you laugh about." I say.

"Why wouldn't it be?" He asks, sitting up.

"Well, because when it happened I felt like you were like am older brother, making fun of me, ya know?"

"No I don't know." He snaps.

"You don't have to get mad about it."

"I'm not mad, I just don't understand. Now there's a certain way I have to act to be your boyfriend? Do I not meet standards?" He asks.

I'm shocked. Where did all this come from? I ask him that, scared for the answer.

"Nothing. It's just I treat you right and we know each other so well yet you still won't move forward with me. But yet Zach treated you like crap and that's all you guys did." He says.

I almost scream. This is about sex? Really? Why does he care about that so much?

"I didn't know it meant that much to you." Is all I say.

He just looks at me. No expression. He tells me he needs a minute and walks out. I'm left speechless. What am I even supposed to say. I know Zach would get mad sometimes if he didn't get what he wanted but I didn't expect Ansel to be that way.

Ansel's POV

What is wrong with me? I think as I pace the hall. Did I really say that? Now all she's gonna think is that I'm using her. That's not what I care about. I guess that when she said I was like her brother it kind of made me think about all the times I was friend zoned. I wanted to prove that I wasn't like her brother anymore and that's they only way I could actually prove it.

It would work. I could make her forget all about that. But she's not ready. And whether or not she ever is, I won't love her any less. And I actually do love her. I think I'm in love with her. And I want to tell her. I walk back in the door.

Kylie's POV

Ansel walks back in and his face is white. I feel bad for him. What he said didn't make me mad of course.

He sits down. I grab his hand. He rubs my hand with his thumb.

"I'm sorry about what I said. I just spent so long listening to how much of a brother I was to you. It sucks." He says.

"I know. I'm sorry. I was just aggravated." I admit.

"There's something I wanna tell you." He says.

My stomach feels queasy but I put that aside. I want to hear what he has to say. He looks very nervous.

"You can tell me anything, Ansel." I whisper.

He looks at me. For a moment we get lost in each others eyes. "I know."

I nod in encouragement for him to continue. "Kylie, I've had feelings for you for such a long time. Ever since we've became friends you've always had a way to make me feel better and laugh and just be happy. You've always encouraged me to follow my dream no matter how hard it got to achieve. And I always imagined how and when and where I would tell you this. And I've come to a conclusion. No special place or date or way to tell you is gonna make it anymore special. Because no matter when I tell you it's not gonna make It anymore true then if I'd tell you here. Kylie, I love you. I'm in love with you."

Before I can even react, the weird feeling in my stomach has gotten worse. I cover my mouth and run to the bathroom, leaving a very awed Ansel behind me.

After a few minutes of getting sick in the toilet Ansel comes in. He holds a cold wet towel to my forehead. When it's over I brush my teeth and walk back to the bed. I crawl in under the blankets.

"Not exactly the reaction I hoped for." He chuckled.

"I'm so sorry, Ansel." I say, but I can barely keep my eyes open. Sleep pulling at me.

"Shhh." He coos. "it's okay, honey."

Ansel's POV

I mutter a lullaby to her while she falls asleep. When I'm sure she's asleep I stop. I feel bad that she's sick.

"I love you too." She mutters, then I hear soft snoring.

A huge grin comes on my face. She loves me.


Hey guys! Sorry for short chapter! What should happen next?!?! Ilysm!

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