The Dream That Lasted Forever...

By HaiItsEl

178K 1.6K 391

Like any serious love stories, most end in happiness. El thought she was in love. She had the perfect life: ... More

Chapter One: Leaving.
Chapter Two: There Is No Way That She Left Me.
Chapter Three: A New Scenery.
Chapter Four: A New Beginning
Chapter Five: This Needs To Stop.
Chapter Six: You Would Have To Blind To Not See It.
Chapter Seven: New Love?
Chapter Eight: I Was Blinded By The Fame.
Chapter Nine: The Fair.
Chapter Ten: Aliv, Meet Harry Styles.
Chapter Eleven: Labor, Great.
Chapter Twelve: I Love You.
Chapter Thirteen: He Fancies Me?
Chapter Fourteen: Wanna To Jump Together?
Chapter Fifteen: Help Me Remember You.
Chapter Sixteen: Stupidly In Love.
Chapter Seventeen: I'm Here.
Chapter Eighteen: Terror Twins
Chapter Nineteen: Sneaky Female Dog.
Chapter Twenty-One: Revenge.
Chapter Twenty-Two: One Messed Up Night.
Chapter Twenty-Three: Dark Side.
Chapter Twenty-Four: Not-So-Jolly Fat Man.
Hai, so this isn't an update...
Chapter Twenty-Five: Little Secrets.
Chapter Twenty-Six: Broken Promises.
Authors Note! please read. important.
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Thanks Harry.
Chapter Twenty-eight: Take a Chance
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Arms.
Chapter Thirty: The Last Day.
Authors note- not an update
Epilogue: The End to a New Beginning.
Umm.. anyone ready for a sequel?

Chapter Twenty: You Are Asking Her To..?

4.5K 46 8
By HaiItsEl

I soon arrived back at the hotel behind Jean. She still isn't talking to me. We quietly grabbed the bags of food. Which I was skeptical about from the beginning about. I feel like there is something she isn't telling me, but that's my best friend for you. We put our "disguises" back on and walked through the screaming crowds of Directioners. All day and all night these girls would be screaming their heads off, singing, and giving hate to all the boys. It was pretty annoying after awhile but the boys all adored their fans. But I hated them, honestly. All the hate I was sent over the Internet after Harry and I broke up the first time, literally almost killed me.  I'm glad we weren't media exclusive yet, which I don't think we ever will be at the rate management is trying to make sure we are never together. 

We arrived shortly at the elevator,  "Look El, I'm not mad at you for not wanting to come on tour. I just feel like you put everyone before yourself.  You do deserve to be happy too.  I just don't want you to forget that."  Jean sort of rushed out.  I looked over to find my best friend crying.  She never cried in front of me unless it was something really horrible, or like before.  She never cried, not even in sappy love movies.

"Thanks Jean, I don't know what I would do if I didn't have you in my life,"  I hugged her tightly.  I didn't notice I was crying until I felt the tear rolling down my cheek.  "Thank you."  I repeated.  After we cried for a little longer, we arrived at our floor.  We stepped out of the elevator and each of us took a deep breath.  I really didn't want the boys to ask why we were crying.  I put on a fake smile and walked through the door to the suite.  "We're back!"  I yelled and I heard a rumble.  Oh boys.

"Gasp! Is that foooood?"  Niall shouted as he was the first one to reach us.

"Maybe, maybe not.  And you do know that you don't say "Gasp"  right?"  Jean laughed as he picked up her up spinning around. I sighed as the rest of the boys took the bags of food to the little kitchen.

"Yay, we have enough food for tonight."  Louis whispered.

"What's tonight?"  I asked giving him a confused look.

"Oh... um.. we.. erm are.."  he stumbled over his words as if I caught him up to no good.

"We are having a movie night."  Zayn said.  I looked questionably at everyone in the room.

"Are you sure that's it?"  I asked Liam.  I always asked Liam for the truth but he was nodding his head vigorously before I even looked at him twice.

"I still don't believe you guys.  Just don't blow up the hotel."  I laughed as I walked out of the kitchen.

"There you are love,"  I heard a deep British voice come up behind me.  I smiled as I turned around to find Harry.  "I've missed you."

"I missed you too"  I said standing on my tippy toes to kiss his nose.  He took my hand and lead me to the nursery.

"The kids are all packed and ready for the stay at your mum's house.  I packed enough clothes for Eli for around twenty days  I feel like.  I thought since he goes through around 4 outfits a day, and he's gone for about five days, I guess.. Is it to much."  I shook my head no as I started to giggle.

"You did a fabulous job."  I told him picking the wide awake Eli out of the crib.

"Mummmay!"  Aliv yelled as she began to run into the room. "You're back!"  She was wearing a striped shirt that alternated from white and blue sparkles, red skinny jeans for toddlers and silver TOMS.

"Let me guess, Lou dressed you today."  I asked laughing as Harry scooped her up.

"Yup!  He said that I was going to be his mini me for the day."  She laughed.  "Daddy, you aren't ready yet!"  She scolded him, furrowing her brow which looked adorable.

"I'm sorry Allipop, do you want to pick out my outfit?"  Harry asked her.  Those two seem to have grown inseperable.  All of the boys have seem to be possessed by her charm.  She gets it from her father, I guess.  No one could ever say no to Connor and I have promised to teach her that isn't how life works.  That you don't always get your way.  

After a couple of minutes of feeding Eli I walked into the room to find Harry now dress in a white v-neck t-shirt, a blue blazer, tan chinos and red converse.  He looked can I say hot?  Right there I just wanted to rip all of those clothes off.  No El, stop thinking like that.  But he looks so good.  Stop it, your daughter just came back in the room.  Did I really just have a fight with myself?  Yes, yes you did.  Blah, I really need to stop talking to myself. "Earth to Elexandra!"  I turned to face Harry coming out my trance.

"Opps, sorry.  what did you say again?"  

"Everyone's ready, but you soo.."  He said pointing to the clock.  We had to be there in two hours, crap.  I ran into the shower without being told twice.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Harry's Point of View*

As soon as El jumped in the shower I made my way downstairs.  I found the guys and Jean planning for the surprise party we wanted to throw El.  We didn't want Aliv to know about it though, because it seems that she can keep secrets well.. but not from her mum.

"Al, do you want to go watch tv with me?" Zayn asked as he picked her up.  She nodded as her put her fingers in his hair.  Usually we would have all gasped that Zayn actually let someone touch his hair, but we all became quite used to it.  See, ever since Aliv and Zayn met they have been inseparable.  They were alike in many ways.  They both hated when people touched their hair, heights, and the dark.  Zayn treats Aliv like one of his sisters.  He is very protective over her and he even shows her his sketches.  Which she absolutely loves.  Aliv treats him as a big brother and even sometimes call him 'Big Brother'  which I don't have a problem with.  They soon went to the living room and I heard the music channel come on and Zayn started to sing and dance.

"So, I tricked El to bring all this food back from her house for the party.  All we need to do is get her out of the house soon, so we can buy the alchol."  Jean told me smiling.

"Sounds good to me.  We are leaving in an hour to go to her mum's house for dinner."

"Dinner with the parent.  Good luck man."  Niall laughed.

"Yeah, thanks."  I smirked back.

 "Liam can I talk to you?"

"Sure, what about?"  He asked looking up from his phone.  I saw Louis mouth to Niall that they should leave, I guess he knew what I wanted to talk about.  They soon shuffled out the kitchen to the living room where they joined the little dance party in the living room.

"El."  I told him sitting down at the island.

"You aren't going to hurt her again are you."  Liam asked sternly, like a father would.  Great, he's already on Daddy Direction mode.

"No, no.  One, I don't even know what you are talking about.; and two, I would never hurt her."  I told him. "Good, or I would probably kill you."  He threatened laughing.

"Good to know you have my back there mate."  I said sarcastically.

"I'm just trying to look out for my best friend.  You don't remember anything about her. You don't know the pain she went through way before Connor started abusing her.  She wasn't the strong person she is now.  She used to do things you wouldn't even guess she would do.  I feel like if she didn't have Aliv or Eli to this day she wouldn't be the El we know now."  Liam confessed to me as tears started filling his eyes.  I got up from my chair and walked over to him giving him a hug.  I have to admit that I am a bit jealous of El and Liam's relationship.  They knew each other, I guess, before I met her.  They were best friends and I always wanted to ask him why he never fancied her.  But now he has Dani, so I have nothing to worry about.. Right?

"Liam, I don't ever want to hurt El.  She is my everything, I don't know what I would do without her.  I want to tell you something that I never tell anyone,"  He looked back up from his hands and nodded for me to continue.  "I have these.. dreams.  They feel like flashbacks but I am there watching them.  I see everything that happens.  Last nights dream was the worst.. I was watching myself walk through the door drunk.. and then I found El sitting on the bathroom floor of our flat and there was blood everywhere and she told me it was because I didn't remember... And then I told her to go kill herself.  Then left.  The ghost person of me was yelling at her that I remembered her.  Thousands of times but she didn't look at me.  Then you came in, and told her not to kill herself.."  I shuddered, "It just felt so real, like it happened."

"It did happen Harry."  He whispered.  "That's why I don't want you hurting her again."  Wait, did he just say that it did happen?  Why, why was I so stupid, so drunk.  There are so many unanswered questions that I wish I had the time for.

"Please, promise me that.. if I ever get that bad again you will stop me."  I told him with dead seriousness.  I think that I am glad that I can't remember El from before, I am glad that I can only remember the good memories that we have been making.

"I promise." He sniffed.  "Is there anything else you want to talk about?"

"Yeah, one thing.  What do you think if I asked El-"

"I would tell you no."  He interrupted me like Louis did earlier.

"You didn't even let me finish!"  I retorted.

"Because I know what you were going to ask."  He said smirking like he was the smartest person in the world, and he can't even spell anything right, so no.

"What was it then Mr. Smarty Pants?"  I stuck out my tounge,  yeah I know I was being childish but its Liam, this kid watches the Toy Story movies like it was his religion.

"You were going to ask her to marry you."  He breathed out.  Why does everyone think that I am going to propose to El?  Even Jean thought I was.

"No, dummy. I was going to ask you if you think if it is a good idea to ask El if I could adopt her kids."  I told him nonchalantly.

"Oh now that is what I would say yes too.  Go ahead mate, but you do know after you do that there is no backing down.  There is no escape. You are basically committing to her.  I know you love those kids like they were your own.  Did you ask Simon?"

"Thanks mate.  No, I didn't ask him.  He doesn't matter right now.  I did ask my mum though."  I smiled. "What did she say?"

"Well I skyped her when I was in the nursery packing for Eli.  I explained everything to her and she told me to follow my heart.  She even talked to Aliv for what felt like an hour." 

"Then do what she said Hazz."  Liam said as he got up from the chair.  He's right, Louis is right, and so is my mum.  I am going to do it.  After I ask Elexandra's mom and right now I don't think I am her favorite person.  That needs to change. I followed him to the living room where everyone was still dancing.  I shook my head as I looked over to see a very hot looking El walking out of the nursery with Eli in his car seat thingy.  She was dress beautifully in a strapless dress that was like a tan with a flowery print on it.  It stopped half way down her thigh and a brown belt layed right below her breasts.  Her hair was straightened and framed her pretty face.  Right there in then I had to keep myself from getting to excited.  I looked around to see the boys all have their mouths open too.  I coughed as to bring them back to reality.

"Mummy! You look really pretty!"  Aliv walked over to me taking my hand.  "Right Daddy.."  Oh I see what she is trying to do.  I was at a loss of words.

"You look.. ermm.. bea.. beau.."

"Spit it out already!"  Zayn laughed and the whole room erupted with fits of hysteria.  I was completely embarrassed, I always new the right things to say when it cam to girls.  I could the blush creep up on my face.  Great, I probably look like a red tomato.

"You look beautiful love."  I said walking up to her.  I noticed that she was a bit taller and then I looked down to her feet.  I saw that she was wearing some kind of heel that looked about ten centimeters tall.  She was still shorter than me, oh right they are called wedges.

"Thank you sir, you look rather dashing yourself."  She said in a rather cute British accent which made everyone start laughing again. "What?  Is it really that bad?" She looked around embarrassed.

"No it's quite good.  I think we just all remember when you used to talk in the British/American accent.  You sounded so funny."  Liam explained, of course I didn't remember a thing and felt excluded.

"Shall we get going then?"  I asked her as I grabbed Eli's bag and Aliv grabbed hers taking my hand.  We said our good byes and I gave them a wink telling them that we will see them later.  Which was the code words for that I'll text them when we are gone.  We walked into the elevator and pressed the lobby floor.

"What exit will we take?"  El asked a little panicked.  I looked at all the exits possible, they were all swarmed by fans.  I looked at Aliv who was now wide eyed in terror.


*El's Point Of View*

"The main one.  We are taking your car, right?"  He asked knealing next to Aliv, who looked like she was about to faint.

"Right, but what about the press and the crazed fans that are outside."

"We will just walk through them.  I'll go first and put the bags in the car.  Then I'll return to grab Aliv and you follow me.  Do you have your sunglasses?"  He asked me.  I nodded pulling them out of my purse.  I also grabbed Aliv's who was now clutching to my leg scared to death.  Eli was also stiring in this car seat.  Honestly I don't blame them, I would be scared out of my mind too.  I am scared out of my mind.  I put her sunglasses on her face.

"Mummay, I don't want to go out there."  Aliv told me as she squeezed me tighter.

"Aliv, I don't either but we need to go to Grandma's house.  Aunty Aly and Uncle Alec are there."  I told her as I saw Harry struggle to get back in.

"Okay, the bags are packed in the trunk and I have updated security and they said they will handle the crowd better for the kids."  He told me breathlessly.  Harry then took Aliv back in his arms and carried her close to his chest.  I followed behind him tightly to protect Eli.  It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be but the paparazzi was unbarable.  We snuck to the car as fast as we could and drove away.

"I'm glad that's over."  Aliv cheered.

"Couldn't have said that better myself."  I laughed as I turned on the cd that I always had in my car.  

"Mummay, can you sing to me again?"  Aliv asked me suddenly.

"Aliv, what did I tell you about me singing."  I looked at her through my mirror.

"To not talk about it."  She pouted.

"Aww come on El."  I almost forgot Harry was sitting in the car.

"Nope."  I said popping the p.

"Please mummay."  Aliv asked again.

"Please, please. Pleeeeaaasssseee!"  Harry and Aliv said together.

"Fine, which song?"  I asked her finally giving in after a few minutes of her and Harry both whining.

"Can you play Isn't She Lovely?"  She beamed, little did know that this was the song that Harry auditioned for X-Factor.

"Sure sweety."  I smiled as I skipped the track to number 6.  Imediately the music began to play and I braced myself:

"Isn't she lovely? Isn't she wonderful? Isn't she precious? Less than one minute old, I never thought through love, We'd be making one as lovely as she, But isn't she lovely made from love?"  I started off.

"Boy, I'm so happy, we have been Heaven blessed Isn't she pretty? Truly the Angel's best,I can't believe what God has doneThrough us He's given life to one."  I heard Harry's deep voice join mine, harmonizing to the song.  I smiled, I always wanted to sing with him.  I am happy I can finally sing in front of people now.

"But isn't she lovely made from love? Isn't she lovely? Life and love are the same, Life is Aliv, the meaning of her name, El, it could have not been done Without you who conceived the oneThat's so very lovely, made from love"  Harry finished taking my right hand in his.  I didn't know what to say after we finished singing.  And I was definately scared of what Harry was going to say, what if everyone who heard me actuallty sing were lying.  What if I am actually horrible at singing?  I'm never going to sing again.  I had to choke back the tears that were threatening to fall.

"El, why are you crying."  Damn him, why did he always seem to catch me at my worse times.

"I'm not, I think there is something wrong with my contact."  I lied.

"Then why are both eyes watering?"  Harry asked skeptically.  I stopped the car after I pulled into my mom's diriveway.

"Because I am crying."  I told him simply before I walked out of the car to get Eli out of the car.

"Why love?"  He asked me as he let Aliv out of her car seat.

"I.. I don'tthinkyouthinkthatIamagoodsinger."  I rushed out before the water works could come pouring down.

"I didn't catch that, could you repeat it."

"Mummay said that she doesn't think you think she is a good singer."  Aliv proudly reported to Harry.  Damn her and her super brain.  What am I say, I love her super brain and her new found confindence.  She can say things with more confindence than I can.

"El, I think you are a wonderful singer. I was just so dumbfounded by your voice I was at a loss for words.  I was thinking about asking Simon if you could on tour with us.  Maybe open our concerts because the girl who is doing it now, isn't that good at all and she is actually quite annoying."  He told me as we started walking towards the little mansion I used to call home.

"I don't want to start a career by using you.  I don't use people and Simon doesn't even like me.  He probably be like, 'That was the... the worst thing I have ever heard.'  I don't want to listen to that.  I would be devastated."  I told him before I rung the door bell.  Instantly, like she watching us walk from the window, my mom opened the door excidetly.

"Welcome everyone!"  She greeted us as she shooed us to come inside.

"Hello Ms. Lumbardo, it is a pleasure to meet you I am Harr-"

"Yeah I know who you are."  My mom cut him off being a little rude and ignoring his hand.

"Mom!" I groaned as we followed her up the stairs to where my sister Aly and her long time boyfriend Alec were sitting down already.

"Hey El, you look pretty."  My sister Aly said as she hugged me. "Don't worry about mom, she just doesn't trust him yet."  She whispered.  I figured that was what is was, I smiled as we parted.  I looked what she was wearing.  It was a cute pencil skirt with a flowy pink top.

"You look good too."  I told her.

"Hey sis."  Alec said giving me hug quickly.  He looked so grown up, I am so proud of those two.  He then shook Harry's hand looking like he wasn't trying to give him a death glare either.

"Hello Allipop."  I heard my sister say as she hugged Aliv.

"Ello Aunty Aly. I've missed you."  Aliv told her as she ran over now to Alec who picked her up and started flying her around.

"El, did you let Louis dress her today?"  Aly asked me laughing.  Sometimes I forget that these boys were her idols growing up.  I am also surprised about how calm she is being right now, because I know she is probably fangirling on the inside.

"I didn't, he did."  I laughed looking at Harry who threw up his hands in surrender.  Everyone started laughing except for my mom who was to preoccupied on Eli.

"I'm starving."  I heard Alec complain as he sat down at the table.

"I second that."  I heard Harry chuckle.

"Well then lets eat."  My mom said as she started bringing out the plates of food.  We soon said grace and dug in.


*Harry's Point Of View*

I feel so.. erm, out of place.  El's mum obviously hates my guts for some reason.  And that reason, I have absolutely no clue.  I feel like in these situations is when I feel the most confused because I can't remember a single thing about her.  I decided to stay quiet during dinner, only saying if the food tasted great.  Which I might say the food was very exquisit.  We listened to Aliv banter along about all the things she does in school and with the rest of the boys.

"Is everyone ready for desert?"  El's mum asked all of us.  Like giddy little kids we all nodded our head in reply.  "So, it looks like I forgot to make/buy the brownie mix.  Sorry kids."  She said as came back into the room empty handed.  I saw everyone's eyes go down in defeat.  

"I could bake them from scratch."  I suggested to be nice.

"Really? How do you know how to do that?"  She scoffed.  Yup, she hates me.  I felt El's hand pat my thigh to try to comfort me.  I guess she could the emotions runnig across my face.

"I used to work in a bakery.  I am actually a really great chef too."  I told her smiling.  "Would you like me to help you?"

"Sure." She walked out of the room and I quickly followed behind, not knowing where to go.  I was surprised that nobody else came with us to help.  Great, this is just what I needed.  When I finally found the kitchen I walked in to see El's mum taking out the ingredients.  "Thanks for helping."  She mumbled as I began washing my hands. 

"It's my pleasure."

"Yeah, yeah, alright."  She said starting on her batch of what I think are going to be cookies.  I started by taking a the chocolate and butter to the saucepan that was on the stove and began working on the brownies.  It was still silent as we were baking.

I sighed, "I know you don't like me, Ms. Lumbardo."

"I like you."

"You have a funny way of showing it."  I laughed as if I was trying to ease the tension between us.  She soon joined in.

"I am just looking out for my daughter.  You know you already have hurt her before.  I just don't want it to happen again, especially with kids involved."

"I never want to hurt her.  I don't think El has told you, but I don't have any memory left of her in my brain.    Connor beat it out of me.  I have been slowly gaining memories back, I don't remember what I did to her to make her leave."  I kind of told her the truth, I kind of lied at the same time.  I do remember what I did to her to make her leave.  I just feel like it's only a dream, a distant memory.

"I know that, I just.. I am her mother.  I have been wrong before when she went back to Connor.  I never knew that any of that happened.  I just don't want you to do the same thing to her.  I guess that is why my gaurd is up."  She explained to me.

"Ms. Lumbar-"

"Please call me Liz."  She interrupted, I guess I have finally gotten to her good side.  Well, I hope.

"Liz, I completely know where you are coming from. I just want to gain your trust because I think.. I erm.."  I began stumpling over my words again.

"You are in love with her."  Liz finished for me smiling.

"How did you know?"

"The way you look at her, as if she is the most precious thing in your life.  The way you look at Aliv and Eli, as if they were your own. You had that look my husband used to have beofe he changed too.  I'm just glad you are here to make her happy again.  I have never seen El so happy in her life.  Thank you."  She came over to give me a mom hug.

"No need to thank me.  Her and the kids have changed my life."  I told her back before I let go.  This was it, tell her about adopting the kids.  Okay Harry, deep breath.  Take out the brownies first, then the cookies and ask.  I'm talking to myself again... Yes, yes I am.

"Umm, Ms.. Liz. Can I ask you a question?"

"Yes Harry?"

"I just wanted to know if I could as El to-"

"Marry you?" She interrupted excidedly.

"Umm.. no.  But can you tell me why that everyone I asked today thought I was going to propose to her?"  I asked her shaking my head.

"I dunno, you are both twenty, probably not looking to settle down in anytime soon.  You are probably worried about loosing her so you think marrying her will be the best thing."  Liz rationalized as she started putting the cookies on the plate.

"Oh, I see. But that isn't what I wanted to ask.  I wanted to ask El to adopt the kids under my name."  I rushed out.

"You should do it.  I hate their last name right now."  She snickered.

"Thanks Liz."  As we walked back into the living room were everyone was finishing up a game of Sorry!  I set the plates of brownies and cookies down and my mobile vibrated.

Hazz, everyone's here just waiting on you too.  Did you ask her yet? x  -BooBear

Hey boo.  No I didn't ask her yet.  I was going to wait for a little when we put Aliv to bed.  Be there in about 20 minutes... xx  I responded looking at the time.. it was already 8:40 at night.  I looked over to Aliv and she looked like she was going to pass out any second.  

"Allipop let's go to bed."  I told her taking her hand.

"But I want a cookie Dadday."  She slurred as her eyes began to shut.

"There will be plenty of cookies left tomorrow.  Uncle Niall won't be here to eat them all."  El cooed as I picked her up.  I followed El back upstairs where Aliv and Eli would be sleeping.

"Did you have a nice talk with my mom?" El asked amused.

"Yes, I actually did."

"Really?  About what?"  She asked with curious eyes.

"You."  I whispered as I set Aliv in the bed.

"Wh-wh-what abouutt me?" She asked me nervously, pulling the covers around Aliv.

"Well about how great you are, how happy you seem to be now and how your mum can tell that we are stupidly in love.  I think that is how you put it in the hospital before."  I chuckled as I pulled her close.

"Yeah, you actually remember that?"  She smirked as she turned to face me in my arms.

"Mhm, and then I remember before that I asked you what Eli's name is.  And that we picked it out together.-"

"Good night Mummay, Good night Dadddy."  Aliv yawned as she turned in her bed.

"Good night honey."  El said grabbing my arm leading me out the door closing it behind her.  "Continue what you were saying."  She instructed me to do as she burried her head in my chest.

I started to sway back and forth like we were dancing, "We picked Eli's name out and I asked you if I was the father and you said?"

"No."  El whispered.

"I felt pretty devastated.  I really wanted to be the father of him and your little girl."


"Really, and I wanted to know,"  I pulled her away from me. "If you would let me adopt Eli and Aliv under my name so they know that they will always have a father that will love them, care for them, never hurt them, and always, always, love their mom as much as they love her.  Is that okay with you."

"I don't know what to say."  El said crying.  I couldn't tell if they were happy tears or sad tears.

"Say yes, please El."  I begged.

"Of course, I am going to say yes."  She said jumping in my arms.  I felt her warm lips connect with mine,  turned her around and around.  It was the perfect moment, I smiled breaking the kiss,

"I love you Elexandra."

"I love you too Harold."  She laughed as she grabbed my hand.  We began to walk back into the living room to say our good byes.

"She said yes didn't she?" Liz asked beaming at us.

"She is right here you know, and yes she said yes."  El told her mom hugging her.

"Wait, what are we missing?"  Alec and Aly said at the same time.

"I asked El to adopt her kids."  I told them smiling.  I felt like the luckiest man in the world, no wait, I am the luckiest man in the world.

"Congrats man."  Alec came up to me shaking my hand.

"Thanks mate. El, we should get going before everyone starts worrying about us."  I said to her after Aly hugged me.

"Sounds good.  Thanks mom for inviting us. Aly and Alec, stay safe and have fun in college."  She took my hand in hers again leading me out of the house and to the car.  We drove away in silence, it was a nice silence.


*El's Point Of View*

We drove away in silence, and it wasn't one of those awkward silences where you are on your first date and you don't know what to talk about.  It was one of those silences where you are comfortable being with each other without having to talk.  

I was so happy inside I felt like I was going to explode, but on the outside I tried to seem composed.  We arrived back at the hotel which looked to have no more screaming fans or paparazzi around.  So Harry and I decided walk normally back through the main entrence.  As soon as we stepped out of the car, they came and they swarmed us.  Paparazzi, fans, news, everyone possible.  They swarmed around Harry who was now looking for my frantically.

"El!  Where are you!?"  He shouted frightenend.

"Harrehhh!"  I yelled.  His eyes met mine as a girl started pulling on my hair.  Man, that took me forever to do.

"Get off of her!"  Harry barged towards me scooping me up bridal style and stared running to the building.  Security soon came out of the door stopping the crazed people outside.  I didn't realize that I was shaking violently until Harry asked me if I was okay.  He put me back down only to pick me back up.  Yeah, I knew I was in shock, I just couldn't get my body to work with my brain.  "It's okay, I'll just carry you to the room."  He told me as he mad his way to the elevator.  The lady who was in the elevator with us kept on checking if I was okay.. I thought it was pretty funny when Harry tried to tell her I was fine but she couldn't understand him.  We got off to our floor and he carried me through the door.  It was dark, like everyone was asleep.

All of a sudden the lights switch on and, "SURPRISE!"


Haiii. so this chapter took me 24 hours to write I believe.  Yeah it's a long one, but I was thinking about making my chapters longer so they aren't so short. Also, I hope you don't think there is too much going on. so please tell me what you think, comment vote and fan! thank you.  Plus, I don't think I ever will put up goals for you guys to reach like 7fans, forty more votes, I think it's kinda stupid.  I believe if you like the story, that is why you are reading and waiting for an upload because you like it so much and not to be bribed for more reads. I don't want to bribe you. Sorry, i am kinda in a ranting/bad mood.  So anyways, I think I will try to update again later tonight again maybe a shorter chapter, I dunno yet.  Right now I think I am going to eat some ice cream and cry.  But please enjoy Harry's X Factor audition.

~love, lex.

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