The Loud House : Lincoln's bi...

By Hemestrical

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(Most pictures in this story are from deviantart & some pictures belong to The Loud House. The writing is all... More

Chapter One: "The Hangout "
Chapter Two: "Clyections" (Connections & Clyde)
Chapter Three: "Feeling of Betrayal" (Choice at end)
Chapter Four: "Running Behind" - Choice 1
Chapter Four: "Operation Save Friendship"-Choice 2
Chapter Five: "Time To Dance"
Chapter Six: "A Secret Revealed"
Chapter Seven: "The Good & The Bad"
Chapter Nine: "Making Amends"
Authors note 2

Chapter Eight: "Two Broken Shots"

450 11 0
By Hemestrical

Disclaimer: All pictures through out the story doesn't belong to me. Also, the Loud House group has grown up to 3 years ahead. Words that are in italic are thoughts & Lucy speaking.

To begin reading press the loud house fan button! ( don't press it )

Loud House Intro
Crashing through the crowded halls,
Dodging girls like ping pong balls,
Just to reach the bathroom on time
(Hey! Hey! Hey!)
Leaping over laundry piles,
Diapers you can smell for miles,
Guy's gotta do what he can to survive!

In the Loud House! In the Loud House!
Duck, dodge, push and shove,
It's how we show our love!
In the Loud House! In the Loud House!
One boy and ten girls
(Wouldn't trade it for the world!)

Loud House!

Lily: (spoken) Poo-Poo!

Warning: Please comment if there is any grammar or punctuation errors!

[3 days later]

Hey, Clyde. It's me, Lincoln. I know we're in a very bad place right now. Yeah, I get it. I know you hate violence, but I had to. I had so much anger building up with you and Lynn, I snapped. I know you might hate me and all...but I have something to confess. I want our friendship back. Yeah, yeah I get it you HATE seeing my face and you despise me right now, but I really do. When I said the words that I said, I didn't mean it. It was something I said to get my sisters away, so they'll stop teasing us. You know what? This is all stupid. You're probably too mad to even read all of this. Just know when your ready to talk..just meet me at 1216 Franklin Ave. Royal Woods. My house.

The paper had a few wet marks showing that Lincoln teared up alittle while writing the note.
Clyde lays in his hospital bed as he reads the note over and over again. Clutching onto the sheets in anger, he crumpled the note and threw it in the garbage beside him.

Me too Lincoln, I never thought it'll be like this but you know what? I thought I was coming to my senses, thinking I had it all figured out but a little note won't change me, Lincoln. Trust me.

"Clyde," A nurse says to him, instantly breaking him off his chain of thoughts. "Someone is here to see you."
"Let them in please?" Clyde asks wondering if it was Lincoln.
The nurse goes out the door, creaking the door slightly open so the room can receive a little air. Lynn then opens the door widely and closing it all the way.
"Hi, Clyde. You feeling better?" Lynn asks.
"Yeah, this hospital sucks, especially the food. I can't wait to go home, I'm leaving first thing in the morning. I can't say I didn't miss you." Clyde says smiling.
"Haha, your even dorkier than me!" Lynn nudges him in his arm a little.
"Pfft, you wish." Clyde replies.

Clyde and Lynn laugh a little before saying their final words before departure.

"Clyde, I have something to tell you. This is super important and I do not want to repeat myself twice, it'll probably do good if you dont hear me." Lynn told Clyde like she was seriously dying.

"Uh, okay sure I'm all ears. Spill the juice at least it'll be better than the hospital's OJ." Clyde chuckles.

Things got so tense in that hospital room that Lynn didn't even laugh at his corny joke. He definitely knew something was up.

Lynn? Not laughing at my jokes. Things can't possibly be good, I mean she always try's to chuckle at them.

"Anyways, Lynn, what were you going to say?" Clyde informs her, trying to fill her back in on what she was trying to explain to him.
"Clyde, I like you. I really do but I don't need to deal with all this! I need to focus on my sports, schoolwork, and grades. Plus, I think my head is in the wrong place with someone. I think I may have feelings for him again and Lincoln is completely upset with us dating and that's so unfair to my little brother. I'm sorry, I need to go." Lynn said running out.
"Lynn wa-" Clyde tried to grab her attention but by the time he got a few words in she left.
All Clyde could do was get completely angry to what happened and threw his cup of OJ to the window.

The snappy, silly, competitive, and fun Lynn he knew vanished.

2 weeks later-Lincoln's POV

Ever since the dance everything had changed, in a bad way. Clyde has been missing school, I haven't seen him in such a long time. Lucy seems depressed, like her soul is shattered into different pieces. Rocky seems more emotional than before. Lynn seems to be the only person that's taking her break up good but I know she's hurting. Everybody I know has just been acting strange..

"Hey Rusty, did Clyde come to school today?" Lincoln says walking towards the entrance.
"Yeah, I think I saw him heading towards Mrs. Johnson's ro-"
"Thanks, gotta go, see you in class!" Lincoln cuts him off speeding through the school.
"Room." Rusty said.
"Okay, this might be the last time I actually get to see his face."
"I just need to know that he's okay.." Lincoln said aloud running in the halls.

He turns the corridor drifting his feet like it was a race and sees Clyde at his locker. That was, until he crashed right in front of someone. He quickly realized he screwed up- the least he could do was apologize.
He started rubbing his head and looked up, his gaze capturing a girl with black hair, beautiful black eyes, and a tan skin girl had started to pick up her books. She looked so attractive.... maybe he could try starting a relationship?

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking! I was just trying to talk to a old friend." Lincoln said helping her up.
"Uh, thanks...Lincoln?!" The unknown voice acted surprised.
"Yea- wait Ronnie-Anne?!" Lincoln said surprised and shocked. "When were you going to tell me that you come to this school, did your family move out the bodega?" Lincoln asked her.
"Well..Bobby got his own apartment and I decided it was time for me to spend a lil' time with him and this school was the closest middle school to be accepted into." Ronnie-Anne explained.
"But so late? We literally have 3 months left of school until we graduate." Lincoln says to her.
"Which is why I chose to be the foreign exchange student or some crap like that."

Lincoln began to scan the area to see if Clyde would still be at his locker but he was long gone. He rolled his eyes in frustration and drew a groan.

Where could Clyde have gone so fast? What the hell and why is Ronnie-Anne blushing? UGH! So many questions without any answers. My emotions are being completely played with right now.

Then, Ronnie-Anne said some confusing words that shook Lincoln.

"Yes, is my answer." Ronnie Anne hugged him.
"Huh? What do you mean?" Lincoln questioned.
"I'm giving you an answer for what you asked me at the dance. Remember? Me becoming your girlfriend."
"Ronnie Anne, but the dance was 2 months-"
"Shh," Ronnie Anne put her finger up to Lincoln's lip. "I'll never leave you, boyfriend."

Oh fu-

The Loud House- Lucy's & Lynn's room

"Sigh, I've never missed anyone more than Edwin like I have like Rocky. He gets me."Lucy said aloud in her room.
"Lucy? I'm here." A mumbled voice said.
"Rocky?! Is that you?" Lucy quickly becomes excited
"No, it's your father Lucy. We need to talk, open up." He said.
"Every time I open this door to step outside I feel like my heart appeared back in me and was ripped out because of Rocky. I don't think I'm ready to discuss anything right now again." Lucy explained to him like he was taking down notes.

Lynn Loud Sr. opened the door going against her wishes. He had told her everything was going to be okay until..

"Lucy...your dad gave me the signal to come in." Rocky commented.
"I'll be going now, you two have a lot to discuss." Lynn Loud Sr. walked out closing the door.
"Well, I haven't seen you in school today so I was a little worried." Rocky said getting a quite sad.

The room became quiet, like it was a place that was meant to be full of awkwardness. Lucy then tried to break the ice but quickly failed until Rocky had came clean about his feelings.

"Lucy, it's been almost probably two weeks since we last talked with each other. I've missed you more than ever. When Lincoln ran away he told me how hurt you've been when I broke us up. I just thought that you didn't feel the same way about me but now I've realized that you're the one for me." Rocky explained.
"R-rocky I don't know what to say." Lucy's cheeks start to become lightly red, blushing at him turning her face.
"It's okay, I'll just go.." Rocky frowns getting off her bed.
"No..don't leave me." Lucy said.

Rocky began to smile knowing that he grabbed her full attention.

"Well, when you put it in that way. I guess I'll stay."
"I like when you play like a tease. You know what. I dare you to kiss me."

Lucy had never regretted anything much more than leaning into kissing Rocky and he seemed pretty into kissing her back. So they leaned close, almost touching lips.

"OH MY GOD!" Lynn Loud Sr. interrupted their kiss that went on for less than 10 seconds.
"Dad! It's not what this looks like. I thought he was Edwin!" Lucy tried to come up with an excuse quick.
"Ed- who the h- THAT'S NOT THE POINT! Rocky out NOW!" He yelled.
"Yes, sir! Bye Lucy call me later." Rocky told her leaving quickly.
"Lucy, you missed a day of school to kiss a boy! I thought bringing him here will make you get back to your senses but obviously I was wrong!" Lynn Loud said.

Lucy had quickly waken up from her face being in school lunch. She looked around trying to wipe the food off from her face. Rocky looked at her but turned around frowning knowing that being away from Lucy was still hurting him, so he got up and went to her table.

"Hey Lucy, it's been almost probably two weeks since we last talked with each other. I've missed you more than ever. When Lincoln ran away he told me how hurt you've been when I broke us up. I just thought that you didn't feel the same way about me but now I've realized that you're the one for me." Rocky said the same exact words that was in the dream.
"H-huh? Wait. I fe-feel the same way, Rocky." Lucy said without a doubt.
"You do?!" Rocky started smiling intensively.
"I don't normally say this but your not like other boys, y-you get me." Lucy says starting to blush like the dream.
"It's okay, I'll just go.." Rocky frowns getting up from the seat from the table.
"No..don't leave me." Lucy said.

Lucy had figured out the right words what to say from what she studied from her dream. So, she slowly began to smile knowing that Rocky smiled too.

"Well, when you put it in that way. I guess I'll stay."
"I like when you play like a tease. You know what. I dare you to kiss me."

"Well, I guess I will." Rocky says immediately leaning in.

This time it was real like it was an actually spark that was meant to happen but instead they didn't kiss. This time, it wasn't Lucy who stopped it. Rocky did and it didn't happen in the dream.

"This doesn't mean we're back to where we were. You hurt me, I'll never forget that but I-I think we can move slowly. I still like you a lot Lucy Loud. Don't forget that." Rocky tries to reason with her getting up and walking away.

"Sigh, this has to be the worst day of my life."

(Lynn's High-school- Lynn's POV)

Lynn opened her locker, and then began to look through her books putting a secret note in her binder. She then saw Francisco and his girlfriend, where she was thwarted all the time by a girl, Amber.
You see, Amber was better than Lynn in every way possible. She was smarter, better pitcher, and was the most prettiest girl in the school. Lynn wanted to punch her in the face badly, not because she was better than her but because she took away her one true love. Francisco. He was one of a kind and was Lynn's first love.

Oh no, it's Francisco. I don't know if I'm ready to start talking to him after the incident at the hospital & dealing with Clyde. I don't think I'm ready to be hurt for a third time. Especially not to my ex-boyfriend. Let me just get my books quickly, I really don't want to see him and Amber again. I've avoided them all year and now I'm feeling all crazy.

Lynn grabbed her her books and closed her locker gently hoping nobody would see her but once she turned Amber was right there.

"Look who it is, Lynn the only pitcher that thinks she still has a chance on beating me.I thought you would quit sports since I always end up with the most points. Can't wait to see you play tomorrow, good luck." Amber attacked her.
"Shut up Amber before I punch you in the face." Lynn replied.
"HAHAHAHAHAHA! Sweetheart my parents would have you suspended in seconds if you touch me." Amber said, pushing her to the floor.
"You're usual." Lynn muttered under her breath.

Francisco had looked at her seeing that Lynn was about to cry of embarrassment. He had to do something, at least just to calm everything down.

Amber began to taunt her, that was until someone he told her to stop. She looked at him as if he was betraying her side.

"HEY! LEAVE HER ALONE!" He yelled.
"Oh yeah? Let's see if I'll leave her alone after this." Amber smiled knowing what was going to happen.
Amber slapped all of Lynn's books and a long sheet of loose leaf fell through her binder heading to Amber's foot.
"! She still has photos of you Francisco and some weirdo. She must've kept the photos of you two for a long time. Well, news flash he's my boyfriend." Amber laughed then pushed Lynn to the ground then walked away.

"Hey, you okay?" Francisco asked, helping Lynn up.
"Yeah. I'm fine. Why are you here? I didn't need your help."
"You know, Lynn you haven't changed at all...."
"I know which is why I still remain to be Lynn Loud." Lynn said holding a grudge as if he was the bad guy.
"Lynn, I know your still mad at me. You have every right to be but I'm trying to be the hero in this scenario." Francisco said trying to be nice.
"Well, don't. I'm tired of you and your girlfriend. She stole something that belonged to me and I hate how she can be such a witch." Lynn told him.
"Well, I guess you can say I'm into a girl that puts up a fight." Francisco winked smiling at Lynn as if she knew exactly what he meant.
"U-u-uh yeah.." Lynn stuttered starting to turn red.

The bell had began to ring for next class.

"You know what Lynn, I think I need to redeem myself. If you think you can forgive me just come to the park across the street when school ends." Francisco said.
"I'll think about it Francisco." Lynn said before leaving the hallway heading to class.

School Dismissal

"And as for your homework class, you'll need to do pages 123-130. It's worth 5 points on your grade so don't forget to do it."

Ring, Ring, Ring.

Finally, school is over. Time to go see Francisco.

Lynn settled away her books into her bag and grabbed her bag from the chair, and then began to walk down the hallway, heading towards the exit. She left the school and headed right to the playground meeting up with Francisco.

"So..You forgive me?" Francisco said off the the bat.
"Would I have if I didn't come?" Lynn questioned.
"Touché, that's what I like about and clever." Francisco says to her chuckling.
"U-uh- Francisco something's up I can feel it."
"Why DO you really want to speak to me? After, legitimately almost 3 months since we broke up and it's been 2 weeks since we spoke so what's the deal?" Lynn became suspicious.
"The deal is that I saw the paper. Loose leaf, whatever. I know you still have hidden feelings for me." Francisco started to grab her hands gently.
"Don't you have Amber? Not that I'm saying that I'm agreeing to what you said." Lynn replied.
"Well, don't you have Clyde? Seems like things didn't go as well as you thought." He said.
"Yeah, well what do you know?! At least he didn't betray me."
"Well you know what I wouldn't have done that if you would've been straight forward." Francisco answered angrily.
"Oh yeah?! Every time I see you after what you caused I just remember all our chemistry, our bonds, our relationship, our future but right  now all I see is Amber in your face."
"So what are you saying Lynn? I don't understand."
"Okay so understand you know how hard it is, to see you and Amber and act like it's okay? Well, it's hard. I honestly broke up with Clyde bec-because..of the drama with my brother, my life in school..but most of all our last kiss we shared in the hospital when you went to see your nana before I went to see Clyde. I-it was like a spark came back to me from the old times and since you kissed me first I can tell you feel the same way. Is that true?"

"Yes, Lynn. It's true. I kissed you because I still miss you."

Thanks for reading!! Chapter 9 may take longer to come out! Also new chapters are still coming out just not as fast as I wished! This story is still progressing and I'm trying to get better with my length on writing. I'm trying to publish as much as possible. (DONT FORGET TO READ A FIGHT TOO FAR, THE LOUD HOUSE BROKEN original and remastered.) Furthermore, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and the loud house characters,etc obviously goes to the creator of the show! That's all..bye!

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