(Chris x FredBear) I Got No T...

By DJ_Drac289

51.1K 1.1K 653

Chris never had it easy. Being tormented by his older brother and friends also, to have nightmares on top of... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 - (Terrance)
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 - (Nightmare Battle Pt. 1)
Chapter 19 - (Please Stay)
Sneak Peek
Story Update
Its out!!!!

Chapter 18 - (Nightmare Battle Pt. 2)

2K 43 29
By DJ_Drac289

My connection with him can't be breaking. I need him here with me, my heart just can't take this anymore. All these years my heart just get trampled on over and over again. After 5 years, my heart can't take this anymore; everyday in my life is just a huge pain. A pain that is so surreal, that I just don't know what to do; I wanted the pain to stop, I wanted the pain to go away. The world is filled with nothing but pain. The only pain I'm experiencing is my life, It's just like a never ending cycle. It won't stop

I kept dragging her and the rest of the group to my parents room. I pushed them all inside closing the door, I leaned on the door clutching my chest from the burning pain. I felt sweat pouring down my face in adrenaline, everything is just too much for me. My brother's friends was keeping a long distance away from Dad who doesn't look too happy to see them. I understand but, they need to be here in order for it to end. I heard growls and snarls from outside the room hearing glass and other things breaking in the distance as they so desperately tried to find me. I closed my eyes ready to face my fear, I wasn't ready - and I knew I wasn't

"You guys have to stay in here. I have to go deal with the nightmares," I said placing my hand on the knob

"You can't go out there, it's dangerous," I heard Terrance say in fear. I have to do this for them, for me. He doesn't understand how important this is. I have to go out there no matter what

"I have to. You have to trust me, just stay here," I said before opening the door going out before shutting it behind me.

I was greeted by a dark hall that looks never ending. The darkness is consumed by my fear, I can't let my fear get the best of me. It will only make them stronger.

I slowly crept through the hallway trying to be quiet as possible. I didn't want to give myself away so easily, I know that they have keen hearing. The walls felt like they were closing in on me as I slowly crept down the stairs. I immediately saw things broken everywhere. Tiny pieces of glass was strewn across the room, the television had a huge crack down the middle; different arrays of colors showing how damaged the inside was; the T.V. ringing with white noise, our family photos was hanging limply on the wall with some on the floor - the picture frames shattered and cracked

I can really say that this house was a completely disaster which was going to be bitch to clean up. I made it down the stairs careful to avoid the shattered glass that littered the floor. I quickly hid behind the wall as I saw nightmare Chica slowly walking past. Her teeth looked massive which were dripping with saliva, she had multiple wholes through her body, and she was freakishly tall. She crept around growling in the process - I was stone frozen; afraid to move fearing that she might hear. I slowly started to move along the wall trying to avoid getting caught

She turned down a narrow hallway until she was nowhere in sight. I mentally sighed in relief continuing to roam through the house trying to somehow get the nightmares to come together. I stopped before picking up the vase that was on the floor and stood in the middle of the living room. I closed my eyes taking a deep breath, I was beyond scared at this moment.

I was afraid of getting killed, and I was afraid of hurting anyone around me. I tried so hard not to let them get wrapped up into my problems because I knew what they were getting into. I loved them and would do anything to protect them, I didn't care what they did or said. I deeply loved everyone that was in that room waiting for me, and I loved FredBear who was fighting for me.

I let go, the crucial sound of glass, echoing, across the house

FredBear's P.O.V

My connection with Chris is breaking little by little. I promised I'll help him deal with the Nightmares, Nighmare F.B is stronger than I thought. I know he's strong because he's feeding off of Chris's fear. Chris has to let that fear go, he's stronger than this. I know he has fire in him, he just have to find it. I have multiple claw marks on my body that's bleeding heavily with blood, the more blood leaks out, the more of my life slips away. I know Chris feels it too because the pain is going through my chest. It's so much pain

I tackled him once more, sending punch by punch. He growled trying to throw me off, I can tell he's getting weak because Chris is overcoming his fear. Without Chris's fear, he's weak and can't go on, I felt a unbearable pain in my stomach. I looked down to see his claws lodged deep into my stomach

He pushed me off as I landed flat on my back clutching my stomach, blood pooling out of the wound. I gave him a smile, the metallic taste of blood filled my mouth. I coughed it up; blood dripped on the side of my mouth

"You will never take him away from me. And that's a promise," I said to him before getting up jumping on him locking my arms around his neck. He moved around violently trying to shake me off scratching at my arms which leaked more blood, it's now or never. I tightened my grip around his neck before successfully pulling his head off tossing it to the other side of the room. I jumped off his body; it went limp before falling to the floor unmoving. The red liquid instantly pooling around it's body

I fell to the floor afterwards holding my stomach, blood continuing to gush out my stomach. By now my hands are coated with blood, I looked at the roof, my life flashing before my eyes. I remember the first time Chris was crying, I comforted him every way I could. I remember when I first got held by him. He was so happy, I immediately tied my soul with his to bound us for life. I promised I wouldn't let anybody hurt him, I promised I'll never leave his side, and I promised I'll always be his family when no-one else was there for him

I loved Chris so much that I'll do anything for him. To be there for him, I just to have to hold on a-little longer. I felt my eyes prickle with tears that are threatening to fall at any moment. I slowly closed my eyes letting the tears fall with one thing on my mind

I fell in love with Christopher


I'm currently being chased by the Nightmares. Their growls and snarls filling the house. I have to hurry up and get to my parents room before they get to me. I continued to run up the stairs continuing to my parents room. A smile came onto my face as I saw their door up ahead. I made it pushing the door open falling on the floor. Everybody in the room immediately got up coming over to me,

"You guys gotta get back," I said getting up. I heard thundering footsteps approaching the door. The steps rang through the house, they started to back up before the steps got louder. My heart pounded inside my chest like it was about to burst through

I stepped back as they all entered the room trying to go after me. I stood in front of everyone, the nighmares stared me down getting closer. I can feel my family's fear radianting off of them as they clutched onto eachother. I'm doing this for them and for me. Nightmare towered over me with his teeth glistening in the light, little does he know that he doesn't scare me at all. None of them scares me anymore, I'm not giving my fear to them. Not anymore

"I'm not afraid of you nightmare," I said staring him down looking into his red eyes, "I'm not afraid of any of you. You made my life hell these past 5 years and I'm not letting you win this time," I said. Nightmare easily grabbed my neck pinning me against the wall keeping a firm grip on my neck, I winced; the tip of his nails piercing into my skin.

His face was dangerously close to mine - his gaze meeting mine menacingly

"What maKes YOu so Sure?" He asked said in an extremely deep voice making unpleasant shivers run down my spine

"Because I know you won't win this time," I said before using all of my strength, pushing him. I fell to the floor clutching my neck. I stood up before facing my brother and his friends

"All these years, you, had me living my life in fear. The fear of you guys and the fear of torture. The nightmares are you," I said to them, their face held shock and regret. They don't have the right to feel that way, they don't know what I had to go through. The pain, the suffering, they don't know what it's like to live in fear. To constantly look over your shoulder; if they don't understand. I'll make them understand

"These nightmares are the reflection of you. They are filled with torture, and will do anything to have me dead," I said turning back to the nightmares; I stalked towards them, "I'm not afraid of you and never will. I will not give you my fear,"

They started glitching violently backing away from me with a pained growl. Nightmare held his head in his massive hands giving a painful growl

"I'm not scared of Terrance, his friends, or you," I said through gritted teeth. They started screeching loudly making everybody cover their ears but I didn't. I need to hear their pain that they caused me, they need to feel it what I felt. Now, they realize the pain they caused me; they had their dose of their own medicine, I can tell they don't like how it taste. They soon disappeared completely, I clutched my chest feeling pain that I never felt before


I ran out the room and down the hall whilst running down the stairs to  Terrance's room. I have to be there for him, I made it to his door; I pushed it open. I saw splats of blood that coated the walls that are slowly dripping down, I saw the body of Nighmare F.B. on the floor with his head on the far side of the room. My eyes widened, I saw FredBear laying there in a puddle of his own blood holding his stomach which his where the most blood is coming from. Tears started to spill from my eyes


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