Can't Stand You

By Ellebell26

595K 13.6K 6.3K

I closed my eyes tightly until I heard laughing. No, I could feel the laughing. My eyes sprang open to find M... More

Summer Plans
The Honor of Meeting the Biggest Jackass in the World
My New Best Friend
The Princess and the Jackass
Practice Makes You Perfect Except in Coach's Eyes
Embarrassment and Revenge go Hand in Hand
Knowing When to Duck
You Can't Call Dibs
Don't Test Me
Full of Shit
The Discovery and the Cheap Shot
What The Heck Is Wrong With Little Ms. Piggy?
Cramps and Mood Swings
Gameday Jitters
The Knight in Shining Armor Saves the Princess (x2)
The Caterpillars in my Stomach Have Now Turned into Butterflys
I Can't Tell if I Want to Kiss You or Slap You
Dreams and Nightmares
The Secret and the Apology
Careful, Careful, Careful
So You're Into Guys Now?
Never Tell a Girl to Calm Down
The Wall
Home Is Where The Heart Is
Picking Fights, You Must Not
Love Sick Puppies
Strikeouts and Blackout
I Just Like Hearing You Say It
The Final Inning
Mr. Beauty Queen and Me
First Chapter
Editing Part 2

We are not the Champions

17.5K 437 178
By Ellebell26

Hi everyone. I finally got this chapter out. I think it's a pretty long one. I'm really tired because I just stayed up to finish this, so I'm going to keep this short. Thank you so much everyone who commented in the past couple days. They're big motivators. Also, the likes are adding up. You guys are super awesome for that, and I wish everyone the best. Remember read, vote, and comment.

Good night pretties...


With a large basket in one hand, banging against my leg with every step and a towel in the other hand, I walked with Harrison by my side to the pool. Before we left, I had asked Carol to pack us a lunch for later. She had of course questioned where we were going. I had told her, knowing she wouldn't care that much. While I was changing in to my swimsuit, Carol had packed sandwiches, fruit, chips, and cookies for our lunch in the basket. I ended up with having to carry over the lunch with the help of Harrison. He however, didn't help a lick. I had been lugging the basket the entire way so far. Harrison would just come up with an excuse to have me keep carrying it.

The rest of the team had ran ahead with their towels in hand. All of them clad in t-shirts and swim trunks. Not bothering to see if we needed any kind of help. Well, actually more like if I needed help. I had given Walker directions to how to get there. Since he was probably one of the more responsible ones. Before I had even gone up to the room to change in to my swimsuit, the boys had taken off. I had thrown on a t-shirt and a pair of jean shorts over my bathing suit before going to get the basket of lunch.

"How much farther is it? I'm hot," Harrison whined. He kicked along a rock and dragged his feet. His shaggy brown hair was damp and sticking to his forehead.

Harrison was right. The heat today was most definitely sweltering. The pavement and asphalt was steaming and parts were soft from the temperatures. It had to be well over 100 degrees, and the humidity makes it seem about 10 degrees hotter. Sweat dripped down my back, and Harrison's forehead was running with perspiration. The baby hairs that wouldn't go in to my messy bun were sticking straight out to the sides of head. They were slowly curling in to ringlets that wouldn't tuck behind my ears. The pool sounded especially nice now.

"Almost there," I answered, adjusting the basket handle to sit in the crook of my arm.

Whoops and yelling suddenly cut the thick air to reach us. I could see the pool sign, which was probably about 100 yards down the street.

"Is that it, up by the sign?" Harrison asked impatiently tapping on the basket.

I knew he was hot right now and wanted to swim and cool off rather than slowly walking in the heat with me. It was only fair to Harrison that I let him go ahead.

"Go on. I'll be there in a few minutes," I urged him pushing his back.

"You sure?" he prodded, starting to jog.

I waved my hand as a signal for him to go ahead.

"Thanks, Glor," Harrison called over his shoulder. He began running down the street. His flip flops smacking the ground with each stride. The skinny legs that carried him along were pale and practically glowing from the sun beating down on them.

Checking my phone for the time, the clock read 11:27. We had about 5 and half hours till we would have to get back to shower and get ready for dinner.

When I finally got to the sign, the noise coming from within the fence was even louder. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at their immaturity. Who knows what they were up to. I made my way to the side fence to get over. The fence didn't have any holes to put your feet on to help you over, so I was going to need a little help from them, sadly.

"Hey, I need some help," I yelled.

The shouting subsided.

"Gloria?" A voice questioned sounding like Gabe.

"Who else would it be, doofus?" a voice said. That was Danny.

"Ow. What was that for?" Gabe yelped after a sound of a smack came from the other side of the fence.

"Stop being stupid," was all that Danny said in reply.

"What do you need help with?" Jackson asked from the other side.

"Can you get the lunch basket please?" I asked propping one end on the edge of the fence.

The fence was a good 7' feet. Jackson was probably about 6'4-6'5, but he wouldn't be able to see over the fence. His head surprisingly popped up over the top. He grabbed the basket handle from me and pulled it over to the pool side.

"How'd you do that?" I asked trying to figure out he would stay in the air long enough to look over and take the basket.

"The pieces of wood that help keep the fence together are good step ups. Now, you want a hand up?" he asked reaching down a long arm.

"I got it," I said jumping up and clutching the top of the fence.

Using all my upper body strength and kicking my feet up on the fence, I got my waist up over the top. The wood was cutting in to my palms making this position very uncomfortable, very quickly. I swung one leg up, so I could straddle the fence.

The guys were looking up at me curiously. About half of them were by the fence, and the other half were observing from the pool. One tan, blonde was laying in a pool chair with a pair of Aviators on.

"Don't fall," he called at me.

"I'll try not to, Miles. Thank you for the advice," I answered sarcastically.

Bringing the other leg around, I sat perched on the fence ready to hop off. Again the rough uneven wood on the top of the fence was biting in to my skin, but this time on my thighs where I was sitting.

Danny was almost right below me. His black hair was swept to the side away from his grayish eyes. The white shirt and green swim trunks fit him well. The shirt was like a second layer of skin that showed off his trim, fit chest and arms. I could not believe I was actually checking Danny out right now. I had to keep in mind all the crap he was spewing at the beginning of camp and still every now and then lets out.

Surprisingly, Danny stuck out his hand to help me down. When did he decide to do something nice?

"Thanks, Danny," I said putting my hand in his and jumping off. His hand was calloused and rough with worn skin.

"No problem," he said. A small smile etched in to his face.

I took the basket in my hand and went to find a lounge chair to put my stuff down on. Unfortunately, the only one left was by Miles. Sighing displeased with the arrangement, I trudged over and put my stuff down.

"Couldn't stay away?"

"This is the only chair left."

"I know you just want a nice view."

"The trees are nice to look at. Aren't they?"

"Don't be embarrassed with wanting to come sit by me to admire my great body."

"Do you see another chair for me to sit in?"

"You can always sit on my lap."

"You're disgusting!"

"I know you need an excuse to be on top of me. Here's your chance."

Without waiting for another stupid word to come out of his mouth, I grabbed the bottom of my chair and yanked it towards the other side of the pool deck. I ended up pulling my chair next to Jackson's and Dylan's.

"Hello," Dylan greeted me.

"Hi," I replied, flopping down on the cushion.

"Quite a move," he said, sounding amused.

"I couldn't take much more of his shit or else I might flip him off his chair into the pool," I huffed truthfully.

"I would have loved to see that," Jackson admitted.

"Maybe would have knocked him down a few notches," Dylan supplied.

I chuckled at their comments. Looks like I would have been backed up if I'd actually done it. Pulling the bag I brought with me, I searched around for my own sunglasses. Finally, my fingers wrapped around one of the lens. I carefully took them out and placed them on the bridge of my nose. They were Ray Bans unlike the obnoxiously expensive sunglasses that Miles had covering his eyes.

"Are you going to swim?" Dylan asked standing up.

"Maybe in a little bit," I answered leaning back in my lounge chair.

"Jackson and I are going in so don't be afraid to join in," Dylan told me before taking off his shirt.

Dylan and Jackson of course had nice bodies as well as every guy here. You could tell how much the guys put in to working out and getting in such great shape.

The sun was warm on my skin and began making me sleepy. As I was about to close my eyes to take a quick nap, somebody sat down on my chair startling me. Snapping open my eyes, Danny came in to view as the extra weight on my seat.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Are you going to come in?" Danny questions me, leaning back on my legs.

I chewed on the inside of my lip, trying not to kick him. I wasn't too happy with the position he was currently in.

"I'm not sure."

"Seriously though, feel free to join us at anytime. I know everyone here would be quite happy to see what's underneath your clothes," Danny said cheekily.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes at the disgusting comment.

"You better get off now, or I will personally push you in the pool," I retorted. Sliding my sunglasses up to sit on top of my head, I gave him a pointed look.

Not only was his attempt to get in the pool unsuccessful, but it also didn't make me want to get in at all.

"If you push me in, you're coming in with me," Danny simply said back. Before I could reply, he yanked off his shirt and tossed it in to my lap and then leapt in to the pool.

His cannon ball jump made a giant splash that came up and got water on my clothes and drops on my sunglasses.

"Look I made Gloria wet," Danny shouted proudly.

"Wow. Really original, Danny," I yelled back, irritated.

The guys laughed at another of his failed attempts of humor and instead dunked him several times under water.

In minutes, they were busy doing who knows what. I wanted to get a bit of sun for my white skin, but I didn't really want anyone to see me in my swimsuit until I was ready. I felt like some of the things that were there in the fat years were still here. I was comfortable with my body, but I can still be self-conscious of it as well.

There was an umbrella over by Jackson's lounge chair which I could use as a bit of a wall. I stood up and took the large umbrella out of its holder and placed it with the cover side out. It was large enough to cover my chair from anyone in the pool, so I could tan in peace. Glancing one more time over my makeshift wall, I decided it was now or never.

I unbuttoned my shorts and slipped them off and folded them neatly next to my chair. The shirt came off with more hesitation. Luckily, no one could see me, so I might as well. No point in getting a farmer's tan. After pulling it off and folding it over my shorts, I laid down in the chair. I put my sunglasses back over my eyes and took my hat out of my bag. The brim was pulled down to cover my face from the sun. I closed my eyes and settled in to the seat cushion.

I hate those moments when your body is physically exhausted and just wants to rest. While your mind can't stop thinking and keeping you awake. At the moment, I was having one of those. All I wanted to do was sleep for half an hour, and that was it. My brain had other plans for me. It drifted to different memories as I laid there just wanting to turn my thoughts completely off. They slowly wandered to the last pool party I had been at.

It was 6th grade, and I had just turned 12. Dad's health was deteriorating, but that was kept a secret from me during the time. His hair was gone from the chemo treatment. He seemed fine to me at the time. Still being my dad. He picked me up from school, threw the ball around in the backyard, mowed the lawn, and was now working more from home. He was going to the hospital more than he used to and was getting sick with something at least once a month. My 6th grade mind didn't catch up on these things till later when  I became more mature. The pool party was hosted by one of the girls on my class during the end of the year. Her name was Hannah Lutz, and in the 6th grade, she was pretty popular.

Her family owned a huge house in one of the richest parts of Baltimore. Hannah had invited almost half the 6th grade that day for the end of the year party. Hannah's mom was aware of my home situation, thus I was put on the invite list in pity. Their backyard was decorated, and a DJ had been hired. Their yard probably stretched at least an acre. Every part was landscaped with flowers, trees, a few patios, a giant pool, and hot tub.

At that point in my school career, Ellie was still at the private school, and Alyssa and I didn't even know that the other one existed. I had a few friends, but none were even close to being a best friend. My closest friend at the time had been Sydney Banks. She was overweight like I was at the time. With curly, frizzy brown hair and glasses, Sydney was considered very uncool then. She was one of the only people that would be friends with me, so I ignored all social standings. Sydney was always nice to me, and we slept over and hung out all the time. We were glued at the hip for the entire year.

The party was no exception. We carpooled together to go with each other. We showed up to Hannah's house without a clue what we had gotten ourselves in to. Most of the party, Sydney and I stood awkwardly by the dessert table, not really wanting to go swimming. Swimming meant having to let everyone see us in our swimsuits. That thought was terrifying, especially since we would be in front of a bunch of judgmental twelve year olds. Plus, the dessert table was loaded with everything you could want to fill your sweet tooth.

Eventually, the boys were getting tired of floating around the pool. Somehow, they scraped enough stuff to get a game of baseball going. I happily went to go play with them. Even though I didn't fit in, during recesses and after school, I could play in the baseball, football, and soccer games with the boys. I was good at everything they played, so to them, I was just as one of the boys.

We got in to a game of baseball and before long I had forgotten all about Sydney. Sydney was not athletic at all in elementary or middle school. For one thing, she had really asthma that made her have to sit down after not that much exercise. When I was playing with the boys, Sydney would sit down on the bench by the field and watch. I don't think she minded that she couldn't play. Sydney had four older brothers, so she knew every sport in and out. This time however, Sydney didn't come along to watch. We were in the top of the third inning; the team I was on, was hitting. I suddenly realized that Sydney was not sitting a little ways. I craned my head around the backyard looking for her curly brown hair. There was a lot of whispering and snickering going on by the pool when I finally looked over there. There was she was. Sydney had finally given in to trying to swim. Her T-shirt and shorts laid in a crumpled mess by her feet. She stood there stock still as all the girls in our sixth grade class stared and pointed at her. Sydney had a one piece purple swim suit on. There were bows on the suit, and small ones that were on the straps. Sydney's stomach stuck out, and her large hips popped out from the fabric. She looked down at herself. I could practically see her bottom lip quivering. Finally, a tear slipped down her cheek and fell to the top band of her top.

The entire time I had been standing watching in horror as the scene unfolded. The single tear that slid down Sydney's skin tore me out of my slump. I couldn't let my only friend be humiliated. I started my feet in her direction. There was absolutely no plan when I started running in her direction. With no idea how to help her, I surged on with my little chubby belly fat jiggling under my oversized T-shirt.

Another thing during the overweight days, I never wore clothes that fit me. My shirts were huge that they almost reached to my knees. They were always baseball tournament shirts that were large or extra large's. After Dad died, I wore his shirts for a long time. I hoarded them in my room. I still have a couple of them, which I sleep in. The shorts I wore were long and baggy that hung down below the hem of shirts. Everyone already knew that I was overweight at the time, there was no point in showing them how bad it was by wearing snug clothes.

When I finally reached Sydney's side, tears were streaming down her face as she watched our classmates giggle and whisper about her body. The gears in my head turned trying to formulate something to do. Sydney's dark brown eyes came to look at me. Her lip was quivering, and I knew she was so close to just running away and sobbing her eyes out.

Without thinking more carefully about it, I did a suicidal thing. I grabbed the hem of my shirt and yanked it over my head. I heard a few gasps as my overweight self was revealed. The baseball game came to a sudden halt. Every eye at that party was trained on Sydney and me. My jaw was clenched. I never wanted to have people see what was under the overly big shirts and shorts.

The shorts came off next. I couldn't help but look down at my now exposed skin. There were obvious fat rolls that were evident with the tight swimsuit. I could barely see my chubby legs with my stomach hanging over.

Sydney stared at me with eyes as wide as saucers. The tears still trickling down her cheeks.

"Want to go swimming?" I asked my friend, trying to ignore the deafening chatter coming from every direction.

The corners of her mouth turned upward in to a small shaky smile. She nodded her head and sighed.

I kept in my own tears as we walked to the pool and sat down on the pool side pavement. We slid in together and stood in the water that came up to our armpits.

For the rest of the few hours we were there, Sydney and I swam around together. It took awhile for the other party attendees to regroup and stop staring. I'm not sure what Sydney would have done if I hadn't tried to lighten the situation.

I still keep in touch with Sydney. Her dad is in the military, and they moved to Alabama right after 8th grade. She's lost a good amount of weight but has gotten quite tall. She's playing volleyball at her new high school. She even got a scholarship to go play volleyball at a Division 2 school in Tennessee this last year. The weight issue hasn't slowed her down in the slightest after our day at Hannah's house.

My eyes were closed as I replayed that incident vividly in my mind. I was so absorbed in my own thoughts that when two hands slid under me, one behind my shoulders and the other behind my knees, I barely fought it. When I finally register what was going on, my hat already had fallen off, and I whipped my head around trying to figure out what was going on. Suddenly, I was being put over someone's shoulder and being carried.

I strained my neck to look up at the back of the head of the perpetrator. The perfectly mused blonde hair was a dead give away. Miles fucking Harris.

"Put me down!" I shrieked.

Whoops and cheers were coming from the pool as Miles just chuckled at my screams of protest.

"Cut it out, you asshole," I screamed banging my fists on his back.

Miles only laughed harder as my feet tried to kick at his chest.

"Down goes the Ice Queen!" cheered the morons from the pool.

Hands gripped my waist as I was lifted to lay in Miles's arms bridal style.

"Payback's a bitch," Miles said nonchalantly as I looked down to see the pool below me.

"You wouldn't dare," I snarled at him.

"Oh, but I would," was the last thing he said before I was swung backwards then thrown in the pool.

I couldn't help but let out a scream. The cold water hit my back first before totally submerging my body in the icy body of water. My skin was shocked by the freezing water nipping at my skin.

I righted myself up and kicked up to the surface. I came up sputtering water because the jackass didn't even give me a chance to hold my breath. Flipping back my wet hair angrily, I snapped my eyes open. It went silent as the team saw my expression of pure hatred. You could probably hear a pin drop.

Miles was going to die a slow, painful death when I was done with him. He will not be seeing the daylight of tomorrow. He's seen me annoyed or irritated with him, but he's never seen my actual rage. I kicked my legs to the edge of pool. I could feel something dripping from my nose and I reached up to wipe away blood.

I wasn't that worried about it though. I got bloody noses all the time. Most of the time they just started bleeding even if I didn't hit my nose on anything. They were more spontaneous nosebleeds that came out of no where. I put my hand over my nose, so I wouldn't get blood in the pool.

Miles only stood a few feet away from the edge of pool with a smug smile playing at his lips. "Looks like the princess got a little wet," he cooed at me.

I gripped the edge with one hand and kept the other under my nose.

"Why are you holding your hand over your face?" Miles asked finally being more observant. His voice was laced with some concern for my well-being.

"Bloody nose," I quipped pulling my hand away from my dripping nose.

Miles's eyes widened as he saw the red fluid on my hand and beginning to form a puddle on the pool's edge.

"I'm so sorry, Gloria. I didn't mean it," he stuttered. He frantically pulled off his blue shirt and balled it up. Crouching down beside me, he handed me his shirt.

This was the perfect opportunity right now.

I took the shirt from his outstretched hand, but before he could pull it away, I grabbed his wrist with my other hand and yanked him toward me. Miles, not expecting me to do this, lost his balance and went flying forward in to the pool. The splash got my hair wet again, but I couldn't help feel a bit proud of myself for thinking of something so quickly. I pushed myself out of the pool and kept the shirt under my nose to stop the dripping of blood.

Miles came up sputtering water just as I had. I couldn't help but smirk at his flailing in the water. He pushed a hand through his hair, which was probably one of the hottest things I've seen. His bicep flexed. Water dripped off his jaw and nose. I put a hand on my hip and watched him tread water to look up at me.

Please get a hold of yourself. This was not the time to be drooling.

"Revenge is a bitch," I said. "Thanks for the shirt. I get nose bleeds all the time."

"My pleasure," Miles replied dryly.

We glared at each other

"Nice swimsuit, Gloria," Danny called from the other side of the pool, breaking the staring contest.

"Pervert," I scoffed at his disgusting comment.

I couldn't help but glance down at my swimsuit though. It was a halter top that was deep purple and had a crochet border. The bottoms that went with it are solid black with string ties on the sides. Nothing was overly exposed or being pushed up. I will never get the push up style top. Mainly because of my mom hating that style, but also I thought they were just overly provocative looking.

Miles glanced up as Danny said that and looked me over once. I immediately crossed my free arm over my chest, feeling self conscious.

"Are you going to come back in?" Miles asked swimming to the edge of the pool. He didn't look mad anymore, but I wasn't taking any chances.

"What so you can drown me?"

"We're even."

"You don't want to be one up on me?

"For right now, I rather just spend the rest of the off day with less stress."

"And I'm obviously stressful."

"Yeah, you are. Living with you is a pain in the ass."

I put a hand over my chest, acting like I was offended by his petty comeback. "I didn't know you felt that way about me."

"Damn it. The secret's out," he teased. A bright smile graced his face, showing off all his teeth. "But really, are you coming?"

"Once my nose stops bleeding, sure," I said walking back over to my seat

"You better wash the blood out of my shirt when you're done with that," Miles called to me as I sat down on my lounge chair.

I rolled my eyes and grinned at another stupid comment. The blood was starting to slow down now, but I still pinched my fingers on the bridge of my nose. The stream finally subsided, and I could put down the shirt without more blooding rushing down my face. Miles's shirt had a couple splotches of blood on the front. Before going back to the pool, I took the hair tie out of my bag and tied my stringy wet hair in to a messy bun.

I came back out to the pool deck and sat down, dipping my feet in to the water.

Harrison swam over to me as I sat watching the boys have wrestling matches. He rested his hands on my knees to keep his heads above water.

"If you pull me in, you already saw what happened to Miles," I warned him.

His eyes got big before he took his hands and moved them to the pool edge beside me.

"Don't want to wrestle them?" I teased watching the rough housing in the pool.

"If I wanted to die or get drowned, I would be over there," Harrison muttered.

I chuckled at his honest response.

"Let's have a chicken fight," someone suddenly suggested after the splashing became quiet.

Oh god. What were we 12? I couldn't remember the last time I had even participated in a chicken fight.

"Markus, get on my shoulders," Logan yelled.

"Everyone pair up," Dylan called.

I stay still hoping no one notices me hiding from them.

"Gloria," Jackson said looking at me hopefully.

I gnawed on my lip, not wanting to join in on this. Jackson motioned me over, making this much more difficult.

"You afraid to lose?" Harrison teased. He was paired up with Dylan.

"Now, it's on," I shot back.

I slid off the wall and swam over to Jackson.

"We're so going to win," Jackson said giving me a fist bump.

"First round: Gabe and Colton against Jason and Walker," Logan commentated from the side.

Colton got on to Gabe's shoulder's, while Walker climbed on to Jason's.

"Ready, set, go," Logan started them.

Both human towers went awkwardly towards each other to knock the other off their partner. It took about a minute for Walker to finally push Colton off. Walker and Jason did a few fist bumps in triumph and slapped hands.

The first round of fights went along with Anthony and Tyler beating Logan and Markus. Nathan and Eli barely lost to Miles and Danny. Jackson and I were last against Harrison and Dylan.

They probably decided that no one wanted to fight the baby of the team or the girl, so they'll just fight each other first.

"Climb on," Jackson instructed dipping his shoulders under the water.

I did a hop off the pool floor and jumped up on to Jackson's shoulders. We had a bit of an advantage with Jackson being the tallest guy here. My feet barely dipped under the surface.
Harrison did the same and was now sitting on Dylan's shoulders.

"Be prepared to lose," Harrison threatened putting his hands out in a ready position. He has really loosen up around everyone now, gaining confidence before our eyes. He was a slightly less annoying version of one of the other guys.

"You're not going to last more than five seconds," I replied simply.

"On your marks. Get set. Go!" Logan announced.

Jackson and Dylan stepped towards each other quickly. Harrison seemed pretty off balance from Dylan's quick movement. He was leaning backwards with his feet stretched forward, so since I couldn't reach his chest to push him backwards, I did the next best thing. Grabbing one of his feet in each, I lifted his feet in the air and let go. Harrison went flying backwards off Dylan's shoulders.

"Winner," Jackson cheered putting his arms up. We high-fived each other.

Harrison popped out of the water and started to protest."I wasn't ready."

"Then you should have said that you weren't ready before Logan said go," I explained.

Harrison crosses his skinny arms over his chest and did his best to hold back a grin.

"Alright, semifinals," Logan said. "Jason and Walker against Anthony and Tyler."

Looks like we're going against Miles and Danny next then. Danny was probably going to be on Miles's shoulders since Danny is smaller.

I tried to talk strategy with Jackson while the two other teams were trying to knock each other off.

We decided that they were going to play rough and that they saw me knock Harrison off by flipping him backwards, so they were going to be ready right off the bat.

It took Walker and Jason five minutes to finally push Tyler off Anthony's shoulders.

"You ready to kick some ass?" Jackson asked as I climbed back on to his shoulders. I shifted around till I found a spot where I would be stable. Pushing my feet under Jackson's arms, Jackson squeezed my ankles with his biceps, so they couldn't move.

"Always," I answered.

A little ways away, Danny was getting on to Miles's shoulders. Miles and I made eye contact. He seemed relaxed and gave me a lopsided smirk. Any other girl right now would probably melt right in to the pool with one of those smiles, but that gesture only made me want to beat him more. Alright, I admit it. It made me melt just a little bit.

In a mature response, I stuck out my tongue at him. Wow, that'll show him.

He raised his eyebrows. Even he knew that a seven year old could have a better comeback than that.

"Second semifinal round," Logan announced. Our two teams stood about four feet apart.

"On your marks." I sat deeper in to Jackson's shoulders, readying myself.

"Get set." I could feel Jackson tense below me.


We surged forward to meet Danny and Miles. They were kicking up water at us and some was getting in my eyes. While trying to unblind myself, Danny suddenly grabbed on of my hands and was pulling forward.

I knew Danny is stronger than I am and he could probably pull me right off. I needed some kind of way to get out of this for sure losing position. I did the only thing I could do. I used my free hand and pinched Danny's arm.

"Ow!" he yelped releasing me. "Is that even legal?"

"There were no set rules. I can do whatever I want."

Jackson chuckled softly at my response, knowing I had made that up on the spot.

"In that case," Miles began. He pushed at Jackson's chest causing Jackson to not hold on to my feet anymore. Jackson stuck out his arms to push Miles back, but Miles was quick enough to see the opening. He grabbed my now unprotected foot and tickled me.

This threw me completely off. I kicked my foot out vigorously, trying to get him off. Then it all started going downhill. I started to laugh hard enough where my balance was faltering. When I was teetering off to the side, Miles snatched my ankle and threw it up. The same way that I had beat Harrison. I went flying backwards in to the water.

"Winner!" Miles cried.

I crossed my arms over my chest and tried to keep the smile off my face. He was acting like he was five. His hair was sticking out in all different directions from the water. His face was lit up with a huge smile. He looked around a few times before spotting me.

"Loser," he mouthed, putting his fingers in a "L" shape to his forehead.

I flipped him off in an answer.

"Alright champion round. Gentlemen take your marks," Logan instructed.

Danny and Walker climbed on to their partners' backs. They readied themselves and surged forward when Logan called go.

"It was a good try," Jackson said comfortingly, swimming over to me.

I shrugged my shoulders and smiled. I could care less about the chicken fights. It was more fun than anything else.

We treaded water and watched the two pairs duking it out.

It took awhile for someone to finally fall off. And sadly, Danny was not the one that hit the water.

"We are the champions, my friend," Miles and Danny sang. They were so loud and off key that I covered my ears to try block it out.

"And you are the losers," Miles sang, pointing at me.

Yet again, a smile was trying to turn the corners of my lips upward. I did my best to keep my face straight, but all of a sudden Miles comes swimming towards me.

I started moving backwards, but Miles caught up pretty quick. He again starts singing "We are the Champions," right by me. Without warning, Miles picked me up and put me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Again.

"You have to be fucking kidding me. Put me down, Miles," I banged on his back.

Miles ignored my fit and continued to sing.

I knew he wasn't going to put me down any time soon, so I stopped fighting and propped my head up in my palms.

"Why are you so light?" Miles asked out of the blue. He wrapped both his hands around my waist and lifted me straight up over his head.

"Yeah, sure," I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

He looked up at me as I basically dangled over him, only his arms holding me up.

"Want to put me down?" I spat out, trying to push the hair out of my face.

"I guess. By the way this is my one up," he replied, before casually tossing me forward like a rag doll.

Once I kicked my way to the surface for the billionth time today, I didn't even bother pursuing him for throwing me. I'll get him later like always.

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