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Rules for The Broom Closet
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Hiding Magickal Items
Coming Out of The Broom Closet
PART ONE: Fundamentals
What is Magick?
How does magick work?
Ground & Centre
The Magic Circle
PART TWO: Witchcraft & Religion
Wiccan Core Beliefs
Forms of Wicca
Wiccan Sabbats
Sabbat: Samhain
Sabbat: Yule
Sabbat: Imbolc
Sabbat: Ostara
Sabbat: Beltane
Sabbat: Litha
Sabbat: Lughnasadh
Sabbat: Mabon
Norse Paganism
Celtic Paganism
Haitian Vodou
LaVeyan Satanism
Christian Witchcraft / Christo-Paganism
PART THREE: Tools and Correspondences
Stones & Crystals
Celestial Bodies
Tools: Cauldron
Tools: Candles
Tools: Athame
Tools: Wand
Tools: Chalice
Tools: Broom/Besom
Additional Tools
PART FOUR: Divination
The Tarot
1 - 5 Card Tarot Spreads
Sabbat Tarot Spreads
Other Tarot Spreads
Palmistry (Chiromancy)
Numerology and I Ching
Numerology and Feng Shui
PART FIVE: Magic & Spellwork
When to do Magic
When to Avoid Magic
Types of Spells
Basic Spell Framework
Spell Ingredients
Draconic Magic
Poppet Magick
Knot Magic
Chaos Magic
Kitchen Witchery
Witch Jars / Witch Bottles
Past Life Regression
Cleanse a Space Ritual
Consecration Ritual
Relaxation Ritual
Tarot Contemplation Ritual
-Basic Manifesting Spell-
-Attract Witchy Friends Jar Spell-
-Contact Me Spell-
Healing Jar Spell
Motivation Boost Spell
-Promote Psychic Awareness Spell-
Self-Healing Spell
-Basic Banishing Spell-
Return to Sender Mirror Spell

The Moon

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The moon is the most important heavenly body to consider when casting spells. It exerts enormous influence over the earth, governing the tides, crops and certain aspects of the human body. Therefore, it has a strong influence on magic. By monitoring the moon's phases, you can cast a spell to use the moon to your advantage.

The moon steers the tides and provides gentle, yet haunting light during the night. Ancient humans used the moon's lunar cycles as a rudimentary calendar, and the full moon has long been thought to induce insomnia and mild levels of insanity (hence the term 'lunatic' (lunar)).

It won't surprise you to know that Wiccans associate the moon with the Goddess and divine feminine. The moon's associations with women and femininity are rather obvious; the average menstrual cycle is around 28 days, the same as the moon's lunar cycle. The uterus ebbs and flows like the moon waxes and wanes. Lunar folklore has always been steeped in mystery, taboo, and the unknown. It's comparable to woman's history; always working from the shadows, outshined by overbearing sunlight.

🌕 We are fascinated by the moon because we see our own feminine-selves within it; we feel the depth of its mystery, we fear its power, and we are beckoned into its unknown. 🌕

It is no wonder, then, why the moon is considered the most powerful celestial object in witchcraft. The sun is inherently attached to mundane, physical experience; most people live their entire waking lives during the daytime - going to work, school, exercise, entertainment, and socialising during sunlight hours. The moon, on the other hand, is inherently connected with the spiritual realms, occult, and magick.

When the sun sets and the moon rises, most people go to sleep. The plane of existence in which our dreams take place is very close to the spiritual realms, and its often easiest to communicate with passed loved-ones and spirit guides in our dreams. It is also much easier to enter altered states of consciousness when your surroundings are lit only by candlelight or moonlight. Because of these reasons, the moon is ideal to work with when performing most acts in witchcraft.

Humans have such an instinctive fear of night time and darkness. So much of our language describes the dark as "bad". Think, "dark urges", "code black", "grim dark", "shadow traits". But if you think about it, humans only fear the dark because we evolved to see better in the daytime as our other senses gave way to our intelligence and language acquisition. The moon rules the darkness, so there is an innate and cultural fear of it. But there is no reason to fear the moon if you're willing to brave it, just like witchcraft - no wonder witches have such an affinity for the moon!

Magickal associations of the moon

Female mysteries, psychic knowledge, psychology, dreams, imagination, reincarnation, women, birth, children, domestic concerns, emotions, spirituality, nursing, initiation, healing, instinct, memory, virginity, purity, protection, intuition, beauty, thoughts, emotions, cycles, revealing secrets, the subconscious, finding a path, hidden intentions, shadow work, divination, counteracting Mars & Sun influences, menstrual cycles, divine feminine, your feminine side.
💎 Stones/Crystals/Metals: silver, moonstone, pearl, white quartz, clear quartz
🌿 Plants: Lunar plants are typically juicy, lightly sweet, & have a sweet (sometimes cloying) fragrance. Watery fruits, or have succulent leaves. Any herbs that help to balance hormones, relieve pain, or induce sleep. Many lunar plants open at night and close during the day, or release their scent at night. Moon plants often grow near water. Examples: moonflower, lotus, Evening Primrose, Night Jasmine, cucumber, melon, bitter melon, almond, agave, moonwort, milkweed, passionflower, mallow, Willow, poppy, Gooseberry, Goat's beard, Mugwort, Wild Yam, Iris.
🖐️ Body parts: lymphatic and endocrine systems
📆 Day: Monday
Zodiac: Cancer
🌈 Colours: white, silver, grey, iridescence
🛐 Deities: Triple Goddess, Brigit, Artemis, Selene, Thoth, Khonsu, Tsukuyomi, Diana, Hecate, Luna, Máni

Moon phases

The moon goes through four phases each lunar cycle. The total cycle is 29.5 days. The phases are:

New moon: the new moon is best for spells relating to beginning new things. If you plan to do a multi-day spell with a positive goal in mind, then you could start on the new moon and work forwards.
Waxing moon: the moon waxes from the new moon to the full moon. The waxing moon is a period of growth and newness. Cast spells to attract, create, inspire or produce.
Full moon: the full moon is the most magical night of the month. Its energy can be used for love, knowledge, protection, prosperity, divination and numerous other goals. Witches celebrate the full moon with a ritual known as esbat, which honours the goddess.
Waning moon: the moon wanes from the full moon to the dark moon. The waning moon is a period of dying off. Cast spells to remove, banish or release.

The moon phase can easily be observed from this site:

(I've added that link as the External Link for this part)

Dark moon

Some witches work with the dark moon in addition to the moon phases. Some consider it to be another name for the new moon. Others consider it to be the last three days before the new lunar cycle begins. In their view, the new moon occurs at the moment when the sun and the moon are conjunct (aligned on the same side of the earth, so that the side of the moon usually visible from earth is not illuminated by the sun), this is the scientific new moon.

Others believe that the dark moon continues until the first crescent of the moon is visible, when it becomes the new moon; this is known as the astrological new moon, whereas the scientific new moon is considered the peak of the dark moon.

Moon names

Historically, each moon of the year has had a name. The names vary, depending on the natural cycle and traditions of the local culture. Most common example:

Drawing Down the Moon

In Wiccan traditions it is common to conduct "drawing down the moon" rituals. These are typically performed on a full moon and involve invoking some of the moon's energy for enhancing your connection with the Goddess, lunar deities, or just lunar energy. This lunar connection can be used for self-cleansing, receiving messages & blessings, honouring & revering nature, and empowering spells (amongst other things).

Occasionally drawing down the moon ceremonies can be used to channel the Goddess or lunar deities, where a witch (typically the priest/ess of a coven) can allow the Goddess/a lunar deity to speak through them to deliver words of wisdom or blessings.

Simple Drawing Down the Moon Technique: Sit quietly and visualize the Full Moon above you. Mentally bring the Moon down to each of your body centers, visualizing each one glowing with the Moons light. Concentrate on each center for at least a minute before moving on to the next.


Simple Full Moon Esbat Ritual (no tools required)

Many times we find ourselves away from our Coven, Temple, Altar and home when the Moon becomes full. We think that it would be wonderful to do a little Ritual in honor of the Moon, but have no tools, candles, incense etc. The magick is within you and the power of visualization is the vehicle of transportation.

All you need is you and a view of the Full Moon. Preferably standing outside (but if its cold and raining you can gaze through a window) make sure that you have a wonderful view of the Full Moon.

Allow the Moons rays to envelope you, take your time, and appreciate the feel of the Moonlight on your skin. If you wish, you may imagine the Moonlight completely encircling you, protecting you with loving energy. You have cast a Magick Circle.

You may wish to consider the power of the Full Moon, the tide is strongly attuned to positive manifestation and to increase and gain. What do you wish to manifest in the next month? Take your time, allow the spirit of the Moon Goddess to fill you. Feel Her Power and Presence within your mind, your spirit, and your emotions. You have Drawn Down the Moon.

When you are finished communing with the Goddess, thank her in your own words, either silently or out loud, for Blessing you with Her presence. Kiss the back of your power hand three times, and then extend your hand to the Moon as a gesture of love and gratitude.


First published: Jun 2018
Last updated: Jul 2023

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