Next Door Differences

By InNarniaMeek

8.2K 214 39

A new girl moves in next door to Ryan who is this scene guy,Off the back he doesn't like her because of how s... More

(1)Judgemental People
(2)School Time
(4)And School Continues
(5)After School Annoyance
(6)Calming The Storm
(7)Observing The Scene
(9)Planing The Next Performance
Im sorry....Thank you

(3)Class Projectes

746 22 6
By InNarniaMeek

(Ryan P.O.V)

I was half asleep and Miss Taylor was going over something having to do with Algebra two,I wasn't too much paying attention.It was good thing that I had Jake in class taking notes cause I would not what to do when we get homework,I slouched in my chair and let my long bangs cover my face.Math was my favorite but I was too tired to pay attention,my damn dog wanna be a Bitch and bark all F*cking night.

“Mr.Clement are you paying attention?”Miss Taylor's voice asked,I peeked from under my hair and gave her a nod. “Well since you're paying such great attention what's the answer to practice problem number three?”

I looked at my blank paper and out the corner of my eye I saw Jake hold up four with his fingers,with my hand I moved my hair out of my face.

“I would believe it is four.”I replied nonchalantly,she smiled and shook her head.

“Thank you Jake”She replied,of course she knew I didn't know what the hell was going on.

“No Problem Miss Taylor.”He thanked,I smirked and his comment earned a snicker or two from the class.

The bell rung and we all got up to leave the classroom,I adjusted my Batman hat and then walked over to Jake.He handed me his notes and we left the classroom,he walked me to my locked and I emptied the heavy ass textbooks they had us lug around.

“Why the hell do they give us five textbooks anyway!.”Complained throwing the math book into the locker and taking out my psychology book,this damn book is heavier than my math book.

“Oh shut the hell up,by the way why are you taking that class anyway?”Jake asked chewing on his favorite candy,a twizzler.

“So I can mess with people's minds.”I replied in my smart ass tone,he just raised an eyebrow to me.Despite what people saw on the outside I really just wanted to help people,like kids going through problems.

“Any way Practice later right?”He asked,I thought about that before I answered.

“Yeah,thats if we can find Scarlett's ass before hand.”I replied,she never showed up for the full day of school.

“Don't worry a little birdy told me she has to stay the full day just to pass Mr.Mavericks class,plus I just got a new guitar and i'm ready to break it in.”He enthusiastically informed me as we walked the halls,the one thing I can't stand about the hall is the stares.Some where from girls seeing me as the hot,weird, badass they'd never approach,some where just stares of curiosity and others were from hate.The ones that had pure hate in their eyes made me curious the most,I never understood why they hate me,more so I didn't give to shits.

Me and Jake soon departed separate ways into the sea of judgement and I was headed to Mr.Tyson's psychology class,the second best class of the day.This class challenged people and made them come out there comfort circle,not many people took the class seeing that it was hard to maintain a good grade.I on the other hand always maintained a B average,I walked in and took my normal seat in the back alone.

The few kids in this class started to pour in then I saw black and brown hair strut in,but not after her guard dog sniffed out the situation.His eyes found their way to land on me and gave me a smirk,I brushed it off and went back to staring at the chalkboard it had words written in a bright blue.

‘Human Behavior’ under it had the words in white ‘cliques of the century’

“Alright class before we begin we have a new student Miss Nadia Shore,Nadia why don't you have a seat where pairing up today so choose whoever is available.”He said to her,I saw her eyes wander around the room and by complete chance the seat next to me was the only one available.

She walked over and sat near me,I just stared at the chalkboard waiting for this class to start.Out of all the classes to have with me she had to be in this one,thanks universe you're a big help today.

“Alright class as you see on the board this will be your next Project,and as I said to Nadia that you will be in partners.”He rattled off,I unfocused after that put my headphones in.He always recites what's going on then hands out a sheet of paper that has exactly what he says on it,theres no need to hear it if I have to read it.

I leaned back letting my bangs cover my eyes,this was the worst monday ever.I swear we have to be neighbors and no we have to be partners in class,this was so unnecessary universe!Then again how could I truly judge her,I barely know her I wouldn't be any better than those plastic dolls.Then again there was something about her I didn't like,something I wasn't sure about.I was so lost in thought and the music I never saw Mr.Tyson walk up and snatch the headphones out my ear,That was a bit painful in a way.

“Isnt there laws against that?”I asked covering my left ear with my hand,this was also my favorite teacher.

“The same saying one shouldn't drown me out with headphones.”He replied back,Mr.Tyson was the master of mind games at this school. “Anyway as I was saying,what is a clique?”

“A clique is a gathering of two or more people that have very similar interest or goals.”The girl in the front answered,

“Right,so what makes a group outcast someone.”The teacher asked,

“When someone doesn't walk,talk or think like the others in said group.”I answered,the only class I participate in as well.

“Right again,so for example lets take Ryan and Nadia ,would they be in the same clique?”He asked,I swear he was making fun of me for having my headphones in.

“No”One answered

“Of course not!”Another answered.

“Thats kinda obvious,they arent the same.”One answered,I swear this was aggravating.The teacher was loving every bit of it as well,but they was saying is true we wouldn’t.

We are different and in two completely different worlds,and worlds like ours are meant to be different and never to fuse.

“Teacher Im confused cliques are about similar interests and goals,so why judge on appearance.”Her soprano voice interrupted the answers of the classmates,I was stunned she would say something.

(Nadia P.O.V)

“Very interesting go on Nadia.”The teacher replied,he leaned on the desk and everyone waited my answer.

“Well Im new here so how can people say we may not belong in the same group?I mean no one knows me from a can of apint,the only one who might be answer that is my cousin.So all im saying is these critisims are going off looks.”I replied quite annoyed that they would juddge so quickly,no one knows me not even Miley forreal.

“Right!Great point,sometimes in cliques the appearance is key.Im not saying change who you are to fit in,change the people around you rather.”This class was becoming more interesting by the minute,I glanced towards Ryan who seemed to be equaly annoyed by the subject.

“But teacher what if those around you who do not appear like you have the same interest,are we to outcast them just for being different?”A girl with brightly blonde straight hair and glasses asked,that was a good question.

“That is the question you all will answer for yourselves,you will study the cliques you see.Or if you and your partner are in different pools,simply go off them.See what happens when someone with a similar interest but different look trys and joins the clique,tell whether there accepted or not.”He stated going over to his desk to get the criteria,he was soon around the room passing them out.

“Are we choosing partners?”Ryan asked,I could see from under his bang that being my partner was the last thing he wanted to do.

“No,the person sitting next to you will be your partner.”Mr.Tyson replied smirking at Ryan,seems as if those two were silently going at it.Not two seconds later the bell rung,I looked over at Ryan who was getting his stuff to leave.

“So Ryan when should we-”He cut me off with a simple glare,it told me not to speak but then again it was a distant stare.

“Look im stuck with you,so meet me in the library after lunch.That is do you have study hall or do you have something to do with your new group?”He asked,his voice colder than before.What could I have done to make him so angry with me.

“No,Im free.”I sighed,this partnership was going to be a hard one.He left after that sentence,I gathered my things when I was meet at the door by Ashton.

“So how was class with that freak?’He asked in a rather annoying tone,I simply let it go and walked past him and to my surprise Miley was waiting on the outside of the door.

“Had fun in class”She asked with such sarcasm,I just shrugged and we made our way to next period which was gym for us.

I was excused for it since I didn't have any gym stuff with me,I sat on the bleachers in the sun as I watched the rest of the class run.I heard footsteps approaching me,I looked up and it was evie she was still in the same thing she was in this morning saying she wasn't running.

“Hey Nadia,hows your first day going?”She asked taking a seat next to me,she slung her bag around and rummaged through it.

“Its fine I guess,Its kinda what I expected it to be.”I answered,I knew the group Miley was in would be just like those back at my own school.

“Well that sounds interesting?”She asked in a very questioning voice,she found what she had been looking for,a pill bottle.She opened it and popped on it,then took a sip of water.

“Sorry to be noisy but what's that?”I asked staring at the bottle,I really hoped it wasn't drugs though she didn't seem like the type.

“Iron pills,Im anemic.So this helps me,and dont worry I normally get that question alot.”She replied with a smile on her face “So are you gonna try out for cheerleading?”

“Yeah,thought I might join something and since the girl you had have been dropped im glad a position was open for me to try out.”I was thrilled about cheerleading,it was a dark art to me.To focus on the your success on ones failure,it was very dark indeed.

“Well from what Miley tells us you should make it easy,hey here comes Gavin.”I followed her finger as she pointed towards a rather tall boy walking towards us.

“Hey Evie,hey Nadia what are you two doing up here?”He asked,he was dripping with sweat.That made the shirt he was wearing cling to his slender yet toned arms,I looked him up and down he had a very nice body indeed.

“The sun is too hot for me,and Nadia didn't have the schools gym clothes duh!”She replied making fun of him for asking such obvious question.

“Well excuse me asshole,anyway hows your first day going?I see you have a puppy following behind you.”He asked looking in the direction of Ashton,he was following me around a lot.

“That's cause she is something he hasn't stuck his hand into yet,that boy is like a child and Nadia unfortunately is the shiny new toy.”Evie informing both of us.

“Thats a disturbing thought”I added before we got up to leave the track,class was about over and it was soon time for lunch.

I walked the halls after gym,I had to go to my locker first and insisted they go ahead of me.Unfortunately for me I didn't know where the cafe was,even though Miley gave me directions,well rather confusing ones.I sighed and kept walking,I didn't know where I was going,I hated being new to a school.

“Need some help?”It was those confusing Hazel blue eyes,I smiled a bit being embarrassed that I was lost.

“Yeah,I have no clue where I'm going.”I replied he walked up to me,he put his hands on my shoulders and then lowered his face to my ear.I felt his breath as it tickled my neck,this was weird.

“Well obviously,since you're heading in the wrong direction.”His voice was seducing in every way,his lips brushed my neck slightly but I felt my whole face go a shade of red.

“Um thanks.”I replied not waiting for him to back up,I backed up and he released.I started walking in the direction he pointed me in,I was really creeped out with him walking behind me.

We entered the cafe together and I could've sworn every head turned our way,I looked around and spotted Ryan sitting with the guys and one girl I saw earlier.I walked in and me and Nathaniel grabbed lunch then headed over to Mileys table that was in the middle of the care,I took a seat next to Evia and he took one next to Miley.

“So what took you two so long?”Miley asked in a suspicious type tone,what was with her.

“Poor Nadia got lost in the halls,I helped her out.”He answered,Not being too convinced she changed the subject.

“So Nadia do you still listen to that weird music?”She asked,obviously trying to embarrass me or something

“Sure do,why wanna borrow my album?”I asked,why the hell was she acting strange.Nothing less than I expected from her though,she always had to have things run her way.

“What weird music?”Ashton asked

“Screamo I believe,you know what freak boy listens to.”She replied looking over her shoulder at him.

“Eww,we're gonna have to make you learn some new tunes.”Ashton replied,I just shrugged them off.

They started talking about some dance that was coming up,I simply tuned out into space.I wasn't the only one though,evie and Gavin were off in their own worlds as well.I sighed this was turning out to be like my own school,just like it.

Hoped you enjoyed ^.^

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