I don't belong to you

By FancyStyler

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Completed; Spencer's fiancee is in a terrible accident, and is in a coma. Toby Cavanaugh is the doctor. Thing... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 2

320 8 0
By FancyStyler

Spencer's POV

I kept thinking about what Dr. Cavanaugh said. 'You won't like my answer.' I have hope for Adam. Or at least I did. What if he doesn't wake up? What if his family pulls the plug? What if they don't, and he's a vegetable for the rest of his life? What if he wakes up but isn't himself? What if he can't remember me or us? So many things cold go wrong. This was a nightmare. This is a nightmare.

"How is he?" I heard my friend Hanna ask.

I turn around, "the same."

"How are you?" Hanna takes a seat next to me.

"Numb," I say honestly.

Hanna pauses. She doesn't do well with tragedy. She's the funny one, always cracking a joke. She knows it's not time for jokes. "I'm sorry," is all she can come up with.

"I know," I nod my head. "That's what everyone tells me. Except..."

"Except who?" Hanna asks curiously.

I roll my eyes, "The stupid arrogant doctor."

"Well... Maybe he just doesn't know how to react," Hanna shrugged.

"He should!" I snap. "He's a doctor for crying out loud! He see's this kind of stuff all the time! He should know how to deal with this!"

Hanna didn't flinch. She knew I wasn't mad at her, I was just upset. "Just ignore him. Let him do his job and you just take care of Adam," Hanna tried calming me down.

"I didn't mean to get angry," I wipe my tears away. "I don't want to leave his side but... I need to step out of this hospital and catch some air."

"Come on," Hanna stood up. "Let's take ten minute's to go outside."

I hesitate. I take a few minutes and look at Adam. "I'll be back in a minute," I tell him. I know he can't hear me, but I just had to say it. I bend down and gently kiss his forehead. "I love you."\

Toby's POV

Of course, she's there. It's like she never left. I immediately walk over to the computer again. I look at his charts. "Still the same," I tell her.

She let's out a long breath, "I figured."

"Do you have any question's for me?" I ask.

"No," she responds looking at Adam.

I can tell she's mad. And I'm sure she's mad at me. She want's me to care whether he lives or not. But I won't. "Have you slept?" I don't know why I ask.

"Not really," she shrugs.

I start to head for the door. I turn around, because it was bothering me. "Why do you want me to care?"

She turns to look at me. "If you care, you'll do anything to keep him alive."

"There's nothing I can do. It's all him. There's nothing I can do to change the brain damage. If I could I would," I answer honestly.

"You're wrong," Spencer shook her head. "There is something you can do. If you tell his parents that you believe he could get better, they won't take him off life support!"

"Did they already decide what they were going to do?" I asked.

"No," she admits. "But I'm afraid of what they might do if they had to make that decision."

I didn't know how to answer her. What am I supposed to do? There is nothing I can do. "It's not my decision. I will give his parent's my professional opinion. And right now... He's not progressing, like he should be."

She turns back to her fiancée. She's irritated with me, I know. But she knows I'm right. So with that I leave the room.

Spencer's POV

"Hi Katherine," I greet her as she enters the room. I can't help but feel relief. Someone to finally have a real conversation with.

"Hi Spencer," she smiles at me. "How are you?"

"I'm trying," I shrug.

"That's all you can hope for," she takes a seat next me.

"Yeah I guess," I squeeze Adam's hand.

"Where's Adam's parents?" She asks.

"They were here, they just left. They try to come as often as they can." I truly did like his parent's. They were really sweet people. I was just unsure of what they would decide.

"What did say about Adam?" She asked with honest curiosity.

"He said he's the same," I sighed. "He's so annoying!"

"Tell e about it," Katherine giggled. "He flirts with every girl. Not to mention slept with a majority of the female staff here."

"Are you serious?" I gasp. "What a sick... asshole! I hate him! Has he tried to sleep with you?"

"Not really," she shrugs. "He's smart. He knows I don't take that kind of stuff lightly."

"Why doesn't he bother you? I mean all he does is sleep with women, and treat his patients like their dirt!" I clenched my jaw.

"He's a great doctor. And believe it or not he treats me well. He's always kind, he's just honest. He doesn't want to lie to people. He doesn't want to promise things that won't happen," she smiled at me. "He may not be the best when it comes to comforting people, but he is the best at what he does."

I still didn't understand why she defended him so much. I saw nothing in him that I find appealing. He seemed so dull and careless.

"Anyways I have to make my rounds," Katherine got up unwillingly. "I'll be back when I can."

Several hours later I looked at my watch. I knew it was the end of his shift and he would be coming to check on Adam. I was anxious to see if there was any change. Even if it was small, it would be hopeful.

I heard him walk up to the computer as he always did. No friendly hello, or even a smile. "Is it the same?" I ask.

He just simply nods his head and heads for the door.

"Can you... Just say something!? Or at least tell me what you're thinking!?" I burst.

"Nothing's changed," he replies calmly. "I don't know what else you want me to say?"

"Just be honest with me," I crack. "Does he have a chance?"

"People always have a chance," he shrugs.

"But... Do you think he will get better?" I try.

"I already told you... You won't like my answer," He frowns.

"So you think he's brain dead?" I confirm.

He studies me. For a second I thought I saw concern, but it vanished. "I'm just a doctor, I'm not God."
Before I can ask him what he means by that, he's gone.

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