My Greek Professor Is An Alph...

By guitarfreak8810

19.8K 561 68

Aimee and Jeff have gone through a rough series of months. When school starts up again, what will happen to t... More

1: The Start Of Something Old
2: A Real Nightmare
3: The Other Side
4: Try To Think Of It My Way
5: So The Bad Guys Are Still Bad? Aw...
6: From Now On, We'll Call Ourselves... ;)
8: But Is The Door Locked?
9: Welcome To The World
10: Don't Call It A Comeback?
11: So This Is How It All Ended?
12: What's the big issue here?

7: Death Is Only A Door.

1.1K 40 10
By guitarfreak8810

Yo peeps,

Hope you like it. And I saw someone that made me feel really inspired to finish this chapter... Even though the twist at the end is enough to make me cry! Oh man! I'm in tears! NO!. Awh. :'( Damn cliff hangers! Anyways, I hope you vote for this and I'm really thankful that all you guys read this story.


- Emma


The rain pounded on our heads as I tried to collect my thoughts - - I would be Mrs. Seaberg. We were engaged. I loved Jeff. Jeff. Jeff. and no one else. Not Matt, not some weird stranger, no one else.

"Hooooooooly shit balls, that was hot!" I heard my roommate shouting over the commotion around us. There were so many people watching us but neither of us could care! Some of them were shouting, some were smiling, and some were clapping. It was kind of interesting to see the mixed reaction. I stared down at my finger with the beautiful engagement ring on it. Even in the rain, it was shining brightly. It was the most beautiful ring I'd ever seen.

It was all mine... Jeff was mine and I was his. I couldn't ask for anything more.

But my eyes travelled across the rainy scene in front of me. Out of the building, there was a rather angry looking guy, storming towards us.


"Yeah, Aimee?" he said with a huge grin on his face.

"There's this guy coming towards us that's lookin' pretty angry..."

Jeff let go of me for a moment to turn around. He swore loudly over the pounding of the rain as he stared at the man.

But the crowd around us dispersed, sensing some sort of trouble. It was strange. It was just Jeff, this weird guy, and I.

"That's my boss."

"Dr. Seaberg!" he roared, "May I see you for a second in my office?"

Jeff laughed at this guy - almost like he was a boyscout that was poking a bear - it was like the little guy had no chance in ruining Jeff's mood. But, he stopped chuckling, "If you have anything to say to me, you can say it in front of my fiancée."

"Fine. You're fired."

I felt my blood begin to boil, "For what?"

The pointed-nosed man turned to glare at me, "I don't believe you were involved, Miss," he snapped.

"How about we take this elsewhere? Perhaps, my office, Sir."

Both men exchanged looks of displeasure at each other. The man I didn't know nodded and they both began walking. Jeff stopped for a moment and put his hand in mine, tugging me along until my legs started to work again. We walked by shocked students and faculty. We were back into the building.

My shoes squeaked against the polished linouleum floors as I walked next to Jeff.

>He can't fire you.

>>He can do whatever he damn well pleases, Aimee. But I knew that when I- I fully understood the consequences. Someone was going to find out eventually. We couldn't keep pushing it under the rug.

>He can't take your job. If anything, it's my fault. I seduced you! That's it!

>>You're insane.

>Isn't that why you proposed? Because I'm insane? And I make you just as crazy as I am?

>>You got me there.

"Sir?" I said as I tapped the older man, releasing Jeff's hand, "It was all my fault. I forced him to do this. It has nothing to do with grades or anything, it never did. He's just perfect for me and I'm perfect for him. I thought it was meant to be. So I proposed to him and he said no. But I put this ring on my finger anyways and I kissed him-"


"Shut up, Jeff!" I shouted.

>Sorry! I'll make it up to you later.

Jeff's facial expression rearranged into a strange mixture of displeasure and happiness. I can't describe it, even now, but I choked back a laugh. Jeff. What a silly guy.

"That is no way to talk to your professor, Aimee," Jeff said, trying his hardest not to laugh at my poor attempt of making the situation seem better.

Finally, the other man sighed, "Just go away. You're both annoying me."


"No," he said as he unlocked his office door. He held it open for both of us and Jeff slid into the room before me. He sat down in one of the chairs, sighing slightly. I guess this is what we had coming the entire time - how could I expect anything less?

Adam Lawson, the gold nameplate on his desk read. Interesting. Mr. Lawson then appeared in my vision.

"Now, Jeff, what the fuck is this?"

"Adam, you have to understand, this wasn't something that happened..."

He ruffled his dark hair as he looked back and forth between us, "I'm listening."

So that's when Jeff began talking - how we met when I was in high school, most of our relationship then (not including all the werewolf stuff because that would be a little awkward), the death of Matt, and how we'd gotten to where we were. He seemed cold, blinking only once. The dark red button up that he wore made him appear somewhat angry. But I doubt that he could be. We were just two kids in love.

But by the way he shook his head after Jeff finished, I could tell this would be a long battle.


 I opened up my laptop and went on Facebook. I laughed slightly at the request I had. "Jeff Seaberg. Engagement Request. Confirm / Ignore." I smirked and hit confirm.

That was a huge mistake! Oh my, I thought as my notifications started to blow up on the simple thing. So I just signed out. I giggled as I walked across the wood floors to the kitchen, where Jeff was currently cooking something and looking at his phone.

He just glanced over at me and smiled, "Oh."


"So, I was thinking. Well, no I already did it anyway," he said, "I invited my parents over to tell them... about our engagement. I also called up Sally, she said she'd be coming too."

I frowned, "Did you invite Ed too?"

"Sally said he was in rehab or something for a couple more days," he smiled, "I guess she finally got him the help he needed."

"Someone had to."

"Sally said that Jaxon was coming too?"


"Aren't you an only child?"

"Not like that, idiot. He's my foster brother. But he's awesome, you'll love him."

"O-okay," he said with a slight laugh. He went back to stirring whatever was in the large pot in front of him. He started adding some weird looking ingredients.

"Uh, what's that purple stuff you're adding?"

He smiled, "It's a sort of powder. It allows werewolves to eat regular food. It's some sort of animal product mixed with a bunch of weird chemicals-"

"Okay, I got it," I stuck my finger in the powder and licked some off my finger. It tasted like heaven, making me moan, inadvertently.

"Hey!" Jeff took the powder away from me, "It's expensive! And you're not supposed to eat it raw... It's like ectasy. It's a sort of drug kind of high," he frowned, "Besides, you can only moan for me like that, not some stupid powder."


"Slut," he said as he put a little bit of the powder in his mouth. His eyes flared and he kissed my face with a kind of passion that I can't describe. It was so warm - so sweet - and yet so hungry and needy. It was a rush that I couldn't understand. His body pressed mine against the counter. A pot clanged as it hit the floor and he pushed my body up onto the counter. He pushed my legs apart and came closer, pressing himself up against me. He let out a low growl as he sucked on my neck.

I fumbled around, trying to undo his tie, to no avail. He pulled it off and chucked it onto the counter. I unbuttoned the top few buttons on his shirt as I kissed his neck, moving slowly down while unbuttoning the rest of it. He growled so loudly that I almost feared for my life. Almost. I knew Jeff would never hurt me. I pushed his shirt away from his body and watched it slide down to the floor. My nails dug into his now bare back.

"Aimee," he smirked, "What are you doing? Huh?" he said as he pulled my shirt off.

"Jeffrey, what are you doing?"

His hand ran over my tan lace bra, "I don't know, why don't you tell me?"

And then, the door bell rang.

"Fuck," he groaned with a small smile on his face, "I hate interruptions."

"Well, go answer it," I said as I slid my shirt back on over my head. He didn't bother putting his shirt on, but he just went to the door, looking through the eye-hole.

"I can't tell who it is. They're covering the hole."

I ran to his room and quickly picked up a random baja hoodie that I found on his dresser. Then, I threw it at him, which he pulled over his body quickly. He actually looked pretty sexy. Then again, he always did. Jerk.

He opened the door and frowned.

"Fredrick. How can I help you?"

"Is Aimee here?"

Jeff cleared his throat, "yes, why?"

All of a sudden, Jeff's body was literally flung across the room. And in came Freddie, looking pissed off. But he had sprouted dark-looking wings out of his back and had a firey look to him. Was he a demon or something? I shivered as his eyes locked with mine. I picked a knife off the kitchen counter and I did the dumbest thing you can do with one. I ran straight for Freddie. I thought I stabbed him, but the knife suck in him. He pulled it out and it dropped to the ground without any blood on it.

"What are you, a demon?"

"Better. An angel," he said with multiple voices in his voice. It was a strange sounding voice. It was like two hundred people talking in perfect syncronization. He picked the knife up off the floor and turned away from me. He transported himself over to where Jeff was, "And I'm going to rid the world of this demon. Go to HELL!" he shouted as the knife illuminated in his hand.

"NO!" I ran like I never knew I could and covered Jeff's body. I felt a sharp pain in my back and didn't move.



I stared into his alarmed green eyes, "What did you do?" he said with a whimper. Tears were leaking from his eyes.

"I saved you." I choked as I felt the knife being removed from my body.



"You bring her back! You bring her back right now!" I shouted at Fredrick, the apparent angel. He looked more like a demon the way that he was dressed at the moment, but I wasn't going to say anything.

"Why did she do that?" he said.

"Because she loved me," I cried onto her pale and lifeless body, "She loved me and you took her away from me."

"I was TRYING to get rid of you," he sighed.

"Aimee," I inhaled sharply and kissed her lips. But it was to no avail, because she was already stone cold. She was dead. She had to be dead.



I floated in the pure emotion that I felt in my head. Jeff stood in front of me, wearing an all-black suit. I was wearing all white though. Where were we?

"We're waiting," Jeff said, "God will put you in heaven, but unfortunately, I'll probably end up going to Hell."


"Because I'm a damned creature. I can't go to Heaven."

"Then why would you be here?"

He frowned at me, "What do you mean?"

"Well, if you're damned, don't you go straight to Hell? I didn't think there was a waiting room."

He blinked a few times and walked closer to me. He brushed my hair out of my face, "I think you saved me," he said with a peck on my check.

"Someone had to," I smiled and then I felt a light above us, shining brightly.

"Don't leave me, Aimee," I watched Jeff's face as he sobbed, "Please, don't leave me here alone."

"Then come with me." It was that simple.

He shook his head and then all of a sudden, I heard beeping noises and shouting clouding my brain. Jeff's shouts echoed through my head. And I felt my eyes open but all I could see was that damn light. It was so bright...

So very bright...


"I'm sorry Mr. Seaberg, but she's dead. It's confirmed. She has no heartbeat."


|| ©2012 Guitarfreak8810 || All Rights Reserved. ||

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