Steven Universe One-Shots

By Starlit-Stories

583 6 2

"If every porkchop were perfect, we wouldn't have hotdogs." - Greg Universe. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~... More

Please, Blue? (Pink Diamond & Blue Diamond)
Memories (OC x Jasper {Request})
First Impressions (OC x Yellow Diamond)
A Little Bit Lost (OC Request)
Apprentice (OC x Bismuth {Request})
Pride Parade
Not-So-Secret Admirer (OC Request)
Runaways (OC Request)

Strangers (OC Request)

19 0 0
By Starlit-Stories

A/N: For sofiagraceful on the SU Amino. This is so late lol sorry. Also unedited.

Obsidian huffed as she stepped over the wreckage that littered the floor. White Onyx trailed behind her, flinching when she stubbed her foot on a jagged hunk of rock. Without a mouth, she couldn't tell Obsidian that she had been hurt, and simply held her foot. Obsidian glanced back only to find her almost tripping over the uneven rubble. "Jeez," Obsidian muttered as Onyx caught up to her, reaching down to help her pull herself up onto the ledge she was perched on. "Who knew that Yellow Diamond had a colony all the way out here?"

Obsidian jumped towards a doorway, leaning down and studying the control panel. A spark of electricity shot out when she moved her fingers closer to the screen, and she jumped back, clutching her hand. "Shit," She muttered. This control panel was centuries out of date, and she had not idea how to function it. "Maybe if I..." She started, her fingers flying over the cracked panel.

She was interrupted by a sudden crash, snapping her gaze to her right. Onyx had picked up a heap of rubble and flung it at the door, sending debris flying everywhere. Obsidian shielded her eyes with her hand, as Onyx walked over to the door, wedging her fingers in the gap she had created. She clenched her jaw, straining with the effort of prying the doors apart. She squeezed her eyes shut, as she finally ripped the metal doors away from each other. She looked over to Obsidian, eyes shining triumphantly as her companion chuckled.

"I had that," She stated, peering through the doorway and down the darkened hall. Onyx kicked a small stone behind her, but she chose to ignore her companion. Instead she focused on the darkness, more specifically, on what was within it. A faint, distant snarl echoed off the metal walls, traveling up the halls to the two gems, staring wide eyed into the void.

'Corrupted?' Onyx wondered to herself, edging closer to Obsidian. The other gem didn't speak, straining her ears for the slightest indication of where the noise had come from; a tumbling piece of rubble, the scattered tapping of frenzied footsteps, a deep growl resonating from the throat of an animal.

Onyx set off down the hallway, her form disappearing into the darkness. "White!" Obsidian called, her hand blindly reaching out after the sound of retreating footsteps. "Shit," She spat quietly, before reluctantly sprinting after her companion. "White, where are you?" She called, squinting through the inky blackness of the base. 'Wait, she can't talk. What am I gonna do, where is she?'

The only response she got was the sound of a screeching beast, and the sound of something being thrown around like a lifeless doll. Obsidian froze for a moment, breathing heavily as the haunting noises resounded around her. Her feet started moving before she could register what was happening, leading her instinctively through the darkened building, her arms reaching out in front of her to feel blindly for the walls. Suddenly, there, at the end of that hallway! A light! And... Yes!

"White!" Obsidian screamed. Onyx turned, and their eyes locked for a mere second. Onyx's eyes were wide, adrenaline fuelled, and the sight sketched itself into Obsidian's mind. An orange tentacle swung out, throwing Onyx against the wall. The creature screeched as Obsidian entered the room, and her eyes were met with a horrifyingly distorted form. A cluster of gem shards stuck out from its arm, and it lashed out at her, snarling like a rabid beast.

Obsidian shot up from the floor, leaping over to Onyx's unmoving form. She shook her shoulders, eyes stretched as wide as they could go, and she heaved a sigh of relief when the smaller gem's eyes fluttered open. The beast struck out at Obsidian again, and she curled herself around Onyx to protect the girl. Stray pieces of shattered wall bounced off of her back, and she sat up and glared daggers at the corrupt gem. Onyx stared up at Obsidian, eyes wide with shock. Tears pricked at her eyes at the thought that she would never truly be able to express her gratitude to the red head, and she silently thanked her companion.

Obsidian reached a hand to her breastbone, summoning her scythe. She gripped the handle of her weapon, taking a battle stance in front of Onyx's slumped form. "Don't move, White," She muttered, before charging at the corrupt beast that was screaming from the other side of the room.

She jumped up, bringing the blade of her scythe down, ready to slice the monster's head open. It shot its head up, staring at her with what seemed like hundreds of eyes, merged and disfigured. She flinched at the sight, grimacing at what was once a group of normal gems, just like her. She missed her target, instead slicing off the creature's arm in one fell swoop. She landed crouched on the ground, quickly spinning to see the monster.

It screeched in protest, clinging onto the stump where its hideous tentacle had once been. In a blind fit of rage, it swung aimlessly at Obsidian, fuelled by a terrifying bloodlust. Obsidian held out her scythe in front of her, watching with fear-stricken eyes as the beast wrapped its arm around the handle, tugging forcefully at her only weapon. Her life flashed before her eyes, and her mind clouded over with visions of the Gem War. 'No, no, no. Don't think about that now. You can't you have to... To...'

Suddenly, a cloud of orange smoke replaced the furious creature that had stood before her, accompanied by an audible 'poof'. A small hatchet clattered to the floor, abandoned in the middle of the room. Obsidian snapped her head over to Onyx, who was sat up on her knees. One of her arms was stretched out on front of her, her eyes were wide with terrified disbelief, and tears streaked down her cheeks, sliding over the white gemstone on her face.

"Onyx..." Obsidian mumbled, pushing herself off of the floor. Her weapon disappeared from her hand. The movement seemed to snap Onyx out of her own mind, and she scrubbed the tears away with her arm, standing up quickly. The two walked over to each other, meeting in the middle of the room. Neither knew what to say, what to do; so they simply stood and stared blankly at each other. It could have been hours, it could have been seconds, but for a time, neither of them moved.

"So... Any idea what that was about?" Obsidian chuckled sheepishly, rubbing the back of her neck. Onyx leaned down and retrieved her hatchet, studying the blade simply as a distraction. Obsidian had meant it as a joke, but Onyx nodded quietly in response to her question. She pointed over to the back of the room, and there, on a precipice of broken walls, sat a transparent orange bubble.

Obsidian approached the bubble, clambering over the sharp rocks. Onyx stood at the bottom of the tower, watching curiously as she put away her weapon. "Can corrupt gems even bubble?" Obsidian called over her shoulder, but Onyx only shrugged. Obsidian stretched out her hand. straining her fingers. Another step up, and she placed her hand over the smooth outer surface of the bubble. Inside, a white gemstone, streaked with black, hovered.


The bubble bursting sent Obsidian stumbling backwards, and she rolled backwards over the uneven rubble. She groaned in pain as she sat up on the floor, flinching when she touched the spot. Onyx tapped her shoulder, pointing to the top of the makeshift tower. She didn't need to be able to speak for Obsidian to know that she was afraid.

The gemstone was glowing, floating in the air. The light stretched out from it, seeming formless at first, but it began to form... A person? Yes, a gem. The light went out, and the newly formed gem fell to the ground, landing on her face.

She looked up, scanning over her surroundings, before her eyes landed on the gems before her. One was quite lanky, with red hair and clothes, and was looking at her with a mix of shock and surprise. The other was short and a little stocky, with long black hair and light grey skin, but what struck the new girl about her was the fact that she had no mouth, yet she seemed more curious than her companion.

Zebra Jasper stumbled backwards, slamming her back into the pile of rocks behind her. She shot to her feet, hand hovering over her gem. Obsidian stood straight, tucking Onyx behind her like a mother would to a child. The two of them stared each other down, each confused in different ways. Both spoke at the same time, spitting the words out in an angry and defensive manner.

"Who are you?!"

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