Salem Academy of Sorcery (Har...

By Slytherinwitch13

644K 26.1K 6.8K

"Few people can say they have managed to escape death once, but not many can say they have escaped death twic... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three: End of Part One
Part Two: Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty

Chapter Eight

11.1K 477 73
By Slytherinwitch13

Thanks for comments/votes! Hope you like this chapter, it's much longer than usual because I didn't know where to cut it!

Also, hope you're all enjoying HP weekend! This is the farthest I've written, so I'll write some more tonight while watching DH part 2!

Chapter Eight

Time passed slowly. Maybe it was because we were all getting impatient. We were anxious for the day the polyjuice potion was ready. Harry and Hermione have been thinking of a plan all afternoon. I didn't know much about any UK Ministry workers or how their Ministry worked, so I wasn't much help. They were trying to think of who we were going to impersonate and how to keep the actual people away from the Ministry while we are there. It was going to be difficult.

While they planned, Ron and I were sitting in the living room. The couch was dusty and the room was dark but I felt very comfortable here. Ron was funnier than I remembered and always had stories to tell. Each time he shared a memory of his childhood with me I found myself jealous. Not because I had a bad childhood for any means, but I was envious of the fact that he grew up with such a big and entertaining family. No wonder Idella was so excited to be apart of her new family.

"Hey Bradley, find a remedy yet?" Ron suddenly asked.

"No," I said shaking my head. "But during the reception Lupin gave me an idea. He told me a few others with strange conditions learned to control them. I've been trying lately, and I think it's been working."

"Really?" Ron asked interested.

"Yeah," I said smiling. "Before illusions of flames, with the heat of real flames, would appear on me without any thought and now when they do I calm myself and imagine them going away. And they do." Ron seemed fascinated. He began nodding and it looked as if an idea was forming in his head.

"So if they appear without you even thinking of it, can you burn anything when thinking?" he asked curiously.

"Hmm," I said now interested myself. "I never thought of it that way. I always focused on making them go away. I did try it a few times with Idella, but it was weak." When the flames appeared on me, they were simply illusions with scorching heat. There was never a burning effect on anything. Nothing around me ever caught on actual fire. Was I even able to conjure real flames?  

"Well give it a try!" Ron said enthusiastically.

"Can't hurt right?" I said with a shrug...hopefully it can't hurt.

For ten minutes I sat there trying to conjure a flame, but nothing. My mind was too distracted. Ron was silent and I tried to clear my mind. I pushed aside any thoughts or worries I had about my father, Kent, and anyone else in trouble. Closing my eyes, I imagined flames all around me. Finally my mind was clear until I heard Ron gasp. Quickly opening my eyes I saw what he was looking at. Although smaller than I imagined, there were flames on my right hand. "It worked!" Ron cheered. "Now touch something and think of catching it on fire!"

Without breaking concentration I reached for the flower pot. This would be a test of whether or not the flames could be real. As my hands made contact with the white petals the flower lit up in flames. My eyes widened with surprise. I wasn't expecting that. "Bloody hell!" Ron said. "Aguamenti!" he casted, putting the flames out leaving a now black flower and ash covered flower pot.

"Wow," was all I could say.

"Well that will come in handy," Ron said with an amused grin. "Keep working on it, maybe you'll be able to take out all of You-Know-Who's army," he joked. "I can't wait to tell Hermione my idea worked!" Ron flushed in excitement as he got up from his chair. Clearly he liked Hermione. I followed him up the steps.

Finally the time has come. After a few more days, the potion was complete. "It's perfect," Hermione gushed as she poured it into a flask.

"Just the right color," I agreed thrilled. Our plan was to leave tomorrow. I would be sad to leave this place, it was actually really nice. I found a lot of very interesting objects and old one of kind books. Hermione and I were currently 'borrowing' a few for the journey tomorrow. We charmed my purse as well to fit even more supplies. Harry was going over the plan with Ron while Hermione was sealing the potion carefully. I paced around the living room when out of the corner of my eye I caught movement. Curious, I made my way over to the window and peaked out from behind the emerald green curtains. Two men stood on each side of the road pacing back and forth. Each would turn their head in the direction of the house as they passed. Looking closely I recognized one of their faces. It was the Department of Mysteries Wizard. The one that was going after me at the reception. "Death Eaters," I whispered in fear as my voice cracked.

"Bradley did you say something?" Harry called over.

"Death Eaters outside," I called to them horrified. I backed away from the windows as the three rushed over to look.

"We have to leave now," Harry commanded sternly.

"But where do we go?" Hermione said nervously.

"The ministry! We go today," Harry answered running over and grabbing our

packed bags. I didn't expect to be leaving so soon.

"B-but the plan," Hermione began saying as she took her bag from him. Ron was watching the window carefully.

"We will go one day earlier," Harry said quickly. "Grab on." We all nervously grabbed onto Hermione. I could tell she was stressed, this was all happening so fast. We had to leave though. The Death Eaters were onto us and had an idea of where Harry would be. It was no longer safe. Hermione closed her eyes and we began apparating away.

Once again we arrived in an unfamiliar place, but from the looks of it I knew we were somewhere in London. "The entrance isn't far," Harry said stepping forward.

"Keep your head down," Hermione whispered to him. We walked closely to the muggle crowd and kept all of our heads down just in case we ran into anyone along the way. We walked for about five minutes until Harry led us into an empty garage.

"There is the entrance," he said pointing to a door at the end of the street.

"When a ministry wizard walks by, charm them, and we will bring them in here." We nodded. I felt as if I was kidnapping people. At least they weren't being harmed. Just like we borrowed the books, we were 'borrowing' their appearance.

It took twenty minutes for us to get four people without being noticed. Harry and Hermione took turns under Harry's amazing invisibility cloak to charm a few of them. If we weren't in such a rush to get in and out, I would have asked to try out the cloak. Maybe after Harry would let me. We managed to get two men and two women. We looked at each of their IDs. Hermione was going to pose as Mafalda Hopkirk who was Commander in Chief of the Improper Use of Magic Office. Ron took the form of Reginald Cattermole who worked in the Maintenance Department and looked very harmless. Harry was now Albert Runcorn who was very powerful in the Ministry. He had a stern and very cold looking face. Hopefully this would work out to Harry's benefit. And finally I was posing as Alison Gibbon who ironically worked for the Department of International Cooperation, just like my father. The potion was the worst thing I have ever drank in my life. It caused me to vomit after. Alison was much taller than I was so I felt my bones stretching, it was possibly the weirdest feeling I have ever experienced and never wanted to do it again. Her hair was a white blonde color and she was much paler than I was. Looking at my reflection in a window, I couldn't believe it was me.

The entrance was through public toilets which was even more disturbing but it had to be done.  Now that we barely had an hour, we didn't have time to stop and plan. We just had to go with the flow. Assuming the four wizards we were posing as weren't friends, we stayed close but acted as if we didn't know one another. It hit me when I arrived that I was going to finally see the UK Ministry of Magic. I always wanted to visit and see what it was like, but under the circumstances I knew it wasn't going to be a very enjoyable trip. I tried to look around and take in as much as I could but it was difficult. This most definitely wasn't how it normally, or used to, look.

All around me everyone walked in a quick and fast pace, keeping their heads down. No one looked as if they wanted to talk or associate with anyone. There were WANTED signs all over for Order of the Phoenix members and unfortunately several for Harry. I noticed 'Albert Runcorn' staring at all the wanted advertisements but at least he kept a stone cold face. To make it even worse there was a massive statue in the middle of the Ministry. We all stopped and was horrifying. "Muggles," Hermione muttered in disturbance. "In their rightful place." How horrid.

We kept walking and I stayed about five feet behind Hermione. I followed them into a crowded lift. I watched as Harry pressed a button and assumed that was the floor we were going to get off at. The lift stopped at each floor as people got off an on. Just as it was about to close a bitter faced man pushed the door opened and stared Ron/Reginald Cattermole in the face angrily. Ron's face turned into fear. "Why is it still raining in my office Cattermole?" he snapped coldly.

"Um...not sure yet. Still working on it..." Ron said hesitantly and in fear. None of us had any clue at what this man was talking about.

"Do you know where your wife is right now Cattermole?" Yaxley snapped.

"Downstairs about to be interrogated and by who? Me. The Department of Magical Law Enforcement." His eyes darkened. Ron's face flushed with even more fear. "Now if my wife was accused of being a mudblood who steals magic and the man interrogating her needed a job done, I would do it don't you think?" Ron nodded quickly with horror in his eyes. "Not that would ever marry such filth," he spat. "You have one hour to fix it." He pointed in the direction of his office and Ron nodded slowly stepping forward and looking back at us.

Hermione nodded for him to go on and I heard her mutter the spell to fix the problem. And from there, Ron left.

We continued down the lift. They were interrogating muggleborns today? I prayed Charlie wasn't down there. Most people stepped off the lift by now. Finally it was just the three of us left, so it was safe to whisper. "This is where Umbridge will be," Harry whispered to us. The lift doors opened a man stood there.

"There you are Mafalda!" he exclaimed. "Dolores has been waiting for you to start the trials." Hermione nodded.

"Ah yes," she answered nodding. "I'll head there straight away." On the plus side, it meant she was out of her office so Harry could go and search for the locket. Yet on the downside, Hermione was being sent to the muggle born interrogations.

"Well let's get moving then," the man said. Hermione nodded and followed him, looking back at us as the doors shut.

Harry and I were the only ones left...that was until who but Pius Thicknesse stepped into the lift. I tried remaining calm and looked away. It was clear he was placed as Minister of Magic by the Death Eaters. "Good afternoon," he said to the two of us nodding. "Runcorn." Harry simply nodded. "Gibbon." I gave a quick smile not wanting to say anything wrong and give our decoys away. "Are you heading to the meeting as well?" he then asked looking at me.

"Yes Minister," I replied coolly. Meeting? Inside I was shaking.

"As am I," he answered. "Albert, I thought you would have been there by now. You asked me yesterday if you could attend."

"Yes I just have to retrieve something from my office," Harry responded.

The lift came to a stop. "Well here we are," Thicknesse said when we arrived at the floor for Department of International Cooperation. What have I gotten myself into? "See you then Albert." He stepped off the lift first as I followed him turning to give Harry a nervous look. He nodded at me reassuringly. I simply had to play it cool. Following behind Thicknesse was difficult as he was greeting everyone on his way and I had no idea where to go. We came to a large room full of people talking. At least it was packed with people, I could easily blend in.

Cal Beckingham stood up near the podium looking very proud. He shook hands with Pius Thicknesse as if they were the best of friends. I had to tear my gaze away from him as he made me sick. Looking at the clock, I couldn't believe over twenty minutes have passed since we entered the Ministry. That meant I had forty minutes to get out.

In a few minutes I would make up an excuse to leave and find the other three. Harry was now searching Umbridge's office, Hermione was in the interrogation room, and Ron was cleaning up an office. At the meeting I listened as the Minister spoke to the crowd. He spoke for another twenty minutes of the greatness being done and how we needed to spread it to the other Ministries. It took all my might not to roll my eyes at his words. It hurt to listen to those words but quickly the meeting ended. Everyone was standing around chatting after. Slowly I began making my way towards the exit as there was less than twenty minutes left to my potion. We agreed if we got separated to meet back at the empty garage, but I am sure they would be making their way towards the centre at this point. As I walked I listened to the different languages all around me whisper in fear.

I took a few steps until I came to a complete stop, my heart dropping along with it. Was this a dream? I couldn't tear my eyes away. My father. My tired eyed and very thin looking father stood amongst the crowd. He looked miserable with dark bags under his eyes and skin paler than ever. Tears burned in my eyes. Of course! Why didn't I think to search for him in the first place? At least I knew he was alive. More than anything I wanted to rush over and hug him tightly.

"Gibbon?" came a dark voice next to me. "Everything alright?" Breaking my gaze I turned to look at the stone faced wizard next to me. His eyes were a very light blue yet his hair was dark. 

"Yes thank you," I responded. He looked at me warily before stepping back. It was too obvious to run now so I stood in place. From the corner of my eye I watched as he walked over to other wizards and all began looking in my direction. Damn, this wasn't good. Did I blow my cover? At the moment I was debating on breaking into a sprint or casually standing my ground. My eyes went back to my father without a second thought. This time he was moving and suddenly made eye contact with me. He had no clue it was me, but kindly nodded in my direction. My heart warmed up as I held back tears. When would this be over?

"Fire!" a woman with a thick Russian accent screamed next to me. "Fire!"

Everyone quickly stepped away from me. Cal ran forward. He knew. Slowly glancing down at my hands...there were flames. Of all times! I tried to calm my heartbeat and focus on them going way, but at the moment it was difficult to remain calm.

"That's no fire," the dark wizard from before muttered bitterly. "Imposter!" he screamed. Looking around everyone was now either coming our way or staring at me. My father included. I froze in my spot.

"What are you talking about?" I responded as calm as I could. "Just-just practicing nonverbal spells."

"What's my name then?" he spat at me. I had no idea. My hands began to shake in fear. This was it. "Well what is it?" he demanded. I stood there in my place as everyone came around me. Staring in confusion. "Imposter! Bradley Willis!" the man screamed pointing at me. Gasps all around. This man must work with or be a Death Eater, that is how he knew the fire was a sign it was me.

"No it can't be!" my father screamed in fear as he starred at me. His face registered what was going on and eyes widened. "Run," he mouthed looking at me in disbelief.

It was the only thing left for me to do. Stepping back I broke into the fastest sprint I could muster. My wand was at the ready as I casted a few stunning spells at those who chased me. "Bombarda Maxima!" I casted at the stone wall causing it to explode and cave it. That should stall them about twelve seconds. Running with all my might I took the stairs assuming it was much safer than the lifts. Running up was even harder but it was all I had. Behind me I casted spells leaving behind ice so it would be impossible for them to get up. Footsteps were coming my way. They would figure it out, but at this point it was all about stalling.

My legs were burning but I couldn't stop. My face felt hot and I was sweating from my nerves and having to run so far. When I reached the main level I ran for it, not caring who saw me. Yet there seemed to be another commotion going on. People were backing out of the way as thousands of 'WANTED' ad's flew in the air. There was screaming and even more Ministry Wizards running. A massive crowd of wizards were running towards the exit. Quickly after, I then saw Harry, Ron, and Hermione who were regaining their full forms just as I was. Looking at the white blonde hair it was fading back into my dark color. Joining the crowd I ran but it was hard. There were Ministry Wizards all around us trying to grab everyone.

"Grab her!" someone screamed. I saw the wizard who outed me running in my direction. Panicking I ran even more. A few security wizards ran my way. It was hard to cast spells while running. They weren't strong enough. But maybe something else was. Will all my might, I concentrated on the image of flames, aiming my right hand towards the wizard following me. And it worked. Flames appeared and aimed right at him. It wasn't strong, but it was something and sure as hell caught him off guard. The flames hit his right shoulder as he screamed yet brushed it off.

People began bumping into me, slowing my escape. From a far the trio was running along the crowd. Hermione spotted me when she looked behind, but she was far from me. Harry turned to see me as well. I saw him hesitate on his run and step towards my direction. He wanted to help. "No! Keeping running," I called to him. "I'll be fine!" He nodded and kept moving. They were too far ahead with people chasing after them as well. If anyone had to escape, it had to be Harry. All I needed to do was to get out of the Ministry.

Running through this crowd was impossible. Security Wizards were everywhere grabbing people. "Stupefy!" I yelled disarming one. It was tough but I managed to keep moving.

That was until one got too close to me. "Petrificus Totalus!" the voice casted.

My body froze up as I fell over flat onto my stomach. The man dressed in all black crouched down next to me and flipped me over. "Thought you were getting away, didn't you?" It was the one who gave me away. I couldn't move or speak. I wanted to scream and run but my body was frozen. The man moved his arm and I spotted the end of the Dark Mark. He indeed was a Death Eater and was clearly informed about me. "We're going on a little trip." Grabbing onto my right arm, we apparated away.

And great guesses everyone! Enjoyed reading them!

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