Sed de sangre {manxman}

By yossyx

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Sed de sangre - noun translates to blood-lust. Blood-lust, refers to a desire to see blood being shed. Jax's... More



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By yossyx

Chapter Twenty Three - Homeless.

Jax's POV:

"Goodnight guys," I yelled as I closed the door to the cinema room and made my way to the kitchen for a drink before bed.

I could hear quiet clinks of cutlery hitting a plate and when I rounded the corner I found none other than Valentino gobbling up the remainders of what I had cooked earlier. A small smile of defeat made its way onto my face. "That good huh?" He freezes once he hears my voice and looks up at me like a deer in the headlights.

Clearing his voice he then replies, "I'd be lying if I said you didn't do a good job, you're talented in the kitchen," he shrugs.

"Just not talented enough in the bedroom for you huh?" I watch as he chokes on his drink.

"I'm joking, sorry, I shouldn't even be making those kind of jokes you're engaged, congrats again by the way, Valeria seems lovely and she's seriously stunning," he watches me silently, almost as if he's trying to figure me out.

"Thanks and sorry about earlier I shouldn't have s..." I cut him off, "it's fine, well no it's not fine but you said what you said and we can't go back now can we." He opened his mouth to say something and closed it again quickly.

"I've been thinking actually, now that I know you and Valeria are getting married I don't think it's right for me to continue staying here..."

"NO!" He pretty much screamed. "No, you stay here," he continues much calmer this time but his speech is somewhat strained.

"I-I just feel like I'm imposing and I don't want to be a burden. You need space to you together," that was only part of the reason I wanted to leave, I also couldn't stand to be around them and watch them kiss, hug or even touch. I just can't bring myself to do it and I sure as heck wouldn't want someone my fiance has been intimate with living under my roof.

"I promised your sister that I would keep you here until I know you're safe," he replied as if that was final.

"I'll talk to her, that's fine. You really don't owe us anything, seriously. Thank you for everything but it-" he cut me off, "I made a promise to your sister and I plan to keep it, that is final," he started to walk off and for some reason that caused something in me to tick.

"Just like you promised to care for me but hurt me instead? Just like you promised you needed me? Desired me? Yeah fucking right, you're a lying piece of shit Valentino and you just want to keep me here so I can watch everything and suffer," I spat.

He stopped in his tracks and turned around, laughing, I watched in anger as his shoulders shook as he smirked at me. "So this is what all of this is about? You're still not over the little fling we had? Oh Jax, get over yourself," I held the tears back after hearing the last few words roll off his tongue.

"Very well, I will be moving back into mine, to help me 'get over myself', in fact I'll start packing now actually," I barged him out of my way and started to make my way towards my temporary bedroom when I heard the words that were the final nail in the coffin.

"Good luck going back to a flat that you no longer own," I don't know if it was the words he said or maybe the smug way he said it but within seconds I was face to face with him in an intense stare off.

"What do you mean, 'I no longer own'? Valentino what the hell did you do?" a smile stretched across his face at my sudden anger. "I sold your flat," he did what? Was that even legal? Was he even allowed to do that?

"I-you...I can't do this," before he even could get the chance to watch the first tear roll down my face I ran out the front door and slammed it shut behind me. I heard Emilio call out after me but I only pushed my legs to run faster as the gate started to close. Just in time I slipped through and carried on running, I had no idea where I was  or where I was running to, all I knew was that I needed to be away from Valentino.

When I was far enough from the clubhouse and hidden from plain sight, I hunched into a ball and let the sobs rip through me. Have you ever cried so hard you started to choke on your tears? That was me currently.

He sold my flat? I'm homeless? Why is he taking everything from me? Everything! I don't get why he hates me so much? Sure I have Jess and Schmidt but I don't have the money to find somewhere new to call my own. Everyone has their own lives and I just want to go back to my four walls and be by myself, I hate feeling like a burden. 

Where is my stuff? Does Jess know? How would I explain this to her? How she isn't sick of me constantly stressing her life out I will never understand. Why can't I just live a normal life? 

What do I do? Where do I go?

Just when I think life can't throw anymore at me it does. Maybe I should just give up the fight. I'm sick of having to pick myself up over and over again. Slipping my phone out of my pocket, I scroll to Schmidt's number with shaky hands. After three rings he picks up.

"Jaxy, hey it's late what's up?" hearing his voice and the concern, I break down all over again, rambling and choking out words over my tears. Straight away he tells me to send him my location and within twenty minutes he's pulling me into his arms.

"What's wrong? I-i thought Valentino was meant to be helping you stay protected?  Oh gosh, what did he do now? Do you want me to shoot his a-" I cut him off with a small giggle and muttered no before he could finish his sentence.

"Can you just take me to yours, I need to figure things out my head is all over the place. I need space from the clubhouse"nodding sadly, Schmidt leads me to the passenger seat and we drive to his in silence.

The only thing I could think about during the whole ride is why Valentino would do such a thing to me. 

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