Troubled // Irondad

By teenparker

1.1M 31K 23.4K

Peter's been through a lot in his life, so when something so horrible happens to his aunt, it messes with him... More



31.8K 1K 533
By teenparker

Louis picked up a scalpel while Jay restrained Peter's free arm once again. When his arm was secure, Louis turned around and came closer to Peter with the surgical tool. Jay was now hooking Peter up to the heart monitor.

"Stop please you don't have to do this, sir please..." Peter begged, frustrated with his inability to move.

"Shut up Peter, unless you want to make it worse," Louis said, looking at the kid's bare stomach. Peter looked around the room frantically, hoping some one would come help before any damage was done.

But no one did. Louis cut into Peter's skin and Peter yelled in pain. The screams didn't stop anything though, Louis kept cutting into him like he was a dead animal. He was grabbing and using all kinds of tools while Peter lay there screaming and unable to move.

The worst part was that the kid felt every little cut. It just seemed to get more and more painful. Tears flooded his eyes and drenched his cheeks. He felt so weak, he's lost so much blood already.

"Stitch these ones up and clamp those open," Louis instructed his helper then went over to the computer.

Peter's mouth was quivering from his tears and pain as he stared at Jay getting ready to stitch some of his wounds. Jay stuck the needle that connected to the clear liquid up Peter's arm before he began.

Then pain shot through Peter once again. They gave him nothing to ease the pain and although Peter's tolerance was pretty high, this was getting to be too much. He felt the thread being sewed in and out of his skin in multiple places. It seemed like it's been going on for hours.

He finally stopped, but clamping the left over wounds was a whole other level. Most of the bleeding was under control by now which was one of the good parts. The other good part was that Peter finally passed out, now he didn't have to stay awake during the torture.

Louis continued his work on Peter still. He wanted to find out exactly how his abilities functioned and he thought the only way to know for sure is to observe everything himself.


Peter woke up slowly, not knowing what could be facing him. The lights were dimmed really low but he could still see. He looked down at his arms to see a needle in both. One with the clear fluid hooked up and the other one with the green. His arm that he got free was also now restrained again.

He tried to move, remembering that he couldn't before. But now Peter could move his toes and fingers which was good. He could've moved most of his body but he didn't have the energy to.

Peter knew he was concussed because of his dizziness and pounding headache. But that wasn't the only injury he had to worry about. The small kid feared what he would see when he looked down at his own body.

His neck struggled to pull his head up, but eventually he was able to see what he was worried about.

It looked horrible. His body was covered with long gashes that were terribly stitched up. It was hard to see his actual skin color because the bruising was so bad and there was blood everywhere.

He leaned his head back clenching his eyes shut. Tears finding their way out of his no longer glowing eyes.

He was in pain, the most pain he's ever felt. He almost threw up from the own sight of his body, but he had nothing to throw up.

Then the door opened loudly. Peter's eyes went wide and his heart started to race. Peter tried to stop crying to not seem weak, but he couldn't help it. He was scared out of his mind.

Only one person entered, a man he hasn't seen before. He said nothing to the helpless Spider-Man, just pulled a chair up so he was sitting next to his head. Peter looked the other way when he sat down. He shook with fear hoping to not get tortured anymore.

"Hey Parker, I've got food for you. Mr. Bass says you need to eat," the man said in a dark yet calm voice. The teen was still too afraid to turn his head even the slightest.

He hasn't admitted it before because he could deal with the little food he was eating, but now he was starving. He hasn't eaten a full meal in what seems like forever which isn't good considering his super metabolism. He needed to eat he was just so afraid...

"Listen I'm not going to hurt you. I just have a little bit of food for you," the man reassured him.

Peter began to slowly turn his head. He saw the piece of bread the man held and a bowl of soup. It wasn't much, but it was definitely better than nothing.

The man held the bread up to Peter's mouth and began to feed him. They didn't know what the kid would do if they unlocked him from the cuffs, so they had someone to feed him just in case.

Within five minutes Peter finished everything. God he was hungry, and he still is.

"That was fast," the man stated. "Were you trying to starve yourself or something?"

Peter didn't answer. He turned his head back the other way. The man got up, moved the chair back, and left Peter alone again in the dimmed room.

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