Not The Only One // Sam Winch...

Od j-golden-angel-k

1K 28 7

When Sam Winchester was 16, him and his family were on a hunting trip in a small town in Tennessee. The Winc... Více


Meet; Surprise; The Call

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Od j-golden-angel-k

~3rd POV:(Sam is 16 and meets Amelia)~ MEET

January 5th: The news of a recent weird murder has called the Winchesters to a small town in east Tennessee. Each had a part to play in the investigation of finding out what they're after. John, the father in the family, and his oldest son Dean are looking at the crime scene and asking questions to neighbors. Sam Winchester, the youngest in the family, was at the library researching information on the town and the family affected by this tragedy.

Sam was different that his brother and father when it came to wanting to hunt. He didn't want to. Sam had just turned 16 and the older he got, the more he thought of trying to find a way out of this life. The bad thing about that was that he would leave his family. But he just didn't want to do this forever, he wanted to go to college and have a career. Sam was concentrating so hard on the thoughts of leaving he didn't notice a girl staring at him.

Amelia Jones. A 15 year old hunter researching more information on the thing that just killed her father. He was all she had left. This case was in their home town, her father Daniel wanted to find this thing so bad and get it out. He was so close to finishing the job; he knew what it was and where he needed to go but before he could, it found out what he was going to do and killed him first. She was the one to find him. Upset and with tears running down her face, she took all his research and everything he had on him that would help him finish the case but not all of it was written down.

Amelia knew she needed help but she had no idea who to call for that. So she went to the library to try to find out what she could so she could do it herself. That's when Amelia saw him. A boy around her age looking up things on her father and his accident. She knew that stare he had and knew why someone would be looking up things about her father this fresh into the accident. He was a hunter. Amelia had never talked to other hunters, only people who were involved with the victims of the cases they worked. She slowly made her way to the boy. He looked so deep in thought, she figured he didn't notice her. Gently tapping his shoulder, they boy jumped a little and turned to look at her.

At first Sam thought it might be Dean, but once he saw a girl close to his age standing their he was confused.

She smiled at him. "Hey."

"Hey." Sam said back with a small smile. it fell a little when he saw the girl take the empty seat beside him. she pointed to the library computer that was showing the info on her fathers murder.

"You know that the murder only happened yesterday, right?" Sam nervously exited out of the website and looked down scratching the back of his neck. The made her smile bigger. She thought his  nervousness was cute. "You know, people your age don't usually  look at this kind of stuff. Only if you were a hunter would you be so interested in a murder that just happened."

Sam's head shot up at the mention of him being a hunter. 'Was she one?' he thought, 'She must be.' He scoffed quietly. "So you're a hunter too." It was mostly a statement then  question. Amelia knew that.

She giggled a little. "Yeah." Amelia then put her hand out. "I'm Amelia Jones."

Sam shook her hand. "Sam Winchester." He looked down to all the papers he had printed out on the case and noticed something. The name of the man that was killed. Daniel Jones. Sam looked to Amelia. "Your related to Daniel Jones aren't you?"

"Yeah. He was my dad."

Sam gave her an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry for what happened."

She shook her head with a frown still looking at him. "It's fine. My dad wanted to get this thing out of our town. He loved this life, I know he wouldn't regret what happened to him."

"What about you?"

"Well, me and my dad knew that something like this would happen one day so he made sure i knew how to take care of myself if i had no one left but i still have my aunt in California. So I'm going to live with her. And I may be upset about it, but I know he wouldn't want me to mope around."

A ringing sound was heard and the two teens looked to see which one's phone was ringing. Sam was the lucky winner. He looked to see that it was his brother and answered the call. As this happened, Amelia was thinking. Before she goes to her Aunts, she wants to get rid of this thing; for her town and dad. It would be a good 'goodbye' present for the town and an amazing tribute to her father for all his hard work. 'Sam' Amelia thought to herself, 'Maybe he could help me.' By the time that thought went through her head, Sam had finished his conversation.

"Sorry. That was my brother Dean." Sam apologized.

"It's fine. Is that who you're working the case with, your brother?"

Sam nodded his head. "Yeah. Well, Dean and my dad. They wanted to know if I had any luck with researching information."

Taking a deep breath, Amelia got the courage to ask him for his and his family's help. "Well, I have my dad's old research in my hotel room. I want to finish this case for him but i need help. Do you think your brother and dad would be willing to help me finish this before I leave next week?" Not being use to other hunters will make this a fun experience for her.

Sam had to think for a second, his dad isn't really a working together type person unless it's someone he knows well. But if they can get rid of whatever this is, it's a good deal. "Yeah that's a good idea. Here tell me the address of the hotel and the room and my family and they'll come."

After texting his father to meet him there, nit giving that much info so he can't say no to helping Amelia yet, the two teenagers left the library to Sam's car. It took a while but he finally admitted that he had to 'borrow' it and Amelia asked no more. On he ride their, they got to know each other a little bit more. He told here how him and his family got into hunting, more about who his father and brother were, and a little about what his dad told him of his mom. Sam also told her how he wanted to get out of the life and maybe be apart of a normal family one day. He learned that Amelia's mom, Ann, died in a car accident by a drunk driver when she was six, how her and her dad started hunting by having a ghost almost kill her in a house they recently moved into a month after her mom died, and how even though she's leaving the life once she goes to live with her Aunt, she will still hunt if anything around her starts up. 

When they got to the room, They started pouring over all the information left in Daniel's notes. It was mostly written in a way that only he would understand exactly what it meant. It made things harder. Most of what was written were a few names, some circled and some with lines under it, and an object or two that the guy had on him at the time of his death. Those were some of things Amelia got off his body. They both liked having someone to research with. They were having fun hanging out with each other.

A knock on the door interrupted the two teens laughing at the joke Amelia made about how the way he father wrote made him seem like he was just learning English and only knew a few random words. Amelia stood and went to the door and opened it. There stood a confused John and Dean Winchester. Once they saw Sam in the back ground, they were still confused but were a little less worried. After explaining the whole situation to the other two, they waited to see if John would help Amelia out. He eventually agreed.

"Well know that this is out of the way, Me and Dean used our EMF reader and now we know we are looking for a ghost." John said. "Your dad wasn't originally what this thing was after so what are the last things you remember about what your dad was doing?"

Amelia thought about it, til she remembered. "This family had told my dad that weird things were happening in their house. He called me from in a bar and said he finally figured it out and he had to leave and finish it. He was going to tell me what it was about when he got back. And based on where he was found, he barley made it two blocks from the bar before he just dropped dead."

After that, they all started to run through all the names written in Daniel's notes till they found a winner. Everett Sanders, 51 when he died of an induced heart attack in his house. The same house that the family that complained to Daniel about lived in. Apparently the man was arrested for attempted murder of a family he had locked up in a basement and constantly scared and tortured before he was caught. He escaped prison and was on the run for 9 years before he came back home and no one realized til a year later and once the police entered the house, they watched him drive a needle into his arm which caused him to have a heart attack. Apparently, the community didn't want his body to be buried in town so they made arrangements for the body to be buried two towns over.

"Wait," Dean said, "If he's buried two towns over, how did kill Daniel? I mean i get why he was sent to his house, cause he died there. But then how did he follow Daniel?"

Sam shrugged. "Maybe Everett is tied to something. Daniel must have had it and either not realized it or was going to burn it."

"Okay here's what we are going to do," John said, gaining everyone's attention, "Me and Dean will go to where he's buried to salt and burn the bones. Sam, you and Amelia, since you know more of your dad's work, should stay here and try to figure out what that object may be. If we burn one and not the other, this thing wont be gone. How far away is he buried?"

Amelia and Dean shrugged while Sam looked at a map and calculated the numbers in his head and figured it out. "It's about 144 miles, two hours away west of this town." Dean rolled his eyes at his geek brother. Sam then smacked him on the chest. Amelia was just sitting there impressed and amused. "Says here he's buried in Firelight Cemetery." 

John looked to the clock on the wall, 1:38 a.m., then he looked to Dean and Sam and saw their tired eyes. "Sam, since it'll be 3 o'clock by the time we get there, me and Dean will stay in a motel there. Once you find the thing he's attached to and burn it, call me and then get back to our original motel for some sleep. We're leaving when me and Dean come to pick you up. Okay?"

Sam nodded. Amelia went to get the box that contains her dad's stuff while John and Dean started to leave. Right before he left, Dean looked to make sure neither his dad or Amelia were looking then turned to Sam. He watched at Dean mouthed the word 'Lucky' and pointed to Amelia the a double thumbs up. Not amused, Sam swatted at his brother and lightly pushed a chuckling Dean out.

Amelia brought the box and set it on the floor and then made a salt circle around it, one big enough for them both to sit in it as well.

"You know," She started whispering, "If the thing he's attached to is in here, then he's in here with us."

Sam looked in her eyes and nodded slightly then continued to look through the box with her. "That's probably what happened to your dad." Amelia looked at him confused. "Sorry, but if your dad had that thing with him, Everett must have found out that your dad knew who and what he was so he had to get rid of him."

Realization dawned on her in that moment. "That's why he didn't tell me what he was doing over the phone. He must have realized the ghost could hear him." Sam nodded.

Sam looked at an object in his hands. It was something that looked like something someone would put they're glasses in. Opening it, he found a syringe. A thought occurred to him. "Hey, Sanders died by injecting himself to give him a heart attack right?"


Sam held up the needle and syringe."I found what he is attached to." 

Suddenly things started to get knocked over. Someone screaming "NO" over and over again was sounding off in their ears. Amelia ran to get the medal trash can and brought it back in the circle. Screaming continued and was getting louder. Sam threw the item in the bin and flicked the lighter on and threw it in too. after a short time, all the screaming stopped and nothing got knocked over. Silence filled the room.

Finally out of her shock, Amelia slowly walked over to Sam and wrapped her arms around his waist and her forehead was against his chest. Sam was shocked at first but then wrapped his arms around her shoulders. They just stayed there for a while. When they finally pulled a away, it was because of Sam's phone ringing. His dad was calling. After explaining what happened, he told his dad he was going to help clean up then he would head to the motel. John told his son that he would leave to pick him up around 9:00 so he should be there around 11:00.

Cleaning didn't take as long as they thought it would. Truth was, Amelia didn't want Sam to leave yet. She liked talking to him and wanted to hangout with him as long as possible before he left. Same with Sam. He never really talks to people his own age. He liked Amelia, and felt bad about leaving tomorrow when they went through all this and she still has to wait another week to go to her Aunts.

Amelia sat on  the bottom edge of her bed and watched as Sam picked up the last of the things that fell and put them were they should go. "Where are you going to be after you leave?"

Sam turned to look at her. slowly he went to sit on the bed beside her and she turned to face him. Both of their legs hanging off the bed. "I don't really know." Sam then looked at the door. "We just go; travel around till we hear of something that might be a case." Sam then looked back at Amelia. She was staring and messing with her hands. To him, she seemed nervous. So sam reached over and grabbed her left hand with his right.

Amelia slowly looked up at him. "Can you promise me something?" She whispered. Sam nodded his head while rubbing his thumb over her knuckles. "Promise we'll try to continue to talk to each other after you leave. I'll soon be somewhere new and if you can't be there with me, i would still love to talk to you."

Sam smile at her. "I would love that too." That made Amelia smile back. What happened next shocked both of them.

Amelia leaned forward and kissed Sam on the lips. Not expecting it, Sam froze and before he could kiss back, as if she just realized what she did, Amelia quickly pulled away.

With wide eyes, Amelia started stuttering. "I-I'm, I'm sorry. I di-didn't mea-" Sam cut her off by leaning down and captured her lips with his.

Calming down, Amelia kissed back. To both of them it was better than they thought it would. Something inside both of them seemed to take control and it started to get heated. The most surprising thing that happened after what they did was that Sam was able to get back to his motel before his dad and brother who had no idea where he really stayed at the night before.


~3rd POV: 3 years later (Sam is 20, Amelia is 19 and Chloe is 3.)~ Surprise

September 23rd: Two months. That's how long it's been since Sam has been at school. When he left for college, John and Sam had a big fight, John didn't want him to go. Sam knew John and Dean didn't like the idea of him leaving, but it is his life; what he wants. It has also been two weeks since he met this girl named Jessica and they started going out. A really beautiful girl he likes. He has a feeling with her that he hadn't felt since Amelia.

Sam kept his promise. He called and messaged her every chance he got  and she excitedly answered him back every time.  Until about a year after they saw each other. Sam would try and try and try to talk to her but she never answered him. After two months straight of nothing, Sam gave up. He knew this would happen eventually, he only wishes he would've gotten a heads up with it.

Sam started a little late into school and all rooms were filled, but they had told him before through email that he got excepted and would go to school there. Sam had to get an apartment close to campus. Which meant he had to make sure he paid enough for it if he wanted to stay, for it was a condition of being able to get his own place and being a first year student. The only apartment available around school time is a two bedroom one because most upper class men already have the one bedroom spaces.

Watching TV in his little living room is just another day off of school and work for Sam. Usually he would have Jessica and other friends over, but he just didn't feel like company. Later he realizes that it was a really smart decision. The ringing of his home phone brought his attention away from the TV show. He figured it was his dad or brother again. When he first left, he tried to call his dad but he never answered or called back. So he gave up. Then every once in a while they would call, but this time Sam never answered.

Sam stood to look at the number that shows up. A California area code. Believing it's probably one of his Stanford friends, he answers. "Hello"

"Sam? Sam Winchester?"

That voice. Sam would know that voice anywhere. He knows who this is, he just doesn't know why she's calling now. Two years after she broke contact with him. "Amelia?"

A soft chuckle was heard over the phone. "Didn't think you would remember. I'm flattered." The two laughing was something they each missed.But Sam's was more combined with a scoff. And Amelia heard it and sighed. "Listen Sam. I'm sorry Okay."

"It's fine Amelia." Sam sighed. "I knew one day that would happen. I just wish i had a heads up."

 Her nervous rambling was starting. "I know. I'm sorry. But it wasn't for the reason you thought it was okay. I was scared to tell you and of what you would say. I didn't know if you moved on yet or left for school and I didn't want to ruin what you accomplished and I wa- " 

"Whoa whoa whoa," Sam cut off, "Slow down. What are you talking about?"

Amelia sighed. "I called your old phone and your brother answered. He gave me your number, I didn't tell him anything though so it was hard to get it out of him. He said your in California now and I was wondering if you could meet me." Silence was left as Sam though about it. "Please Samuel. It's important." The use of his full name showed Sam the importance of this.

"Okay. Where?"


Leaning against his rental car, Sam waited and wondered what this was all about. He couldn't put his finger on it. Lights were suddenly on him with the sound of a car along with it. Once the car and lights were shut off, Sam looked up to see her exiting the car. Both met in the middle, each looking at the other noticing the change in the other. Silence filled the tense air.

"You've changed." Amelia said, trying to ease the tension.

Sam understood and smiled his perfect smile at her. "You too. How has it been with yor Aunt all these years?"

"Good. But she was a terrible smoker, so she died after I turned 18. I already moved out by then."

"Oh. I'm sorry." Sam told her.

She smiled. "Don't be. She was a pain in the ass." Sam chuckled which made her smile. "So what are you doing in California without your family? Dean never told me."

"Uh, I started college a while ago and they didn't like it. Haven't talked since I left."

"I'm sorry you guys haven't talked" Sam nodded and shrugged. Amelia paused for a moment to take in what he said before. "College?" Sam nodded. This is what she worried about. Sam has a life now, he's probably moved on completely. The news could ruin him. "Oh."

Confusion shown through Sam's puppy dog eyes as he noticed the change in her voice. "So what's this about?"

Amelia went wide eyed and quickly looked back to her car then to Sam. "Uh, never mind. Sam you don't need to know,you don't want to know."

"Amelia, you called me after two years of nothing, tell me to meet you miles away from my apartment, and now your not going to tell me. Just tell me. I want to know."

Amelia thought it over. She had no choice. This is the last chance she has to ever talk to him. "I'm dying Sam."

Sam stood frozen in his spot. He doesn't know what to say. It felt like eternity before Sam spoke again. "What?" It was all he could get to come out.

"I made a decision a few years ago that I thought was a normal thing to do in my situation. But it turned out to be a very bad idea and now I only have a day or two left to do what I need to do." Amelia paused. Tears started to fall on her face. Quickly wiping her eyes she continued. "I've known this for a while and I wanted to tell you but I wanted as much time as possible I could have with her and I didn't think you would want her and I knew you would have moved on to someone else and she would be a burden to you and I di-"

"Hey, slow down okay?" Sam hurriedly asked the rambling girl, "Who is this her your talking about." It took a while for her to answer him.

"Remember the night that happened before you and your family left." Sam nodded. How could he forget? "Well a week later I got sent to my Aunts. My dad and I used to fly to different countries when we could so I was use to longer flights then that. But when I got off the plane I didn't feel so good. Days later I still didn't feel so good so my aunt took me to the doctor. After a while they found out what was wrong. I was pregnant. And your the father" Sam Just stood there, his eyes going wide. Too shocked to move or speak. "You were the only person I've ever had sex with. Please say something."

A small smile started to appear on his face but he hid it so quickly, Amelia didn't know if it was really there. "Uh, wh-, why didn't you tell me before?"

She sighed, "Sam, I was 15 and scared. I didn't know what to do or what you would say. I thought that maybe you had a girlfriend and once you found out you had a child it would ruin your life. I'm dying Sam. If you, the father, said you didn't want her, I wouldn't know what to do."

"Well, one thing your right about is that i have a girlfriend. But Amelia, I would never, and will never put her over my own child. I have a kid. I wished I knew sooner but I do know at least." A smile appeared on both there faces. "I would've helped you and our kid. And I will now. I'm guessing that our child's a she based on what you said earlier?"

"Yeah." Amelia said nodding. "She just turned 3 September 1st. You weren't there to help with the name but I added something in there for you. Her name is Chloe Mary-Ann Winchester." If it were possible it seemed his smile grew even bigger. "They said she could have my last name since i wasn't married but i thought she would want her fathers name like every kid should have."

"Can I meet her?"

Amelia nodded. She turned to go to her car, but then turned back to face Sam. "One more thing. She's a little different from other kids. Special." Sam looked at her in confusion. "She was able to walk, talk, and eat faster then regular children. I took her to the doctor and they said some children do develop faster then others but usually in only one thing. She's three but she is able to form and say words a lot better than those her age. They did some other tests and found out that she also had an eidetic memory and it was surprising to see in an 1year old." Sam was shocked but still nodded his head. He wanted to meet his daughter. "Sam if you're not sure you want her you don't have to tak-"

"Amelia, I'm sure." She nodded and walked to her car.

Sam could see the small child with her. As they got closer, Sam could see his little girl perfectly. A smile quickly flew to his face once they stopped right in front if him. Sam got down on one knee so he was a little closer to Chloe, who had her arms around her moms legs.

"Hey Chloe." Sam said still smiling at the girl. Chloe gave a small smile back and waved. "My names Sam. I'm your Dad."

The little girls eyes widened. She slowly unwrapped her arms from Amelia's legs and walked up to Sam. Her mom never told her who they were meeting and now she couldn't believe it. Her hands went to her neck and pulled out a gold locket. Opening it, Chloe and Sam saw two pictures.

The first one seen was a picture a baby. Sam new that was Chloe. He wished he was there to see her so young. When Sam looked to the side that opened, a picture of a 16 year old boy was there. It was Sam. He remembered the photo being taken. It was the day he left Tennessee, right before he went to meet his dad and brother at there motel where Sam was supposed to go back to. Amelia wanted to have a photo to remember him bye and he got one of her too. He still had it.

Looking up at Chloe, Sam watched her move her head between him and the Picture. Chloe wanted this to be true, she had to be 100% positive. Despite the age difference between the photo and the man in front of her, they still looked the same. She closed the locket and looked back up at Sam. With a smile growing bigger every second, Chloe could only manage a single word. "Daddy?"

Sam nodded his head with his own smile and barley had time to catch her as the three year old jumped into his arms, hugging him as hard as she could. Small tears of happiness ran over both their faces. Chloe was finally meeting her father and Sam now has a daughter. Amelia stood behind the child with a small smile on her own face. The happiness on Sam's face let her know she made the right choice in finally telling him. She feels guilty for never telling Sam, robbing him of three years with his daughter. She can't change what she did about anything. He wants Sam and now Chloe one day, and now he has to get Amelia out of the way. Nothing will stop him.

Sam and Chloe pull back from their embrace, and look to Amelia. Chloe then moved over to grab her mothers hand while Sam stood back up. She new something was happening to her mom; something bad. She could feel it. Chloe knew that she will be living with her dad now, why else would her mother pack all her stuff into the car. Amelia bent down to her daughters height and hugged her like it was the last time she ever would. And it was.

Amelia pulled back and cupped her daughters cheeks. "I love you. Sooo much. I always will."   

"I love you too mommy. I'll never stop." Chloe's little voice made more tears fall down Amelia's face. "I'll miss you."

Amelia smiled sadly to her little girl. "I'll miss you too baby. You be good for your dad, Okay?" Chloe then nodded to her mom. "Go wait by his car. I need your dad to help me with your stuff." After Sam and Amelia both watched her get to the car safely, Amelia brought Sam to the trunk of her car to help get Chloe's things. Four boxes, two duffel bags a suit case and a backpack were in there.

It didn't take that long for them to put all that in Sam's trunk, they went back to get one more thing; Chloe's car seat. Before Amelia could walk by Sam, who had the seat in one arm, he reached his other arm out and stopped her. 

"Are you sure that we can't do something to stop you from dying?" Sam asked. "What could you have done that requires this?"

Amelia sighed, "Sam, I can't tell you. I know for a fact that something as severe as this can't be stopped. But I promise you, you will find out one day, okay? I know that. You might not like what you see though." She looked back to her daughter waiting there patiently and turned back to Sam. "Just promise me some things, okay?" Sam nodded. "I know that you don't hunt anymore but i need you to tell her and teach her everything about it. I taught her some already and eveything about that and everything about her that I haven't told you abut is in her back pack. I want her to be able to protect herself if she need to. Please?"

Sam sighed, but nodded anyway. "I promise."

"Okay. And one more thing. When you find out what I did, I need you to know I'm so sorry. Very sorry. same with Chloe. When or if she finds out she needs to know how sorry I am. I didn't think anything bad would happen. Promise me you'll remember that and you'll tell her and make sure she knows I truly am sorry."

"I promise Amelia." Sam told her honestly.

After that, they put the car seat in Sam's car. Amelia said one more goodbye to both of them then watched as they drove off. She could only pray angels would watch over them.


~3rd POV: (Sam's Apartment; Same day. (Shorter.))~ The Call

September 23rd: When they got to Sam's apartment, Chloe had already fell asleep in the back seat. Sam quietly and gently carried her up to their room, leaving everything else except the backpack in the car to get out tomorrow. Once inside, Sam carried her into his room and laid her on the bed and put the covers over her. He looked at her for a second, before leaning down and kissing her on the forehead then leaving the room with the door cracked.

Sam went to sit on the couch to think over everything that happened tonight. Everything's crazy. 'I have a daughter.' He thought to himself. 'Wow.' It was hard to believe for him that this was real, but he's glad it is. This is huge news for him and his family. 'My family.' Sam just thought about it. He needed to tell them. Sure they weren't on good speaking terms right now but Chloe is his fathers granddaughter; his brothers niece, they would want to meet her.

Sam grabbed his phone and called the last number his father called from. He knew which was which cause Dean always left a message. The call went straight to his fathers voicemail and even though it's not what he had in mind, Sam would say it then.

"This is John Winchester. Leave a message."

Sam sighed into the phone. "Hey, dad. Listen I know we're not on exactly speaking terms now but I just got some huge news today. Remember that girl Amelia Jones from three years ago? Well she called me up and told me to meet her and she told me that she was dying. And the reason she needed to tell me this was because she had a daughter,  my daughter." Sam paused for a little bit before continuing. "I was surprised at first, I still kinda am, but I'm having her stay with me now. Amelia felt bad that I wasn't there to help name her so she named her with something that meant everything to our family. Chloe Mary-Ann Winchester. I wanted to know id you or Dean would like to meet her. Tell Dean for me would you. He's called here with so many different numbers I don't know which ones work now. So, just Uh, call me back. Bye dad."

Now they know. Sam just hopes he doesn't get a call with them screaming at him. Silence was all over that apartment. Now that he told his family, how is he going to tell his friends? How will he tell Jessica? To many thoughts were swimming around in his head, so he was glad to take a break from them when a little voice spoke through the silence.


Sam turned his head to see a very sleepy eyed Chloe standing in the hallway. He stood up and walked over to her and picked her up once her arms reached for him too. She laid her head on his shoulder as she looked at him. "What's wrong Chloe?" Sam quietly asked with a frown on his face.

Chloe wrapped her arms around him as best she could. "I had a bad dream. Can you stay with me till I fall asleep again?" Sam nodded his head And carried her back to his room.

He sat down on the bed then laid Chloe down next to him and covered her up. Before Chloe let herself fall asleep, she turned to her father and hugged his waist. "Night daddy."

Sam chuckled a little and rubbed his hand on her head. "Night sweetheart."

"I love you." Sam froze for a second, wondering if that was real or his imagination. Once he realized it was real, he wrapped his own arms around her and gave her a tiny squeeze.

"I love you too."

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