||Redemption|| Yu-Gi-Oh! x Re...

By Arieatis

2.6K 69 11

Your life is not a glamours one, being thrown out of your family home and forced to take to the streets to su... More

|Chapter 2|
|Chapter 3|
|Chapter 4| |Seto|
|Chapter 5| |Seto|
|Chapter 6| |Seto|
|Chapter 7| |Seto|
|Chapter 8| |Seto|
|Chapter 9 | |Seto|

|Chapter 1|

369 14 1
By Arieatis

Your arrival to the palace was not a pleasant one, you were dumped on the back of a horse and with all the bumping of the journey paired with not sitting upright you felt sick when you arrived. With little time to recover you were shoved through a large back door and the high priest snapped at the guards as you both entered.

"I want her washed of the filth she's coated in, then I want her dressed appropriately, when you have done that bring her to me" with that he turned on his heel and left.

You didn't like the orders but said nothing, what could you say against the might of high priests and the Pharaoh's army. Nothing if you wanted to be smart and live through the next night. Perhaps you could appeal... That other priest seemed to be sympathetic, the one you were getting dragged to after being washed and dressed not so much but you'd won over the scum of the criminal world before, a high priest could be a new challenge. You were thrown into a large glittering gold and white bath room. Large square pools served as bathing points decorated beautifully with crystal clear water in each a few women who were there looked up in shock but continued more hushed conversations as they watched you. You were ordered to strip and wash, you sighed you had no complaints the hot water may help soothe your ankle. The warm water was enjoyable and you appreciated feeling clean again, stripped to your bare face you felt exposed without the makeup but you weren't in any position to make demands, so with a few quiet mental insults towards the guards you enjoyed what time you had to relax. A short while later you heard a thud beside you and noticed a pile of cottons and linens, one set to dry yourself the other pile an elegant Egyptian cotton dress, colourless but far better than your destroyed one.

You dressed and slipped on the shoes you were offered letting your hair hang loose however it fell combing it semi into place. As soon as you were out you were being led, down corridors, through doors and quickly realised you had no way of even trying to navigate back or out. Even if you could get away you had nowhere to run. The guards banged on a door before it was opened, they bowed and left. You were then face to face with admittedly one of your saviours. You held your hands together in front of you. You decided to observe your situation, get more of a feel on what things you should say to be more favourable with him if it was at all possible.

"Well you certainly look more respectable" he looked you over and sneered.

"If you'd sent word in advance I would've made more of an effort for such high class company" you replied bowing your head but only slightly. You were a little more comfortable, more used than you should be to fights and whatever else. What still shocked you was that dragon, you put it down to a dream, a wish to be protected that manifested in your mind to try and calm you.

"As if criminals like you could ever make an effort that would actually impress me" he narrowed his eyes.

"I'm sorry that I couldn't add to the concubines in glittering temples sent by the gods to please you, not all of us have the choice to better conditions or the luck to be born into noble rankings" you sighed.

He looked down on you, maybe he was right to but against every odd you were still here still alive, taking care of yourself and that was something you were proud of. He sighed and closed his eyes shaking his head.

"I don't care about whatever awful upbringing you had, people always have a choice and I don't care much how you want to waste your life" he hissed.

"Then why have you brought me here?" You asked.

You had a few ideas but he fit none of them. He was not the type who would've needed to snatch such a low-ranking concubine for his own needs. His status would get him anything and from what you could see of his looks through the ridiculous head gear he wasn't in trouble there, other than that the next one was almost the most unlikely, that he would question the dragon. He looked at you, stared you up then opened the door fully.

"Come in, I can't allow such an ill-mannered whore meet with the Pharaoh without being properly briefed" he said.

You blinked at that as you stepped in, the Pharaoh? You were going to meet the Pharaoh himself? Was this some sort of joke? You were careful staying standing as he sat in a chair, messy papers ad scriptures littered the table in front of him and a flame flickered illuminating the room drowning it in a calming red and orange hue. He cleared his throat noticing you still struggle to walk on account of the ankle injury.

"Kneel... if it's more comfortable, do not sit on anything but the floor" He said and you raised a brow a smirk coming to your lips, ah he was that type.

"I'm more comfortable standing, I have been in a bed for quite a number of hours now" you said and he made a sour face at what you meant turning away.

"Yes well... As I was saying, after this conversation you'll be going to the throne room, once there we, the high priests, will pass judgement on you for your sins and decide your punishment, the Pharaoh will be present" he explained.

"Punishment? I had sex with men and took money for that service that is not a crime" You protested, and he held his hand up with a smirk.

"If you're so sure you are innocent then that will become apparent, I doubt it will turn out favourably for someone like you" he said in a casual tone standing his look serious again.

"When you walk in, do not talk to anyone, follow me and when told stand in position, do not move until the trial is complete" he talked you down as if you couldn't follow such simple commands.

You simply rolled your eyes and nodded, before you knew it your arm was gripped and you were pulled closer.

"I hope you understand the seriousness of the situation you are in, this is your life hanging in the balance, by a thread, the first thing you could do is show some respect and answer when you are spoken to" he snapped at you, clearly trying to come across as intimidating and to his credit you didn't feel exactly at ease.

But coming from where you did the power of the palace meant little and did nothing to help those looking out of poverty, they didn't help you why should you answer to him, he wasn't even the Pharaoh. You bit your tongue knowing it was ego talking and twisted your arm sharply before pulling back easily freeing yourself from his grip, one of the first defence moves you picked up. He wasn't happy but you bowed your head.

"Of course, I apologise High Priest, all this trauma has made me rather jumpy, I promise to be a good girl and follow all you say" you said it seriously but hoped he could tell there was no way you meant it.

Still it satisfied him even if the wording was far more sexualised than he liked to hear. The only other thing he said was a quick follow me and you left the grand room behind. You didn't speak to him as you walked nor he to you. There was something about him as you walked down corridors you didn't even try to memorise, something interesting and you almost wanted to see, to challenge yourself to get close to him.

The thought scattered as he pushed two large golden doors open and you shielded your eyes as the sudden light of flame reflecting on gold blinded you. Your vision came back to you and standing below the steps to the throne stood 5 people, all dressed in high class attire wielding millennium items. So this was the famous high priests. You didn't look at any of them long as Seto brought you to the centre of the room facing them.

"Do not move" he warned into your ear and you shuddered at the icy words.

He left your side to join the priests, all 6 now complete. They waited for a few moments before a second pair of doors opened and the Pharaoh strode in, the elegantly flowing purple cape, golds, the head piece and most importantly the millennium puzzle gave him away. He was conversing with a woman dressed completely in white and gold, they spoke in hushed whispers and he reached his throne taking his seat. His walk, the way he rested his chin on the back of his hand regarding the situation like signing a document. This man walked and breathed power despite his apparent age and height, you wondered should you bow? Seto hadn't mentioned that but with the striking purple eyes of the Pharaoh staring you down you lowered your head to what you assumed would at least be taken as an attempt to be respectful. The motion gained you a puzzled look before his gaze moved to his priests.

"Begin" was the one clear word and for the first time you felt fear for what your outcome would be.

Seto was up first detailing the events, the people and your role in it all. His recount painted you as a criminal, as scum and you had to ball your fists to stop you glaring outright shutting your eyes and sighing his testimony had basically dammed you. The next up was the wielder of the ring, he agreed with the testimony but added a few merits, how you had summoned a ka but it appeared to be your first time, how you made no order to attack, were seemingly defending yourself and came willingly with no protests. You took a small breath smiling lightly. The Pharaoh looked deep in thought at the information, and waved a hand.

A man holding scales stepped forward holding them in front of you and you almost took a step back trying to escape how heavy your heart weighed in reality, if you could. They trembled back and forth swinging but ultimately did not stop in an unfavourable position. The next event was an almighty cry and when you whipped your head around the glistening white dragon was back. It stepped forward curling itself around you and roaring at the priests threatening as it was before.

You were stunned, standing paralysed at it, you'd convinced yourself it was a dream and here it was again.

"Test it's power" one voice called.

"Her reaction is not that of one who has dealt with a Ka before" another male added.

The priest in blues and whites stepped out raising one hand before a female voice interrupted.

"Wait!" she almost shouted "This girl, she is the one who controls the dragon with the millennium eye on its armour, my prediction, my Pharaoh... this is the prophesied one" she said her vision now trained on the Pharaoh who had stood.

"Idiocy! We cannot have common criminal scum in a position that you are talking about!" Seto shouted.

The Pharaoh raised his hand to silence the outbreak in bickering.

"Isis' visions are never wrong... If this girl wields the dragon, then she is the one no matter where she came from, Seto I thought you of all people would've been more open minded" he scolded and the priest stepped back gritting his teeth.

The Pharaoh descended the stairs, smiling at you and you wondered what on earth was going on, what was happening to you, the dragon moved forward but you instinctively held a hand out and it backed away.

"It's alright to be scared, to be confused" his voice reached you and you were standing face to face with the ruler of Egypt, his hand was warm on your shoulder and he offered you a gentle smile, you were struck by how good looking he was up close and how different he seemed from the distant ruler you had first seen stroll in.

"Speak to it, give it a command, if you truly are it's ruler it's name will come to you" he encouraged you and you in turn looked between him and the dragon as he stepped back removing his hand.

"Tefnuit..." you spoke softly "It's alright stand down" you spoke clearer more confidently and the dragon let down its snarling demeanour disappearing as it had back in the dump before you were brought here.

"That settles it, she is the prophesised one" the Pharaoh spoke and you wanted to reach out to ask, everyone had spoken of it, but you were left in the dark, what prophesy and how would you be linked to something so important?

"For tonight I'll have a guard escort you to a room, I apologise for any discomfort you were caused on the way here, priestess Isis can explain everything to you in the morning" he gave you another smile and all you could do was just smile back.

Exhaustion was kicking in and you loved the sound of a room, of a bed, of sleep. The Pharaoh returned to the blonde girl in golds who smiled at you as she left with him. A possible Queen? You had no idea. The priests dispersed, Seto most notably unpleased.

"He is a good man really" You jumped and the man wearing the ring sighed.

"Apologies for scaring you, my name is Mahado, one of the six High Priests" he offered.

"No, I'm unusually jumpy after everything... Thank you... For saving me from that man" she said before two guards arrived to escort her... She supposed all would hopefully make more sense in the morning.

"It's what we do, I'm sorry about high priest Seto's treatment of you I'll show you to your room" he offered.

"Given what he said... He had me convinced I was guilty as well" she responded bitterly but followed the tall man.

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