Male Reader x RWBY: Volume 1...

By AStoryWithoutWords

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After the death of your Master, you abandon your life as a warrior monk of Sun Zhang. Aiming to be a Huntsman... More

Author's Note
Chapter I: Origins
Chapter II: Sun Zhang
Chapter III: Welcome to Beacon
Chapter IV: Initiation
Chapter VI: Same Old Routine
Chapter VII: Bullies and Bonding
Chapter VIII: Concrete Jungle
Chapter IX: A Day at the Beach
Author's Note: Character Details
Sneak Preview

Chapter V: Odd Man Out

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By AStoryWithoutWords

"Jaune Arc, Lie Ren, Pyrrha Nikos, Nora Valkyrie." Professor Ozpin announces to the school. "The four of you retrieved the white rook pieces. From this day forwards you shall work together as Team JNPR. Lead by Jaune Arc." Jaune jumps slightly at the sound of his name, obviously surprised at his appointment as leader.

"Blake Belladonna, Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, and Yang Xiao Long. The four of you retrieved the white knight pieces. From this day forwards you shall work together as Team RWBY. Lead by Ruby Rose."

"I'm so proud of you!" Yang shouts, throwing her arms around her younger sister.

"And finally, (F/N) (L/N)." You step forward as Ozpin announces your name. "You retrieved the only white king piece. Because of this, you are our odd man out. From this day forwards you will be a rotating member of Teams RWBY and JNPR." You look over to your new teammates, all of them flashing you a smile. "It looks like things are shaping up to be an... interesting year."

After the ceremony, you and the rest of the new students make your way to a separate wing of the building which houses the dormitories. Taking the elevator to the top floor, you make your way through the halls to locate your assigned rooms. Team RWBY's dormitory is on the left side of the hall, Team JNPR's right across from it. As a rotating member, you have been assigned your own room, located just past Team RWBY's.

Entering your room, you notice it's smaller than the standard four-person room, only being about half the size. Pushed up against the far-right corner of the room is a bed, a small nightstand sitting next to it. Across from it is a larger work desk pushed up against the wall, housing several drawers and a large lamp. A small, chest high bookcase is positioned facing the door in the far-left corner of the room. Along the left wall, a set of double bifold doors separate your closet from the main room. And on the right wall is a door which you assume leads to the bathroom.

Walking into the room and closing the door behind you, you set your duffle bag down on the floor and open your closet. You hang up your two extra sets of robes, as well as your ceremonial dress robes. Finally, you retrieve a special set of robes from your bag. They are of the same design as your usual outfit, however in the school's colors. Professor Ozpin, ever respectful of other people's customs, had these specially made for you to wear to classes. Once all your clothes are put away, you place your school supplies on the work desk and a small bonsai tree on top of the bookcase. Finally, you remove a special stand to house Rhino's Charge, placing it at the foot of the bed.

Drawing your curtains closed, you move to lie down on the bed, ready to retire for the evening. After a few minutes of tossing and turning, you decide you're  never going to be able to sleep on this mattress; it's far too soft. Breaking your bed apart, you store its disassembled pieces in the closet, and instead roll out your bamboo mat. Laying down on it, you cover yourself with a scratchy wool blanket and drift off to sleep.

Waking early the next morning, you stand and throw open your curtains. Staring out the window at the world beneath you, you twist your torso and stretch out your arms before donning your school robes and slinging Rhino's Charge over your shoulder. Making your way out of the building, you once again head out towards the fields next to the school and follow the same routine as yesterday. Endurance, strength, hand to hand combat, weapons combat, semblance control, tactics and strategies. All these things you work on, ensuring you keep your skills sharp. An hour before classes are scheduled to start, you make your way to the cafeteria, taking a tray to go, and return to your room where you shower and grab your supplies for the day.

Your first class is Grimm Studies with Professor Peter Port. The first student to arrive, you bid the professor a good morning before taking a seat in the far back. Over time, the classroom gradually starts to fill with students. As class is about to start, Professor Port stands and moves out from behind his desk, clearing his throat, preparing to greet the class. Just as the bell rings and he is about to speak however, he is interrupted by the door bursting open. Tumbling through the door in a pile on the floor are your teammates, cutting it extremely close. Standing awkwardly, they all rush to their seats.

The rest of class is pretty uneventful, save a quick match between Weiss and a Boarbatusk. The first day being primarily an introduction and a review of material covered in previous years. Professor Port, as it so happens, is easily distracted, and often goes off on unrelated tangents about his youth, offering lengthy anecdotes about his wise grandfather who smelled of cabbages. Thankful to hear the bell signaling the end of first period, you gather your things and make your way to World History with Dr. Bartholomew Oobleck, a green-haired, bespectacled man with more energy than even Ruby. Next you had a period for lunch, followed by class with Professor Peach. However, it was the last class of the day you were most looking forward to. Combat Class with Professor Goodwitch.

"We have little time, so I'll keep this brief." Professor Goodwitch began. "There will be little time in this class for lectures or notetaking. Instead, the majority of our time together will be spent pitting you against each other. Testing your abilities and pushing your limits to make you a more capable fighter. Be warned, I will tolerate no nonsense in my class." Walking across the stage to the other side of the class, her heels clicking with every step she takes, she pulls up a roster of the class on her scroll, the image being projected on a larger hologram at the front of the class. "Each of you is here because you are the best. Don't let this fool you however. Each and everyone of you still has much to learn. After each match, I will provide you with feedback on how to improve. Failure to improve in my class will result in far worse than detention. If I feel that your ineptitude is likely to lead to a loss of life in the future, I will not hesitate to recommend your expulsion from Beacon." Jaune looks nervous at these words. "So, let's get started. For our first match of the semester, we will have..." Tapping her scroll, the roster of students begins to shuffle. "Ms. Pyrrha Nikos against... Mr. (F/N) (L/N)."

Getting to your feet, you make your way to the front of the class. As you pass Team RWBY you hear Yang wish you luck.

"Please." Weiss scoffs. "He's going to need more than luck beat Pyrrha."

"That's not very kind, Weiss." Blake whispers.

"So what if it's not very kind, it's true. Pyrrha's a grand champion, (F/N) isn't good enough to even stand a chance against her."

"Enough talking class." Goodwitch says, sending a glare in Team RWBY's direction. "Ms. Nikos, Mr. (L/N), take your positions. The match will end after one of your Aura's has been depleted or after five minutes. You begin in ten seconds."

Walking off the stage to stand behind her podium, Glynda pulls out her scroll and prepares to take notes. Bowing respectfully to Pyrrha before the match begins, you assume your stance; feet shoulder width apart, knees slightly bent. Left arm extended and bent slightly at the elbow, both hands open with their palms facing up. The fingertips of your right-hand rest on your left elbow.

At the sound of the buzzer, Pyrrha immediately runs at you, Miló and Akoúo at the ready. Aiming for your head with the javelin form of Miló, you simply move your head to the left, so it brushes by your ear. Pulling her arm back, Pyrrha aims at your head again, and you repeat the process, this time to your right. Swinging her left arm out, she attempts to shield bash you with Akoúo, but your place your hands on the shield, following the momentum and gently redirecting it, before moving behind her. As she turns to face you she swings Miló around, which you easily duck under. The two of you size each other up for a moment before Pyrrha runs at you again, her shield down in front of her, ready to charge straight through you. Dropping into your stance, you place your left hand on the shield and your right hand on her arm, absorbing the kinetic energy behind the attack. Stealthily, Pyrrha sends Miló stabbing at your stomach, and you just barely manage to shift out of the way, trapping it under your arm. Suddenly, Pyrrha drops to the ground. Spinning on her back, her feet in the air, she manages to knock you off your feet. She's good. As you fall, you plant one hand on the ground and use it to flip backwards and land on your feet. Standing up straight, you wait for her to charge at you again, and sure enough she comes running at you. As she gets close, you shift your stance, so you stand on the outside of her right side. Swiping your right hand down, you manage to get a grip on Miló. Bringing your knee up, you kick the javelin out of Pyrrha's hand. Pushing you back slightly with her shield, Pyrrha places one hand on your shoulder and flips over your back. Turning around, you see her throw Akoúo in your direction. Jumping back and doing a roll in midair, landing between her and Miló, you duck as her shield bounces off the walls and returns to her. Running at her with a flying spinning back kick, she raises Akoúo to block. Kicking off the shield, you extend your arms and spin in midair like a tornado. Keeping Akoúo raised, she blocks all your strikes, but as her vision is obscured, and as you land, you plant both hands on the ground and launch yourself off them, sending a double kick in her direction which connects with her stomach, sending her stumbling backwards a bit. Refusing to let up, you run after her and get a tight grip on the edge of Akoúo with your right hand, using your left to send a palm strike to her chest. Through the use of your semblance, your attack sent her back with a bit more force than normal. Not a lot, but enough to make her lose her grip on her shield. Looking back at her, you see her running towards her discarded javelin. Refusing to let her regain control of her weapons, you send Akoúo flying, embedding itself in the ground at Pyrrha's feet, causing her to stop abruptly. She turns back to you just in time to side step a flying side kick.

Without her weapons and no chance to regain them with you so close, she has no choice but to engage you in open hand combat. She aims a punch at your jaw which you gently redirect, making sure to keep contact with her forearm. The process repeats on the other side, and now the two of you are in close, you having your hands placed on both her forearms. This positioning allows you to feel when she is about to strike and easily redirect the momentum before it hits you. As you weave your arms through hers, preventing any punches, she tries a few kicks, but you are able to knock them out of the way with your own feet. Weaving your right arm over her left, you take a small step and fold your arm in, elbowing her across the face. Continuing with your strike, you collapse your arm again and strike her with your shoulder, maintain a grip on her right arm so she can't get away. Trying to punch you again, she beings wrestling your arms with her strength. Still, she's not strong enough to break through your defenses, only managing to widen your arms. You realize this is exactly what she wanted just a little too late, as she draws her head back and smashes your nose with her forehead. Stumbling back a bit, you recover in time to see her do a dive roll to recover both her weapon and shield. Knowing you can't win so long as she has the distance advantage, you let Rhino's Charge fall from your shoulder. As Miló converts into its hunter rifle form, you choke up on the rope of your meteor hammer and swing it in a double figure eight fashion, deflecting the bullets. Once Miló has switched to its sword form, you send Rhino's Charge flying straight out. Pyrrha simply brings her hand up and side steps the attack. Pulling back on the rope you spin and send your weapon back at her from the right. Again, she brings her arms up to protect herself and jumps over the head of your weapon. Continuing with the momentum, you swing the rope over your head and bring it crashing down. Pyrrha lifts her shielded arm and dives out of the way. After your third failed attack, you notice something strange. Every time Pyrrha move out of the way, you could have sworn you felt the rope of your meteor hammer change course ever so slightly. Sending Rhino's charge at her again another few times, you realize she's doing something to send it off course. Sending your hammer at her one more time, you watch closely as she moves out of the way. There! As she brought her hand up you saw a faint black glow surrounding the weight of your meteor hammer. Damn. Not only is she good, she's smart too. But you have her figured out. Pulling a fire dust crystal from your robes, you infuse your meteor hammer with it, the flames spreading up to the head. Swinging Rhino's Charge at her again, you see a shocked look on her face, and she brings her shield up barely in time to block the attack. The force of the impact sends her stumbling to the side a bit, and you use her momentary distraction to close some distance. Once your close enough, she slices in a downwards diagonal fashion with the sword form of Miló. Moving to the side you wrap the rope of Rhino's Charge around her arm, but you leave it slackened. "Heat causes magnets to lose their charge." You whisper to her. She looks shocked before sending a roundhouse kick your way. Ducking under it, you sling the rope around her shielded arm and neck. Dodging another shield bash, you slip behind her and sling the rope around her neck one more time before pulling taught. Your standing behind her now, the flaming rope of Rhino's Charge threatening to sever her head. Smiling internally at your victory, you then realize there's something poking your stomach. Looking down you see the tip of Pyrrha's javelin threatening to impale you.

A buzzer beeps and you allow your rope to drop, untangling Pyrrha. Wrapping Rhino's Charge back around your shoulder, you hear Professor Goodwitch's heels against the floor. "Excellent match, both of you." She says as she approaches you. "In fact, I don't think I've seen such skill since the days of Team STRQ. Still, I see a few things that could use some improvement. Mr. (L/N), remember that while you may have the upper hand, not to underestimate your opponent. You allowed Ms. Nikos to escape your grasp and recover her weapons when the match could have ended then and there." You nod in acknowledgement of her words. "Ms. Nikos remember you don't always have to be the one to initiate. It's okay to be more defensive and wait for your opponent to come to you. That being said you both did an excellent job. Students, this is the caliber at which you should aim to perform." The two of you make your way back up the aisle and to your seats. "Now I know that that's a tough act to follow, but let's continue."

Author's Note:

In case you were wondering, I do have a martial arts background. I have trained in Tang Soo Do for eleven years (and counting) and have an E Dan (Second Degree Black Belt) in this discipline. I have also studied, and continue to study Tai Chi for the past two years. While these two styles are the only ones I practice regularly, I have additional experience in Taekwondo, Hapkido, Judo, Jujitsu, Arnis/Escrima, and Wing Chun. I would greatly like to further my training in Wing Chun, as well as learn Xingyi Quan and Southern Mantis Kung Fu.

Anyways, that was just some fun information about myself. Thank you for all your continued support.

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