Short Stories: A Collection o...

By tewtee

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Short stories I've written on diverse topics throughout the years. More

Blissful Nightmare
Dear Love
The Surprise

My Dream Wedding

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By tewtee

This was an exercise we did in class in which a classmate chose which word we would begin and end with and where our story would take place as well as the time period. It was an interesting exercise.

Pizza was the word. The beach was the setting. The time period was sometime in the past.


Pizza was the only thing that got me through that day. It was meant to be the best and happiest day of my life, I mean, I was having the wedding of my dreams. Or, well, that’s what it was supposed to be. It started out fine, I think. I was excited to be marrying Filippo. He was a wonderful man, always full of life, ready to show his love. He wrote me poems and sent me love letters. Oh, how I swooned! It was on that bright summer day on the beautiful coast of Tuscany, that my life was going to change. There was a stretch of rock that went into the ocean, as if it was pulled out. And at the far end of that rock stood a beautiful white chapel. The first time Filippo took me there, I was instantly in love. 

“I’m going to marry you here one day, Olivia,” he said. “I want to marry you.” 

My father had arranged everything, so just like that, we were engaged. It might have been quite fast, but from what I knew of this man, he was perfect. He was the definition of “dream man.” The things he said to me, oh! You would feel the same way I do.

Very well, back to what brought us here: that fateful day. I was almost ready to leave for the church. I was very excited, don’t get me wrong, but something didn’t seem quite right. Something deep inside told me this wasn’t right, but I could not tell exactly what it was. Questions raced through my mind. I waved it off and headed to the small, white chapel I had fallen in love with. Walking down the isle, my heart raced, wild thoughts swarmed through my mind and I felt anything but ease. 

How do you know whether that person could become a part of your life, an important part? 

What is it that attracts us to these little things? 

And what is it about people that makes us fall in love? 

I wish I knew. I held onto my father’s arm tighter than ever before. Was I ready to let go? Was I ready to move on in life? I would be taken care of, that was sure. I wasn’t ready to let go. Why did I agree to this. Was it because of his good looks? Because of the freckle under his nose? The dimples that made their way onto their cheeks when he smiled? The way he talked about everything with such passion? If I loved every bit of him, why was I questioning this? 

“Look happy, stop thinking,” my father whispered. 

I mustered what I thought to be a half-smile and looked at Filippo in the eye. He smiled that heartwarming smile, and I melted. Was I only attracted to his looks? Did we even have anything in common? I hoped we did, we never spoke about anything other than the wedding. Everything was so sudden...

Oh... What did I get myself into?

There it was. The end of the isle, next to the person who would shape my life from today, until my death. Breathing deeply, I took his hand, not looking him in the eye. The air was suddenly musty and I found myself barely able to breathe. 

“Do you, Olivia Bianchi, take Filippo De Luca to be your husband...” the priest’s voice faded as I lost my focus. I felt a nudge on my side, and looked up to find an expectant Filippo.

“I’m sorry. What was that?” 

“Do you take Filippo to be your husband?” he repeated.

Did I? Was I ready to take on such a responsibility?

“No, I can’t do this. I’m sorry Filippo.” I ran out, not knowing what else to do. I was so ashamed! I heard gasps as I exited through the large wooden doors and into the flat rock into the sea breeze. My dark skin glistened under the warm sun of the Italian summer. 

“Olivia, are you alright? What happened back there?” It was Filippo.

I couldn’t answer. What was I to say? That I thought too much?

“I-I don’t know...” I closed my eyes, wiping away the tears that now fell down my cheeks. Arms. They wrapped around me suddenly, embracing my sadness. 

“I understand, Olivia. I don’t feel ready either,” he whispered into my hair. I couldn’t speak. I just held onto him as close as I could. “How about we leave these old people. I will treat you to lunch and a long talk.”

I nodded, smiling. He understood... He understood. “Could we get some pizza?”

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