Violet Parr x Male Reader

By R350URC3

25K 177 83

Y/n is a young demon hunter who was recently gifted a neon sign of devil may cry. He just moved to metroville... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 3

3.4K 19 5
By R350URC3

Y/n POV:

After having a chat with Mr. Creedence regarding his son’s disappearance. I looked where the Hell Vanguard could be in a decrepit and hellish version of the school. Another version of what the school could be in the eyes of the demons. Rusted Lockers, bottomless holes, the smell of blood  and the ominous atmosphere that fills every nook and cranny of this place. Equipped with my double barrelled magnum and the power of the devil bringer, I stayed calm as this is my main line of work.

“Now… where could he be?”

I roamed the school’s hallway but it seems like it doesn’t follow the same structure as the school’s. Assuming that limbo is just playing tricks on me to save time for it to consume the Principal’s son. I wouldn’t like to see son die as soon as I arrive so I sped up my pace. I soon arrive to the school’s courtyard and it doesn’t look in any way nicer than the inside. The sky is pitch black and the only thing providing light in the courtyard are the flickering lamp posts. As soon as I stepped in the middle of the courtyard I felt presence nearby.

“You can step out now.”

Suddenly, all the lamp posts lost their remaining energy and stopped flickering. This claims my suspicions to be correct. I began unwrapping the bandages around my arm, revealing the Devil Bringer.

???: “You dare step in my domain…”

A figure wearing a dark cloak came out of nowhere. He’s holding a gigantic purple scythe while having a face of a skeleton.

HV: “You will not leave this place alive…”

“Well let’s see about that after I...”

I pointed my gun at the Hell Vanguard

"Beat you."

and took my first couple of shots at him. He took those first shots like a champ but I only used the remaining of my rubber bullets that I used yesterday to test how sturdy this demon really is. Using normal equipment won’t work to well against this type of demons. The demon started rushing towards me, enraged by those first shots. Swinging his scythe rapidly, I dodged in rapid successions.

HV: “You really should not underestimate me Demon Hunter!”

With that the walls slowly closes, limiting my room to maneuver around. Leading me no choice but to go aggressive.

“I’ll show what power is, just wait for now.”

I raised my arm up and activated ‘Devil Trigger’. A blue glow started surrounding me as I maintain focus onto the demon.

With that said, I pointed my gun at the Hell Vanguard. I pulled my finger on the trigger while secretly channeling demonic energy, shooting out two bullets from the barrel. Sequentially, four blades was summoned around me. Four spectral blades thrown towards the demon.

HV: “I told you… It’s useless Demon Hunter!”

"Coming from the one who’s screaming.”

That only enraged the Hell Vanguard even more. He started rushing me again, backing me up to the continuous closing wall. Backed up without knowing that the walls has closed on me that much. He swung the scythe toward me

“No you don’t!”

(A/n: This is Yamato)

With Yamato’s blade, I was able to redirect the point of the scythe from being fatal. Instead of my head, it pierced the right side of my body. I still has his grip on the scythe while I just grinned.

HV: “Human Bodies are very brittle.”

“You don’t say.”

I began to push the scythe out of the wound, out-matching the strength of a Hell Vanguard. The demon surprised about this feat, was left open for damage.

“Down here!”

I pointed my gun at Hell Vanguard’s skull and emptied the remaining clip in his cranium. That staggered the demon, his skull cracked from the shots.

“No more chit chat, let’s get straight to why I am here!”

I surround myself with spectral blades for me to use. The gun held with my right hand and the Yamato held with my left hand. Knowing that i have Yamato gives me confidence with finishing my job.

“Come on!”

While channeling my demonic energy in my gun, I began to rush the demon with my blade followed up with the spectral’s consecutive strikes. We began trading blows, but the difference is that I am hitting him and he is not scratching me one bit. His scythe kept getting parried back as I retaliate with more vigor.


I can separate the desperation in his voice; 50% fear and 50% pain. Like oil and water, it is easily distinguished. He pulled his scythe back and slammed it on the ground. WIth quick thinking, I dodged easily with more than a second to spare. His movements are sloppy due to the beating he just obtained.


The point of the scythe pierced through the ground. This stuck the scythe rendering it useless until pulled out. I quickly climbed on the handle of the blade and shot his face after channeling my pistol with demonic power

“It was fun but I need to put an end to this.”

I shot the skull one more time with one bullet with four spectral blades stabbing him ending his existence.

“Now where is that son of his?”

In the distance, I saw a person with a buzzcut lying down. Assuming that is him, I ran up to him.

“Edward Creedence.”

He is sleeping soundly on the cold vast floor of the courtyard. I decided to take a closer look at him, to check for scars and wounds that the previous Hell Vanguard inflicted. It seems that he is untouched.

“Got here just in time.”

I decided to carry him with my two arms to safely bring him back to our world, but I can’t shake this ominous feeling around me. I quickly scouted the surroundings just to see the same sight after the fight. I began to suspect that it may just be me. I glanced back at Edward to see something unusual. He seems to be smiling showing his teeth in a uncomfortable manner. His smile is so wide that he might tear the sides of his mouth.

???: “HEHEHE… You really think you can win Demon Hunter. HEHEHE...”

He Suddenly grabbed my face without any hesitation to squish it like grapes.

???: “You can heal wound really quickly it seems, but can you heal without your head. HEHEHE….”

His face melted slowly, revealing a skull. His clothes also changed, sporting a black robe like the same demon I defeated a while ago.

“Damn another Hell Vanguard!”

That was that ominous feeling I felt a while ago. If I don’t act quick now, my head will just burst like a balloon.

I activated my devil trigger, pushing the Hell Vanguard back.

“You bastards really don’t know when to quit it, don’t you! I’ll make sure that there is not a single spec of you left, after I’m done with you!”

I again unsheathed my pistol and began to empty chamber after chamber. The demon stood no chance due to the barrage of bullets and spectral blades chasing after him. Struck down in a couple of minutes, I pinned him down while he’s on his last legs.

“Where is Edward?!”

The demon didn’t answer anything…

I pointed the two barrels of my gun just in front of his skull. Point blank range, this demon moves he’ll die regardless.


Before I could react the demon swiftly impaled me with his scythe. My chest has been stabbed just a couple of minutes ago... now impaled twice. I wonder what is the world record of getting impaled in a span of 60 minutes.


Pulling the trigger, the sound of the shot echoed throughout the courtyard. This leaves me as the winner and the demon slowly disintegrated to nothing.  

"I gotta find him fast."

I’m thinking that i should check the offices in the school. I saw the door leading to the hallway, I tried to turn the knob of the door, but it was stuck. I tried multiple times but the walls between the door crushed it.

"He must be in here."

I clenched my devil bringer so i can destroy the wall. I punched it, then the rubble from the wall is now suspended in air and granted me an opening. I went in and heard someone banging on a metal door or something. I looked for where the noise is coming from and saw a locker vibrating like someone is trying to get out. I ran towards it but the hallway was extending making the distance between me and the locker longer. I kept running until the floor below just crumbled.


While i was falling, skulls appeared from above floating towards.

"Nice timing!"

I use Snatch on the skulls and pulled my weight going back up so i can get back to where I was before, if not maybe nearer to the locker. I saw a skull that has signs so pulled my weight on it and i was launched towards the edge gap of the floor, I flipped tried to shoot the skull with signs on it but my shot missed as I landed on the edge floor. I nearly fell again but good thing i regained my balance. I saw the locker that was making noise, I was about to open it but i saw the skulls floating towards me. I reloaded my blue rose but my bullets were now silver with it being the last cartridge for the revolver.

"Should’a used this on the hell vanguard earlier..."

There were six skulls in total including the one with signs, the other skulls circled around the one with signs. It looked like the skulls were protecting their leader. I activated my devil trigger and aimed at the center of the circle. Two bullets were implanted on the center skull causing it to explode. I summoned spectral blades aimed towards the remaining skulls. The blades one by one pinned the skulls on the wall. The skulls cracked and exploded.

The skulls were called Sargasso and if I remember they were only supposed to be under the ocean but since this was limbo they could be wherever and whenever they want. These skulls are always lead by the one with the signs, if they get killed first the other sargasso will scatter.

The noise in the locker was just getting louder as if he knew someone was outside. I forcefully opened it with my devil bringer and aimed my blue rose to the one occupying it.

"I swear to god if you are another hell vanguard or demon I’m gonna lose it."

The person didn’t said anything instead he just shook his head with panic. As I inspect the more likely person to be this so-called Edward Creedence since his clothes are tattered and he has scratches him while sporting a buzzcut.

"One more thing, do not tell anyone and i mean anyone about my arm... got it?"

He nodded as I put my gun away from his face. I covered my devil bringer with 2 layers of some black bandages so the light would not radiate. I summoned Yamato and concentrated my demonic energy on one slash so i could go back to the real school.

"Can you speak?"

He just shook his head. He brought out a small notebook and wrote something.

E. Creedence: ‘Who are you?'

"Y/n, Your father sent me to get you back home."

He nodded. I realized that i have enough power to release the slash. So I did and it created a portal that leads to the real school. We both stepped in the portal.

We were teleported to the school hallway back where I last saw the principal. And he wasn’t there at all, I assume he’s back in his office probably drinking coffee.  


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