
By KobzyWobzy02

109 9 6

Magic, monsters they're all real They live secretly within our society Werewolf's, vampires, mermaids. And... More


102 9 6
By KobzyWobzy02

Dreams, we all dream, we all have fantasy's and we all want things that are fictional to be real. We grow up thinking that they are just simple make believe, fictional tales created by us to have fun and muck around as children. But, what if it was real, what if magic and monsters aren't fake, but are real. Well lucky for you, I can say that...

Chapter one

"Lucifer!" A dark deep and gut reaching voice yelled "you are going to miss your school"
"Sorry dad" I yell clicking my fingers and summoning clothes that instantly appear on my body,
"Coming dad" I open my hand to make a portal straight to the front entrance to our gigantic palace. "Are you ready to start your first day?"
My dad questions looking at me with all four of his eyes yes" I groan my horns curling with nervousness wondering what will happen at my new school.
"Ok then,good" my dad exclaims turning away from me preparing for his long day of torturing those who had the misfortune to end up down here in hell. "One day you will own all of this and you will rule with an iron fist, but of course you need an education, you need to learn how to use your powers for evil, not just the portal opening"
" but dad, I don't like hurting people it's mean and it makes me feel so horrible and sick."
" ah you need to toughen up boy, your the son of me, Satan, you need to be mean and powerful, and at Wintermoore, I have no doubt that you will become stronger and more violent." Smiling, he turns to look at me, my two eyes of deep yellow, my skin of red and my small but sturdy, short horns. Not the scariest demon ever but hey that's not my fault. I smile at my dad and nod to him, he snaps his fingers and in the blink of an eye I am teleported to Wintermoore the school for monsters and magicians of all kind, race and abilities. "Here we go" I mutter to myself clicking my fingers and forming a backpack with everything I need in it and on my back, I walk towards the front gate,my shaggy but decent looking trousers and my long sleeve black and grey shirt making me look like belong here, or at least feel like it. You see most demons don't go to Wintermoore, it's of too high a status and us demons are known for causing trouble, they go to Blackmarsh, it's not a very good environment to exist in but considering we were all born in the firey depths of hell, it's technically heaven in there. The only reason I was able to get into Wintermoore was because of my dad, Satan, he is the reason I'm in here, he may be satan but he has a kind heart well he doesn't have a heart but, you know what I mean. He knows I don't like hurting people so he took me to the calmer of magic schools, he thinks this way I'll be able to feel safe and more empowered by the fact that I can learn things without other demons punching you and practising fire casting spells on you at all times. Well I might not like fighting but, I'm thankful to have an inborn ability to casting fire magic because I get picked on, like a lot and I'll be able to defend myself well enough to at least scare them off, well I hope so anyway, at this school though, I don't think I'll need to. The sight of me being a demon should probably be enough. I walk into the front gate getting looks from other monsters and scorcerers. Ignoring them I head into the school, immediately being greeted by the head master of the school.
" please, everyone, may I welcome you to Wintermoore, the school where all people, regardless of their race and ability's, can freely access and learn to hone their powers and ability's, as well as learning new ones." She says with a voice loud enough that everyone here in could hear what she was saying. "Might I have all new students to please join me in the auditorium for your official welcome into the school, and your groupings with other classmates and hopefully, future friends." She begins to float up above the ground about a foot, and hovers over to the auditorium, impressed by this ability, and also of course following her order, we follow her, making our way to the auditorium. She has short black hair, that is spiked upwards, flaming red eyes and was dressed in a dazzling long gown of silver and white. She looked very young, but she could've been thousands of years old, skilled scorcerers and certain monsters have  longer life span then normal humans. Treading through the large halls with ceilings so high you can barely see them. We continue to follow the headmaster. Our footsteps echoing with enjoyment as we walk across the polished marble floor. We see students of all races and genders walk through the halls, gossiping, some stop to look at me, surprised to have a demon here in Wintermoore instead of Blackmarsh. ' ugh' I think ' I bet this isn't going to be the only time I get suprised faces from.' We follow the headmaster throughout the fantastically magnificent hallways and rooms until we finally reach the auditorium. We find seats and sit as we are adressed once more by the headmaster, her second in command, standing next to her. "May everyone please settle down, remain seated and listen intently to myself and the other teachers." Her voice carrying across the room with a magnificent ease. "Now if I may, can all of you head to grand master Siltano to be put in their groups." As she spoke the second in command,Siltano, floated down the front of everyone so they could see him easier. " come forth pupils." he exclaimed with a demanding and firm voice. We move towards him and begin to crowd around him. "In this school we do not have any shall you say, houses, this is not Harry Potter, and to any of you whom expect to learn to wield wands and shout spells will be most disappointed." A few chuckles from the new students arise at this comment that are quickly hushed and shut down by Siltano. "We have here small groupings of which you will be placed into, these groupings are known as, ginderlings in memory of Tyrone Ginderling, the creator of this school. We have four ginderlings in total. Each of different styles of magic and people within them.The first consisting of Lucy goldfield, Byron Dimerion." He continued to name the names of who was in each ginderling until he came up to myself. He hesitated before speaking my name but eventually said. "And Lucifer Hellbourne." Murmurs from within the crowd began and you could see looks coming at me from left and right. I put my hands in my pocket and put my head down shyly not particularly enjoying being singled out. " may the first ginderling, the Green ginderling, please come to one side and head over with Ginderling master Thompson." We follow Siltano's demand and go to the side where master Thompson is standing. We follow him with ease as we look around at who we will be with for the rest of this year. I see a girl look at me, she approaches me happily. "Um hi" I say shyly and confused as to why she came to me before anyone else. " Hi" she replies a clear sense of happiness in her voice. "I'm Lucy, you probably heard my name called out earlier!" She laughs. As Grandmaster Siltano continues to address the remaining group of people into their ginderlings. " I'm yeah, I, I did yeah."
" you seem quite shy, is it because you are a demon? That's fine don't worry about it, I'm a vampire and look at me, I'm cheery and happy!" She states a big grin on her face grows in order to show me that she really is in fact quite cheery, as if I didn't know already. "I know you might feel scared here but don't just cause your different doesn't mean you have to feel any different to anyone else. As I just said I'm a cheery vampire, I'm not exactly normal either."
" yeah true." I chuckle slowly gaining confidence around her. " do, do you think we could stick together, yknow for like a little while, just until we become more confident in this giant school?"
"Lucifer, if your asking if we can be friends, you really don't need to, I think we already are!" She says as we all come to a stop at a talk blank wall. Master Thompson swirls his hands around, casting a spell and within moments the wall begins to transform into a massive portal into our quarters where we will be staying for the year.
"Woah" Lucy and myself mutter at the same time, making us turn to look at each other. She laughs happily, I smile and chuckle. Maybe everyone won't hate me in here? I think to myself as we all walk into the portal coming out on the other side. As we come through, we see a gigantic room with a ceiling so high you can only see it because of the glowing runes on it creating a type of natural light for us to see. The room is filled of small bedrooms with beds, tables and cupboards. I can't help it, a smile so wide you could see it from a mile away, for s in my face. The same happens on many of the others. Thompson, himself included, he clearly enjoys seeing us marvel at the magnificence of the rooms. "Well let's get comfy shall we?" Lucy exclaims to me as she opens her hand and a large comfy looking sofa, flys behind her in the middle of mine and her room,
" there are two bedrooms in each of our personal rooms, looks like these will be mine and yours!" She smiles sitting down as I pull up a chair and do the same. " well?" She says ". Don't you want to get to know me?" Smiling I get comfy, eager to talk to her, seeing why she has such a friendly attitude towards me, not that I'm complaining or anything! But I would like to know and so I prepare to talk to her. Herself sitting back and relaxing ready for any question I could possibly think to ask her.

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