Our messed up lives

By Frozen_dew

45K 1.6K 239

||Dev-Nitara|| -Married for five years now, yet aren't living together. Was their 'Together-Forever' an ill... More

#12 points to remember
1. On the different road
2. The talk
3. Sweet somethings
4. The worst encounter
5. Just for a day
# Character cast
7. Bon voyage
8. Revelations
9. Another tide
10. Dance partners
11. The alpha male
12. Morning mishaps
13. Chef of you
14. Big surprise
15. Am pregnant
16. Smitten
17. Not a fairytale
18. Lost and found
19. Pathology of tragedies
20. The darker shade of yellow
21. Waters and wonders
22. Freedom
23. Love me like you do
24. Spark flies
25. Tieing knots
Author's note :P

6. New journey

1.2K 61 1
By Frozen_dew

I opened my eyes to the early rays of the sun and the 2years old wound that seemed fresh, even today.

The newly risen sun was scattering amber glow everywhere. Far in the mosque, people were humming azan. Their soulful chant, mixed with the chirpings of the bird, created magical ripples in the air that worked as an alarm from the entire city.
The city was finally waking up, discarding its cloak of slumber. And there I was still lying against the bed-board, seething in agony, trying to heal my wounded self.

A broken soul I was, so lost and so vulnerable and the begining of a new day was just another reminder to it.

Each time. Every time.

Night was gone long ago. Along with it, my 'I_am_broken' phrase should have gone too. But unfortunately, it didn't. Meant that I was supposed to enact the 'I_am_strong' phrase once again.

Why enact? You ARE strong and the world knows it.
Someone prompted from inside.

-But... I was still unsure.

You are handling a broken relationship, parenting a child by yourself and adding new feathers to your career on dint of your hard work.... what else do you need to realise how strong you are?

That voice belonged to my mind. A proud, confident bitch who had nothing better to do other than giving me inferiority complex for my sillyness.

A hopeless smile popped on my lips. I was kinda used to this complexity by now. I may never tell it at the face but deep inside I always knew that I was silly. It was silly of me to think myself weak, broken, vulnerable. Yes, uptil you are a person and not a random gadget, you are always broken in some way or the other. But that crack in you or your broken pieces cannot overcome your strength or tag you as a looser. Trust me, it never does...... not atleast when you have got a magic pill in your life.. just like my Coco??

"Coco....Wake up baby." I tilted slightly over my sleeping princess and cooed in her ears.
In reponse, she wriggled a little, turned to the side and curled into a ball with her thumb stuck between her parted lips.

Had it been a regular school day for her, I'd have definitely got irritated. But today, her little cute antics felt so adorable that I couldn't help but curl myself upon her, tucking her inbetween my limbs like a spongy, goodybag.

"Umm...mommy." she dquealed from underneath. Her complaining tone made me squish her some more.

"Wake up bunny..see, even the sun uncle is up and you are still in your bed!" I pecked her earlobe.

About 3 years ago, I had told this same thing to Dev. It was a bright morning then, preceeding a night of a tiring love making session. Dev was still sleeping. Him, on top of me. He had tucked me under his huge frame and wasn't allowing me to get up anyways. I tried a lot to persue him to move away, but he being him- the stubborn headed jerk, ignored me and remained sticking to my body like glue. And then when I said that the sun is up, he replied like-
I am not supposed to do photosynthesis Tara. So please don't disturb my sleep now. Infact I'd say that you too come to sleep.. or lets have another round of.....I won't mind either of them you know!!

That time he had earned a smack on his head from me. Today, I was earning the smack from mind. She was pretty glaring at me for rolling back to the same track. However, I blinked at her and assured that today there was no looking back. Today it was only the mumma-daughter's time and I was going to keep my words under all viable conditions.

"I am baking a chocolate pudding today. Now if Coco doesn't wake up, whom will I feed that pudding?" I said with a glitch in my voice and Coco looked up at me within a jiffy.
It was the second time my trick had so successfully worked, not to mention all the credits belonged to the pudding of which my baby was huuuuuge fan!

"Coco will eat." She replied with a little pout.

"And who needs to do brushie for that?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Coco." She mumbled obediently.

"And what do I get in return?"

A kiss. Obviously. Our morning ritual it was and I got it from my baby before she crawled under the duvet and hopped out for the washroom.


The rest of the day remained even. I had a small meeting with Stella, my assistant and Ayaz, my co-worker from AURA Internationals . Both of them were living in a five star hotel provided by the company itself and came to meet me on my new address in the late afternoon, to discuss about the Amaya Malik wedding project.

After they left, I sketched out some rough designs and contacted few fabric wholesellers. Damped my phone thereafter when they asked for a excessively high amount to work for me.

Later in the evening I sat down with my baby with her study lessons. She was going to miss school for nearly a month but that didn't mean she was allowed to skip her studies too.
Nonetheless, she thought exactly what she was not supposed to and started throwing her sweet tantrums, one after another.

"Mommy, its my favourite cartoon's time."

"Its study time Coco." I reminded her in a slightly heavy tone. "Come, read this poem with me."

Grumpily, she read the poem twice and came up with her new excuse very soon.

"Mommy, I'm shleepy." She said yawning.

"Enough of your excuses Coco! Now if you don't study for the next one hour at a stretch, I'll make sure you don't get to watch t.v for the next three days!!" I replied rolling my eyes.

My baby was crazy herself and was making me go crazy as well, while I missed my mom for not being there with me. Had she been there today, she'd have handled Coco perfectly enough to spare me from another headache!

As for now, I just needed to be patient (something which I was never good at) and hope that my baby listened to me...... only if it was that easy!

"I am hungry, mommy!" She complained next.

A deep sigh escaped my throat.

They say that babies come as angels in our lives. It is undoubtedly true for if Coco wasn't there in my life, I would have died long back. But then handling such a hyperactive child is not easy too. It is a mamoth task, the most difficult part of which is that even if you get tired, you have no option to give up!

"Memorize the table of 2. I'm coming with your nutella sandwich." I said and got up.

But before I could enter the kitchen, the door bell rang and I had to head towards the door instead.

And once I opened it, I received yet another great shock.

"You!!!!" I exclaimed to my visitor in an awe stuck voice.

"Yes. Its me." Replied my visitor. And well, she was none other than the filthy rich, classy, sassy and the very elegant Amaya Malik herself!

"How did you get my address?" I shot my immediate question as I got my normal voice back.

"Won't you ask me in?" Amaya smiled and never waited for my replied, just stepped inside hopping like a long lost best friend. "Hey, is that your baby? Can I hold her??" Excited, she chirped next.

Like what the hell was that?

"See if she allows." I faked a sugary smile. My words were not fake though, everyone indeed needed coco's permission first to hold her or sqeeze her chubby cheeks. Only that her parents and few known people were saved from this wrath.

Surprisingly enough, even Amaya didn't need the permission. Coco agreed to go to her and settled in her arms quite peacefully after that.

"Hello baby, can I know your name?" Amaya asked in an adorably childish tone as she craddled my munchkin, quite like a pro.

"Nirvana Bose." Coco replied with a tiny smile.

"Nirvana? Name coordinated with mommy eh?"

"No. Name coordinated with both mommy and daddy."  I declared from the back. Ofcourse I wasn't going to tell her about Dev but that didn't lessen the importance of the 'V' of his name that Nirvana's name carried alongwith.

"Oh.. thats great." Amaya smiled and nudged her nose in the crook of Coco's neck, making her giggle furiously. "So, Nirvana knows who am I?"

Coco turned her lips upside down and nodded in negative.

"I am Amaya Malik...and you will call me Amy maasi. Okay?"

"Amy maasi." Coco giggled again as she repeated Amaya's words.

"Yesss... And see what Amy maasi has got for you." She said and pointed towards the polybag in her hands. "Chocolate icecream!!!!"

"Yumm" Coco retorted licking her lips.

"And we are now going to finish them together." Amaya shouted like a kid before she turned towards me and scrunched her nose- "can you pass the crockeries please?"

"Sure." I nodded slightly, muttering an ugly abuse under my breathes as I strode towards the kitchen with the least interest possible.

Half an hour later the so called maasi-neice duo was finally done devouring the chocolate icecreams. Coco had settled down for her favourite cartoon show after that while Amaya settled on the couch beside me, ready to participate in the upcoming question answer session.

And so it started like-

"Tell me now, where did you get my address from? And how the hell did you know that I have a baby who loves chocolate pasteries??"

My glaring eyes gave her a fare warning that she shouldn't better think of lying.

Amaya flashed a constipated smile to this. She then tilted her head a little and pursed her lips.
"Chillax Nitzy.."

"Its 'Nitara' for you." I stopped her midway.

"Okay okay...Nitara it is.." she resumed apologetically. "Look Nitara, I wasn't spying on you. I was only trying to call you in the morning but your number came unreachable so I contacted your p.a instead and she told that you are living here.. I mean she gave me this address and......btw, isn't AURA providing you rooms in a five star hotel? Why are you still living on a rent then??"

"Becoz I didn't want to take any favours from AURA...Just like I didn't want to take up this goddamn project!" I replied calmly.

"Oops. My bad. But now that you are stuck with the project, why don't you start working on it already?"

Don't be so desperate girl. You still have no idea of what fucked up thing a marriage is!!
"You are here for the discussion right? So lets start it with you first. You say, what plans do you have for this wedding?"

"Five lahengas of five different colours, for five different days. Simple." She shrugged her shoulders.

"Don't you think it would get monotonous?"

"Maybe... but I don't want variations. Basically, dadi doesn't want it and since she is the oldest in our family we need to listen to her wishes."

"Uh. Okay." I nodded while taking a mental note of her points.

Amaya continued -"....For me, as long as there is a dupatta, a flowy Indian fabric and a heavy piece of jewellery hanging on from my body, I really don't care whether I'm wearing a saree, a lahenga or a designer gown!"

"Lahenga would do great Amaya." I showed her a thumbs up.

"Yeah...and they all must be off-shouldered." She added next.

"Why so?" I was plain confused.

"Becoz I like that design? Or should I say I like flaunting my shoulders??"

Flaunting shoulders? Like the way she is doing now? I mumbled to myself as I gazed at her cute, baby pink crop top with drooling eyes.

"Yes, off shoulders suit you."

"Hai na? I always knew that!" She chuckled to her glory.

"Hmm" I nodded accordingly. "Btw, what are the theme colours going to be?"

"Rainbow colours." She prompted immediately.

"Too boring." I shook my head.

"Think in the other way. Too bright, too colourful... isn't it?"

"Atleast add the colour pink. It looks so good on you." I said pointing towards her attire.

"Really?" She cocked her brows in disbelief.

"Absolutely... just keep this colour for your engagement date."

"Nopes. I have decided that theme already and its gonna be 'green'. The begining of my new life should be just as fresh and innocent like the young, new leaves of a tree....you getting it right?"

"Oh yes... And I must say you've got a nice plan!"

"Well, thank you." She bowed slightly and I passed a cocky grin before enquiring further.

"So, what colours have you thought for the other functions?"

"Nothing much. Its the yellow for haldi, white for the mehendi, red for the wedding, blue for reception and your pink for the sangeet ceremony."

"Cool. And about the designs? If I keep them according to my wish, will it be okay with you?"

"Totally...infact thats what I am here for. I know you are the best desginer I can ever have. Just one request- please don't put extra sequin work on my dresses. I mean its okay if my lahengas are heavy, but I don't want too much sparkle on them. Keep them simple, elegant, gorgeous, exclusive and soothing...all the same time." She narrated her wishes fluently and added in the last- "I hope I'm not asking too much."

"Not at all. Its Your wedding and everything should be done as per your choice."
I can swear, I didn't exaggerate this part at all. I said what I intended to and what I always wished for myself, but could never achieve one- THE PERFECT INDIAN WEDDING.

"I just hope everything goes perfect." Amaya mirrored my unspoken words in the very next second.

"It will be. Trust me." Why the hell am I getting so familiar with girl? Nah, its so not fare Nitara.

"I trust you. But whatever I'm gonna say next, I don't think you'll be able to trust me after that." Her kiddish voice turned cold and serious all of a sudden. It was enough to sent chills down my spine.

What did she mean by I won't be able to trust her?
"I didn't get you Amaya. Will you please elaborate?" I asked in a sluttering tone.

Amaya took a deep breath. The coldness of her voice was now getting reflected on her face. It made her look so mysterious all the way that I couldn't help but grasp my breathes deep in my throat.

You are scaring me Amaya. Speak up now, please. I prayed badly. My throat didn't support me though.

"As you know that I wanted you to attend my wedding....." Finally she started speaking. But she never finish her line. Didn't even care to think what effects would her uncanny silence get on my poor heart!

"You got what you wanted! I came to Delhi for you!!" I blabbed hurriedly to cover up the silence.

"Thats becoz the wedding was originally fixed in Delhi!"

"Haan so its still the same right?" Please don't 'no'.

And she uttered what I was dreadening the most -"No." A plain, simple, big NO.

Fuck me already!
"If not Delhi then where is the goddamn venue?"


Okay. Greece it is.



"Nitara?" Amaya's husky voice sounded somewhere near my ears. It broke my reverie and got me startled. "Say something please??" She mumbled then, as I looked up and found her stairing at me already like a curious kitten.

Say what?
"Umm...when is the marriage?"

"Oh. Sorry." Embarrassed, Amaya rolled her eyes at herself and grabbed her hand bag, from which she took out a lovely red wedding card and handed it to me endearingly. "Everything has been  given here. But if you still ask, the wedding is just two week's later!"

"Don't worry. I'll call for extra help from AURA and your work would be done within the next week itself. Before time, if I may add." I replied to her.

"Nitara, its li..."

"And then you'll be on your way and me on mine." I stated clear and aloud.

"You mean to say you won't attend my marriage?" She asked, taken aback.

"I was here to attend your marriage...just becoz you had said that your gramdma isn't staying well these days and since you are the only free person in your family to look after her, you can't afford to travel Mumbai on a regular basis!"

"Yes, but that is.."

I cut her yet again- "That was still okay Amaya. But now that you are asking to go to Greece to attend your wedding, then let me tell you, this is just. not. happening!"

"But this is your job Nitara! And you can't just say a 'no' to your client!!" Amaya protested, shifting a tad bit close to me on the flappy couch.

"I would better resign this job." I mouthed as a matter-of-fact.

"You will leave the job for which you sacrifised you husband's home three years back?!!!!" She shouted from the other end.

"Yes I..." Wait. What did she say? "How did you know Amaya if I sacrifised my husband's home or not?" I asked, gritting my jaws together.

"Oh your stories are already quite famous in your workplaces, be it AURA or your very own Saiyaraan....I didn't need to keep tabs on you to gather these informations, sweetheart."

Ofcourse. My personal life has been on such display since forever that even people I barely know, knows it all!
"Whatever Amaya. Just know that I'm not interested in your foreign tour and hence I'm not going anywhere!"

"Hey, this is not a foreign tour! This is my wedding... a destination one... decided at the last moment though!!" She protested furiously.

"Both the same thing for me." I shrugged nonchalantly.

"Doesn't matter. You are still going with us." She retorted back.

"No ways!"

"I'm paying you a heavy price! Does that call for denial?"

"I'm not interested in your payments either!" Frustrated, I threw my arms in the air.

"You can't be kidding.." Amaya chuckled disbelievingly.

"Ofcourse not. Why would I when I've already paid an entire month's salary as the rent of this apartment?"

"Is that your main problem? Look, if it so then I've a solution. I can pay you extra and...."

"And who the hell said now that I'm interested in your money?" I shouted back, controlled my voice thereafter as I realised that Coco was still there in the room. She was watching cartoons, but her presence was not something to be ignored. "Look Amaya, I'm neither interested in your money, nor in you. Its just for the sake of my company that I've taken up your project. But yes, this is it. Don't try to expect anything more. I am warning you already."

"You are damn stubborn." She responsed after a long silence, nodding her head with a cute, little smile.

"So are you...Why are so upto taking me to Greece haan? Do you know me? No. Do we have any common friends? No... hell, if you had wanted you could have easily hired the great Sabyasachi to design your wedding attire. But no, you had to select ME out of nowhere. And as if it wasn't enough, you are asking me to join your destination wedding? Do you even realise what are you saying? You aren't making any sense thats an obvious fact, but now you are loosing my trust as well. You are getting fishier like no one ever did before!"

A deep sigh escaped Amaya's lips as she stared at me. The intensity of her gaze told that she wasn't wrong. She could never be so. But then at the same time, the beatings of my own heart warned me not to slip. You say now, whom am I supposed to listen?

"I knew you won't trust me again. But you can atleast keep a little faith on me right? Look Nitara, I am a Malik myself and we Maliks don't break anyone's trust, emotions or sentiments. We work for everyone's good sweetheart, we work for their best... please believe that already."

Huh! We work for the good, we work for the best, we are this, we are that. Only we we we we...... No! Wait. what is that 'We work for the good' part? Is she somehow trying to say about mine and Dev's relationship? Is she here becoz of that? Did Dev really send her to me??
"Amaya, has Dev sent you over here?"

"Whoz Dev?" Amaya's eyes were dilated in surprise.

Dev! My husband, bruh!!!
"You don't know Dev?"

"No." She shrugged with a little pout and asked- "Who is he btw? Your boyfriend?"

"I am married for god's sake!" My eyes were even greater dilated than hers.

"Oooops. Sorry." She clicked her tongue straightning up while my arched back slouched back on the couch. What was that girl man? Couldn't she apply a filter in her mouth? I just wandered.

"Now that the discussion is over, I think you can move out." I said to her then.

"No babes, the discussion isn't really over until you agree you to my proposal!" She shook her head like a stubborn kid deprieved of his favourite candies.

"Over my dead body?" I punched a smile with my sugar coated sarcasm.

"No, over your living soul." She replied with another level of confidence that shook me upto the core.

Huh, I don't want to mention this but I need to and trust me, its the most helpless thing I had done in decades. Like literally. I mean I don't know how and why and when did I do it, but I just did. Yes, I did it... agreed to Amaya's proposal!

Surprised much?

Same here. Even worse....specially when I had minus hundred percent interest of joining her in her world tour or her wedding or whatever she said for that matter.

Do I still need to say how many times I had banged my head (oh, not really) against the front door through which Amaya had left few minutes ago?

But her last words?

"I have given you the theme already? Now I want my designer to look her best when she stands next to me in all my wedding ceremonies!"

This I needed to tell you right?

Or not?

Well, one thing was definitely for sure that my new journey, the product of Amaya's manipulation and my great confusions- wasn't going to be pleasant..... Not at any damn cost!

Author's note :P

One update per week- is it okay with you?

Routines are getting hectic, 24hours are getting shorter. Yet, I am still trying to update regularly. Atleast am trying to be in touch with wattpad... appreciate my efforts please?

One good news for all the readers. Character cast is going to be there in the next update. Stay tuned for that.

Coming to the story now, what do you think Nitara's new journey is holding for her? Share your thoughts in the comment section. Cast your votes. Miss me till I come back again.

Xoxo :*


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