IAMWILDCAT x Reader My Sad...

By GurlzRule444

321 12 3

(16+) In This story the Main Characters Name (You) is Stephanie Rose (Change it if you want but I will be ref... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Chapter 1

121 4 0
By GurlzRule444

I'm in the corner crying...when will it end? Will he find me?

I'm shaking...

I'm scared...

The door creaks open and there he is...


"Come out you piece of trash!" He yells and I'm about to stand but I can't my legs are locked to the floor. But then I see him fall to the ground. Someone hit him? I start to cry so much that I can't stop...Will I ever stop?

But then I see him...
But who is he?

I wake up
To my pillow all wet and tear stains on my cheeks.
"Just a dream? But it felt so... real" I say and look at my hands.

Vannoss's POV
The twins are still sleeping (the vanoss crew lives in 1 big house and your twin brother is Lui in this)
"Geez did they stay up all night?" Delirious asks and I just shrug.

Stephanies POV
I quickly put make-up on so it doesn't look like I was crying and run down stairs.

Vannoss's POV
Then I see Stephanie Run down stairs "Finally one of em is awake!" I say sounding like an angry mother "Sorry... wait is Lui still sleeping?" She ask "yep..." WildCat replys "oh.." she says and looks disappointed "Why so sad?" I ask and now I sound like a old dad "Its nothing... so umm do you know where the merch gun is?" She asks and smiles and I point to it. She takes it and some Amo and runs upstairs it's not long until we all her Lui Scream the Stephanie Scream then we all here foot steps coming downstairs then all we see is Lui chasing Stephanie as they run through the kitchen and he finally caught up to her and tackled her they were both laughing so hard and finally stood up and started shoving each other then finally sat down. Then we all started to laugh. Soon enough we were all not talking and looking at our phones "Oh my god." Stephanie says and stands up still looking at her phone and starts to walk away "Hello?" We hear her say and get up to  spy on her conversation.

"Yes this is she?" She says and starts to walk back and forth "Oh well...Thanks I guess but what does this have to do with me?" She asks "umm I have to think about it I'll call you back ok? Bye!"
Stephanies POV
"umm I have to think about it I'll call you back ok? Bye!" I say and turn around to see all the boys in a straight line "So what was that about?" Lui says "uh... it's nothing! Really!" I say and start to back away "if it's nothing then why are you backing away?" WildCat says the Lui looks really concerned and picks me up then runs into my room and locks the door "Are you ok? Was it Charles? Because i swear to god I will rip his head off if he hurts or touches you again!" He yells and I smile because some of his little kids voice came in so I did my little kids voice witch sounded some what like his and I said "No but thanks big brother!" Then he smiles "But...I had a nightmare of him and I woke up crying..." I say and look at him and tell him every detail that was in my nightmare "I just want to break up with him but I'm scared what If he hurts me or-" he cuts me off "if he hurts you or even touches you I'm going to get Vannoss and the Crew and we are all going to beat him up!" He says confendent and I just smile and decide to believe him. Just then all the boys burst into the door "What was that about?" Brian asks returning Lui's question "Just a family meeting..." Lui says and I just smile then I step aside and grab my yellow backpack witch has make-up, my notebook, ear buds, pencils and my charged computer. Then I grab my phone. "I'm going to go out ok?" I say walking down stairs "Where are you going?" Lui asks "just going to find inspiration" I say holding up my notebook and start to run off.

Lui's POV
"What did she mean when she said going to find inspiration?" WildCat asks "She Loves to draw it's the olny thing that really made her happy ever since our parents got divorced when we were 5..." I say and smile "Should we follow her?" Vanoss Asks "Sure why not? We got nothing better to do." I say and we start to head out soon we see her sitting next to the soccer team "What is she doing?" Marcel asks "Looking for inspiration..." I say then we see her give the soccer team a thumbs up and smiles "God she looks so... happy" I say to myself and smile.

Stephanies POV
I finish drawing the soccer team and i smile at my work and lay back on the blanket i layed out "This really gets away from things doesn't it?" I ask myself and sit up "Welp! I should go see Tasha now..." I say to myself and and start to pick up everything and go to where we usually meet up. It's by a huge tree and there is a picnic table under it. Soon I see her sitting at the table and I wave to her, she waves back and starts to run to be once were face to face we start to talk "so why are you so late? I swear I was about to get up and leave!" She yells "oh yeah sorry about that..." I say scratching the back of my neck. Then she smerks.

Vannoss's POV

We're still watching Stephanie and her friend we hear her there conversation.

"so why are you so late? I swear I was about to get up and leave!" Her friend yells "Oh yeah sorry about that..." Stephanie says scratching the back of her neck. Then we see her friend  smerk.
"H-hey what's that look for?" Stephanie asks looking nervous
"Oh it's just... your hiding something! Oooo mabye you were making out with one of your co-workers!" Her friend yells and we all hear that loud and clear and Lui looks angry "umm" Stephanie stutters "Y-you n-never even met them!" Shephanie stutters even more "Yes I have met most of them! Spill girl!" So thats where ive seen her her name is Tasha i think... "Shhh!" Stephanie puts a finger up to her mouth. "Oooo things are juciy now! Who is it? Marcel? Brian? Oh I know!!! That WildCat one he is totally your tipe!" Tasha yells for the whole world to hear and we can see Stephanie face turn a bright pink "No, no, no! It's not like that, ok!" Stephanie yells "EEEEE! That's totally my new ship you guys would make a great couple!" Tasha yells once again... Then Tasha gets out her phone "Tasha what are you doing?!?!" Stephanie yells "Nothing..." Tasha Replied

Stephanies POV

Soon after that I got a notification on my phone from Twitter Tasha posted. I look at  it and it's fan art of me and WildCat kissing I instantly felt my face heat up And at the bottom it says

"My new Fav ship so cute together!!
#should be a couple!
They are just so right for each other!

And that's it... "Tasha!" I yell "Oh come on! Tell me you front like it!" She yells and I pause for a second "I dont!" I say and she smiles and points at me "you hesitated!" She yells "Omg! So You do like it!" She yells "I never said that!" I say covering my face "You said it with your eyes!" She said "Shut- up!" I say more embarrassed.

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