Game On | Lance x Reader(Harr...

By Calybear7

71K 2.5K 2.1K

You attend your first year at the new and improved Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. New teachers... More

Play Dirty | Prologue
I Am Not | Chpt 1
Blue | Chpt 2
Try Outs | Chpt 3
Enemy | Chpt 5
Are You Okay? | Chpt 6
Love Potion | Chpt 7
Family | Chpt 8
Tech Time | Chpt 9
Fair Enough | Chpt 10
Bludger | Chpt 11
Conquer, Not Admire | Chpt 12
Alone | Chpt 13
Mondays | Chpt 14
Bonding | Chpt 15
A-DAMN | Chpt 16
Date | Chpt 17
Stick It Out | Chpt 18
Headmaster | Chpt 19
Let Go | Chpt 20
Return | Chpt 21
Axca | Chpt 22
Annoying | Chpt 23
Milkshakes | Chpt 24
The Yule Ball | Chpt 25
Home Wrecker | Chpt 26
Pick-Up Lines | Chpt 27
Happy | Chpt 28
5 Bucks | Chpt 29
Fantastic Beasts | Chpt 30
Complicated | Chpt 31
Hug | Chpt 32
Charlie | Chpt 33
The Very Best Something | Chpt 34
Laugh | Chpt 35
McClains | Chpt 36
Goblet of Fire | Chpt 37
Meant to Say | Chpt 38
Stupid, Perfect Girlfriend | Chpt 39
Help Me | Chpt 40
Keith | Chpt 41
Secret | Chpt 42
Trial 1 | Chpt 43
Trial 2 | Chpt 44
Trial 3 | Chpt 45
Cry | Chpt 46
Blind | Chpt 47
Guilt | Chpt 48
Desserts | Chpt 49
Talk | Chpt 50
Lucid Dreams | Chpt 51
Visit | Chpt 52
Direct Kiss | Chpt 53
You're Really Cute | Chpt 54
Merry Christmas | Chpt 55
Welcome Back | Chpt 56
Krolia | Chpt 57
In My Head | Chpt 58
Worried | Chpt 59
Caught | Chpt 60
Mystery Culprit | Chpt 61
Bad News? | Chpt 62
Ice | Chpt 63
Rainbow | Chpt 64
Dad Knows | Chpt 65
Sweet | Chpt 66
When Did You Love Me? | Chpt 67
Mrs. (l/n) | Chpt 68
Basically a McClain | Chpt 69
Abuela | Chpt 70
Awards | Chpt 71
Cuba | Chpt 72
Brody Stevens | Chpt 73
Comfortable | Chpt 74
Buenos Días | Chpt 75
Perfect Fit | Chpt 76
Great Boyfriend | Chpt 77
The Blue | Chpt 78
Going Home | Chpt 79
My Fault | Chpt 80
Summer | Chpt 81
How It Ends | Epilogue

Kalteneker | Chpt 4

1.4K 42 84
By Calybear7



(Y/n)'s POV

Bright and early the next morning I shoved my way down the hall towards the listing. My fingers on my dominant hand were crossed tightly and I ran up to the board. I mean my only competition was the pompous boy from yesterday, but who knows. I scanned down the short list and my name was listed under Ravenclaw's seeker. A hand slapped the board next to me and I jumped back, coming face to face with Lance himself.

Honestly it had been only 4 days of year 4 and I swear it's like he knows exactly where I'm going to be at all times.

"Did I scare you?" He sneered and glanced down at the list. His name was under Slytherin's seeker. I guess he'd be my competition for the year.

"Hardly," I scoffed, walking away from the board. I felt his presence by my side again and I just stared straight ahead. I felt him drape an arm around my shoulder and I jerked it off, stepping away from him. "What the hell are you doing?"

"We have the first class together babe, I'm just graciously walking you there," he snickered and I scoffed.

"Just get away jerk," I replied and hurried my walk away. It was to no avail as he had legs longer than this universe could handle. He quickly resumed his spot next to me but didn't say anything this time. I noticed him flash a smile at a group of girls nearby and brush his hair back.

What a creep.

I just swallowed and walked along until we approached professor Bih Boh Bih's room. Charms was supposed to be a fun class, but being alone with Lance that long really just makes me mad. I entered with Lance trailing behind. He sat with me and I tried my best to keep the distance. I could feel him staring at me.

"Is this your way of trying to make me mad?" I asked, looking over at him.

"Indeed it is," he said smiling. I let out a small groan and professor Bih Boh Bih started the class. We were being tested on the Accio charm after 2 days of working on it.

When it was my turn I did it easily after practicing with Keith for so long. Bih Boh Bih gave me a check mark and I went to go sit down for the rest of class. It was Lance's turn a little while later and he honestly seemed nervous.

I watched him stand and Bih Boh Bih gestured for him to go. There was a feather resting on the desk and many students were watching. He stared at the feather for a few seconds before I could see panic begin to set in. He glanced up slightly over to me and I froze. I motioned for him to take a deep breath which he did. I mouthed 'focus' to him and I could see it click in his brain. He turned back to the feather and said the charm, the feather zipping to his hand.

He seemed surprised and Bih Boh Bih gave him a check. He walked back over to me and sat down, a little grin on his face.

"Nice job," I said, resting my chin in my hand.

"Why did you do that?"

"As much as I hate you, I don't want anyone to fail and anyone includes you," I said, watching a girl retry the charm. He was quiet for a second before I turned to look at him, smiling warmly. Not a smirk or a sneer. "What?"

"You love me."

"Ew," I scoffed and he chuckled before turning away and playing with the edge of his book. The class ended and it wasn't too bad today.

Lance insisted on walking me to class, grasping my hand twice to which I punched him. I guess that's back to normal.

Oh goodie.

Next was Care of Magical Creatures, that was with Alfor, who I really loved as a teacher. Lance headed over to Hunk and I headed over to Pidge.

"Walking together, how sweet," Pidge snorted and I lightly slapped her arm.

"Hush," I said.

"I see you're in a better mood today," she said, smiling at me.

"I guess, we're meeting a creature today right?"

"Yeah, but I assumed there were other reasons," she smirked, glancing over and Lance and Hunk.

"You know, I could claim you like Hunk with more justification than you can for me and Lance, but I let you have your tech buddy in peace."

"And what is Lance? Your quidditch buddy?" She winked and I groaned.

"He's not any buddy. He's just an ass," I said, sitting back as Professor Alfor quieted down everyone.

"Alright class, today we are going to be meeting a hippogriff," Alfor said, pushing in his chair. "So if you'd all follow me, we can go meet Kalteneker."

I stood up with Pidge and on the way there she ditched me for Hunk. They began to discuss something about thermal stuff. I'm not really sure.

"Do you understand a word they're saying?" I glanced to my right at Lance.

"Not really no, they make me realize how bad at science I really am," I said.

"Pft, I'm sure you're good at science, you're good at everything," he replied. I glanced over at him.

"What makes you say that?"

"I don't know you just are," he insisted.

"Well I can tell you one thing I'm not good at," I said.


"Tolerating you," I joked and he frowned.

"I thought we were having a bonding moment!"

"Hmm, I wouldn't say so," I said, smiling as I ran to catch up with Pidge. She at least stood by me when we arrived.

"Alright students, this is Kalteneker. Hippogriffs are animals that are difficult to win over. You do not want to insult a hippogriff. It is a very powerful and proud creature especially when it's up in the air. Very powerful front legs. They are a very distinct species that dwells in forests rather than open plains. Don't confuse them with a horse-eagle hybrid, it is its own species. Would anyone like to try and connect with Kalteneker?"

No one raised their hand as the large creature was rather intimidating. No one wanted to get hurt though I really doubt they would. She seemed like a gentle giant. Lance raised his hand and Alfor noticed.

"Aha first contender," he said and Lance stepped through the small crowd. "Connect with Kalteneker now, be respectful. Bow to her and if she bows back you can go and touch her."

Lance stepped up a few good feet from Kalteneker and stopped, gaining her attention. His body dipped forward and he glanced up watching the creature. It let out a squawk and rose slightly on its hind legs.

"Step back Lance!" Alfor warned and Lance stumbled back slightly, a twig snapping underneath his foot. I jumped slightly, questioning why exactly I was scared for him. "Steady."

Lance remained bowing and I watched as he made gentle eye contact with Kalteneker. They both seemed so at peace. The creature went down on its front legs to bow back and the class jumped, except me as I was rather mesmerized by the sight. All was quiet, not even Professor Alfor was speaking. Lance pulled up and held out his hand, taking a small step towards Kalteneker.

She jumped back slightly and he stopped, the whole group holding their breaths. Kalteneker approached and pressed her beak to his hand. I watched him smile and the class erupted in applause. He smiled and Alfor suddenly walked over.

"Alright, now you ride her!" He said.

"Wait what?!" Alfor picked him up easily which made me giggle and the hippogriff looked my way, head cocked to the side. She let out a gentle squawk and I stared at her with a smile. She was so majestic.

Alfor placed Lance on Kalteneker and slapped lightly at the back of her. She made a noise and flew up without warning. Lance let out a loud yell and we all watched him fly up with Kalteneker. After a while she landed and Alfor offered it up to anyone else who wanted to try.

I raised my hand and Alfor let me approach. I bowed with similar stance to Lance. I looked up to see her just inches away from me. Had she approached? I felt her nuzzle the side of my face and I laughed. She nuzzled again and I laughed again. She must like my laugh. I stood up and reached out to pet her.

"Great job (y/n)!! She must really like you!" Alfor said and I smiled.

"Can I pet he--" I glanced around at a boy who placed a hand on Kalteneker. She bucked, screeching about to pound the kid with her claws.

"Kalteneker! Woah!" I called out as a panic started to settle within the class. I couldn't let her hurt that kid. She bucked and scratched at me, as I fell backwards, gripping my arm. I let out a painful cry and she stopped. She looked at me with curious eyes, a soft squawk coming from her.

"She's going to be okay Kalteneker," I glanced up and winced, only seeing Lance there. My breathing was heavy and I felt my heart beating faster.

"She needs to get to the hospital!" Pidge said and I felt tears brim at my eyes slightly. Kalteneker seemed to place a protective stance around me, and I knew she didn't mean to hurt me, but she stepped aside as Lance slipped his arms under me. He picked me up and I gripped at my arm tightly, realizing the pain was really starting to settle in after the shock.

I started to cry and I huddled myself into Lance's body. I don't care about anything anymore. It hurts like hell. He shushed me and hurried into the castle and to the hospital. Kids in the halls took notice as Lance carried me down the hall, Alfor close behind. "You're going to be fine, it's just a scratch." Lance cooed. That didn't stop the tears.

"Excuse us!" Alfor called and students pulled away to let us through. I had exhausted myself from the crying mixed with pain and I felt myself go drowsy.

"(Y/n)?" Lance asked and I felt myself being set on a cot of some sort. I glanced around and looked for Lance as Alfor talked to a nurse, my vision spotty from exhaustion. "(Y/n), don't pass out, I know it's painful, just don't pass out."

"I can't," I said, a woman pulling my arm away from where it had been tucked tightly against my body. I felt more tears slip down my face. I was about to pass out from the pain.

"(Y/--" I didn't hear the rest of what I said as I felt my eyes shut heavily and the pain ceased, passing out completely.

Stay awesome!


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