Stay Away From Juliet (Austin...

By PrincessMahone

807K 19.9K 3K

Juliet Saunders wants one thing and only one thing. Revenge. Throughout the beginning of her high school care... More

- Chapter 1 -
- Chapter 2 -
- Chapter 3 -
- Chapter 5 -
- Chapter 6 -
- Chapter 7 -
- Chapter 8 -
- Chapter 9 -
- Chapter 10 -
- Chapter 11 -
- Chapter 12 -
- Chapter 13 -
- Chapter 14 - (Finale)
Author's Note

- Chapter 4 -

50.7K 1.3K 87
By PrincessMahone

Songs of the chapter-
Unbroken by Demi Lovato
See You Again
by Miley Cyrus
Who's That Boy
by Demi Lovato featuring Dev
(oh my god, I love that song)

I know there are a lot, but I couldn't find one that was EXACTLY what I wanted for this chapter, so I just used a bunch of them. I think out of all of them, Unbroken fits with this chapter the best, but you know. I like variety. :-)


● Juliet Saunders ●

Walking through the cafeteria with Whitney by my side gave me a different kind of power that I'd never had before. When I used to walk next to her anywhere, they would all look at her and just ignore me. Now, I noticed eyes on both of us. Mostly on me, though, since I was new.

"It's kind of nice not having these boys watch my every move now." She stated quietly into my ear as we continuously walked. I laughed and she did too.

It was obvious to me that she was just as "popular" as she was when I left, if not more. Lots of guys seemed to have taken a shine to her, though she would just brush them off. Not in a mean way, but she would just walk by carelessly when guys were staring or making any comments.

She was dressed just like me, in a way. Only she wore white short-shorts, a turquoise tank top with sequins, and gold strappy heels.

Okay, so our outfits looked nothing alike. But we both had the same idea in mind with our outfits, and that was to show ourselves off.

Whitney and I compared schedules during English, and she was in every class with me other than homeroom. That was good to know I had someone to talk to in all of my classes that wouldn't be staring at me in a lustful way. She was well aware of the fact that all of the guys here wanted me and she could relate to that. She had the same problem.

It didn't really take a rocket scientist to figure that one out, though.

We sat down at the picnic style lunch table, being the only two there. I looked over at her, crinkling my forehead.

"Where is everyone?" I asked.

She opened her water bottle and took a drink, shrugging barely. "They're coming. Actually," She began, looking across the room. "here they come."

I looked up, seeing all familiar faces. Kyle, my other old best friend who looked exactly the same, and to my surprise, Alex, Robert, and Austin.

Were they all close now or something? When I left, Alex and Robert hated Whitney. They thought she was no good for Austin, and that she was turning him into something he wasn't. I guess that's partially true, but it's not like Whitney forced him to be different. As my dad always says, "it takes two to tango."

"Wait, you and Austin are still-"

"No!" She laughed, answering almost too quickly for my liking. "Absolutely not. I broke up with him about a month after you left. Actually, I caught him and Kyle making out in my bathroom at a pool party I was having. Broke it off immediately."

I nodded slowly, somewhat shocked by her words. It wouldn't have surprised me if he was hooking up with someone else, but Whitney's best friend? That's a new low- even for Austin.

"I guess we're kind of friends though. I mean, it's kind of a love-hate relationship, you know? And Kyle and I are fine. She's still my best friend. He actually tricked her into thinking Austin and I were over because when it happened, we were kind of going through a rough patch. And being as gullible as she is, Kyle believed him." She added.

Before I could say another word, they all sat down. Robert across from me, Alex from Whitney, and Austin from Kyle, who sat beside Whitney. It was quiet and I could feel all of the boy's looking at me. But of course, I ignored them.

Kyle slammed her fists down on the table, taking all of the guys' attention away from mine with her eyes wide with what seemed like enthusiasm. She hadn't even noticed that I was sitting here. Typical Kyle. "You guys remember Juliet Saunders? She goes here again! Did you now that, Whitney?" She exclaimed. I laughed quietly, my eyes awkwardly at my lap.

"Uh, Ky?" Whitney raised an eyebrow. "She's sitting right here."

After she motioned that I was in fact sitting right at the table with all of them, my eyes moved over to Kyle's, watching as her's stayed emotionless. "No, not her!" She giggled, waving her hand. I just happened to look at Austin who had his eyebrow raised as well. Only he was looking at me, basically telling me that he wasn't surprised that Kyle was saying this, though he didn't need to say a word.

I just laughed.

"That's her. That's our best friend. That's Juliet." Whitney explained, still staying completely patient with her. I guess she was used to Kyle not being the brightest. Only now, she seemed to be handling it differently. She used to degrade her ad Kyle would just sit there and take it, but now Whitney was nice about it.

Kyle shot up from the table. "Oh my god, Juliet!" She exclaimed, scurrying over to me. Just as I stood, she enveloped me in a bone-crushing hug. I could barely bring my arms around her since she was holding on so tight, but I managed. "You look great!" She gushed, pulling back from me and studying my appearance.

"Thanks." I replied confidently. If I was to have all of this attention on me a few years ago, I would be blushing like crazy. But I was obviously more than used to it now. "You do too."

She grinned cheekily, sitting back down in her seat after I did. Again, it was silent and I could feel all of the boys' eyes on me. I wondered if it was always this quiet. Was it because of me? Well, I guess since all of the guys were too busy catching flies, they couldn't talk.

Austin was actually scowling at the other two, and I immediately knew he was jealous. Maybe I could have a little fun with this.

"Hey, guys. Quit staring at her. She doesn't like any of you." Whitney declared, her eyes like daggers at Alex and Robert. They both snapped their heads to face her, giving her the same look. Austin had a satisfied smirk on his lips, probably thanking Whitney in his head immensely.

They both opened their mouths to fight back, but that's when I realized it was my perfect opportunity to make Austin even more jealous.

"No, it's fine." I declared, sounding a little more eager than I had hoped.

Keep cool. I told myself.

I smiled over at Alex and then Robert, seeing that they were watching me now. I could feel Whitney's eyes on me, confused and curious. Austin was confused too, but also a little angry again. "I don't mind at all, actually." I purred, cocking my head to the side.

Alex and Robert glanced at each other excitedly, and I looked over at Austin. He might as well have flashing lights over his head that read "I'm jealous," because it was more than obvious.

Nonchalantly, I leaned back, pretending to fix my skirt, and moved closer to Whitney's ear. "I'll explain later." I whispered softly. She furrowed her eyebrows and then nodded slowly, not having a single idea of what I was going to get out of flirting with Alex and Robert.

My eyes shifted over to Austin, his eyes locked on mine with nothing but pure resentment. Not towards me as a person, but towards what I was doing. It was clear to me that he wasn't used to other girls brushing him off like I was. That only motivated me to do it more.

I wasn't going to stop until I was completely satisfied. And by the looks of it, I could see myself doing this for a very long time.

*   *   *

"That's brilliant! God, Juliet. I never knew you could be so vicious!" Whitney exclaimed as we walked out of the school together. My Economics textbook was tucked beneath my arm along with the Psychology textbook that seemed to be triple the weight of the other one.

Remind me again why I was taking a college course?

I laughed, shrugging innocently. "Well, that shows what years of misery will do to you."

It came out as a joke, but when she fell silent, I knew she took it to heart. Honestly, I didn't want to make her feel sorry. It wasn't intended that way. That just showed me that she really was genuine when she said she was sorry.

Of course I still had my doubts and I thought she might turn on me for another reason, but they were pushed aside for now. She was the only thing that was real to me at this school.

We both said our goodbyes after exchanging numbers, not another word being said about anything else. I sulked in my car, having a much different feeling than I expected to feel by the end of this day. Yeah, I felt accomplished that I made Austin gain this desire for me, but I also felt good about myself. Of course, the stares and compliments from all of the guys helped that, but I'm not talking about that.

I had my best friend back, and hopefully this time, she was here to stay.

*   *   *

Weeks had gone by and things were going really well. I had both of my friends back as well as two new ones- Alex and Robert. They were finally over drooling over me and they could actually talk to me now without stammering like idiots. I liked them. They were quite funny.

Whitney and I had told Kyle about my plan to make Austin want me, and she liked it. We enforced the fact that she couldn't tell anyone because it was a secret. She agreed, but I was still on my toes when we were around Austin together. I didn't need her slipping up.

As for Austin, he still tried to flirt with me. Whether it was whispering something to me and allowing his lips to brush against my ear, letting his hand creep up my leg in homeroom, or even slipping his hand around my waist; he still tried. I would teasingly brush him off and I watched as he grew more and more infatuated with me.

"Wow, I never thought I'd see the day." A voice says softly behind me while I'm at my locker, pulling one of my textbooks off of the shelf. I turn completely around, not seeing anyone. When I turn back to my left, I see Alex leaning his side up against the lockers with his hands in his pockets.

I scrunch my eyebrows and get up on my tiptoes, reaching for a pencil on the top shelf. "What are you talking about?" A small smirk was on my lips.

"You've actually made Austin go insane. He hates the fact that you won't let him have you."

"I'm not a pair of shoes, Alex." I scoffed, not really liking the idea that he said the word "have." I'm not an item, I'm a person. A girl, for that matter. No girl should be treated like an object.

My attention was fully on him now, wanting to hear more of what he had to say.

He rolled his eyes. "I know, that's not what I meant. What I'm saying is that he's never liked a girl this long before. Not since Whitney, I mean."

Interesting. I thought to myself.

I slammed my locker, beginning to walk down to my next class with Alex by my side. My book was tucked beneath my arm, barely feeling any type of euphoria off of the stares I received. I was kind of used to it now, but I knew they were there still and I liked them. "Maybe that's just because I'm the first girl who hasn't thrown herself at him yet."

He shrugged, considering my idea. "Whatever it is, keep doing it. I'm starting to see the Austin I haven't seen in a really long time."

And with that, he turned the corner. I sulked a little as I walked, wishing I could have asked him what he meant by that. I kind of wanted to know what it was exactly that I was doing to him.

Did Alex just enjoy seeing Austin mad for once? Or did he enjoy seeing the real Austin come out?


a/n; Don't forget to VOTE and comment! Tell me what you think!

*IMPORTANT!* If you're looking for a new Austin Mahone fan fiction that is really well written, go check out the story Beauty and a Beat by 1DSkyPie! It is my absolute favorite about him right now and it should have way more votes than it has. Every time I see an update, I'm just like asdfghjkl; omg.
No, I'm not promoting it because she asked me to, either. She actually has no idea that I'm doing this. (So, if you're reading this, then surprise!) I really like that story and I want it to be big because it deserves it. Basically, what I'm saying is that I don't do promotions. Especially if you ask. For more information, go to my profile and read the top.
Go check that story out and VOTE for it! Let's make it big!

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