Pull My Heartstrings

By europia

9.8K 343 48

An Asian myth tells of red strings that connect people fated to fall in love, meet, or have an impact on each... More

Pull My Heartstrings
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 11

189 14 4
By europia

Hiiii~ show some love if you like it~


Chapter 11

Finn couldn't wipe the smile off his face as he got out of bed. His beautiful mate, who he could finally be with, was fast asleep next to him. Her usually hard expression lightened while she slept. It seemed like so long ago that she rejected him and then he in turn, like an idiot, rejected her, but it was only yesterday that Rowan rescued him from the prison his own uncle had put him in.

It was hard to believe that his uncle did that to him without a drop of guilt. Finn felt like he couldn't even trust his own family anymore, including his parents, who had known the truth about his uncle's corruption and had said nothing. It was hard to tell if they were being forced or if they were just enablers. Regardless, Finn would have to give up his family to be with his mate.

While the decision hurt, he knew it was the right one; he and Rowan could build their own family together, one that would actually act like a real family. Finn had always believed that his family would welcome his mate with warm arms, but they were clearly past that point.

Shaking the negative thoughts from his head, Finn put on a shirt -- he had worn boxers to bed and cuddled his mate, who had been wearing one of his shirts, last night -- and headed to the kitchen. Maybe he could surprise Rowan with breakfast in bed if she was still asleep when hie was finished cooking.

"Hi Finn!" Juliana rushed to hug his leg. "I missed you!"

"Hey kiddo," he chuckled, ruffling her hair. "How was your sleep?"

"It would've been better if you were next to me!" she replied cheekily. "When are you going to dump that slut?"

Finn let out a low growl despite himself, making Juliana jump. He sighed and knelt down to her level. "Rowan is my mate, Juliana. You shouldn't ever call anyone a slut. Do you know what a mate is?"

"Yeah, it's like your girlfriend or something," she said. "I don't get what the big deal is. She's messing with you, so you're distracted from me. That's not okay."

"Mates are more than girlfriends," Finn emphasized. "Mates are the only person you'll ever love. I'm flattered that you like me, but my heart belongs only to Rowan. Do you get it now?"

"I guess."

"Well this is just darn cute," a sleepy Kari slumped into the room. "Are you going to cook for me? I could really use some coffee right now."

"I'm going to cook for Rowan, yes, and I guess you can have some of the leftovers," Finn joked. "But I don't think you'll get much more than a couple fruit peels."

"Ugh," Kari groaned. "Don't toy with me now, my sense of humor doesn't kick in until I've had a coffee."

"You're not funny even after the coffee," Juliana said, pouting.

"You haven't even known me for 24 hours kiddo," Kari snapped as she grabbed a mug from the cabinet.

"I just know," the girl said haughtily. "That's what makes me special."

"Whatever," Kari grumbled. "Don't you have a mother or something? Why are you here?"

Juliana looked sad. Her face scrunched up slightly in the classic "I might cry soon" way and she let out a small whimper. Finn looked at her in concern, but decided not to get involved unless she actually started crying.

"I don't know if my mom is alive," she said. "She was taken away because she tried to help me escape."

Finn patted her shoulders reassuringly and gestured as Kari frantically when an apology didn't come out immediately. She rolled her eyes and mumbled a quick, "Sorry, still haven't had coffee." He rolled his eyes right back and returned to cooking, so far he had scrambled eggs and waffles cooked up. Just a few more and he would have enough for everyone.

After putting the majority of the waffles and eggs in plates for everyone else, he plated Rowan's breakfast and carried it on a tray into her room. Despite the bright early morning light streaming in from the window to a spot very close to Rowan's head, she was still not awake. Nevertheless, she looked beautiful in the warm glow provided by the sun. The tank top she had worn to bed did little to hide her perfect body and Finn could already feel his hormones acting up. He was so lucky to have such a beautiful mate. A beautiful, tortured mate, but she was all his just as he was all hers.

Setting the tray at the foot of the bed, Finn climbed into the bed and gathered Rowan into his arms, settling her between his legs with her head resting of his chest. She mumbled in her sleep but still did not wake. Finn smiled and let her sleep just a bit longer. A few moment's sleep wasn't going to make a difference for her, but he knew she'd had a long day and deserved the rest.

He pulled the breakfast tray to fit over their legs, and gently shook Rowan to rouse her. Kissing her neck and cheek while brushing her brunette hair out of the way, he said, "Wake up gorgeous, it's time for breakfast." Rowan groaned and mumbled something that sounded like "fuck off" but he couldn't be sure. Finn chuckled and shook her harder, unrelenting.

"What?" Rowan groaned angrily. "I'm sleeping, leave me alone. and why does it smell like food?"

"Because, grumpy pants, I made breakfast for us," Finn chuckled. "If you don't eat it you're gonna damage my ego, so as my mate you have to like it."

"Mmm," Rowan finally opened her eyes and grabbed a fork to dig in. "Looks awful."

She moaned as she took a bite of the pancakes and Finn chuckled.

"Definitely awful," she said between bites. "So awful, I'm going to eat the entire thing by myself," she continued.

"I'm so hurt," Finn kissed his mate's smooth cheek. "You're a terrible person."

"I know," Rowan laughed as she finished her meal. She hopped out of bed and headed for the shower and Finn watched her leave, wishing she hadn't left his arms.

Finn's phone rang and he answered without thinking or checking who it was.

"Finn?" a tentative voice asked. "Is that you?"

"Mom?" Finn frowned. "Why are you calling?"

"I'm so sorry son, your father and I really let you down," she whispered. "We should've stood up to your uncle long, long ago. Not reeling you about your uncle or his past times is unforgivable but you have to listen to me now when I say that you need to leave the country. You and everyone you care about."

"What? Mom? is everything okay?" Finn asked, confused. "What's happening?"

"Your uncle found out about what your mate did to his holding facility. He's furious and I don't know what he's going to do if he gets his claws into you."

"Bu-" Finn started, but was interrupted.

"I have to go. Listen to me, okay? Leave now. Take your mate and your friends."

The other line clicked as his mother hung up. A sinking feeling filled Finns stomach as he set the phone down.

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