Why Me?

By 143dangerously

19.2K 292 111

About a girl who moves and finds out that her mother is friends with a famous Tiktoker's mother. What will ha... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
A message
Chapter 30
Message again
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Pictures for Chapter 41
Chapter 41

Chapter 6

605 12 3
By 143dangerously

Song- Him and I by G-Easy and Halsey

Next Day
I went to school and found Meadow alone.
Me: hey
Meadow: oh hey
*phone rings*
I got a text from Oliver on Instagram since that the only way he could contact me for now.
Oliver: hey, Wyd
Me: I'm at school waiting for the doors to open
Oliver: oh, well since the doors aren't open right now let's talk.
Me: talk about what
Oliver: Um, I don't know like do you like it here in Ocala
Me: yeah, I guess it only been like a week since I been here you know.
Oliver: yeah I know but still

Who are you texting that making you smile,  Meadow asked. I didn't realize that I was smiling. 

Me: oh just a guy
Me: it not important, we're just friends
Meadow: yeah sure "just friends" that what everyone says but then a week later the "just friends" are dating
Me: ok but even if that's true I don't think he likes me in that way
Meadow: ok then just show me a picture
Me: ok fine

I asked Oliver to send me a picture of him because I didn't want to get a picture of him on Instagram even though I could have used a picture from his Instagram

Oliver: why
Me: because I said so
Oliver: ah sass, for that you have to do something
Me: what is it
Oliver: you have to say that you love me
Me: ok, I love you
Oliver: you love who
Me: I love you Oliver. Okay, just send a picture
Oliver: ok

Me: nice one silly potato, gtg bye
Oliver: lol, bye

Talking to Meadow now
Me: Ok Meadow here's a picture
Meadow: that's Oliver Moy! Omg you know him
Me: Well, obviously you know him too
Meadow: but you met him, you went to his house and he's texting you randomly
Me: ok let's go inside the school

We walked to our lockers
Meadow: can you ask him to follow me on Instagram
Me: you have Instagram and didn't tell me
Meadow: yep but can you
Me: I'm not going to ask him to do things for me but whatever. Only this time and if he says no, it won't be my problem
Meadow: but if he says no, can you persuade him, please?
Me: ok but I'm only doing this once and please don't tell anyone
Meadow: why would I,  you're my only friend
Skylar: tell anyone what? That you two are guys in disguise
Me: nothing that involves you
Skylar: Sure keep telling yourself that
Me: just because your a hater doesn't mean that we're not going to like you but we'll see you in class. 
Skylar: *yells* I'm not a hater

Skip to the end of school
I'm at home and I'm bored so I decided to put on music and text Oliver.
Me: hey again
Oliver: hey you
Me: I kind of told my ONLY friend about you and she now wants me to ask if you can follow her 
Oliver: Sure what's her name
Me: I don't know she didn't tell me
Oliver: what are you doing right now
Me: nothing
Oliver: wanna go hang out
Me: Sure just let me ask my mom
I went to ask and of course my mother said yes just because she wants me to get use to the city. I got back and text Oliver.

Me: she said yes
Oliver: get ready I'll pick you up at 4:30
Me: ok bye
Oliver: bye

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