(COMPLETED)The Storm is Here...

By MicMalHamilton

268K 3.4K 1.4K

(Y/N) of House (L/N) is one of the most powerful beings in the world. However, after the death of Ned, (Y/N)... More

Bio & Harem.
Prolouge: part two.
Chapter one: Snow and Sweat
Chapter Two: A Heartfelt Reunion
Chapter Three: Wildfire
Chapter Four: Seeing the Queen
Chapter Five: Dragonglass (short)
Chapter Six: White Walkers
Chapter Seven: King's Landing
Chapter Eight: Back at Winterfell
Chapter Nine: Knighted
Chapter Ten: The Night King
Chapter Eleven: A Proper Farewell
Chapter Twelve: Burn them all
Chapter Thirteen: Throne of gold

Prolouge: part one

37.8K 384 417
By MicMalHamilton

The King of Westeros Robert Baratheon had just arrived in Winterfell with his family to meet with the Starks. Robert after reconnecting with all the Stark children, decides that he wants to visit the crypt. Where his REAL love Lyanna Stark was buried.

"Take me to your crypt i want to pay my respects," Robert said . Cersei was about to complain before a new voice interrupted her.

"Well if you're going to the crypt could i come along ? I would like to pay my respects."

Everyone turned around to see a man in the shadows. He stepped out revealing a gorgeous (S/C) man. He had divine (H/C) hair that women wanted to tangle their fingers in. His hair went well with his (E/C) eyes. He had a tall built figure with perfect muscles that had even Cersei staring. Not to big yet not to little. He was perfect. He wore (costume) which fit him well nicely as well.

Catelyn, looked at (Y/N) as if she had seen a dragon. Her eyes were wide and she was stone stiff. Sansa took her eyes off of Joffrey and they landed on (Y/N) she instantly blushed and turned away, though she snuck glances at him. Arya looked at (Y/N) and smiled gleefully. This was the first ever man she has found attractive. He was perfect. Cersei, was staring at the man and instantly felt her womanhood moisten. She hasn't felt like this with Robert and only occasionally with Jaime. Cersei knew he was powerful by the way he held himself. All the women...and girls had one thought on their minds. 'That man is mine.'

While the women stared Robert and Ned walked over to (Y/N) and bear hugged him. Laughing and joking around.

"Well if it isn't the prince of the land of warriors," Robert boasted loudly.

"What are you doing here ?", Ned asked.

"Well once i heard that you to were having a meeting i wasn't going to miss the show", answered (Y/N).

Joffrey noticed how the attention was taken from him and he didn't like that bit.
"So father who is this cunt ?"

Instantly, Robert rounded on Joffrey with a face that made him flinch. Robert strode to Joffrey's horse and stared up at his 'son' and slapped him. Some snickered while others were astonished. Cersei instantly seized up and strode over to Robert.

"Don't hit him he was only joking...weren't you son ?" Cersei asked. There was a hint of...malice.

"Y-Yes mother", Joffrey answered and whined as if he were two.

Robert gave Joffrey one last glare before turning back to (Y/N) with a smile.

"So are you staying in Winterfell right now ?"

"Absolutely...only for a day or two unfortunately i need to return to my kingdom".

"Well you could travel with me to King's Landing..what do you say ?"

"....I'll think about it," answered (Y/N).


It was the feast and (Y/N) sat at the head table. He was...disappointed to say the least. Robert was dancing around drunkenly with prostitutes. It disgusted him. Looking to his side he saw Cersei conversing with Catelyn Stark. To him Cersei was gorgeous..why did Robert bother himself with a whore ? He didn't know. Catelyn also had beauty within her. Why Ned cheated on her he would never know. Sansa, was exceptionally beautiful. Possibly more so than Cersei but he didn't want to conpare them. A loud laugh made (Y/N) turn his head to see Robert now laying on a table with a woman next to him while others laughed. Having had enough (Y/N) stood up to ask Ned where his quarters were held. However before he could walk away he heard a small female voice ask him something.

"Do you think i'm beautiful Mr. (L/N) ?"

He turned around to see Sansa staring at him with her innocent blue eyes and her slightly chapped lips. He looked to her side to see Cersei and Catelyn staring at the two of them...mostly him though.

"Yes of course miss ?"

"S-Sansa S-Stark-k"

"Ah well miss Sansa Stark your beauty serves you well",(Y/N) said. Sansa's face was as red as her hair and she briskly turned around and walked back to her table. Arya looks between (Y/N) and Sansa with an envious look before stomping over to (Y/N) and looked up at him,pouting slightly.

"Don't you like me Mr. (L/N)"

(Y/N) chuckled and bent down to her height.
"Well of course i do!"

Arya blushed and ran away confusing her since she had never felt like that with anyone. She was a little girl after all.
(Y/N) stood up and felt eyes on his back. Turning around he saw two pairs of them one pair green and one pair brown. Cersei and Catelyn. They had a look of....lust in their eyes. (Y/N) knew this and didn't like it. These were his friends wives after all. Deciding to continue his original plan (Y/N) looked for Ned. Once he found him he saw he was speaking with his brother Benjen.

"Benjen",(Y/N) said smiling and sticking out his hand. Benjen shook it and smiled.

"If it isn't the savior of the kingdom...what are you doing here in Winterfell ?"

"Well i felt like visiting...speaking of visiting where are my visiting quarters Ned ?", (Y/N) asked.

"I'll find Sansa and ask her to show you to your quarters," Ned said.


(Y/N) was walking along with Sansa. Sansa fiddled with her fingers as they made small talk. She blushed and hid her face plenty of times. After they made it to his room (Y/N) thanked her and was going to walk in. Though, Sansa stopped him.

"M-Mr (L/N) h-how old are you ?"
"Eighteen why ?"
"W-well i wanted to ask for a favor," Sansa said as she looked at the ground.

"Yes ?" (Y/N) pressed. He had a feeling in his gut it was...weird to say the least. Sansa looked up into his (E/c) eyes and grew red in the face once more before turning away again. Finally, closing her eyes briefly gaining her courage she spoke again.


This shocked (Y/N). Sansa is thirteen asking for a kiss from him. Not only that but she was his friends daughter after all. He must've waited too long because Sansa started to tear up. Turning the other way Sansa bolted....however (Y/N) grabbed her wrist.

He knew that Sansa would be crying and that the Stark family would know he had something to do with it. If he mentioned anything about a kiss it could tarnish his friendship with Ned. He didn't want that.

Pulling Sansa close (Y/N) had a hand on her waist and a hand under her chin. Lifting her chin slightly (Y/N) smashed his lips to hers. Sansa gave a slight yelp before moaning into the kiss. After a full minute of staying connected (Y/N) stopped. Leaving a shocked Sansa outside he walked into his quarters,removed his clothes and went to bed.


A knock interrupted (Y/N) from his slumber. He stepped out of bed irritated and opened the door to see.... Catelyn Stark.

"Uhh Lady Stark what are you doing here at this hour ?"

"I came to speak with you...may i come in ?"

"Of course."

Catelyn walked in and sat on his bed. (Y/N) sat next to her though he felt uncomfortable. What was Catelyn doing in his quarters ? People could get the wrong idea with Catelyn in his room. Catelyn stared at (Y/N) with an agape mouth. At first (Y/N) was confused, but then realized he had no shirt.

"I-I deeply apologize Lady Stark I-"
"Call me Catelyn".

Silence. Nothing but pure awkward silence. Until Catelyn started speaking again.

"M-Mr (L/N)...you're a Lord...right ?"
"Yes i am."
"Why do people call you Mr instead of Lord ? If i may ask ?"
"Well i didn't like that i was to be called Lord so...i just didn't".

Catelyn nodded and went back to spacing out. She reminded (Y/N) of Sansa when she asked him to kiss her earlier.....oh shit. Before he could ask her what she was doing in his room she asked a question beforehand.

"How do you know my husband ?"

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