My New Boss

By artisapoem

97.4K 2.3K 99

She was not of this world. More

Call Me by My Name
Something About Me
Where is she?
Who was that?
I think...
Taking steps
Lucky Woman

My New Boss

14.9K 339 33
By artisapoem

She turned her chair around once I had stepped in front of her desk. Once I took in all of her features, I had to make a double take. She was beautiful and looked to be in her mid 20s. She had long, raven black hair that was curled, smooth flawless looking skin, perfectly arched eyebrows, and bright green eyes. She had on a light amount of makeup that consisted of dark red lipstick, mascara, and eyeliner. She wore a fitted black suit and tie and she looked both authoritative and attractive. *A/n: because let's all admit it now, women look great in suits.* "You must be Ms. Nova Lux." She said in a low slightly raspy voice. "Yes, nice to meet you Ms?" I paused since I didn't know her name. She seemed to realize my predicament and filled in the gap. "Aerglo" (pronounced air glow). She informed me. I nodded. "It's a pleasure to meet you Ms. Aerglo." I said to her, holding out my hand. She reached out to shake my hand and once her hand made contact with mine, a shock went to throughout my entire body. She released my hand and there was still a slight tingle from where her hand had just been. I was a bit shocked, but I didn't show it before wondering if she had felt it too. I looked at her, but she didn't make any indication of having felt anything. Maybe she's just really good at hiding her emotions. 

 "Do you have any questions?" she said suddenly. I nodded and she briefly nodded at me to continue. "Why is it so empty around here? Am I the only one, besides you, working here?" I asked her out of curiosity. "No, there are other people that work here, I assure you. It's just rare to see anyone in this office considering they all work on different floors and an hour later than you." She informed me. "What about security? I hadn't seen anyone when I walked in." I asked wondering if it was ok to ask this. "I don't have any, let's just say that this place is still highly secure, but you wouldn't be able to tell no matter how hard you looked." she said to me. I nodded in understanding even though that made no sense to me whatsoever. 

"Your desk is right out there and I'm sure you were already informed of what I want done." I nodded and made my way out to make sure to write down Ms. Aerglo's schedule for the day and for tomorrow as well before sending it to her phone calendar. I also got everything else done before I got up from my desk and knocked on her door waiting for the ok to come in. "You can come in." I heard her say. I walked in again and made my way towards her desk. "I just wanted to let you know that I finished up everything for today, so let me know if you need anything else done." I told her. "You're already done with everything else?" She asked sounding slightly surprised. I nodded. "Yes ma'am." I told her. "Well it's a little passed 2 so if you'd like to head out now then that's fine unless you'd like to stay till the end of your shift."

 I was slightly taken aback by this especially since I heard that she wasn't exactly the kindest person to work for. "I'll just stay here  just in case anything else pops up out of the blue." I told her. "Are you sure?" she asked me. "I'm sure, I'll be out here if you need anything else." I told her before making my way out. Twenty minutes had passed before I heard Ms. Aerglo step out of her office and up to my desk. "Would you like accompany me to lunch?" she asked me suddenly. I looked up, not sure what to think about this before I spoke up. "Uh, yeah, let me just grab my bag." I told her. I grabbed my bag and walked beside her on our way out.  I felt nervous going out to lunch with my boss, wondering why she decided to take me in the first place.

Aerglo's pov

I don't know why I did it, but I wanted her in my company and so I decided to ask her to lunch. We were now seated in this small restaurant that I enjoyed going to once in a while. It had been quiet for a moment, but it gave me time to think and to also get a good look at Nova. She was astonishing and I couldn't take my eyes off of hers since the moment she walked into my office. She had long dark brown hair, light brown eyes that had specks of dark brown in them, beautifully arched eyebrows, nicely shaped lips, and flawless skin that seemed to go on for miles. The only time any of us had talked so far was to order our food and none of had spoken a word since. After a moment I decided to speak up. "So Ms. Lux tell me about yourself." I asked wanting to get to know her better. "Well I moved here recently after finishing up college and went job searching after taking some time off before landing a job at your company. I can't really think of anything else to say about myself." she told me, speaking in a smooth velvety voice that made you want to hang onto each and every word she said. 

"Well what do you do in your spare time outside of work?" I asked her. She looked up at me then and I swore my heart rate went up a little bit. "I don't really do much to be honest. I pretty much just spend my spare time reading and finding new music to listen to. I also take photographs on occasion." she told me. "What about you Ms. Aerglo?" she asked me. "Well first off  I should start by telling you my name which is Venus Aerglo, but I don't tell very many people that. I also read the occasional book, I paint, and take photographs of both nature and people, I travel every once in a while and I think that's about it." Oh and i'm immortal, amongst other things.  I thought to myself. She'd figure it out eventually whether I told her or not. It was all a matter of time. "Where have you traveled to so far?" she asked me. "A little bit of everywhere, but there's still some places I want to see. It's a matter of finding the right person to take though." I told her. She nodded in understanding. "I haven't really been to a lot of places, but I'd love to visit London one day." she told me.  We talked for a little bit longer before we walked back to my car. "Thank you for lunch Venus, I had a nice time." she told me. 

My name sounds nice when she says it. "Of course and I had a nice time as well." I told her. I still felt nervous around her, but I tried not to show it. I wasn't quite ready to let her in all the way even if I did decide to tell her my name on the first day of meeting her. I didn't know what it was about her, but I trusted her and I felt this warmth inside of me that felt both foreign and comforting. She radiated kindness and trustworthiness, she was something else entirely and I couldn't wait to know her better in time. We drove back in a comfortable silence while the radio played quietly and some instruments began playing before a man's voice began singing.

I, I can't deny the way you caught my eye

Then something strawberry filled up the sky

And everything on you intoxicates

It's a mystery, I don't why

The song continued as we drove. It was smooth and dreamlike from the way the instruments sounded to sort of lull you in.

Cause she's just like nothing

That I ever seen before

Baby please don't change nothing

Because your flavours so original

And it all started when she said

Hey hey hey, smacking that Strawberry Bubblegum

We had finally made it back to the office and scanned our cards before heading off to the elevator. I looked over at Nova from the corner of my eye taking in her features once more. She was breathtakingly beautiful and there was just something about her that drew me in and I couldn't get enough of it. We went about the rest of the day before heading our separate ways once more to get home and get ready for the next day.

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